Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office

This project was developed with the BLM, New Mexico Carlsbad Field Office as a means of sharing archaeological data and information from the Permian Basin project. A number of reports and data from investigations by different CRM firms have been added to the collection. Digital Antiquity curators uploaded both the full reports and redacted versions of the reports (with confidential specific site location information removed from the text and illustrations). The metadata record for each report is generally available to tDAR users and the redacted versions of the reports can be accessed by registered tDAR users.


Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-24 of 24)

There are 24 Documents within this Collection [remove this filter]

  • An Experimental Project to Conduct Digital Survey for Ring Midden Features using Aerial Lidar Data (2016)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Heilen. Monica Murrell.

    This poster presents an experimental research project performed for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Permian Basin Mitigation Program exploring the use of aerial lidar data to identify and document ring midden features. The project was carried out in three study areas in southeastern New Mexico situated along the eastern foothills of the Guadalupe and Sacramento Mountains. Previous archaeological surveys indicate that ring middens are common along rocky escarpments in the piedmont zone and...

  • The Merchant Site: A 14th Century Village in Southeast New Mexico (2016)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

    Public outreach brochure for investigations at the Merchant site.

  • The Merchant Site: A Late Prehistoric Ochoa Phase Settlement in Southeastern New Mexico (2016)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

    The Carlsbad Field Office contracted Versar, Inc. to conduct remedial archaeological data recovery excavations at the Merchant site (LA 43414), a complex village settlement in southeastern New Mexico. The Merchant site was excavated by the Lea County Archaeological Society (LCAS) from 1959 to 1965, but the results of the excavations were never fully reported. The site was fundamental to the definition of the Ochoa phase, but the nature of the phase had remained poorly known since the excavations...

  • Permian Basin Research Design 2016-2026 (2016)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen A. Hall. Ronald Goble.

    This two-volume report provides a 10-year research design for the Bureau of Land Management's Carlsbad Field Office. Volume I covers Native American archaeology and cultural resources, while Volume II covers the region's geomorphology and geoarchaeology.

  • Radiocarbon Dates and Local Variation in Long-term Trends in Far Southeastern New Mexico (2016)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Jim Railey.

    There are now well over 1,000 radiocarbon dates from the BLM’s Carlsbad Field Office region, and local variation in long-term patterns is becoming increasingly evident. In the Mescalero Plain, and most local areas within it, radiocarbon dates exhibit a prominent frequency spike in the 7th and 8th centuries A.D., followed by a precipitous plunge in the number of dates. But some local areas within the Mescalero Plain the numbers of dates remain comparatively high in the Late Formative period (A.D....

  • Archaeological Prospection for Ring-Midden Features in Southeastern New Mexico Using Lidar Data: An Experimental Study (2015)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Heilen. Monica Murrell. Timothy Mills. Nahide Aydin. Phillip O. Leckman. Adam Byrd.

    The final report presents the methodology and results of this experimental study to see if remote sensing data alone is able to identify the presence of ring-midden features. Lidar data obtained for sample areas was then verified on the ground, and found to be successful in identifying all but disturbed or low-profile ring middens. Therefore, the use of lidar data is appropriate for project scoping and landscape area studies, but not as an alternative to Section 106 survey.

  • An Assessment of Transect Recording Unit Survey and Subsurface Testing Methods at Four Sites in the Permian Basin, New Mexico (2015)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rebecca Wells

    In September 2014, the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) contracted Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), (Contract No. L14PA00010) to perform an experimental project aimed at achieving a better understanding of how site-recording and subsurface-testing methods can be used to assess the subsurface potential of sites in southeastern New Mexico. At issue in this experiment is developing an informed, scientific understanding of the relationship...

  • An Experimental Project to Conduct Digital Survey for Ring-Midden Features Using Lidar Data (2015)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Heilen.

    This brochure explains to the public the cultural significance of ring-midden features, the prospect of using remote sensing data to locate them, and an outline of SRI's modeling study to show how digital survey data can assist archaeologists in defining the features and understanding patterns of the past.

  • A New View of the Desert - The Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement Research Program in Southeastern New Mexico (2015)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Martin Stein.

    The research program described in this paper is providing much needed new information for a portion of southeastern New Mexico that was previously understudied. The program is funded by an innovative approach to Section 106 compliance which trades redundant survey information for monetary contributions to a dedicated research account. The Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement (PA) has been in effect for six years. The purpose of the PA (formerly the Permian Basin Memorandum of Agreement or MOA)...

  • Prehistoric Plant Utilization in Southeastern New Mexico: A unique publication merging academic and public interests (2015)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only William Whitehead.

    The investigation of plant use, in southeastern New Mexico, in prehistory has been widely covered, this project continues this tradition by synthesizing and compiling all of the information to date in the region. The Carlsbad Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management, administrators of the Permian Basin Mitigation Program, is sponsoring the publication of a reference book on prehistoric plant use in Southeastern New Mexico. This free text will bring together recent work in radiocarbon...

  • Selection of Sites to Address Questions in the Southeastern New Mexico Regional Research Design: A Landscape Approach (2015)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text SWCA Environmental Consultants. Emily M. Stovel. Jim A. Railey. William T. Whitehead.

    Special study and preparation of management document for the BLM, under the Permian Basin Mitigation Program. Specifically, this document analyzes data from 256 sites that the BLM previously collected sediment samples from. These samples were subsequently analyzed for identification of botanical remains, and radiocarbon dating, by PaleoResearch, Inc. This report follows on that work by analyzing the data from these samples in conjunction with site information from LA site forms and available...

  • Dunes and Deflation: Excavations at LA 124525 and LA 161918 at the Intrepid Potash East Mine, Eddy County, New Mexico (2013)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas H. M. Boggess. Andrew Zink. Pam McBride. Stephen Hall. David Hill. Linda Scott Cummings. Kathryn Puseman. Chad Yost. Melissa K. Logan. Peter Kovacik. R.A. Varney.

    In July 2010, the area around the lower east catchment basin at Intrepid Potash, Inc.’s East Mine was disturbed to allow for road and additional access around the pond. A series of ponds around the East mine tailings pile are designed to store brine water for re-use in the processing plant. The lower east catchment basin is the last pond in this series of ponds. The construction of additional access was required for water management activities during a high precipitation event that eventually...

  • The Geologic and Archaeological Contexts for Lithic Resource Acquisition in Southeastern New Mexico (2013)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Dilley. Phillip O. Leckman. Gregory Peacock. Christine G. Ward.

    Between December 2012 and January 2013, archaeologists from Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), conducted geologic and archaeological studies at 14 previously identified archaeological sites, 2 small survey parcels inspected for archaeological remains, and 3 locales visited solely for the geologic study, all located in Eddy, Lea, and Chaves Counties in southeastern New Mexico. The sites and survey areas occupy a range of geologic settings. All 19 areas were utilized prehistorically. SRI...

  • Macrofloral, Phytolith, and Starch Analysis, and AMS Radiocarbon Dating for the Permian Basin MOA, New Mexico (2013)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings. Peter Kováčik. R.A. Varney. Kathryn Puseman. Jammi L. Ladwig.

    The goal of the Permian Basin MOA Task Order 10 was to analyze 500 AMS radiocarbon samples collected from feature context by the Carlsbad Field Office Cultural Resource Staff (including recovering and identifying charcoal and/or burned annual remains from each of the samples prior to selecting the best item to date), as well as analyzing 500 duplicate samples collected at the same locations for environmental and subsistence related evidence using starch, phytolith, and macrobotanical analyses....

  • Rocks and Ancient People in Southeastern New Mexico (2013)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Bradley J. Vierra. Kate E. Zeigler. John V. Cafiero.

    The immensity and stark beauty of the Pecos River valley in southeastern New Mexico has long been a source of wonder for travelers to the area. Throughout this landscape, there is a staggering variety of rock types—some dramatically exposed as outcrops and others swept into the area by the Pecos River and its tributaries. An example of the dramatic landforms that characterize the area is the Llano Estacado, or “Stockaded Plains.” At approximately 32,000 square miles—an area greater than all of...

  • The Boot Hill Site (LA 32229): An Oasis in the Desert, Eddy County, New Mexico (2011)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Kenneth Brown. Marie E. Brown. Benjamin G. Bury. Peter C. Condon. Richard Doucett. Charles D. Frederick. Martha Graham. Brittney Gregory. Willi Hermann. Richard G. Holloway. Melissa K. Logan. Shawn M. Patch. Linda Perry. M. Steven Schackley. Phillip Shelley. Adriana Romero. Barbara M. Winsborough.

    This document reports on the investigations of TRC Environmental, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico, under contract with the Bureau of Land Management, Carlsbad Field Office. TRC carried out the required archaeological and geomorphologic investigations at LA 32229, Eddy County, New Mexico. Under the Bureau of Land Management’s Permian Basin Mitigation Program, TRC carried out Task Order 4 with the goal of providing a more comprehensive interpretative assessment of prehistoric use at LA 32229. Note,...

  • A Class III Transect Recording Unit Survey and Geophysical Prospection at the Burro Tanks Site (LA 32227), Chaves County, New Mexico (2011)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew Bandy.

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Roswell Field Office retained SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) to perform intensive surface documentation of the Burro Tanks site (LA 32227) in Chaves County, New Mexico. This project was funded through the Permian Basin Mitigation Program. It is intended as a study of this site for use in future planning action and is not associated with a particular undertaking. The project area consists of a single block survey of 476 acres in southwestern Chaves...

  • A Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the Permian Basin MOA Area, Chaves and Eddy Counties, New Mexico (NMCRIS Activity No. 116929) (2010)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth McCormack. Douglas H. M. Boggess. Peggy Allison. Peggy Cordua. Brian Deaton. Victoria Menchaca. Tomasz Wasowski. Andrew Zink.

    Between November 2, 2009 and March 23, 2010, a Class III pedestrian survey of 3,358.91 acres (1,359.31 ha) was completed and divided into five parcels in Eddy and Chaves Counties, New Mexico (Lone Mountain Project Number 908-01). The lead agency for this project was the Bureau of Land Management - Carlsbad Field Office. The task of this project was to inventory and characterize the archaeological landscape in portions of the Permian Basin MOA area that are under-represented by previous...

  • The Laguna Plata Site Revisited: Current Testing and Analysis of New and Existing Assemblages at LA 5148, Lea County, New Mexico (2010)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Kenneth Brown. Marie E. Brown. Benjamin G. Bury. Peter C. Condon. Richard Doucett. Jeffrey R. Ferguson. Charles D. Frederick. Michael D. Glascock. Martha Graham. Richard G. Holloway. David A. Hyndman. Melissa K. Logan. Linda Perry. J. Michael Quigg. M. Steven Schackley. Regge Wiseman. Adriana Romero. Barbara M. Winsborough.

    This document, published by TRC Environmental, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico under contract with the Bureau of Land Management, Carlsbad Field Office, carried out the required archaeological and geomorphologic investigations at LA 5148, Lea County, New Mexico, as well as an analysis of existing artifact collections from the same site. Under the Bureau of Land Management’s Permian Basin Mitigation Program, TRC carried out Task Order 05 with the goal of providing a more comprehensive...

  • Synthesis of Excavation Data For the Permian Basin Mitigation Program (2009)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jim Railey. John Rissetto. Matthew Bandy.

    This document presents a synthesis of excavation data from the Permian Basin Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Area (Figure 1.1). This is the first task (Task 1) of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Permian Basin Mitigation Program. As specified in Request for Quotations (RFQ) L09PS00050, this task involves four subtasks: 1) compiling existing excavation data, 2) evaluating synthesis and research potential, 3) updating the BLM Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) geographic information system (GIS),...

  • Class III Inventory of 63 Miles of Seismic Line, Chaves County, New Mexico (1993)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text J.C. Acklen. Crollett. Seymour.

    The following update serves as a supplement to the comprehensive form prepared in 1973 by Don Sawyer for Burro Tanks Site. This site is one of the most important archaeological resources in southeast New Mexico. The site is one of the few Jornada Mogollon structural sites in the region, with evidence for occupations spanning all time periods from Paleoindian to protohistoric Apache. The present project was able to make several contributions to the record of Burro Tanks Site. Transect survey...

  • Cultural Resources Survey for the GECO-PRAKLA Seismic Project Chaves County, New Mexico (1993)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text John C. Acklen. Tianna Crollett. Deni J. Seymour.

    The following report summarizes the results of a Class III cultural resources inventory for seismic test lines in Chaves County, New Mexico. The proposed undertaking is on Bureau of Land Management property and State of New Mexico property. Sixteen complete and partial sections are overlain by an intersecting grid of survey lines which totaled 65 linear miles. Cultural resources encountered during survey included twenty-five newly recorded sites, two previously recorded sites, and 89 isolated...

  • Archeological Survey Report for Geophysical Service, Inc. Little Lucky Lake Prospect Seismic Testing Lines No. 1 and No. 2 Situated on Federal Lands in Chaves County New Mexico (1984)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Hunt. Robert J. Martin.

    Pecos Archeological Consultants undertook the archeological survey of two easements scheduled to be impacted by Geophysical Service, Inc. These easements are situated on federal lands in Chaves County, New Mexico. Ten archeological sites were recorded during this survey. Pecos Archeological Consultants is recommending that clearance be granted to Geophysical Service, Inc. project as planned, provided the archeological sites are avoided.

  • Archaeological Survey Report of Federal Land for the Proposed K.B. Kennedy Engineering Company Natural Gas Pipeline Right-Of-Way in Southeastern New Mexico (1975)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text John E. Beimly.

    This document is a report by the Eastern New Mexico Division of Conservation Archaeology, of Portales, New Mexico, conducted in June, 1975, under th direction of Dr. Cynthia Irwin-Williams, contracted with K.B. Kennedy Engineering Co., of Roswell, New Mexico. The purpose of the survey was to thoroughly search the proposed fifty foot right-of-way and adjacent land for any prehistoric or historic sites of archaeological interest and to recommend methods to mitigate any impact construction...