EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,501-3,600 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. The study of material culture today: toward an anthropology of technical systems (1986)
  2. Studying the effect on clay using x-ray diffraction analysis: the role of firing duration in the assessment of ancient firing (1986)
  3. Sur l'usage des microlithes comme armatures de projectiles (1986)
  4. Surface finishes on “haematite-coated” pottery from southern England (1986)
  5. Svend Jørgensen, Tree felling with Original Neolithic flint axes in Draved Wood, National Museum of Denmark, 1985. (1986)
  6. Sweet Track to Glastonbury (1986)
  7. Systematic butchery by Plio/Pleistocene hominids at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (1986)
  8. Technical aspects of microwear studies on stone tools (1986)
  9. Technologie du débitage à Mureybet, Syrie - 9e-8e millénaire (1986)
  10. Technologie lithique: une méthode appliquée à l’étude de deux séries du Périgordien ancien: Roc de Combe c8, la Côte niveau III. Tesis de tercer cicclo (1986)
  11. Technology and the primitive potter: Missisipian pottery development seen through the eyes of a ceramic engineer (1986)
  12. Testing Wash-Through Watercraft in Three Oceans (1986)
  13. The Textile Workshop in the Lejre Research Centre, DK (1986)
  14. Theoretische Erörterungen und praktische Versuche zur frühen Drehscheibenware im Berliner Raum (1986)
  15. Tifaifai and quilts of Polynesia (1986)
  16. Tillverkning (1986)
  17. Tim Severin, The Jason Voyage, Hutchinson 1985 (1986)
  18. Tools used for Boat Building in ancient and more modern times (1986)
  19. Traces Macroscopiques d’Utilisation sur les Propulseurs Paléolithiques (1986)
  20. Traditional fishing in the Pacific: ethnographical and archaeological papers (1986)
  21. Traditional fishing strategies on Losap atoll: ethnographic reconstruction and the problems of innovation and adaptation (1986)
  22. Trampling as a cause of bone surface damage and pseudo-cutmarks (1986)
  23. Töpfer, Ton und Teufel: über Religion und Magie der spanischen Töpfer (1986)
  24. Töpferei bei den Lyela in Burkina Faso (1986)
  25. Tøj og mode i oldtiden (1986)
  26. Ullmanns Encyklopädie der Technischen Chemie (1986)
  27. Unretouched blades in the late Mesolithic of South Scandinavia. A functional study (1986)
  28. Uppsättning (1986)
  29. Use of preheated air in primitive furnaces: Comments on views of Avery and Schmidt (1986)
  30. Use wear and post-depositional surface modification: a word of caution (1986)
  31. Use wear and post-depositional surface modification: a word of caution (1986)
  32. Use-wear analysis of flaked stone tools (1986)
  33. The usefulness of a permanent experimental centre? (1986)
  34. Varptyngd vävstol (1986)
  35. Versuche experimenteller Archäologie in Kukate (1986)
  36. Viking, a Gokstad ship replica from 1893 (1986)
  37. Von der Grabung zur Rekonstruktion - ein neues Modell zu den Anfängen des Hausbaues im Rheinland (1986)
  38. Vävförslag (1986)
  39. Vävmaterial (1986)
  40. Vävning (1986)
  41. What microwear analists look at (1986)
  42. Wind action on stone artifacts: an experiment in site modification (1986)
  43. Wood Species in Viking Age Shipbuilding (1986)
  44. Zur Herstellung bronzener Lappenbeile (1986)
  45. Эпоха бронзы лесной полосы СССР (1987)
  46. Agricultural experiments in raised fields in the Titicaca basin, Peru: preliminary considerations (1987)
  47. The Aho Tapu - the sacred thread: traditional Maori weaving (1987)
  48. Ancient farming (1987)
  49. Ancient textiles - modern technology (1987)
  50. Anmerkungen zum Archäologischen Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (1987)
  51. Aproximación al marco conceptual de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales (1987)
  52. Archaeology as Education. Archaeological Review from Cambridge (1987)
  53. Archaeometry: an introduction to physical methods in archaeology and the history of art (1987)
  54. Archäologie im Experiment (1987)
  55. Archäologie in Peru, Archäometrie: Ergebnisse (1987)
  56. Archäologie und Chemie: Einblicke in der Vergangenheit (1987)
  57. Arkeologi som tro och museet som tempel? (1987)
  58. Arnljot, vikingabåten i Gällö (1987)
  59. Artifacts, surfaces and the SEM (1987)
  60. Aspects of viking age ship building in the light of the construction and trials of the Skuldelev ship-replicas Saga Siglar and Roar Ege (1987)
  61. The Athenian Trieres reconstruction (1987)
  62. The Athenian Trireme (1987)
  63. Att rekonstruera. Varför inte för Ulf Näsman (reaction on Näsman, Ulf (1986)) (1987)
  64. Authenticity in the replica Athenian Trieres (1987)
  65. Axel Steensberg: Man the manipulator. An ethno-archaeological basis for reconstructing the past, National Museum of Denmark, 1986 (1987)
  66. Bakgrund (1987)
  67. Bauen und Wohnen (1987)
  68. Bernsteinverarbeitung in der Jungsteinzeit (1987)
  69. A bibliography on cremation (1987)
  70. The bipolar technique in southern Africa: a replication experiment (1987)
  71. Biskupin reserwat archeologiczny (1987)
  72. Bordläggningen (1987)
  73. Bottenstockarna (1987)
  74. Brot in der Urzeit Mitteleuropas (1987)
  75. Building and rebuilding the Roman wall (1987)
  76. Burnt lime products and social implications in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of the Near East (1987)
  77. The Butser Ancient Farm - year book 1986 (1987)
  78. Butser Ancient Farm Project Data Book (1987)
  79. Bäume & Sträucher (1987)
  80. Båtens egenskaper (1987)
  81. Båttermer (1987)
  82. Cambodunum. Der gallo-römische Tempdbezirk von Cambodunum-Kempten (1987)
  83. The change from charcoal to coke in iron smelting (1987)
  84. A charcoal burn and attempt at smelting iron with an open bowl furnace (1987)
  85. Colonia Ulpia Traiana: Arbeit, Handwerk und Berufe in der römischen Stadt (1987)
  86. A comparison of Sail Control Methods in Second Century Egypt and in Viking Gotland [Krampmacken] (1987)
  87. Contemporary specialization and marketing of manos and metates in the Maya highlands (1987)
  88. Damaszenerstahl - eine alte Schmiedetechnik, eine Bildensammlung zur westfälischen Landeskunde (1987)
  89. De Laplace a Harris: l'exemple experimental del jaciment de L'Esquerda (1987)
  90. De två översta borden (1987)
  91. Der Rundwebstuhl - eine spezielle Form des senkrechten Gewichtswebstuhls (1987)
  92. Der Wagen aus dem Fürstengrabhügel von Hochdorf. Vierrädrige Wagen der Hallstattzeit – Untersuchungen zu Geschichte und Technik (1987)
  93. Des lycéens reconstruisent un monument d'Alésia (1987)
  94. The Development and application of microwear analysis since 1964 (1987)
  95. Die Bemalte Irdenware der Renaissance in Mitteleuropa: Ausstrahlungen und Verbindungen der Produktionszentren im gesamteuropäischen Rahmen (1987)
  96. Die ersten Steinwerkzeuge (1987)
  97. Die mittelalterliche Landschaft und Vegetation am Krummen Fenn (1987)
  98. Die Rekonstruktionen auf der Altburg bei Bundenbach (1987)
  99. Die Rohmaterialien des Töpfers (1987)
  100. Die spätslawische Pechsiederei und Grubenköhlerei im Wermdorfer Forst, Kr. Oschatz (1987)