EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,401-3,500 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Influence of the Ore Smelting Course on the Slag Microstructures at Early Ironmaking, usable as Identification Basis for the Furnace Process Employed (1986)
  2. Inside the Priest’s Mind: the Construction of Circle 2 (1986)
  3. Investigating microwear polishes with blind tests (1986)
  4. The Irish National Heritage Park feasibility study. Marketing consultants' unpublished report (1986)
  5. J. Coates & S. McGrail (eds.) The Greek Trireme of the 5th century BC. National Maritime Museum, 1985. (1986)
  6. Jahrestagung der Arbeitskreise Archäometrie (1986)
  7. Jernudvindingsanlæg i Danmark fra forhistorisk og historisk tid (1986)
  8. Keramiktechnologie und Brennofen: Untersuchungen und Rekonstruktionen zur Töpferei des 13. Jahrhunderts am Koberg zu Lübeck (1986)
  9. Kraft und Aggression: die Botschaft der Eiszeitkunst im Aurignacien Süddeutschlands? (1986)
  10. The "Krampmacken" project (1986)
  11. Kritische Gegenüberstellung der Theorien über die Metallurgie des Rennfeuers (1986)
  12. Kunst und Handwerk im frühen Mittelalter: archäologische Zeugnisse von Childerich 1. bis zu Karl dem Grossen (1986)
  13. Kyrenia II (1986)
  14. L'archéologie dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire (1986)
  15. L'outillage traditionnel du tailleur de pierre de l'antiquité à nos jours (1986)
  16. La céramologie préhistorique expérimentale (1986)
  17. Le Bois De Vache: This Chip's For You (1986)
  18. Les outils emmanches des lacs Suisse (1986)
  19. Litteratur (1986)
  20. Local knowledge and ethnoarchaeology: an approach to Dene settlement systems (1986)
  21. Loess bricks in Britain (1986)
  22. Look and learn at the Lunt (1986)
  23. The Maldive Mystery (1986)
  24. Man the manipulator: an ethnoarchaeological basis for reconstructing the past (1986)
  25. Manufacturing of drum skins and tendon strings for prehistoric musical instruments (1986)
  26. Marketing the past (1986)
  27. Marokkanische Töpferei: Töpferorte und -zentren; eine Landesaufnahme = Poterie Marocaine: localités de potiers et centres de poterie; une inventaire sur tout le pays (1986)
  28. Maschenstoffe und ihre gesellschaftliche Funktion am Beispiel der Kwoma von Papua Neuguinea (1986)
  29. Measuring Sailing Rig Performance (1986)
  30. Mensch und Umwelt im Mittelalter (1986)
  31. Mesolithic Dug-outs and Paddles from Tybrind Vig, Denmark (1986)
  32. The metallography of early ferrous edge tools and edged weapons (1986)
  33. Microscopic use-wear traces (1986)
  34. Microtracéologie fonctionelle sur l'os: quelques résultats expérimentaux - Outillage peu elaboré en os et en bois de cervidés II (artefact 3) (1986)
  35. Microwear traces on porphry and halleflint. Preliminary results of experiments (1986)
  36. Mittelalterliche Bauernkleidung um 1200: Erfahrungen bei Rekonstruktionsversuchen für das Museumsdorf Düppel in Berlin (1986)
  37. Morphological Projectile Point Typology: Replication Experimentation and Technological Analysis (1986)
  38. Museale Vermittlung ur- und frühgeschichtlicher Forschungsergebnisse. Grundzüge der Vermittlung von Ur-und Frühgeschichte in ausgewählten Museen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1986)
  39. Museumsdorf Düppel: lebendiges Mittelalter in Berlin (1986)
  40. Mänstrada brickband (1986)
  41. Mönster (1986)
  42. New Sun Circle Draws Crowds (1986)
  43. Nogle taxonomiske og nomenklatoriske bemærkninger til studiet at flintteknologi - experimentellt og arkæologisk (1986)
  44. Nye "romerske" fresko-malerier i kirken på Hjerl Hede (1986)
  45. Några ord om barn, stötkantkärnor och Pieces Escuillées (1986)
  46. Obilne jámy v zaniklych Mstenicich. Die Getreidegruben in der Wüstung Mstenicich (1986)
  47. Old Sturbridge Village introduces social conflict into its interpretive story (1986)
  48. On Roman Cookery books (1986)
  49. Operation Viking. (Skuldelev Knarr Replica) (1986)
  50. Origins of agricultural production in the light of coordinated experiments (1986)
  51. Paläobotanik: vom neolithischen Akkerbau im Rheinland (1986)
  52. Pottery usage: observations made at Groby Iron Age farmstead during the summer of 1985 (1986)
  53. Prehistoric basketry (1986)
  54. The Prehistory of Metallurgy in the British Isles (1986)
  55. Presenting Archaeology to Young People (1986)
  56. Presenting the Past: Essays on history and the public (1986)
  57. The Prestatyn excavation: education, presentation and video (1986)
  58. Primitive furnaces and the development of metallurgy (1986)
  59. A Progress Report on the Reconstruction of the American Bloomery Process (1986)
  60. Proposals for Building a Saxon Trading Ship for Hamwih, Southampton (1986)
  61. Propulsion by sail (1986)
  62. Pädagogische Psychologie (1986)
  63. Qajaq: Kayaks of Siberia and Alaska (1986)
  64. The Årby Boat Replica (1986)
  65. Reading the Past: current approaches to interpretation in archaeology (1986)
  66. Reconstructing Projectiles from their stone points (1986)
  67. The reconstruction of a cornu (1986)
  68. The reconstruction of an Iron Age roundhouse at Castell Henllys, Dyfed (1986)
  69. The reconstruction of the Marble Court and adjacent areas (1986)
  70. Recording Living Traditions of Square-Sail Rigged Norwegian Boats (1986)
  71. Recording the Trial Run (1986)
  72. Reed-Boat Experiments on Particular Aspects of Sailing on the Wind (1986)
  73. Rekonstruktion af Egernsundprammen (1986)
  74. A Reply to Callahan (1986)
  75. A Reply to Edwards (1986)
  76. A Reply to Thurman (1986)
  77. Report on Museums and Education, International Seminar held in Guadalajara, Mexico (1986)
  78. Restauratorische Untersuchungsmethoden und Rekonstruktionsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel urnenfelderzeitlichen Kopfschmucks (1986)
  79. Ridged fileds and profiles of plough-furrows. Ploughing practices in Medieval and post-medieval times. A study in experimental archaeology (1986)
  80. Roar fra Roskilde (1986)
  81. The "Roar" - Project (1986)
  82. Rowing - the Physiological Background (1986)
  83. Rund ums Essen (1986)
  84. Sailing into the Past. The International Ship Replica Seminar, Roskilde 1984 (1986)
  85. Sakrale Töpferei der Lobi in Burkina Faso (1986)
  86. Salt, sodd og brikkevevde bånd (1986)
  87. Sammanfogning av flintor från de nordsvenska flintfyndplatserna. Belägg för Kombewa-metoden i Kusmark och Kallbäcken (1986)
  88. Sammensætning af flint (1986)
  89. SEM-analysis of wear features on experimental quartz tools (1986)
  90. Simulated manufacture of prehistoric ceramic drums (1986)
  91. Skaftning av stiklar: experiment och bruksskadeanalys, BA Dissertation (1986)
  92. Smelting laterites in a experimental bowl furnace (1986)
  93. So bauten die Inka: Strassen - Brücken - Bewässerungsanlagen - Häuser - Städte im alten Peru (1986)
  94. So nährten sich die Inka (1986)
  95. Some aspects of the origin of the blast furnace (1986)
  96. Steering Experience with Square Rigged Vessels (1986)
  97. Stone Age sites in the making: experiments in the formation and transformation of archaeological occurences (1986)
  98. Stone circles and megalith geometry: an experiment to test alternative design practices (1986)
  99. Stone tool use at five Neolithic sites in the Netherlands: a lithic use-wear analysis, thesis (1986)
  100. Studien zur Technologie der Teer- und Pechgewinnung anhand der slawischen Keramik mit Teer- und Pechverkrustungen vom 7. bis 12. Jh. in Mecklenburg. Unpublished Diplomarbeit (1986)