Archaeological Testing East of Pantano Road, Tucson, Arizona

Author(s): J. Homer Thiel

Year: 1998


The City of Tucson is planning to construct a bikeway in northeast Tucson. As part of the planning process, Desert Archaeology, Inc. performed an archaeological survey and records check of the project area (Eppley 1998). The evaluation revealed that a portion of the project area was adjacent to AZ BB:13:444 (ASM), a previously recorded archaeological site. On the basis of the preliminary work, Desert Archaeology recommended that an archaeological testing program be initiated to determine if significant cultural resources are present beneath the surface in this area.

Testing was completed in August 1998 under a project-specific archaeological permit (1998-114ps) from the Arizona State Museum (ASM) and an excavation permit from the City of Tucson (982204). This report summarizes the results of that work. No archaeological features were found during testing, indicating that AZ BB:13:444 does not extend beyond the south side within the bikeway project area. Clearance is recommended for construction of the proposed bikepath. All project records are curated at the Arizona State Museum.

Cite this Record

Archaeological Testing East of Pantano Road, Tucson, Arizona, 13. J. Homer Thiel. 1998 ( tDAR id: 448694) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8448694

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Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1000 to 1150 (Occupation)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -110.826; min lat: 32.224 ; max long: -110.804; max lat: 32.265 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Desert Archaeology, Inc.

Prepared By(s): Desert Archaeology, Inc.

Submitted To(s): City of Tucson

Record Identifiers

Project-Specific Archaeological Permit(s): 1998-114ps

Excavation Permit from the City of Tucson(s): 982204

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
_tr98-13_final_OCR_PDFA_Redacted.pdf 1.07mb Nov 23, 2020 1:43:17 PM Public
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_tr98-13_final_OCR_PDFA.pdf 709.08kb Aug 1, 1998 May 7, 2019 11:39:17 AM Confidential
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Contact(s): Desert Archaeology, Inc.

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