Archaeological Site Boundary Testing and Data Recovery Plan for Dutch Canal Ruin Within the NANT Property, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona


Desert Archaeology, Inc., under contract to the City of Phoenix (City) Aviation Department has completed archaeological site boundary testing for the Dutch Canal Ruin, AZ T:12:62 (ASM), within the city-owned NANT property in advance of proposed Sky Harbor Center redevelopment in Phoenix, Arizona. The work was initiated due to the possibility that archaeological remains associated with the Dutch Canal Ruin, a prehistoric habitation and agricultural site, may be present in the project area.

Archaeological testing began on 18 June 2012, under the direction of Connie A. Darby of Desert Archaeology, and was completed on 22 June 2012. Dr. T. Kathleen Henderson served as Principal Investigator for the project. A total of 14 person-days were expended in this effort. The objective of archaeological testing was to determine if archaeological features were present within a previously untested 125-ft-wide piece of land at the southern end of two NANT parcels, thereby confirming or refuting whether the southern boundary of Dutch Canal Ruin extended to Buckeye Road, as presently mapped. The archaeological work was authorized under Arizona Antiquities Act Project Specific Permit 2012-101ps, and was conducted in accordance with the approved General Historic Properties Treatment Plan for City of Phoenix Projects (General Treatment Plan) (Montero et al. 2008) and the project specific Work Plan (Henderson 2012) prepared by Desert Archaeology as an addendum to this document.

In total, 497 linear meters of trench were cut during testing. This work resulted in the discovery of a large prehistoric canal, two areas of insubstantial prehistoric cultural debris, a rock-filled pit, an informal historic cow burial, and two historic septic features. Except the canal, none of the identified features are considered significant or worthy of further study. The testing results strongly suggest the project area is at, or just outside, the southern margin of the Dutch Canal Ruin site. However, the prehistoric canal was an unanticipated and significant discovery. As further study of the canal would provide new information about irrigation at the margins of Dutch Canal Ruin, further data recovery actions are recommended for the canal. A data recovery plan to accomplish this objective is included here.

Cite this Record

Archaeological Site Boundary Testing and Data Recovery Plan for Dutch Canal Ruin Within the NANT Property, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 10. T. Kathleen Henderson, Leslie D. Aragon, Fred L. Nials. 2012 ( tDAR id: 445604) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8445604

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.074; min lat: 33.443 ; max long: -112.046; max lat: 33.468 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Contributor(s): Patricia Castalia

Principal Investigator(s): T. Kathleen Henderson

Project Director(s): Connie A. Darby

Prepared By(s): Desert Archaeology, Inc.

Submitted To(s): City of Phoenix, Aviation Department

Record Identifiers

Technical Report No.(s): 2012-10

PGM No. (s): 2011-36

COP Cost Center No. (s): GL510025; AV6652111044

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Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

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