Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office

This project was developed with the BLM, New Mexico Carlsbad Field Office as a means of sharing archaeological data and information from the Permian Basin project. A number of reports and data from investigations by different CRM firms have been added to the collection. Digital Antiquity curators uploaded both the full reports and redacted versions of the reports (with confidential specific site location information removed from the text and illustrations). The metadata record for each report is generally available to tDAR users and the redacted versions of the reports can be accessed by registered tDAR users.


Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-3 of 3)

There are 3 Projects within this Collection [remove this filter]

  • Archaeological Prospection for Ring-Midden Features in Southeastern New Mexico Using Lidar Data: An Experimental Study
    PROJECT Uploaded by: Rebecca Wells

    SRI conducted an archaeological survey for ring-midden features using lidar data in three localities in the foothills of the Guadalupe Mountains and Sacramento Mountains in southeastern New Mexico. The unique shape and prominence of ring middens were identified by remote sensing data and then verified in the field within the sampled areas. The result supports the use of lidar data for project scoping and landscape-level studies, but cannot substitute for Section 106 inventory due to the...

  • An Assessment of Transect Recording Unit Survey and Subsurface Testing Methods at Four Sites in the Permian Basin, New Mexico
    PROJECT Michael Heilen.

    In September 2014, the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) contracted Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), (Contract No. L14PA00010) to perform an experimental project aimed at achieving a better understanding of how site-recording and subsurface-testing methods can be used to assess the subsurface potential of sites in southeastern New Mexico. At issue in this experiment is developing an informed, scientific understanding of the relationship...

  • Merchant Site Southeast New Mexico
    PROJECT Myles Miller.

    The Carlsbad Field Office contracted Versar, Inc. to conduct remedial archaeological data recovery excavations at the Merchant site (LA 43414), a complex village settlement in southeastern New Mexico. The Merchant site was excavated by the Lea County Archaeological Society (LCAS) from 1959 to 1965, but the results of the excavations were never fully reported. The site was fundamental to the definition of the Ochoa phase, but the nature of the phase had remained poorly known since the excavations...