SWCA Environmental Consultants
Alternate Names: SWCA, Inc. Envronmental Consultants , Swca, Inc , SWCA Environmental, United States of America , SWCA Environmental Consultants, United States of America , SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants , swca , SWCA Environmental Consulting , SWCA, Inc.Environmental Consultants , SWCA Inc. Environmental Consultants , SWCA Environmental Consultants, Inc. , SWCA, Environmental Consultants , Swca Archaeological , SWCA, Inc. Envrionmental Consultants , SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) , swca environmental consultants , SWCA Environmental Consultants, Austin , SWCA , SWCA Archaeological Environmental Consulants , SWCA, Inc. , SWCA Environmental Consultants Co. , SWCA Inc. , SWCA Environmental , SWCA, Inc. Enviromental Consultants , SWCA ,Inc. Environmental Consultants , SWCA Inc., Environmental Consultants , SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants , SWCA Enviromental, United States of America , SWCA Environmental Consultants-Albuquerque , SWCA Archaeological Environmental Consultants , SWCA, INC. Environment Consultants , SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants , SWCA Envronmental Consultants , Swca
Institution Members
401-450 (720 Records)
- A Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project Fence Lake Coal Mine Transportation Corridor Reroute 4 Near the Coronado Generating Station in Apache County, Arizona (1995)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project Mesa Highlands and 46E 1S Substations, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (1991)
- D. CAS.2021.008_TAC Permit 8872_Project History.doc (2021)
- D. CAS.2021.120_TAC Permit 8723_Daily Journals.pdf (2021)
- The Dalrymple Parcels: Archaeological Testing Results and Data Recovery Plan for AZ AA:12:869 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (2005)
- Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:869 (ASM): Results of Archaeological Data Recovery for the Shannon Business Park Development, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
- Data Recovery at Pinnacle Peak Village, AZ U:5:3 (ASU), Phoenix, Arizona (1997)
- Data Recovery at Site AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) and Archaeological Monitoring for the Coventry Homes Pipeline Project (1997)
- Deseret Chemical Depot Cultural Survey (2002)
- The Desert Mountain Properties Archaeological Testing Project, Scottsdale, Arizona (1998)
- Dog Valley Cell Tower (2002)
- Dolores Project - Research Design For Excavations At Site 5MT.11861 On Reach II of the Lone Pine Laterals (1993)
- Dolores Project - Research Design For Excavations At Site 5MT.9168 On Reach II of the Lone Pine Laterals (1993)
- Dolores Project - Research Design For Excavations At Site 5MT.9387 On Reach I On the Lone Pine Laterals (1993)
- Dolores Project - Research Design: Cultural Resources, Inventory and Excavation, Four Corners Area (1993)
- The Dove Valley Archaeological Testing Project, Sites AZ U:1:11, AZ U:1:262, and AZ U:1:263 (ASM), Phoenix, Arizona (1997)
- DPG Granite Cross Country (2001)
- DPG NE 600 Series Firing Points (2002)
- DPG Rough Haul Road (2001)
- E. CAS.2021.120_TAC Permit 8723 Issued.pdf (2021)
- Early Desert Farming and Irrigation Settlements, Archaeological Investigations in the Phoenix Sky Harbor Center, Volume 1: Testing Results and Data Recovery Plan (1994)
- Early Desert Farming and Irrigation Settlements, Archaeological Investigations in the Phoenix Sky Harbor Center, Volume 2: Dutch Canal Ruin (1994)
- The Eastern Mining Area 115 KV Transmission Line Survey: Archaeological Resources in the Salt-Gila Uplands of Central Arizona (1996)
- The Eastern Mining Area 115 kV Transmission Line Survey: Archaeological Resources in the Salt-Gila Uplands of Central Arizona (1996)
- The Eastern Mining Area Transmission Line Survey: Archaeological Resources in the Salt-Gila Uplands of Central Arizona (1994)
- The El Paso Natural Gas Line No. 2000 Conversion Project: An Archaeological Re-Survey of the Former All American Pipeline Across La Paz, Yuma, Maricopa, Pinal, Pima, and Cochise Counties, Arizona (2000)
- El Rio Bonito: An Ethnoecological Study of the Bonita Creek Watershed, Southeastern Arizona (1993)
- The Elder Gulch Project: Archaeological Test Excavations at Ten Sites Near Kelvin, Pinal County, Arizona (1990)
- Eleventh Annual Report of Historic Properties at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, Mesa, Arizona (2009)
- End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) for the Coventry Homes Sewer Line (1996)
- End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Testing at AZ AA:12:130 (ASM) for the Effluent Pipe Outfall Realignment, Pima County Landfill, Pima County, Arizona (1997)
- Ethnographic Investigation and Archaeological Treatment Plan For Burial GS 93-107 (K 16), a Navajo Burial On the North Lease of McKinley Mine, McKinley County , New Mexico (1993)
- Ethnographic Investigation and Archaeological Treatment Plan For Two Navajo Burials, GS 92-110 and GS 92-114, On the South Lease of the McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1994)
- Ethnographic Investigations and Archaeological Treatment Plan For the Relocation of Two Historic Navajo Burials, GS 92-116 and GS 92-117, South Lease of McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1994)
- Ethnographic Investigations and Archaeological Work Plan For Burial GS 93-104, Gli Ba, On the South Lease of McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1994)
- Ethnographic Investigations and Archaeological Work Plan For the Relocation of a Historic Navajo Burial, GS 91-104, South Lease of McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1993)
- Ethnographic Investigations and Archaeological Work Plan For the Relocation of a Historic Navajo Burial, GS 91-105, South Lease of McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1993)
- Ethnographic Investigations and Archaeological Work Plan For the Relocation of a Historic Navajo Burial, GS 93-101, South Lease of McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1993)
- Ethnographic Investigations and Treatment Plan For Four Newly Discovered Traditional Cultural Properties On the South Lease of McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1994)
- Ethnography and Archaeology On Selected Parcels of McKinley Mine, McKinley County, New Mexico (1994)
- Eureka Mines Documentation (2002)
- Eureka Remediation Project (2001)
- Excavation of the Gibbon Springs Site: A Classic Period Village in the Northeastern Tuson Basin (1996)
- Final Report: A Cultural Resource Survey of Three Well Sites and 7.1 Miles of Linear Right-of-Way for Pipelines, Distribution Lines, and Access Roads Within the Salt River Project Concho Well Field, Apache County, Arizona (1993)
- Final Research Design Class III Cultural Resource Survey (1989)
- Final: The Eastern Mining Area Project Coolidge To Hayden Segment Data Recovery: Hohokam Agriculture in the Middle and Upper Gila River Valley of Pinal County, Arizona (1997)
- Fish Hatcheries (1999)
- Fivemile Pass / West Dip Abandoned Mine (1998)
- The Fourmile Wash Project: Archaeological Investigations at Eight Sites in the Tonopah Desert in Western Arizona (1992)
- Gibbon's Ranch: Excavation of Site AZ BB:9:275 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (1999)