Browse all Coding Sheets in tDAR
Alabama-Georgia Historic Sites Taxon Coding Sheet (2014)
Albert Porter ComponID coding sheet, CCAC fauna through 2008 (2006)
Alexandria Period Pre/Post 1680 Aggregation Coding Sheet (2011)
Analyst, Johnston Site Zooarchaeology (2013)
Animal Modifications, Johnston Site Zooarchaeology (2013)
Bone Coding Sheet (TAG workpackage 2) (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Age (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Animal Modification (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Axiality (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Breakage (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Burning (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Butcher Marks (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Certainty (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Completeness (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Cultural Modification (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Fracture Pattern (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Laterality (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Proximity (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Side (2010)
Boon hor 11 Structure (2010)
Boon Hor 11 Weathering (2010)
Breakage coding sheet for Crow Canyon Archaeological Center fauna through 2008 (2005)
Burning (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (2016)
Burning Codes (2013)
Burning: Arizona State Museum Faunal Coding Key (2012)
Carnivore chewing (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (2016)
CARP Fauna Bone Artifacts (2010)
CARP Fauna Burning
CARP Fauna Butchering (2009)
CARP Fauna Completeness (Condition) (2009)
CARP Fauna Dorsal-Ventral (2009)
CARP Fauna Element (2012)
CARP Fauna Fusion (2009)
CARP Fauna Gnawing (2009)
CARP Fauna Natural Modification (2012)
CARP Fauna Origin of Fragmentation
CARP Fauna Proximal-Distal (2009)
CARP Fauna Side or Symmetry
CARP Fauna Species Scientifc (Common) (2009)
CARP Time Period (2014)
Castle Rock ComponID coding sheet, CCAC fauna (1999)
CCAC Taxon Coding Sheet (2010)
Chaves-Hummingbird Bone Artifacts (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Bone Fusion (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Butchering (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Dorsal Ventral Portion (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Element Identification (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Fauna Condition (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Faunal Burning (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Faunal Fragmentation (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Gnawing (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Proximal Distal Portion (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Side Identification (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Taxonomic Identification (1998)
Chaves-Hummingbird Time Phases (1998)
Chavin LB Fusion Stage (2007)
Chavin LB Portion (2007)
Chavin LB Side (2007)
Chew type Coding Sheet (TAG Workpackage 2) (2010)
Chronological information (2015)
Chronological Period (Shell Mound Archaeological Project) (2016)
Coding key for GQ Groundstone Material Type (1985)
Coding sheet for Resource Taxon (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for #Burned (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Access. # (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for Access. # (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Access. # (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2015)
Coding sheet for Age (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Age (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
Coding sheet for Age (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Age (White Bend Site, IL (11HA938) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for AN-PO (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Main Trench 1/4" Vertebrate dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Animal Mod (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
Coding sheet for Animal Modif (40RD299, TN Faunal Data) (2017)
Coding sheet for Animal Modif (40RD299, TN Faunal Data) (2017)
Coding sheet for Aquat/Terres (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1956 West Shelter Gastropod dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Aquat/Terres (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1956 West Shelter Gastropod dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Aquat/Terres (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 West Shelter-Snails in 4 liter-Stratigraphic Samples) (2016)
Coding sheet for Aquat/Terres (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980-West Shelter Units C, D, and F-Snails in Flot Samples) (2016)
Coding sheet for Area (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Area (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Area (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Area (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burn (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burn (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burn (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for Burn (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1963 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for burn_term (Fusihatchee Faunal Data) (2018)
Coding sheet for burn_term (Fusihatchee Faunal Data) (2018)
Coding sheet for Burned Presence 1=Y (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burned Presence 1=Y (White Bend Site, IL (11HA938) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Sachsen Cave Shelter) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Burning degree (40DV7 (Tennesse) Faunal Dataset, 2010 and 2012) (2017)
Coding sheet for Burning Modification (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen ) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen ) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Main Trench 1/4" Vertebrate dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Main Trench 1/4" Vertebrate dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 Bivalve data) (2017)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for Butcher (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1963 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for BUTCHER (Roosevelt Platform Mound Study Faunal Data) (2015)
Coding sheet for Butcher Mark (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (Sachsen Cave Shelter) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering Marks (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering Marks (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Butchering Marks (White Bend Site, IL (11HA938) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cat# (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1953 Fauna dataset Central Pit 1/4" Screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for CF (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for CF (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen ) (2015)
Coding sheet for CF (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Fauna dataset Unit D 1/4" Screen) (2015)
Coding sheet for Chronology (40RD299, TN Faunal Data) (2017)
Coding sheet for Chronology (Sachsen Cave Shelter) (2016)
Coding sheet for Comment (Blue Creek Site, TN (40CH171), Faunal Dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Comments (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Comments (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2015)
Coding sheet for Comments (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for COMP (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Comp (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (40DV7 (Tennesse) Faunal Dataset, 2010 and 2012) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (40RD299, TN Faunal Data) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (40RD299, TN Faunal Data) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Bear Creek Site (20SA1043), MI) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen ) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 Bivalve data) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1963 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Site 40CH37, TN, Faunal Dataset) (2017)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2015)
Coding sheet for Completeness (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Complt (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
Coding sheet for Component (EAFWG Chronology) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
Coding sheet for Component (EAFWG Chronology) (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Component (EAFWG Chronology) (White Bend Site, IL (11HA938) Faunal Database REVISED) (2016)
Coding sheet for Component (Kuehn) (2016)
Coding sheet for Component (original) (Broglio Site, IL (11WM80) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Component (original) (White Bend Site, IL (11HA938) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980-West Shelter Units C, D, and F-Snails in Flot Samples) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980-West Shelter Units C, D, and F-Snails in Flot Samples) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 East Pillar 1/4" Faunal data) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Unit D 1/4" Faunal data) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 West Pillar 1/4" Faunal data) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context type (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
Coding sheet for Context Type (Site 40CH37, TN, Faunal Dataset) (2017)
Coding sheet for Context type (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context type (Tree Row Site, IL (11F53) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (White Bend Site, IL (11HA938) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for Context Type (White Bend Site, IL (11HA938) Faunal Database REVISED 2) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen ) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen ) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/4 inch waterscreen) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/4 inch waterscreen) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Fauna dataset Main Trench 1/4" Screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Mollusk data Main Trench) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-Flotation 1/16" mesh) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-Flotation 1/16" mesh) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 Mollusca data) (2017)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for ContextType (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1963 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for Cult Affiliation (40DV7 (Tennesse) Faunal Dataset, 2010 and 2012) (2017)
Coding sheet for CultAffil (Kramer Mound, IN (12Sp7) Faunal Dataset) (2017)
Coding sheet for CultMod (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (20BY28 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (20BY387 faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Late Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (Bear Creek (20SA1043), MI Middle Archaic) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (Weber I Middle Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Aff (Weber I Site Late Archaic faunal database) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Fauna dataset-1/4" screen ) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/16" Flot) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Vertebrate Fauna, 1/16" Flot) (2016)
Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Fauna dataset Unit D 1/4" Screen) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffilialtion (Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1953 Fauna dataset Central Pit 1/4" Screen) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1956 West Shelter Gastropod dataset) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen ) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/4 inch waterscreen) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 West Shelter-Snails in 4 liter-Stratigraphic Samples) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980-West Shelter Units C, D, and F-Snails in Flot Samples) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980-West Shelter-Snails in 5 liter Bulk Soil Samples from Units C, D, and F) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980-West Shelter-Snails in 5 liter Bulk Soil Samples from Units C, D, and F) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 East Pillar 1/4" Faunal data) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Fauna dataset Main Trench 1/4" Screen) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Fauna dataset West Pillar 1/4" Screen) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Fauna dataset-East Pillar 1/4" Screen) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Mollusk data Main Trench) (2016)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-1/4" screen) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-Flotation 1/16" mesh) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2015)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 Bivalve data) (2017)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1961 vertebrate fauna) (2017)
Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Riverton Site, IL (11CW170) 1963 vertebrate fauna) (2017)