Theory, Strategies, Objectives, and Preliminary Results of Transdisciplinary Studies of Ancient Consciousness on Time and Space out of Eurasia


This is an abstract from the "Ancient Landscapes and Cosmic Cities out of Eurasia: Transdisciplinary Studies with New Lidar Mapping" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Ancient consciousness may be a key concept to discern human biocultural evolutionary processes. We reassess how indigenous people out of Eurasia developed consciousness about time and space and created conceptual dividing apparatuses, like calendar systems. We begin with theoretical backgrounds to introduce our underlying triadic (ecological, neural, cognitive) niche construction model and present the specific objectives and strategies applied. The papers of this symposium derived from our ambitious five-year program “Integrative Human Historical Science Out of Eurasia: Exploring the Mechanisms of the Development of Civilization,” in 2019. After the COVID-19 shutdown that delayed our field/laboratory work, one of our sub-programs, “Development of artificial niche construction and cognition of time and space” began gathering original data of monuments, cityscape, landscape, and skyscape among the ancient societies established in the Mexican highlands, northern Peru, Micronesia, and Japan. We improved strategies to map materials of complex societies using total station, lidar, 3D scanners, or photogrammetric devices. We here present the preliminary consequences of the ongoing mapping projects and discuss our transdisciplinary studies. In some cases, we apply the data to an archaeoastronomy program we developed, to discuss how communities acquired cognitive mechanism to further develop their capacities and biocultural evolutionary processes.

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Theory, Strategies, Objectives, and Preliminary Results of Transdisciplinary Studies of Ancient Consciousness on Time and Space out of Eurasia. Naoko Matsumoto, Atsushi Iriki, Saburo Sugiyama. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499107)


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Abstract Id(s): 39158.0