Cultural Resources Overview for the Papago Park Planning Area

Author(s): Soil Systems, Inc.

Year: 2016


Cella Barr Associates contracted with Soil Systems, Inc. to prepare an overview of the cultural resources in the Papago Park planning area. A survey of pertinent literature and site record files was conducted and the results were summarized in this report. Recommendations for documentation and assessment of cultural resources within the park area conclude this report. A review of the archaeological and historical material encompassing the Papago Park planning area has revealed 20 archaeological sites and four significant historical structures. The sites include 19 prehistoric Hohokam and historic Piman Indian occupations of the area as well as a historic trash dump. The significant historical structures are Hayden Flour Mill, the orginal automobile bridge across the Salt River, the Mill Avenue Bridge, and the Tempe Beach Stadium. Other historical places within the planning area are the Arizona State University Administrative Building, Mouer Park and Tempe Beach Park.

Cite this Record

Cultural Resources Overview for the Papago Park Planning Area. Soil Systems, Inc.. Phoenix, AZ: Soil Systems, Inc. 2016 ( tDAR id: 402728) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8402728

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections


Historic Historic Native American Hohokam Piman Yuman

Building Materials Ceramic Cobble Cobblestone Masonry River Cobble

Site Name
Arizona Children's Hospital AZ U:9:10 (ASM) AZ U:9:11 (ASM) AZ U:9:12 (ASM) AZ U:9:14 (PG) AZ U:9:24 (ASU) AZ U:9:25 (ASU) AZ U:9:26 (ASU) AZ U:9:27 (ASU) AZ U:9:28 (ASU) AZ U:9:30 (ASU) AZ U:9:77 (ASU) AZ U:9:91 (ASU) Hayden Flour Mill Mesa 1:10 (GP) Mesa 1:11 (GP) Mesa 1:14 (GP) Mesa 1:17 (GP) Mesa 1:18 (GP) Mesa 1:4 (GP) Mesa 1:5 (GP) Mesa 1:6 (GP) Mesa 1:7 (GP) Mesa 1:8 (GP) Mill Avenue Bridge Mouer Park Santa Fe Railroad Bridge Tempe Beach Park Tempe Beach Stadium Show More

Site Type
Agricultural or Herding Ancient Structure Archaeological Feature Artifact Scatter Automobile Bridge Baseball Field Bridge Burial Cache Ceremonial Cache Circular Foundation Cobblestone Wall Commercial or Industrial Structures Communal / Public Structure Defensive Wall Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex Domestic Structures Dump Flour Mill Foundation Funerary and Burial Structures or Features Harry Hazard Historic Communal / Public Structure Lithic Scatter Masonry Room Block Masonry Structure Midden Mill Non-Domestic Structures Oval Cobble Alignment Oval Rock Alignment Petroglyph Plaza Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features Road, Trail, and Related Structures or Features Rock Alignment Rock Art Rock Shelter Room Block Room Block / Compound / Pueblo Sanitarium Shaman Burial Sherd Scatter Stadium Structure Swimming Pool Terrace Trash Dump Trash Midden Trash Mound Tuberculosis Sanitarium Wall Show More

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 900 to 1450 (Date range of prehistoric sites with suggested occupation ranges.)

Calendar Date: 1874 to 1934 (Date range of historic site construction.)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.952; min lat: 33.425 ; max long: -111.921; max lat: 33.448 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager

Contributor(s): Gila Pueblo; Arizona State Museum; Arizona State University (ASU); Carol Griffith; Robert Dahmen; Barbara Macnider

Field Director(s): A. E. Dittert, Dr.

Sponsor(s): Cella Barr Associates

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
2016_SoilSystems_CulturalResources.pdf 372.43kb May 3, 2016 3:09:04 PM Confidential
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Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager