US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
No description specified.
Alternate Names: Fort Worth District, U.S. Corps of Engineers , US Army COE, Fort Worth Distirct, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District Corps of Engineers , U.SA, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth , US Army COE, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , COE-Fort Worth , U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Burec, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , Fort Worth Corps of Engineers; US Army , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth Dist. , USA, COE, Fort Worth District , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth Dist. , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas , U.S. COE, Fort Worth District , United States Army Corps of Engineerts, Fort Worth, TX , EPA, COE, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army COE, Fort Worth Dist. , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District , Fort Worth Corps of Engineers , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , U.S. Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Federal Technical Responsible Individual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , COE, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District COE, City of Arlington, Tx , For U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Department of the Army, Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Fort Worth District , U.S. Army COE, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Engineer District, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , US Army COE, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps os Engineers-Ft. Worth , COE-FWD, Fort Worth , Dept. of Army, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , For U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Ft. Worth District , U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Fort Worth , Department of the Army, Fort Worth Corps of Engineers , US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth Dist., and GSA , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District , COE-Fort Worth District , U.S.A.C.E., Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth Division , U.S. Army Engineer District, Fort Worth; THC , US Army Corps Of Engineers-Fort Worth Division (COE-FWD) , U.S. Army Corpos of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth COE, City of Kyle , Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , U S Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers , COE / Fort Worth District , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, TX , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , US Army Corrps of Engineers-Fort Worth Division
Institution Members
101-150 (337 Records)
- Cultural Resource Survey in Connection with the Site of the Proposed Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas (1987)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Big Bear Creek Interceptor Extension Section II (1990)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Lone Star Gas Pipeline, Denton County, Texas (1990)
- A Cultural Resource Survey of the White Flint Park Project, Belton Lake, Bell County, Texas (2001)
- Cultural Resource Testing of the Criminal Investigation Center Construction Site, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas (1987)
- Cultural Resources Assessment for the Salt Creek Flood Protection Feasibility Study, Young County, Texas
- A Cultural Resources Assessment of the Proposed Site of New Construction for the Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, Bexar County, Texas (1988)
- Cultural Resources Evaluation and Geoarcheological Investigations of a 12 Acre Tract at Stemmons Crossing, Dallas, Texas (1999)
- Cultural Resources Evaluation of Site 41COL79 Stonebridge Ranch, Texas (1996)
- Cultural Resources Investigation of the Proposed Arlington to TRA Trinity River Pipeline (1997)
- Cultural Resources Investigation of the Proposed Martin Lake Pipeline (1998)
- Cultural Resources of the Proposed Lake Gilmer Project, Upshur County, Texas (1992)
- Cultural Resources Reconnaissance in Secondary Impact Areas Along Salado Creek at Brook Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis, Bexar County, Texas (1988)
- Cultural Resources Sample Survey of the Elm Creek Detention and Channelizaton Area, Abilene, Taylor County, Texas (1991)
- Cultural Resources Survey Along Portions of Banita and La Nana Creeks, Nacogdoches County, Texas (1980)
- Cultural Resources Survey Along Salado Creek, Bexar County, Texas (1990)
- Cultural Resources Survey and Geomorphological Assessment of Twelve Proposed Ponds at Somerville Lake, Burleson and Lee Counties, Texas (1997)
- Cultural Resources Survey and Reevaluation of Resources Along the Proposed Perimeter Fence Line at Camp Bullis, Bexar and Comal Counties, Texas (1996)
- Cultural Resources Survey Letter Report On The Proposed Dry Storage Area At The Fort Sam Houston Recreational Area, Canyon Lake, Comal County, Texas (1995)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 1,290 Acres at Wright Patman Lake, Bowie and Cass Counties, Texas (1995)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 1.07 Acres, Camp Bullis Training Site, Bexar County, Texas (2000)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 10 Acres Norhteast of Laredo, Webb County, Texas (1998)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 23 acres North of Del Rio, Val Verde County, Texas (1998)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 23 Acres North of Del Rio, Val Verde County, Texas (1999)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 280 Acres Along Salado Creek, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Bexar County, Texas (2000)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 4,423 Acres and National Register Testing at Five Prehistoric Sites, Camp Bullis Military Reservation, Bexar and Comal Counties, Texas (2003)
- Cultural Resources Survey of 460 acres at B.A. Steinhagen Lake Tyler County, Texas
- Cultural Resources Survey of 550 Acres at Lake O' the Pines, Marion County, Texas. (1995)
- Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed 400-acre Drop Zone Site for Dyess Air Force Base, Runnels County, Texas (1999)
- Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed 520.6 Acre Drop Zone Site for Dyess Air Force Base, Runnels County, Texas (2000)
- A Cultural Resources Survey of Proposed Actions Related to Test Area Expansions, Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant: Harrison County, Texas. (1988)
- A Cultural Resources Survey of the Joint Task Force Six Border Road & Fence Construction Project Area Near Campo, San Diego County, California (1998)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Laredo, Texas JTF- 6 Firing Range. (1994)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Flood Control Improvements Along Ten Mile Creek, Duncanville, Texas (1988)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Mansfield Wal-Mart (1997)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Randal Mill Road Extension Phase I, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas (1997)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Randal Mill Road Extension Phase II, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas (1997)
- A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Treatment Area for Interim Remedial Action (IRA) at The Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Harrison County, Texas. (1993)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Water Reuse Pipeline Corridor, Fort Sam Houston, Bexar County, Texas (1999)
- Data Recovery Plan for the Black Pond Site 38SU45, 38SU133, and 38SU145, on the Poinsett Electronic Combat Range, Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter, South Carolina (1996)
- Development of a Historic Facilities Collection at the Air Force Historical Research Agency (2018)
- Draft Environmental Assessment of the Proposed 44th ADA Live Fire Exercise Shorad Test Range, Fort Bliss, Texas and New Mexico (1994)
- Draft: Diné Traditional Cultural Property Inventory at Fort Wingate Depot Activity (2013)
- The Dry Lake Hydrologic Disturbance Evaluation Model: A New Method for Assessing Archaeological Integrity in Dry Lake Environments at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2006)
- Dyess Air Force Base Cold War-Era Historic Property Survey Summary (2009)
- Dyess Air Force Base, Additional Evaluation and Character Defining Features of Selected Buildings at Dyess Air Force Base, Taylor County, Texas (2011)
- Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan, Volume I (2012)
- Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan, Volume II: Appendices (2012)
- Emergency Bank Protection Archeological Survey, Carrollton, Texas (1993)
- Endangered / Threatened Species and Cultural Resources Surveys For Five Proposed Mini-Mute Sites In East-Central New Mexico (1994)