EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,201-2,300 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Couler le Bronze Cole il y a 4000 ans (1980)
  2. Current research with ancient agriculture (1980)
  3. Damaszenerstahl (10-13) (1980)
  4. Das Töpferbuch (1980)
  5. De reconstructie van een ijzertijdhuis bij Orvelte, gemeente Westerbork (1980)
  6. De snijpasser, een middeleeuwse uitvinding? (1980)
  7. Der archäologische Park Xanten, Kreis Wesel (1980)
  8. Der jungsteinzeitliche Abbau auf Silex bei Kleinkems, Baden-Württemberg (1980)
  9. Des expérimentations a L'Archéodrome de Bourgogne (1980)
  10. A dictionary of terms and techniques in archaeology (1980)
  11. Die europäische Stadt: eine baugeschichtliche Studie über ihre Entstehung im Mittelalter (1980)
  12. Die Rasiermesser in Westeuropa (1980)
  13. Die Terra Sigillata: praktische Versuche mit Erden vom römischen Rheinzabern (1980)
  14. Early Medieval Metalworking on Helgö in Central Sweden (1980)
  15. Effect of minor constituents on liquidus temperature of synthetic blast-furnace slags (1980)
  16. Etude sur la couleur pourpre ancienne et tentative de reproduction du procédé de teinture de la ville de Tur décrit par Pline l’Ancien (1980)
  17. Excavation [of 2nd millennium BC settlements and enclosures] at Fengate, Peterborough, England: the third report (1980)
  18. Experiment in den Sozialwissenschaften (1980)
  19. An experiment in pottery firing (1980)
  20. Experimental burning of traditional Nguni huts (1980)
  21. Experimental butchery with modern stone tools and its relevance for palaeolithic archaeology (1980)
  22. An experimental comparison of the east Asian, Hellenistic and Indian (Gandharan) stills in relation to the distillation of ethanol and acetic acid (1980)
  23. Experimental determination of stone tool uses: a microwear analysis (1980)
  24. Experimental flake scatterpatterns: a new interpretative technique (1980)
  25. Experimenteller Getreideanbau im Hambacher Forst, Gemeinde Elsdorf, Kreis Bergheim/Rheinland (1980)
  26. Fabriquer des aiguilles à chas comme il y a 10000 ans (1980)
  27. Fabriquer des Liens et Cordages Préhistoriques (1980)
  28. Freilichtmuseen und Denkmalpflege, Tagungsbericht Cardiff 1978 / Open air museums and the preservation of monuments: Report of the Conference, Cardiff 1978 (1980)
  29. Furnaces, crucibles and slags (1980)
  30. Getreideanbau ohne Düngung (1980)
  31. Gravure et estampage des parures en bronze (1980)
  32. Gravure sur os et argile (1980)
  33. Grundlagen der Technologie der Keramik (1980)
  34. Guss in verlorener Form mit Bleimodellen (1980)
  35. Hand und Wort: die Evolution von Technik, Sprache und Kunst (1980)
  36. Hjerl Hede, Fredningen og frilandsmuseet ved Flyndersø (1980)
  37. I, The Aboriginal (1980)
  38. The Idea of an Historical Education (1980)
  39. Impressions - Butser Ancient Farm, Archaeological Research, Petersfield UK (1980)
  40. Jernaldergården på Ullandhaug - museum og forsøkgård (1980)
  41. Journal of the Society of Archer Antiquaries (61, Lambert Rd, Bridlington, E. Yorkshire) (1980)
  42. Keramikproduktion und Keramikhandel: methodische Probleme ihrer Erforschung (1980)
  43. Keresztény liturgiák építészete (1980)
  44. Kriegswesen: Angriffswaffen: Schwert, Dolch, Messer, Lanze, Speer, Keule (1980)
  45. L'archéologie expérimentale: quelques aspects de l'expérience anglaise (1980)
  46. Le Dépeçage des Animaux (1980)
  47. Le kayak Aléoute, vu par son constructeur et utilisateur et la chasse á la loutre de mer (1980)
  48. Lebens- und Arbeitsformen der Töpfer in der Südwesteifel (1980)
  49. The legionary scutum: part 1 (1980)
  50. Lithics (published from 1980 onwards) (1980)
  51. Livet på bopladsen (1980)
  52. Living archaeology (1980)
  53. Lykke høster korn: børn leger bronzealder med dragter, redskaber, våben og smykker som for 3000 år siden (1980)
  54. Measurements of Plough Damage and the Effect of Ploughing on Archaeological Material (1980)
  55. Measuring equipment (1980)
  56. Metody experimentu v archeologii (1980)
  57. Model experiments with ancient ships (1980)
  58. A Model of Chester Fortress (1980)
  59. The Museum and the Visually Impaired (1980)
  60. Museumsdorf Düppel (1980)
  61. Méthodes d'analyse technique, spatiale et fonctionnelle d'ensembles lithiques (1980)
  62. Neolithic engineering (1980)
  63. Neolithische Gerberwerkzeuge aus Knochen (1980)
  64. New Guinea gardens: a study of husbandry with parallels in prehistoric Europe (1980)
  65. A new project in Manchester (1980)
  66. Nordlandsbåden - analyseret og prøvesejlet af Vikingeskibshallens Bådelaug. Working papers 12 (1980)
  67. An Objective Test of the Effects of Heat Treatment of Flakeable Stone (1980)
  68. Oceanische Rindenstoffe: Tapa, ein ungewöhnliches Material (1980)
  69. Om at levendegøre oldtid, reprint from 1956 (1980)
  70. On experimental design and publication (1980)
  71. Optænding (1980)
  72. Peindre sur les parois de grottes (1980)
  73. Penetrating elephant hides with wood atlatl darts (1980)
  74. À Pincevent. Reconstitution des tentes de chasseurs de rennes (1980)
  75. A Pincevent. Reconstitution des tentes de chasseurs de rennes (1980)
  76. Prehistoire de la pierre taillée 1, terminologie et technologie (1980)
  77. Problems Encountered in the Replication of Iron Age Plant Husbandry (1980)
  78. Quand les archéologues revivent la préhistoire (1980)
  79. Reconstitution des Céramiques Préhistoriques (1980)
  80. The reconstruction and use of a Lorica Hamata (1980)
  81. The reconstruction of a Groma (1980)
  82. Reconstruction of techniques used to produce prehistoric nickel rich iron artifacts (1980)
  83. Reduktionsbrand im Sägespäneofen (1980)
  84. A replica of the Kyrenia Ship (1980)
  85. Rigasche Handschuhe aus dem 13.-15. Jh. (1980)
  86. Réflections sur le concept d’ethnoarcheologie (1980)
  87. Salish weaving (1980)
  88. Savoir utiliser les outils préhistoriques (1980)
  89. Scientific studies in early mining and extractive metallurgy (1980)
  90. A short history of the Ermine Street Guard (1980)
  91. Skrydstrup - kvindens dragt (1980)
  92. So bauten die Zimmerleute der Steinzeit (1980)
  93. Some recent experiments on Roman cooking (1980)
  94. Spatial Organization of the Work Areas of Three Contemporary Flintknappers (1980)
  95. Splint bliver købmand: børn leger vikingetid med dragter, redskaber, våben og smykker som for 1000 år siden (1980)
  96. Spätmittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Gewebefunde aus der Lübecker Innenstadt (1980)
  97. Starting from scratch: The history of edge wear research from 1838-1978 (1980)
  98. Stenalderbopladsen (Hjerl Hede) (1980)
  99. Stenalderens stammebåde - deres fremstilling og brug (1980)
  100. Stærke Eigil i viking (1980)