Pit House (Site Type Keyword)
1-25 (69 Records)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the sites AR-03-12-03-197, AR-03-12-03-198, AR-03-12-03-199, AR-03-12-03-200, and AR-03-12-03-227, located on Tonto National Forest land. These Hohokam sites include multiple rock shelters, a pit house village, bedrock grinding features, a field site, terraces, and checkdams. Sites may represent both Hohokam pot and gravity irrigation systems. The file consists of five heritage inventory forms and five preliminary inventory forms. The earliest dated...
An Archaeological Assessment of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV Transmission Line (1991)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed a Class III archaeological survey of portions of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV transmission line located on Arizona State lands, USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and Salt River Project (SRP) right-of-ways across privately held lands. Reconnaissance of state and private (patented) lands was completed on April 24 and 25 of 1991 under Permit Number 90-39, and BLM lands were surveyed on May 3, Under Permit Number AZ-000065. As a result...
Archaeological Fieldwork at Creswell Pueblo (AZ J:14:282 ASM) 2006 Field Season (2007)
Between June 9 and July 14, 2006, excavations were undertaken at Creswell Pueblo (AZ J:14:282), a site on an Archaeological Conservancy preserve (the Creswell Ranch Archaeological District) within the boundaries of the Homolovi Ruins State Park in northeastern Arizona. Permission for this fieldwork was given by the Archaeological Conservancy, the land owner. This archaeological fieldwork was part of a larger program, called the Homol'ovi Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (HUROP),...
Archaeological Investigations at Sites AZ BB:9:105 and 179 (ASM) Within Rancho Vistoso, Oro Valley, Arizona: The Stone Canyon Data Recovery Project (2000)
On June 30 through July 15, 1999, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological data recovery at two sites, AZ BB:9:105 and 179 (ASM), in Rancho Vistoso, Oro Valley, Arizona. Vistoso Partners proposes to build custom homes there as part of the Stone Canyon development. The archaeological resources on the parcel are to be treated according to the provisions of the Rancho Vistoso Planned Area Development agreement between Vistoso Partners and the Town of Oro...
Archaeological Investigations, Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad, Federal, State, and Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Preliminary Report for Intensive Survey of the Proposed Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad (1976)
At the request of the Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona has conducted an intensive survey of the proposed Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad right-of-way. A total of 55 sites was recorded by the survey, 47 of them located at least partly within the right-of-way. Recommendations concerning each of these sites have been prepared. A cost estimate for additional archaeological investigations, which are recommended in the event of direct impact from the proposed railroad...
Archaeological Investigations: Arizona Nuclear Power Project, BLM and Private Land, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Waste Water Conveyance System (1977)
This report attempts to document, assess, and develop a plan for conserving archaeological resources along the waste water conveyance system for the Arizona Nuclear Power Project. The paper describes 13 sites which were discovered during an intensive survey of the proposed facility, evaluates these sites in relation to the archaeological resource base of the Lower Gila River Valley, and recommends procedures for mitigating the adverse effects of construction on these cultural remains. The survey...
Archaeological Investigations: Dames & Moore, Salt River Project, Coronado Station Coal Haul Railroad, Apache County, Arizona: Addendum to Final Report for Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Phase I Consultation for the Proposed A-2 Alignment of the Salt River Project Coronado Station Coal Haul Railroad (1976)
At the request of Dames & Moore, consultants to Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona, has conducted an archaeological impact study of a proposed railroad in eastern Arizona. The study is designed to characterize the archaeological resources in the project area, providing Dames & Moore with information to evaluate potential impact of the project on the resources. The alignment, designated "D-2", is one of two proposed routes for a coal haul railroad from Coronado Station near St....
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Coronado - Silverking Transmission Line 7.5 mi. Segment of SRP Line from Eastern Sitgreaves National Forest Boundary to APS-SRP Common Corridor, Federal Land, Navajo County, Arizona: Report for Archaeological Survey of 24 Proposed Tower Locations and Associated Access Roads Along 7.5 mi. of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line Within Sitgreaves National Forest (1978)
At the request of The Salt River Project, archeologists from the Museum of Northern Arizona surveyed 24 tower locations and their associated access roads for the 7.5 mile segment of the Coronado-Silverking 500 kV transmission line in the Sitgreaves National Forest. The request for the survey came from Bettina Rosenberg, archeological administrator for The Salt River Project, in a letter dated January 12, 1978. The Coronado-Silverking transmission line is the main conduit to the Phoenix...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station Project, State, Federal, and Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Investigations for Test Trench Locations Along the Proposed Coronado Generating Station Pipeline Corridor (1975)
The Museum of Northern Arizona has conducted archaeological investigations in areas selected by Salt River Project for subsurface testing for the proposed Coronado Generating Station Pipeline. A total of 18 such locations were inspected and the results and recommendations of these archaeological investigations are presented in this report. This file includes related correspondence.
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Palo Verde to Kyrene 500 kV Transmission Line Right-of-Way, Private, State and Bureau of Land Management (Phoenix District Office) Lands, Maricopa, Arizona: Final Report for an Archaeological Survey of the Palo Verde to Kyrene 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa, County, Arizona (1978)
At the request of Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted an archaeological survey of a proposed 500kV transmission line between the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (near Wintersburg, Arizona) and the Kyrene Substation (near Tempe, Arizona). During survey of the 73.3 mi right-of-way, evidences of historic and prehistoric activity were recorded at 10 sites and 43 loci of isolated artifacts or features. With few exceptions, all identified remains could be assigned to the...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado to Dinosaur Transmission Line, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Transmission Line Right-Of-Way STA. 0+00 - STA. 3874+21 and Proposed Transmission Line Realignment Right-Of-Way STA. 1748+30 - STA. 2375+50 (1977)
Since May, 1975, the Museum of Northern Arizona, Department of Anthropology (hereafter "Museum"), has conducted archaeological investigations for the Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission System, North End Project. This work, supported by contractual agreement, has consisted of an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed right-of-way, from Sta. 0+00 - Sta. 3874+21, and a realignment around Sta. 1748+30 to Sta. 2375+50, and the analysis and report...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Realignment, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Interim Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Transmission Line Realignment Right-of-Way Sta. 1748+30 - Sta. 2375+50 (1976)
Between January 19 and 23, 1976, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted archaeological investigations for the Salt River Project - Coronado Generating System - Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Realignment. The work, supported by contractual agreement, has consisted of an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed realignment right-of-way, around Tower 111 (Sta. 1748+30) and Tower 150 (Sta. 2375+50), and the interim report preparation associated with data collected during the...
Archaeological Monitoring of the Salt River Project Utility Line Expansion from Lassen Substation (1995)
The document presents the results of archaeological monitoring at the Salt River Project (SRP) Lassen Substation in Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona. The work was conducted by Northland Research, Inc. for SRP and entailed monitoring for their expansion of utility lines along the Western Canal beginning at Lassen Substation. The project area is located within La Ciudad de Los Hornos (Los Hornos), a Hohokam site. Lassen Substation is on land owned by SRP; the Western Canal and right-of-way is owned...
Archaeological Survey in Catalina State Park with a Focus on the Romero Ruin (1987)
Catalina State Park is situated approximately 22 km (14 miles) north of Tucson, Arizona. Within this beautiful and pristine desert area lie a large number of relatively undisturbed archaeological sites. The park has witnessed a long and varied history. Sometime after 5000 B.C. Archaic period hunters and gatherers first roamed through the park area in their search for game and edible plants. During the following Hohokam period the park area was intensively occupied. A wide range of sites are...
An Archaeological Survey in the Blackwater Area, Volume 2: Site Descriptions and Related Data (1994)
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), United States Department of the Interior, was in the initial stages of the Water Management Project designed to bring Central Arizona Project water to the Gila River Indian Community (GRIC). Under terms of a contract signed in 1992 with the GRIC, facilities designed and constructed by Reclamation would deliver 173,000 acre-feet of water annually onto the reservation. Federal law mandates consideration of potential impacts of such projects upon cultural...
An Archaeological Survey of the Santa Cruz River Valley from the Headwaters to the Town of Tubac in Arizona (1941)
The Santa Cruz River is located in south-central Arizona in the Santa Cruz and Pima Counties. A short stretch of the rivers lies in northern Sonora and forms a big horseshoe bend as the river cuts across the foot of the Patagonia Mountains from the San Rafael Valley into the Santa Cruz Valley proper. In the San Rafael Valley, where the headwaters of the river are found, the Santa Cruz passes few towns or villages. The first one is Lochiel, a small cluster of houses on the International...
Archaeological Test Excavations at La Ciudad de los Hornos: The Casa Fiesta Location (1990)
Archaeological test excavations have been conducted at a portion of La Ciudad de los Hornos (AZ U:9:71 (ASM)), a prehistoric multicomponent Hohokam village. The field work for this project, sponsored by AMCOR Investment Company, was undertaken during the fall of 1989 by Northland Research, Inc. pursuant to the proposed redevelopment of the Casa Fiesta trailer park. The Casa Fiesta project area consists of a 55-acre (22-ha), triangular lot. Archaeological testing consisted of cutting a series of...
Archaeological Testing Plan for Salt River Project Kyrene Expansion Project (2000)
This document presents an archaeological testing plan for the Salt River Project's Kyrene Expansion located in Tempe, Arizona. Prior to the construction a new generating station, Salt River Project has requested that archaeological testing be conducted. The purpose of testing is to determine if buried cultural resources are present, and, if they are found, to evaluate them in terms of their preservation, extent, and potential to yield information that can contribute to existing knowledge of the...
Archaeology at the Gillespie Dam Site: Data Recovery Investigations for the Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
In this report, the results of data recovery efforts conducted for the Palo Verde to Pinal West transmission line project at the Gillespie Dam site, AZ T:13:18 (ASM), in the Gila Bend area of the Gila River are presented. The site is a prehistoric Hohokam-Patayan settlement with an overlay of Historic era material. Fieldwork primarily occurred within the construction staging area of a transmission tower. Although covering less than an acre, the staging area contained surprising numbers of...
AZ AA:3:156 (ASM) Arizona Site Steward File (1986)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file that consists of the AZ AA:3:156 (ASM) site, located on State Trust land. The site is comprised of depressions, a pit house (alternatively described as a room block in various documents), artifact scatter, trash deposits, and a burial ground. The file consists of a Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form and five maps of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1986.
AZ Q:2:47 and AZ Q:3:98 Arizona Site Steward File (1991)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for AZ Q:2:47 and AZ Q:3:98, comprised of a burnt pit house village and extensive artifact scatter, located on State Trust land. The file consists of Arizona State Museum archaeological site cards. The earliest dated document is from 1991.
The Bartlett Dam Project: Archaeological Test Excavations at Fourteen Sites in the Lower Verde Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
This report documents the results of a testing program completed by SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants in August of 1990 in anticipation of the modification of Bartlett Dam. Modifications to the dam were planned as part of the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) and the Safety of Dams Project. During the month of April, 1990, archaeologists from Northland Research, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 929 acres located on the Lower Verde River...
Bean Patch Arizona Site Steward File (1991)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Bean Patch site, comprised of multiple pueblos, pit houses and possible pit houses, artifact scatter, trash middens, and a great kiva, located on Archaeological Conservancy land. The file consists of 20 Arizona State Museum archaeological survey forms. The earliest dated document is from 1956.
Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: An Addendum to Preliminary Draft for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
As a result of the Salt River Project consultant's meeting on June 18, 1974, additional, more current information on the Arizona Station Project was made available to the Museum of Northern Arizona. Because of this, it was decided that the archaeological recommendations for the project should be reviewed and re-submitted. This report discusses the new developments and presents the basis for conclusions made regarding the archaeological assessments.
Boundary Delineation and Limited Testing of Several Sites on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona (1994)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted survey of 200 acres and limited testing of cultural resources on Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community (FMIC) land at the request of Mr. Jon Czaplicki of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). The work was performed to define the boundaries of archaeological sites to be avoided by agricultural development. Eight sites were slated for preservation; however, only seven sites were relocated and flagged, and two new sites were...