Archaeological Testing Plan for Salt River Project Kyrene Expansion Project

Author(s): Ellen C. Ruble

Year: 2000


This document presents an archaeological testing plan for the Salt River Project's Kyrene Expansion located in Tempe, Arizona. Prior to the construction a new generating station, Salt River Project has requested that archaeological testing be conducted. The purpose of testing is to determine if buried cultural resources are present, and, if they are found, to evaluate them in terms of their preservation, extent, and potential to yield information that can contribute to existing knowledge of the history and prehistory of the area. A preliminary review of archaeological literature suggests that there is a high potential for cultural resources within the project area. The Kyrene Generating Station lies in or near the boundary of the Hohokam village of Los Guanacos; the presence of prehistoric artifacts eroding from berms surrounding oil tanks provides an indication that features related to this site may occur within the area. This plan provides sections on the project location and description, the natural and cultural setting, previous archaeological work, research themes, and a plan of work.

Cite this Record

Archaeological Testing Plan for Salt River Project Kyrene Expansion Project. Ellen C. Ruble. Tucson, AZ: Desert Archaeology, Inc. 2000 ( tDAR id: 402796) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8402796

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.954; min lat: 33.338 ; max long: -111.918; max lat: 33.372 ;

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Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager

Contributor(s): Desert Archaeology, Inc.; John L. Keane

Landowner(s): Salt River Project

Repository(s): Arizona State Museum

Submitted To(s): Salt River Project

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
2000_Ruble_ArchaeologicalTesting.pdf 1.03mb Jan 24, 2000 Apr 28, 2016 1:12:04 PM Confidential
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