An Archaeological and Historical Survey of Fort Lee, Prince George County, Virginia: Final Report and Appendices


An archaeological inventory was conducted by MAAR Associates. Inc. at Fort Lee, Prince George County. Virginia. This study resulted in the identification of 99 prehistoric and historic sites. A total of 3609 acres was examined constituting a 66.7 percent sample of the facility including all area undisturbed by recent military activity. Initial projections of the resource base were largely confirmed, and the use of an environmentally-based sampling strategy was found to be justified. This investigation constituted the completion of archaeological inventory requirements at Fort Lee, and a recommendation to complete an evaluation program was presented. It was also recommended that Fort Lee develop a formal Historic Preservation Plan in conjunction with criteria stipulated by a Memorandum of Agreement to be prepared between the facility, the State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

There are two files associated with this resource: the final report and the appendices

The original appendices are currently marked as confidential because the document is labelled as "Restricted Use" and contains specific locations of archaeological material. A redacted version is public. The Appendices included are:

A. Artifact Inventory

B. Resource Location Data

C. Site Forms

D. Project Documents

Cite this Record

An Archaeological and Historical Survey of Fort Lee, Prince George County, Virginia: Final Report and Appendices. Antony F. Opperman, Luther D. A. Hanson. Newark, Delaware: MAAR Associates, Inc. 1985 ( tDAR id: 391543) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8WS8V60


African American Archaic Euroamerican Historic Historic Native American PaleoIndian Woodland

Building Materials Chipped Stone Fire Cracked Rock Glass Metal

Site Name
44PG160 44PG162 44PG163 44PG164 44PG168 44PG169 44PG170 44PG171 44PG172 44PG173 44PG174 44PG175 44PG176 44PG177 44PG178 44PG179 44PG180 44PG181 44PG182 44PG183 44PG184 44PG185 44PG186 44PG187 44PG188 44PG189 44PG190 44PG200 44PG201 44PG204 44PG205 44PG206 44PG207 44PG208 44PG209 44PG210 44PG211 44PG225 44PG226 44PG227 44PG228 44PG229 44PG230 44PG231 44PG232 44PG233 44PG234 44PG235 44PG236 44PG237 44PG238 44PG239 44PG240 44PG241 44PG242 44PG243 44PG244 44PG245 44PG246 44PG247 44PG248 44PG249 44PG250 44PG251 44PG252 44PG253 44PG254 44PG255 44PG256 44PG257 44PG258 44PG259 44PG260 44PG261 44PG262 44PG263 44PG264 44PG265 44PG266 44PG267 44PG268 44PG269 44PG270 44PG271 44PG272 44PG273 44PG274 44PG277 44PG278 44PG279 Bowles Site Burchartt Site Show More

Site Type
Agricultural or Herding Archaeological Feature Church / Religious Structure Commercial or Industrial Structures Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex Encampment Grist Mill Hunting / Trapping Mill Non-Domestic Structures Railroad Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features Road, Trail, and Related Structures or Features Slave Quarters Water-Related

Spatial Coverage

min long: -77.369; min lat: 37.203 ; max long: -77.295; max lat: 37.266 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Patty Conte

Contributor(s): Antony F. Opperman; Luther D. A. Hanson; Edward Ayres; Kevin M. Brown; Catherine S. Einhaus; Richard L. Green; Kim Jones Lukezic; Evelyn McIlhany; Larry McKee; Alexis Sieg; Karen Thorne; Donald Creveling; Calvert McIlhany; Edward C. Goodley; August S. Pohorily

Principal Investigator(s): Ronald A. Thomas

Sponsor(s): Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District

Repository(s): Fort Lee Regional Archaeological Curation Facility

Prepared By(s): MAAR Associates, Inc.

Record Identifiers

Accession Number (s): FL1985.001

Performing Organization Rept. No.(s): MAAR-V-8

Contract Number(s): DACA65-83-C-0125


Redaction Note: The appendices are currently marked as confidential because the document is labelled as "Restricted Use" and contains specific locations of archaeological material. For more information, contact Fort Lee Regional Archaeological Curation Facility.

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Archaeological_and_Historical_Survey_of_Fort_Lee_1985_Vol_II.pdf 2.48mb Oct 1, 2013 1:45:29 PM Confidential
The appendices are currently marked as confidential because the document is labelled as "Restricted Use" and contains specific locations of archaeological material.
Archaeological_and_Historical_Survey_MAAR_1985_updated.pdf 6.24mb Dec 18, 2014 12:46:16 PM Public
Archaeological_and_Historical_Survey_of_Fort_Lee_1985_Vol_II_r... 1.97mb Dec 18, 2014 12:46:16 PM Public
This document has been redacted. Contact Fort Lee Regional Archaeological Curation Facility for access to the original document.

Accessing Restricted Files

At least one of the files for this resource is restricted from public view. For more information regarding access to these files, please reference the contact information below

Contact(s): Patty Conte