Isolated Artifact (Site Type Keyword)
Parent: Archaeological Feature
A find spot containing a single artifact.
126-150 (784 Records)
Results of an archaeological survey in support of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory ICBM Silo Superhardening Technology Program Test Site (ISST) on the western portion of the Luke Air Force Range. Results determined that no impacts should occur from the proposed ISST project to any significant archaeological or historic sites in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
Archaeological Survey of the Lower Tijeras Arroyo and Arroyo del Coyote, Kirtland Air Force Base Bernalillo County New Mexico (2014)
From 22 January 2013 to 24 May 2013, HDR, Inc., conducted a Section 110 cultural resources investigation on Department of Defense land located within Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. The cultural resources survey involved 100% coverage of all areas not covered by roads, buildings, parking lots or areas containing artificial fill, areas of obvious disturbance, and fenced areas containing hazardous material or requiring high level security clearance. Areas of land disturbance and security...
Archaeological Survey of the Mead to Phoenix 500kV Direct Current Transmission Line, Preferred Alternative, Volume I, Final Report (1986)
The 243-mile preferred alignment of the proposed Mead to Phoenix ±500kV direct current transmission system was surveyed for archaeological resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona in the spring of 1984. Fifty-eight archaeological sites were identified on the alignment, plus 10 historic routes in areas crossed by the alignment. Seventeen of the sites are historic, dating from the 1860s to World War II. Forty-one prehistoric sites range in age from the late Archaic through the Ceramic period to...
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Coyote Canyon Air Base Defense Training Area, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (2001)
In the period between January and June of 2004, e2M archaeologists relocated, updated, tested, and determined the eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) four sites managed by Kirtland Air Force Base. The four sites tested consist of LA 48098, LA 69739, LA 88116, and LA 134236. Each of the sites had been previously recorded, but further testing was recommended in order to determine eligibility. LA 48098 and LA 88116, were determined by e2M to be potentially eligible to...
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Landfill 12kV Transmission Line, Maricopa County (1993)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) conducted an archaeological survey of 10-ft-wide corridor of the proposed 1.7 mi Salt River Project 12 kV transmission line on lands administered by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). The survey was conducted on 1 October 1993 at the request of Judy Brunson of Salt River Project (SRP). The non-collection survey was conducted under an archaeological permit issued by the SRPMIC. The survey was designed to locate and record...
Archaeological Survey of the RSR Corporation Facility Area Tract, Aiken County, South Carolina (1993)
"This study represents a preliminary historical and intensive archaeological survey of the 440 acre RSR Corporation tract near the town of Montmorenci in Aiken County. The primary purpose of this investigation is to identify and assess the archaeological remains present in the tract, although secondary goals are to examine the relationship between prehistoric and historic settlement patterns and water sources. As a result of this work nine archaeological sites were identified, primarily...
An Archaeological Survey of the Salamonie Reservoir (1982)
An archaeological survey of the Salamonie Reservoir was carried out to identify the variables that influenced site selection, refine the cultural history of the area, develop hypotheses concerning Early Archaic settlement patterns, investigate the seeming lack of Middle Archaic occupation of the area, and evaluate the effect the reservoir has had on the archaeological resources Refinements and expansion of the description of the natural setting of the area as originally presented by Wepler...
Archaeological Survey of the Salt River and Windy Hill Parcels Around Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona (1992)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted an intensive Class III survey of five parcels located around Roosevelt Lake in the Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest. The project was conducted at the request of the Arizona Project Office, Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to identify and evaluate all cultural properties that might be impacted by planned construction activities in these parcels. This report presents the results of the survey of the Salt River and the Windy Hill...
An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project 12kV and 22kV Distribution/Transmission Line System, Tonto Basin, Arizona (2001)
A Class III cultural resources survey was conducted of the SRP 12kV and 22kV distribution/transmission line system in and around the Tonto Basin of central Arizona. The right-of-way corridor was roughly 89 miles long and 30 meters wide. An estimated 18 miles of access roads were also surveyed. The purpose of the survey was to identify, record, and assess the significance of cultural resources along the right-of-way corridor. In addition, a records search was carried out in order to identify...
An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project Coronado Railroad Spur, Coconino County, Arizona (1988)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a cultural resource survey north of St. Johns, Arizona, at the request of Ms. Judy Brunson of Salt River Project (SRP). The survey, was performed in order to provide an inventory and assessment of the cultural resources that might be affected by the widening of a currently existing railroad right-of-way across State and private lands. Eleven prehistoric sites, two prehistoric artifact scatters, and five prehistoric isolates were identified...
An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project Verde Circuit 12kV Distribution Line from Saguaro Lake to Granite Reef Dam, Maricopa County, Arizona (1999)
The following report presents the results of a 16-mile survey of the Verde Circuit 12kV distribution lines between Stewart Mountain and Granite Reef Dams, conducted by Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), for the Salt River Project (SRP). Following the collection of permits and a systematic check of all records pertaining to archaeological resources in the proposed area of study, field investigation of the distribution lines was conducted from October 8 to 11, 1997. Field investigation of the...
An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project Verde Circuit 12kV Distribution Line from Saguaro Lake to Granite Reef Dam, Maricopa County, Arizona, Draft Report (1998)
The following report presents the results of a 16-mile survey of the Verde Circuit 12kV distribution lines between Stewart Mountain and Granite Reef Dams, conducted by Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), for the Salt River Project (SRP). Following the collection of permits and a systematic check of all records pertaining to archaeological resources in the proposed area of study, field investigation of the distribution lines was conducted from October 8 to 11, 1997. Field investigation of the...
An Archaeological Survey of the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1973)
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Arizona State Museum to conduct a cultural resources survey of the Salt-Gila (Fannin-McFarland) Aqueduct as part of its environmental assessment of the impacts of the proposed Central Arizona Project. Twenty-two archaeological sites and two major areas of cultural activity were identified during the survey. Of these sites, 19 were recommended for further investigation and 5 were suggested for clearance (not eligible for the NRHP). The...
Archaeological Survey of the Schoolhouse Point, Cottonwood Wash, and Indian Point Parcels Around Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona (1992)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted an intensive Class III survey of five parcels located around Roosevelt Lake in the Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest. The project was conducted at the request of the Arizona Project Office, Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to identify and evaluate all cultural properties that might be impacted by planned construction activities in these parcels. This report presents the results of the survey of the Schoolhouse Point, Cottonwood...
An Archaeological Survey of the SRP Pinto Creek Access Roads & Top Wire Replacement, Globe Ranger District, Tonto National Forest (2006)
On July 5, 2006, archaeologist Travis Bone completed an archaeological survey of the SRP Pinto Creek Access Roads & Top Wire Replacement project on the Globe Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest. The project area includes the complete transmission line between the Silver King and Miami substations. Time spent on this project included 5 hours of fieldwork, 12 hours of report preparation and 2 hours of administration by the Forest Archaeological Staff. Vehicle use totaled 180 miles.
An Archaeological Survey of the University Research Park in Tempe, Arizona, Interim Report (2017)
This is a report on the first phase of an archaeological survey of the University Research Park. The work has been conducted by the Office of Cultural Resource Management at Arizona State University. The first phase has involved a systematic inspection of the surface of the ground, and has led to the identification of one prehistoric canal and a very sparse distribution of artifacts (64 objects distributed over half a section). In the second phase of the survey approximately 7 backhoe trenches...
An Archaeological Survey of the Westwing Substation Expansion, Maricopa County (1992)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) conducted a Class III archaeological survey of the proposed Salt River Project (SRP) Westwing Substation. The survey was conducted under Permit #92-12 issued to Northland; the survey was conducted on 15 April 1992 by Mark Hackbarth. Prior to the survey, an examination of site files maintained by the Arizona State Museum and the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office was conducted. Sites have been recorded from the vicinity of the Westwing Substation, but...
An Archaeological Survey of the Wheeler-Evergreen 69 kV Transmission Line (1991)
On 29 January 1991, Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) completed a Class III archaeological survey of proposed pole locations for a rebuilding project of the Salt River Project's Wheeler-Evergreen 69 kV transmission line. As portions of the surveyed area are located on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation, a special use permit was obtained for archaeological survey and testing (permit No. 396 269-91). The survey was accomplished in two person-days. No archaeological sites were...
Archaeological Testing at AZ T:16:152 (ASM) and AZ T:16:153 (ASM), El Rancho Santa Rosa Residential Development, Maricopa, Arizona (2005)
This report presents results of archaeological testing by Desert Archaeology, Inc., at two archaeological sites located on the proposed El Rancho Santa Rosa Residential Development near Maricopa, Arizona. The purpose of this work was to determine if the sites meet eligibility requirements for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. This activity was conducted at the request of Reeve & Associates, Inc., to comply with Section 106 of the National Preservation Historic Act, as...
Archaeological Testing at Fillmore Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
This report presents the results of archaeological testing conducted on a parcel of land located in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The testing was conducted at the request of the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department prior to proposed housing development within the parcel. The testing was conducted under an on-call archaeological services contract between the City of Phoenix and SWCA (contract no. 90034), and was assigned project number PGM 2000-3 by the City of Phoenix...
Archaeological Testing at the UMOM Property Located in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
Archaeological testing was conducted in the project area prior to its development. The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological testing be conducted at the location of the proposed UMOM Housing Project in Phoenix. The Project is on private property but will receive federal funding so the effects of this undertaking on cultural resources must be considered to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. According to the City of Phoenix archaeological site files,...
Archaeological Testing for the 12th Street Improvement Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
Archaeological testing was conducted by SWCA, Inc. along 12th Street at the request of the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department and the City Archaeologist. Testing was conducted because there is a known prehistoric site and prehistoric canals in the vicinity of the project area. Previous archaeological research in the area had designated a site, AZ T:12:54 (ASM), and discovered three prehistoric Hohokam features. Eight backhoe trenches were excavated in the project area comprising...
Archaeological Testing for the City of Phoenix Sixty-seventh Avenue Water Transmission Main, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
The project involves archaeological testing in the Maricopa County right-of-way along the course of the City of Phoenix Sixty-seventh Avenue Water Transmission Main. The work was prompted by the possibility that archaeological remains associated with the prehistoric village of Pueblo Primero would be encountered in the southern portion of the waterline corridor. This report documents the results of archaeological testing activities completed by Desert Archaeology, Inc., along the City of...
Archaeological Testing of AZ T:4:301 (ASM) on State Trust Land Adjacent to the Sonoran Foothills Residential Development in North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
Soil Systems, Inc. contracted with Sonoran Foothills, L.L.C. to conduct a cultural resources overview and survey of two parcels of State Trust land adjacent to the Sonoran Foothills residential development in North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The project area was surveyed on 18 October 2000 (Adams 2001) and resulted in the recording of one prehistoric site, AZ T:4:301 (ASM), and seven isolated occurrences of artifacts. AZ T:4:301 (ASM) was recommended as being potentially eligible for...
Archaeological Testing of Seven Sites in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
This report details the results of an archaeological testing program conducted in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, located in Goodyear, Arizona. The testing program was implemented to assess the significance of seven archaeological sites, AZ T:11:27, AZ T:11:55, AZ T:11:57, AZ T:11:58, AZ T:11:59, AZ T:11:64, and AZ T:11:65 (all ASM). The sites were among a total of twelve located during an archaeological survey of 3900 acres of the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development. Further...