Archaeological Monitoring of the Salt River Project Utility Line Expansion from Lassen Substation

Author(s): John T. Marshall

Year: 1995


The document presents the results of archaeological monitoring at the Salt River Project (SRP) Lassen Substation in Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona. The work was conducted by Northland Research, Inc. for SRP and entailed monitoring for their expansion of utility lines along the Western Canal beginning at Lassen Substation. The project area is located within La Ciudad de Los Hornos (Los Hornos), a Hohokam site. Lassen Substation is on land owned by SRP; the Western Canal and right-of-way is owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, but maintained and operated by SRP. Archaeological monitoring was performed from January 24 through February 10, 1995. Three archaeological features were encountered: a pithouse, a midden, and a canal (possibly historic). These features, observed only in trench profile, were recorded through profile drawings, photographs, and artifact collections. No human remains were encountered. As the trenching has been completed and all archaeological remains have been documented, no further work is deemed necessary at this time.

Cite this Record

Archaeological Monitoring of the Salt River Project Utility Line Expansion from Lassen Substation. John T. Marshall. Tempe, AZ: Northland Research, Inc. 1995 ( tDAR id: 402748) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8402748

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.978; min lat: 33.364 ; max long: -111.931; max lat: 33.408 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager

Contributor(s): T. Kathleen Henderson

Landowner(s): U. S. Bureau of Reclamation; Salt River Project

Sponsor(s): Salt River Project

Prepared By(s): Northland Research, Inc.

Submitted To(s): Salt River Project

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1995_Marshall_ArchaeologicalMonitoringLassen_Redacted.pdf 583.74kb Sep 23, 2021 11:32:42 AM Public
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1995_Marshall_ArchaeologicalMonitoringLassen.pdf 563.18kb Aug 1, 1995 May 6, 2016 1:03:03 PM Confidential
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Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager

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