1910s (Temporal Keyword)
1-25 (32 Records)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed a Class III archaeological survey of portions of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV transmission line located on Arizona State lands, USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and Salt River Project (SRP) right-of-ways across privately held lands. Reconnaissance of state and private (patented) lands was completed on April 24 and 25 of 1991 under Permit Number 90-39, and BLM lands were surveyed on May 3, Under Permit Number AZ-000065. As a result...
Archaeological Data Recovery at the Rohrig Substation, Queen Creek, Arizona (2006)
The Southwest Germann site is among the largest of prehistoric Hohokam settlements in the Queen Creek area. The Rohrig Substation property is located at its southwestern edge and overlaps a previously unreported habitation locus. Archaeological testing (Phase 1 data recovery) at the substation documented the presence of adobe-walled rooms, puddling pits, and trash deposits that were probably contained within an adobe-walled compound on the easternmost side of the Rohrig property. Salt River...
Archaeological Investigations at McFarland State Historical Park, Florence, Arizona (1979)
In 1975, the Arizona State Parks Board acquired a portion of lot 38 within the Town of Florence, Pinal County, Arizona. This lot, located north of Fifth Street between Granite Street on the west and Main Street on the east, is adjacent to the north side of McFarland State Historical Park (Figure 1). The State Park is located on lot 67 and includes the restored 1877-1878 first Pinal County Courthouse. Lot 38 is now a part of the park property and it has been proposed that a new archives building...
Archaeological Investigations: Arizona Nuclear Power Project, Salt River Project, Bureau of Land Management, State, and Private Lands, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Palo Verde to Westwing Transmission System: An Intensive Survey of the Transmission Line and Access Roads (1977)
Seven archaeological sites and 26 isolated finds were recorded during a recent survey of the right-of-way and access roads for the proposed Palo Verde to Westwing Transmission Line. The sites ranged from Hohokam camps and special-purpose, limited activity sites to Anglo homesteads of the early 20th century. Other archaeological loci usually consisted of isolated sherds or a pot-drop, though one flaked tool and several pieces of ground stone were also found. The three prehistoric sites were...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado to Dinosaur Transmission Line, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Transmission Line Right-Of-Way STA. 0+00 - STA. 3874+21 and Proposed Transmission Line Realignment Right-Of-Way STA. 1748+30 - STA. 2375+50 (1977)
Since May, 1975, the Museum of Northern Arizona, Department of Anthropology (hereafter "Museum"), has conducted archaeological investigations for the Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission System, North End Project. This work, supported by contractual agreement, has consisted of an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed right-of-way, from Sta. 0+00 - Sta. 3874+21, and a realignment around Sta. 1748+30 to Sta. 2375+50, and the analysis and report...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line 500kV and 230kV Corridor Segment from Silverking Substation West to Tonto National Forest Boundary, Federal (Tonto National Forest) and Private Lands, Pinal County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Clearance Survey of 14.8 mi of Extra High Voltage Transmission Line Corridor, 2.0 mi of Substation Access Road, and 0.9 mi of 115kV Transmission Line Alignment, Silverking Substation Area, Tonto National Forest (1978)
15 mi of Extra High Voltage transmission line corridor, 2 mi of access road, and 0.9 mi of 115kV transmission line from the Silverking Substation were surveyed for archaeological resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona in April, 1978. Twelve prehistoric and historic Anglo-American affiliation archaeological sites were identified along the EHV corridor between the Silverking Substation and the Tonto National Forest boundary. An isolated recent feature, not given a site designation, was found...
An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Landfill, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Maricopa County, Arizona (1993)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a cultural resources survey on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community for a proposed landfill site. The survey, requested by Terry Leonard of the SRPMIC, was undertaken to identify and assess cultural resources that might be impacted by the development of the landfill. Twenty-three sites were identified, 18 prehistoric and five historic. Nine of the prehistoric sites represent lithic scatters, four are artifact scatters, and five...
An Archaeological Survey of the Mead-Davis-Parker 230 KV Transmission Line #2 (1973)
At the request of the Arizona Archaeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson, Arizona, an archaeological inventory was made of a proposed 230 Kv transmission line right-of-way corridor for the Central Arizona Project. This survey was undertaken in support of the initial environmental assessment of the Granite Reef Aqueduct portion of the Central Arizona Project. The survey corridor stretched from Boulder City, Nevada, to Davis Dam, Nevada, and from there to Parker Dam, Arizona. Six...
An Archaeological Survey of the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1973)
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Arizona State Museum to conduct a cultural resources survey of the Salt-Gila (Fannin-McFarland) Aqueduct as part of its environmental assessment of the impacts of the proposed Central Arizona Project. Twenty-two archaeological sites and two major areas of cultural activity were identified during the survey. Of these sites, 19 were recommended for further investigation and 5 were suggested for clearance (not eligible for the NRHP). The...
Archeological Investigations Along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1979)
In 1978, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) to complete an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed alignment for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, a feature of the Central Arizona Project. The survey area was 11,115 acres and included the 60 mile-long transmission line (with a typical width of 200 meters), three proposed utility line locations, one flood retention dike location, 11 possible spoil or realignment areas, and a subsidence well....
Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
The initial Phase I investigation for the Salt River Project 1978 Power Plant Study has been completed. This report presents that data which was collected during library research and actual field reconnaissance and is intended to offer a background on the archaeological and ethno-historical resource base of the two proposed areas being considered for plant site and wellfield location. A discussion of the possible impacts with alternatives to these is also included. The report includes...
Boundary Delineation and Limited Testing of Several Sites on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona (1994)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted survey of 200 acres and limited testing of cultural resources on Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community (FMIC) land at the request of Mr. Jon Czaplicki of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). The work was performed to define the boundaries of archaeological sites to be avoided by agricultural development. Eight sites were slated for preservation; however, only seven sites were relocated and flagged, and two new sites were...
A Cultural Inventory of the Salt River Indian Reservation, Arizona (1972)
This document consists of site descriptions for sites located on the Salt River Indian Reservation Lands. Those contributing content to the report include Gerald Bair, Susan B. Belt, Dav Buge, Thomas Cartledge, William G. Holiday, Susanne LaFollette, Minnabell E. Laughlin, Chad Phinney, Erwin R. Ray, Linda Richards, Helen P. Wells, Regge N. Wiseman, Robert York, and Betsy R. Zeligs.
Cultural Resources Overview for the Papago Park Planning Area (2016)
Cella Barr Associates contracted with Soil Systems, Inc. to prepare an overview of the cultural resources in the Papago Park planning area. A survey of pertinent literature and site record files was conducted and the results were summarized in this report. Recommendations for documentation and assessment of cultural resources within the park area conclude this report. A review of the archaeological and historical material encompassing the Papago Park planning area has revealed 20 archaeological...
A Cultural Resources Survey for Improvements at the Yuma Territorial Prison State Park, Yuma County, Arizona (2000)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) proposes to improve a parking lot at the Yuma Territorial Prison State Park. The prison is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The construction will involve resurfacing the existing blacktop, placing gravel over a dirt parking area, widening a road to add parking spaces, and removing a 1949 sidewalk near the picnic area. Under their on-call contract with ADOT, Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc., requested Archaeological Consulting...
A Cultural Resources Survey of 17.5 Miles of State Route 88, the Apache Trail, Between Apache Junction and Tortilla Flat, Pinal and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (1995)
Between April 15 and June 14, 1993, Archaeological Research Services, Inc. performed a cultural resources survey of State Route 88 (the Apache Trail). The right-of-way varies from 66 to 200 feet, but construction as-builts were not available. Therefore, the Arizona Department of Transportation requested that a 200 foot wide right-of-way be surveyed for the entire project length unless clearly marked property boundaries or other right-of-way indications were present. The 17.5 mile long survey...
A Cultural Resources Survey of 33.80 Acres for a Salt River Project 69kV Transmission Line Along Quail Run Road and Judd Road, Pinal County, Arizona (2008)
Salt River Project (SRP) requested that Logan Simpson Design Inc. (LSD) perform a Class III cultural resources survey of the approximately 4.25-mile by 20-m-wide corridor to identify and evaluate any cultural resources that could be affected by the construction of a new 69kV transmission line from the existing Quail Substation to the proposed Shipley Substation between Quail Run Road and Cooper Road in Magma, Pinal County. The survey area measures 22,440 ft long by 65.62 ft wide and encompasses...
Cultural Resources Survey of a CA 1.19 Mile Long Corridor for a Proposed Drainage Channel Associated with the Agua Fria Freeway (State Route 101L), Located Directly North of the Grand Canal and Bethany Home Road in Glendale, Maricopa County, Arizona (1998)
On December 29, 1997, and January 9 and February 20, 1998, Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) conducted a cultural resources (archaeological) survey along a portion of the Grand Canal in Glendale, Maricopa County, Arizona. The survey was performed at the request of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to determine if important cultural resources were present within or immediately adjacent to the study area which could be affected by the construction of a proposed drainage...
Data Recovery at Four Sites in Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Yavapai County, Arizona (1996)
A data recovery program was completed at four archaeological sites (AZ N:4:37 [NA 25,511], N:4:65 [NA 25,512], N:4:66 [NA 25,513], and N:4:68(ASM) [NA 25,514]) by Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) for the Phase 3 Roadway Improvement Project (North Campground Facilities) at Dead Horse Ranch State Park (Park) (Figure 1.1). This program represents the last of a series of mitigation actions conducted for an undertaking sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and...
Historic Cultural Resources in Relation to the Central Arizona Water Control Study (1983)
Flooding along the Salt, Gila, Verde, and Agua Fria Rivers in February and March of 1978 resulted in extensive damage to property in Central Arizona and in the disruption of ground transportation and commerce in the greater Phoenix area. Major flooding also occurred along these rivers in December, 1978 and February, 1980. The recognition of this flooding problem, and of requirements for the regulatory storage of Central Arizona Project (CAP) water, prompted the U.S. Department of the Interior,...
The Historic South Mountain Agricultural Area (1993)
Summary of the historic properties Sierra Vista and Heard Ranch Grain Silos which describes the history of the Bartlett-Heard Land and Cattle Company. Includes state Historic Property Inventory forms and zoning maps.
Kentucky Camp Arizona Site Steward File (1992)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Kentucky Camp site, comprised of the remnants of a mining camp, located on Coronado National Forest land. Structures, erected in 1905, include a corral, multiple cabins, stone retaining walls, a barn, a hotel, and an assay office. The file consists of a site data form, two maps of the site location, archaeological and historical site inventory form, three site inspection reports, a piece about the site history, a description of the property, and a...
Marijilda Canyon Archeological District Arizona Site Steward File (1992)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Marijilda Canyon Archeological District, located on Coronado National Forest land. This district is comprised of multiple sites including a masonry pueblo, numerous agricultural features, plazas, rock alignments, and prehistoric and historic petroglyphs. The sites are generally identified as Salado, although one document favors Mogollon. Amidst the prehistoric sites is one historic site, a structure with a fireplace, doorway, and trash deposit,...
The Middle Gila Basin: An Archaeological and Historical Overview (1982)
The Central Arizona Project (CAP) , Indian Distribution Division (IDD) is designed to deliver allocated CAP water to Indian users. The Middle Gila Basin Overview is the initial cultural resources planning study for the system. It summarizes and evaluates the extant data in an area 3,570 square miles (9,139 sq km) large, centered on the Gila River. The data suggests that archaeological sites in this area are numerous and varied, but most of all poorly-studied despite 100 years of research. A...
Mitigation Plan for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1979)
In 1978, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) to complete an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed alignment for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, a feature of the Central Arizona Project. The survey area was 11,115 acres and included the 60 mile-long transmission line (with a typical width of 200 meters), three proposed utility line locations, one flood retention dike location, 11 possible spoil or realignment areas, and a subsidence well....