EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 10,301-10,400 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Hunting with Howiesons Poort Segments: Pilot Experimental Study and the Functional Interpretation of Archaeological Tools (2008)
  2. Hunting, what? Early Mesolithic backed points in north-eastern Italy (2008)
  3. Hypothèse de Cavalerie Gauloise (2008)
  4. “If they come, we will build it”, The Bushy Dolmen story (2008)
  5. Im Schatten der Maus: Living History und historische Themenparks in den USA (2008)
  6. In praise of Slowness and Unpleasant Smells. Some Refelctions on the near Future of the Open-Air Museum (2008)
  7. Interaction between experimental archaeology and folklore - Latvian example (2008)
  8. Internal Changes for Meeting the Demands of Tomorrow (2008)
  9. Internal friction on bow limbs (2008)
  10. Into wilder places (2008)
  11. Introduction (2008)
  12. Introduction to Experimental Archaeology (2008)
  13. Iron Working in Denmark 500 BC - AD 1000. I: The Introduction of Iron in Eurasia (2008)
  14. Ishi’s Archery Tackle (2008)
  15. Jungsteinzeit aus Buchdeckeln befreit. Kulturvermittlung für Schulklassen im archeoParc Schnalstal (2008)
  16. Játszó és életmódtáborok Berszeny faluban (kisrozvágy kultúrtörténeti Emlékpark) (2008)
  17. K dějinám kostela sv. Jana Křtitele v Netolicích (2008)
  18. Know Thy Neighbour (2008)
  19. Koud!? (2008)
  20. Kulstof-14 datering af stenalderens keramik. Hvordan brændt mad, gamle fisk og en accelerator hænger sammen (2008)
  21. Kultur- und Naturgeschichte unter einem Dach (2008)
  22. A Kísérleti Régészet a tudományos Kutatás eszköze: egy paleolit példa Franciaországból (2008)
  23. Köesközkészítési kísérletek (2008)
  24. La arqueología experimental, una disciplina con alto potencial didáctico (2008)
  25. La Ciudadela Ibérica de Calafell. Balance (2008)
  26. La construction d’un grenier surélevé d’après les données archéologiques d’un habitat du haut Moyen Âge (2008)
  27. La Edad Media: entre la empatía y la experimentación. (2008)
  28. La Meule (2008)
  29. La Pêche à Travers Les Âges (2008)
  30. La valorisation de l’archéologie par la reconstitution. Panorama Européen (2008)
  31. Lagomar - Key to history as keys to the future - the baltic lagoons in a maritime cultural focus and in an interdisciplinary comparison (2008)
  32. Lake-dwelling building techniques in prehistory: driving wooden piles into lacustrine sediments (2008)
  33. Laubernte im Zentralmassiv heute. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Landwirtschaft (2008)
  34. Le Bouclier Gaulois (2008)
  35. Learning and Learning Outcomes on Open-Air Museums: Some Experiences from Sverreborg (2008)
  36. Lebendige Geschichte im Freilichtmuseum Bad Windsheim (2008)
  37. A Legio Brigetio bemutatása (2008)
  38. Les Tissus, Tissage Et Teinture (2008)
  39. Light versus Heavy Darts: Hunting Strategies of the Basketmaker and Other Atlatl Wielding Indians (2008)
  40. Lighthouse Tulum (2008)
  41. Linking Experimental Archaeology and Living History in the Heritage Industry (2008)
  42. liveARCH (2008)
  43. liveARCH in Italy: A Guide and a Conference on Archaeological Open Air Museums (2008)
  44. liveARCH: acht openluchtmusea voor kwaliteit (2008)
  45. Living encounters with history for the future (2008)
  46. Living History - lebendige Geschichte oder ein "Theater"? (2008)
  47. Living History im Museum - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer populären Vermittlungsform (2008)
  48. Living History in archäologischen Parks (2008)
  49. Living History in Freilichtmuseen. Neue Wege der Geschichtsvermittlung (2008)
  50. Living History in Museen - aus der Sicht von Akteuern (2008)
  51. Living History in Museen – aus der Sicht von Akteuren (2008)
  52. Living History in Scandinavian Open Air Museums - especially Den Gamle By (2008)
  53. Living History – nur eine Modeerscheinung oder ernsthafte Ergänzung der Museumspädagogik? (2008)
  54. Living History, Geschichtstheater und Museumstheater. Übergänge und Spannungsfelder (2008)
  55. Living History-Lebendige Geschichte oder Geschichte (er)leben? Möglichkeiten, Methoden und Grenzen am Beispiel des Rheinischen Freilichtmuseums Kommern (2008)
  56. Living together: the primitive art of social interaction (2008)
  57. Living with scorpions in the Southwest desert of Arizona (2008)
  58. Looking for a methodology burning wattle and daub housing structures – a preliminary report on an archaeological experiment (2008)
  59. Looking for prehistoric basketry and cordage using inorganic remains: the evidence from stone tools (2008)
  60. Lovasélet a nagykunságon (2008)
  61. Lusoria. Ein Römerschiff im Experiment. Rekonstruktion, Tests, Ergebnisse (2008)
  62. Léonce Demarez – Une vie pour l’archéologie (2008)
  63. L’Alimentation Gauloise (2008)
  64. M3 Archeopark - Polgár (2008)
  65. Making petroglyphs at Bushy Hill (2008)
  66. Making salt the medieval way (2008)
  67. Making stick dice (2008)
  68. Manufacture and use of bone points from early Neolithic Colle Santo Stefano, Abruzzo, Italy (2008)
  69. Marked, but unharmed (2008)
  70. Martial arts and materiality: a combat archaeology perspective on Aegean swords of the fifteenth and fourteenth centuries BC (2008)
  71. The "Massacre" at Fort William Henry - History, Archaeology and re-enactment (2008)
  72. Mat, musik och fäst. Experimentet som forsknings- och förmedlingsmetod 2008 (2008)
  73. Medieval Lead Glazes (2008)
  74. Migrations – a view afoot (2008)
  75. Mindful Visitors: Heritage and Tourism (2008)
  76. Mit Schulklassen ins Museum (2008)
  77. Mittelaltertage im Fränkischen Freilandmuseum Bad Windsheim. Eine Woche ohne Armbanduhr und Streihholz (2008)
  78. Modern analogy, cultural theory and experimental replication: a merging point at the cutting edge of archaeology (2008)
  79. Montans. Un village de potiers Gallo-Romains. Tarani, un Montanais au 1er siècle après Jésus-Christ (2008)
  80. More fun with oak trees (2008)
  81. Mořský hřebec z Glendalough (2008)
  82. Museum Experimentell – Experimentelle Archäologie und museale Vermittlung (2008)
  83. Museums and Outdoor Museums as Major Cultural Toursim Attractions (2008)
  84. Mútidézö múzeumpedagógai programok a Dunaújvárosi intercisa múzeumban (2008)
  85. Múzeumpedagógia a magyar földrajzi múzeumban (2008)
  86. A múzeumpedagógia Lehetöségei a kiállítótérben (2008)
  87. A múzeumpedagógia lehetöségei és gyakorlata az Aquincumi múzeumban (2008)
  88. The Nature of Scientific Experimentation in Archaeology: Experimental Archaeology from the Nineteenth to the mid Twentieth Century (2008)
  89. Navigation skills (2008)
  90. Neolithic bone needles and vegetal fibres working: experimentation and use-wear analysis (2008)
  91. Neue Versuche zur Herstellung von Daubenschalen (2008)
  92. A new element of trampling: an experimental application on the Level XII faunal record of Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain) (2008)
  93. Nur ein Spiel mit der Geschichte... Personale Geschichtsinterpretation im Rheinischen Freilichtmuseum Kommern (2008)
  94. O rekonstrukci pravěkých halových domů z technického pohledu (2008)
  95. Obstáculos epistemológicos, didácticos y pedagógicos para una enseñanza articulada de patrimonio? Historia I (2008)
  96. Old Rag Archeology: experimentation and excavation (2008)
  97. On learning about wild plants (2008)
  98. On the Future of Open Air Museums (2008)
  99. Open Air Museums and the Future - a Comment (2008)
  100. Open-Air Museums and the Preservation and Presentation of Recent History (2008)