Society for American Archaeology
No description specified.
Institution Members
1,601-1,650 (23,363 Records)
- Are the Tohono O'odham Descendent from the Hohokam and Their Predecessors? A Rock Art Test of Occupation Continuity in Southern Arizona (2019)
- Are Two Heads Still Better than One? Considering a Unified Origin for American Social Complexity (2016)
- Are We Living in a Simulation? Digital Reconstructions of Early Sites in Coastal Peru (2018)
- Are we looking to discover the first Americans or the first successful Americans? (2016)
- Are websites doing what we want them to do? Evaluating the effectiveness of websites for public archaeology (2016)
- Are You a Tool? A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Worked Bone from Wupatki National Monument (2019)
- "Are You There Gods?" Offerings and Communication Between Worlds in Protohistoric France (2017)
- Arene Candide to Anzick: Ritual Use of Red Ochre (2021)
- ARIADNE: Building a European data infrastructure for archaeology (2016)
- Arikara Glass Working at the Leavenworth and Sully Sites (1970)
- Arisen from the Ashes: Archaeology as Tabletop Gaming in “The Age of Silence” (2023)
- Arithmetic in Maya Numerals (1971)
- The Arkansas Connection and David G. Anderson (2024)
- Arlington Springs Chronostratigraphy and Implications for Early Human Settlement along North America's Pacific Coast (2023)
- Arm Chair Archaeology: GIS-ing the 1733 St. Jan Slave Rebellion (2017)
- Armchair Archaeothanatology: Post-Excavation Archaeothanatology in the Caribbean (2015)
- An Army of Winged Souls: Butterfly Iconography in Teotihuacan (2017)
- Around the Lower Pecos in 1,095 Days: A Baseline Rock Art Documentation Project (2017)
- Around the Neighboring Watering Hole: Comparative Analysis of Fountains in Pompeii and Herculaneum (2021)
- Around the Watering Hole: An In-Depth Analysis of Pompeii’s Fountains (2019)
- ARPA and Confidentiality in the Digital Age (2019)
- Arqueoastronomy and built landscape: the spatial orientation of geometric enclosures in Western Amazonia (2016)
- Arqueologia y Comunidad en la provincia de Manabi, dos casos de estudio (2019)
- Arqueologos: Integrating 3d Visualization, Spatial Databases, and Desktop GIS Software to Improve the Management and Analysis of Archaeological Data (2016)
- Arqueología Comunitaria en la Región Ixil de Guatemala (2015)
- Arqueología de la infancia en la Frontera Norte Mesoamericana durante el Epiclásico. El caso de El Ocote, Aguascalientes. (2018)
- Arqueología de los repartos mercantiles en los Andes coloniales: endeudamiento, elites locales y cultura material. (2017)
- Arqueología de transiciones: Enfoques teórico metodológicos para investigar el cambio desde la perspectiva de la cerámica Formativa y Cásica de Mazapa, La Sierra y El Escobillal, Veracruz (2024)
- Arqueología del agua y las montañas: paisaje y patrón de asentamiento en la costa este de Los Tuxtlas. (2019)
- Arqueología en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca: El sitio fortaleza de Quiavicuzas (2017)
- Arqueología histórica del colonialismo en contextos insulares: Chiloé y su jurisdicción (siglos XVI-XVIII) (2024)
- Arqueología para reivindicar: Huellas de africanía en la producción alfarera de Cartagena de Indias (S. XVI-XVIII) (2021)
- Arqueología Preventiva en México: experiencias, alcances, limitaciones y propuestas (2019)
- Arqueología y geofísica en Chicoloapan, México: Estudios colaborativos de la vida cotidiana y la organización comunitaria después de Teotihuacan (2024)
- Arqueología y manejo patrimonial en San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Oaxaca. (2016)
- Arquitectura Habitacional: Sistema Constructivo y Organización Espacial en el Sitio Finca 6, Delta del Diquís, Costa Rica (2018)
- Arquitectura mudéjar en la Nueva España, un problema arqueológico (2023)
- Arquitectura Preclásica en el Grupo Balam Acrópolis Central de El Mirador, Peten (2015)
- Arrangement of the Handicraft Industry at the Site of Taijiasi in the Shang Dynasty (2019)
- The Arrival of Belief:religion and art at the extremities of the Silk Roads, AD 500-800 (2017)
- The arrival of the Incas and it consequences in the transformation of the sociopolitical landscape of the lower Lurin valley (2015)
- Arriving at a Meaningful Rock Art Interpretation (2019)
- #arrowheads: Instagram as a Creative, Social Media-Based Approach to Public Archaeology (2015)
- Arrowpoint or Dart Point: An Uninteresting Answer To a Tiresome Question (1980)
- Arrowshaft straightening with a grooved stone (1951)
- Arroyo Pesquero y su "otra" ofrenda (2018)
- "An Arson, A Wig, and a Murder": The Search for Particia Calloway (2017)
- Art and Experience in Chichen Itza (2021)
- Art and Interregional Interchange in the Huasteca (2016)
- The Art and Light of Paint Rock, Texas (2024)