EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,001-1,100 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. The treatises of Benvenuto Cellini on Goldsmithing and Architecture (1967)
  2. Töpferei in Afrika: Technologie (1967)
  3. Ursprung und Idee des europäischen Freilichtmuseums (1967)
  4. A wild wheat harvest in Turkey (1967)
  5. Zur jungpaläolithischen Kerbspitze (1967)
  6. О различиях керамической традиции афанасьевской и окуневской культур (1968)
  7. Древняя Сибирь (1968)
  8. Развитлэ течники в каменном веке (1968)
  9. Adzes from excavations at Sigatoka, Fiji (1968)
  10. Analytical archaeology (1968)
  11. Analytical Archaeology (1968)
  12. Arbeitsversuche mit dem Pressblechmodell aus dem römischen Museum Augsburg (1968)
  13. Archaeological lessons from an Apache Wickiup (1968)
  14. The archer's Bible (1968)
  15. Archäologische Funde und Beobachtungen vom Tauri-Oberlauf Neuguineas (1968)
  16. Astronomy and navigation in Polynesia and Micronesia (1968)
  17. Über die Kupferverhüttung der Bronzezeit: Schmelzversuche mit Kupferkieserzen (1968)
  18. Bibliographie der archäologisch-chemischen Literatur. [2]. Chemisch-physikalische Untersuchungen an Kunst- und Kulturgut, chemische Konservierungsverfahren, Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte der Technik (1968)
  19. Boats of the North (1968)
  20. Bronsgjutning i flerdelad form (1968)
  21. Bronze in der frühen Metallzeit Europas (1968)
  22. Chipping stones in the Outback (1968)
  23. Conferences on the Research of Agriculture Implements (1968)
  24. Considérations sur la Typologie et les Techniques dans le Paléolithique (1968)
  25. Der Gebrauch der Handspindel vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit (1968)
  26. Der Metallschmuck von Haithabu. Studien zur wikingischen Metallkunst (1968)
  27. Die Landwirtschaft im homerischen Zeitalter. With a contribution: Landwirtschaftliche Geräte (1968)
  28. Die Technik des Vergoldens bei den Baule, Elfenbeinküste (1968)
  29. Edge-ground cobbles and blade-making in the Northwest (1968)
  30. Eignung und Verwendung einheimischer Holzarten für prähistorische Pfeilbogen (1968)
  31. Ethnographic data and understanding the Pleistocene (1968)
  32. Experimental manufacture of wooden implements with tools of flaked stone (1968)
  33. Experimental storage of corn underground and its implications for Iron Age settlements (1968)
  34. Fijian material culture: a study of cultural context, function, and Change (1968)
  35. A functional analysis of certain chipped stone tools (1968)
  36. Functional analysis of flaked stone artifacts (1968)
  37. Greek oared ships (1968)
  38. Iron smelting experiments in protohistoric furnaces in Brezno (1968)
  39. Kannibalismus in Paläoanthropologie und Ethnologie (1968)
  40. Kilns: design, construction and operation (1968)
  41. Kæmpe-Karret (1968)
  42. Lebendige Archäologie (1968)
  43. Living archaeology. the Ngatatjara of Western Australia (1968)
  44. Man The Hunter (1968)
  45. Mesoamerican polyhedral cores and prismatic blades (1968)
  46. Metallurgie der Naturvölker (1968)
  47. Metallurgie und frühe Besiedlungsgeschichte Indonesiens (1968)
  48. Methodological considerations of the archaeological use of ethnographic data (1968)
  49. New perspectives in archaeology (1968)
  50. Note 1 from the experimental laboratory: experimentation as a means of constructing meaningful classifications of stone artefacts (1968)
  51. Note 2 from the experimental laboratory: flake geometrics (1968)
  52. Observations on harvesting with sickles in Iran (1968)
  53. Paläoethnographie und das Museum für Urgeschichte in Asparn an der Zaya, NÖ (1968)
  54. A partial report on research work concerning lithic typology and technology (1968)
  55. Pattern recognition from satellite altitudes (1968)
  56. The pestle and mortar: an ethnographic analogy for archaeology in Arnhem Land (1968)
  57. Rekonstruktionen getriebener Bronzegefäße (1968)
  58. Report of imitative ploughing experiments with copies of a prehistoric ard with passing through stilt (Døstrup-Type) 1962-68 (1968)
  59. Report on precursory experimentation with edge alterations of small flint flakes (1968)
  60. Rothamsted experimental station: report for 1968. Part 2: The Broadbalk wheat experiment. Herfordshire. (1968)
  61. Settlement archaeology (1968)
  62. Shai pots: the pottery industry of the Shai people of Southern Ghana (1968)
  63. The Skuldelev ships (1968)
  64. Solid Phase Welding of Metals (1968)
  65. State-wide Service Test of Fence Posts: Fifteen-year Progress Report, March 1968 (1968)
  66. Ston naip bilong tumbuna: the living stone age in New-Guinea (1968)
  67. Time's arrow and the archaeology of a contemporary community (1968)
  68. A treatise on iron ore as found in the bogs and swamps of Norway and the process of turning it into iron and steel (O. EVENSTAD) (1968)
  69. Töpferei in Afrika: Ökonomie und Soziologie (1968)
  70. Untersuchungen mittelalterlicher Keramik - vornehmlich aus Südwestdeutschland (1968)
  71. Urgeschichte des Hochrheins (1968)
  72. Village Planning in the Primitive World (1968)
  73. Zum Bootsbau auf Normanby Island, Neuguinea (1968)
  74. Zur Auswertung archäologischer Funde mit Hilfe von Computern (1968)
  75. Archäologische Interpretation und ethnographischer Befund: eine Analyse anhand rezenter Keramik des westlichen Amazonasbeckens. 2 parts (1969)
  76. The art of blacksmithing (1969)
  77. Badania doświadczalne nad wytopem żelaza. Słupia Nowa, pow. Bodzentyn (Góry Swiętokrzyskie) (1969)
  78. The basic tool kit required to make and notch arrow shafts for stone points (1969)
  79. A brief survey of agricultural implements and practices of the prehistoric period (1969)
  80. Can one cook in a skin? (1969)
  81. Chapter 17, Experimental archaeology (1969)
  82. Chemisch-analytische Untersuchung verschiedener archäologischer Funde. Dissertation (1969)
  83. Chip your own arrowheads (1969)
  84. Constitution of bloomery slags: Part I: Roman (1969)
  85. The contribution of Namib desert Hottentots to an understanding of australopithecine bone accumulations (1969)
  86. The Corbiac blade technique and other experiments (1969)
  87. The Corbiac blade technique and other experiments (1969)
  88. Craft Manual of North American Footwear (1969)
  89. Das Haithabuschiff: vorläufiger Bericht über der im Jahre 1953 im Haddebyer Moor entdeckte Schiffswrack (1969)
  90. Das Töpferhandwerk von Indonesien (1969)
  91. Den pædagogiske forsøgsvirksomhed. Undervisningsprogram og undervisningsmaterialer 1969 og 1970 (1969)
  92. Die Terra-sigillata-Manufaktur von Sinzig am Rhein (1969)
  93. Eksperiment med fortiden: redegørelse for planerne med det nystartede center (1969)
  94. El tesoro de Monte Albán (1969)
  95. Energy cost of load carried on the head, hands, and feet (1969)
  96. Es begann mit der Technik (1969)
  97. The ethno-archaeology of Hopi pottery making (1969)
  98. Ethnographic analogy and archaeological interpretation (1969)
  99. Ethnography and archaeological interpretation of funery remains (1969)
  100. Experiment in Iron Age Agriculture (1969)