EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,601-3,700 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Die Umwelt prähistorischer und mittelalterlicher Siedlungen – Rekonstruktion aus botanischen Untersuchungen an archäologischen Material (1987)
  2. Dix ans d'experimentation: le feu entre terre et métal. (1987)
  3. Drill bits from Abu Salabikh, Iraq (Table-Rond C.N.R.S. Manches et Emmanchements préhistoriques) (1987)
  4. Dwellings: the house across the world (1987)
  5. The early history of metallurgy in Europe (1987)
  6. Economic specialization and construction personnel in Classic period Copan, Honduras (1987)
  7. Een staande Romeinse oven als warm experiment te Melle, Melle (1987)
  8. Effects of burning on faunal remains (1987)
  9. Effects of temper on ceramic abrasion resistance: a preliminary investigation (1987)
  10. The effects of water on processes of ceramic abrasion (1987)
  11. Ein Experiment zur Abschlagtechnologie (1987)
  12. Ein rekonstruierter frühmittelalterlicher Hofplatz bei Münster - ein Erfahrungsbericht aus pädagogischer Sicht (1987)
  13. Ein rekonstruiertes sächsisches Hallenhaus im Archäologischen Freilichtmuseum in Oerlinghausen (1987)
  14. Ein Webstuhlbefund aus Gars-Thunau. Rekonstruktionsversuch und Funktionsanalyse (1987)
  15. En hørskjorte fra 1000-årenes Viborg (1987)
  16. Ernährungsgewohnheiten ur- und frühgeschichtlicher Bevölkerungen: Ergebnisse der Analyse von Spurenelementen und stabilen Isotopen an Knochen (1987)
  17. The ethnoarchaeology of abandonment in a northern Finnish farming community. (Oulu) (1987)
  18. Etude thermique de fours de type néolithique à cuisson enfumée et production de céramiques noires (1987)
  19. An evaluation of the lithic technology in Middle Sweden during the Mesolithic and Neolithic (The Suilver Book) (1987)
  20. Experiment (1987)
  21. Experiment på gott och ont (1987)
  22. Experimental archaeology in Sweden (1987)
  23. Experimental housebuilding project 87/88 (1987)
  24. Experimental investigation of the heat treatment of flint (1987)
  25. An Experimental Method of Chipped Stone Point Classification (1987)
  26. Experimental replication of fluvial abrasion and the interpretation of surface remains on Southwestern Bajadas (1987)
  27. Experimental studies on early iron-making [Dissertation] (1987)
  28. Experimental use wear analysis of bone tools (1987)
  29. Experimental zooarchaeology (1987)
  30. Experimentally derived criteria for assessing hydrologic disturbance of archaeological sites (1987)
  31. Experimentelle Archäologie - eine Aufgabe der Denkmalpflege? (1987)
  32. Experimentelle Erfahrung: eine wissenschaftstheoretische Studie über die Rolle des Experiments in der Begriffs- und Theoriebildung der Physik (1987)
  33. Experiments in archaeology in the Aisne Valley near Soissons, France (1987)
  34. Experiments in reduction firing: the Bickley experiments (1987)
  35. Expérimentation de la cuisson céramiques néolithiques (1987)
  36. Farming Through the Ages, activity book (1987)
  37. Feuerstein: Rohstoff der Steinzeit - Bergbau und Bearbeitungstechnik (1987)
  38. Fiske med trä- och benkrokar (1987)
  39. Fiskskinn (1987)
  40. Flintknapping in Scandinavia (1987)
  41. Flintknapping: an emic perspective (1987)
  42. The formation of flakes (1987)
  43. Forntida Teknik - Experimentell Arkeologi (1987)
  44. The Fragmentation of Pottery in the Ploughsoil (1987)
  45. Freilichtmuseen und ihre Besucher – eine sozialgeographische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Museumdorfes Cloppenburg, Niedersächsiches Freilichtmuseum (1987)
  46. Freilichtmuseum Palz Tilleda, Kr. Sangerhausen (1987)
  47. Frå Malm i myra til stål i smia. Artikkelsamling om det utvida skoleprosjektet <<Jarnvinna>> ved Skogn Umgdomsskole (1987)
  48. Färdigställandet (1987)
  49. Glasperlen der vorrömischen Eisenzeit II (1987)
  50. Glaspärlor (1987)
  51. Hafting and retooling at Verberie (1987)
  52. Hand und Wort: die Evolution von Technik, Sprache und Kunst (1987)
  53. The Heritage Industry (1987)
  54. Holding Your Ground (1987)
  55. Hölzerne Mauern (1987)
  56. Indianisches Bogenschießen (1987)
  57. Ingenieurarbeiten bei der Wiederaufrichtung des Traian-Heiligtums in Pergamon (1987)
  58. Introduction: inventing traditions (1987)
  59. The Invention of Tradition (1987)
  60. J.S. Morrisson & J.F. Coates: the Athenian Trireme: the history and reconstruction of an ancient Greek warship, Cambridge University Press, 1986 (1987)
  61. Jern? i hui og hast: Litt stovsugermetallurgi i Trofaiach (1987)
  62. Jernalderen (1987)
  63. K otázce stravy ve staroslovanském období (experiment v Brezne) (1987)
  64. Kankyo seibi jigyo keikaku no gaiyo. [Outline of Seibi project] (1987)
  65. Kyrenia II (1987)
  66. Kyrenia II (1987)
  67. Köl och stävar (1987)
  68. L'emmanchement au Moustérien (1987)
  69. La céramologie préhistorique expérimentale (1987)
  70. La Lessinia: un ambiente "didattico" da quasi 500 mila anni (1987)
  71. Laboratorní testování procesů v kolomazných pecích v souvislosti s úpravami pece u Plzně-Bolevce. (1987)
  72. Le projet Roar Ege. Reconstitution et expérimentation d'un caboteur viking (1987)
  73. Learning patterns, potter interaction and ceramic style among the Luo of Kenya (1987)
  74. Leben im mittelalterlichen Dorf: Teil 1 und 2 (1987)
  75. Lehm-Fachwerk. Alte Technik neu entdeckt (1987)
  76. Les hommes et le bois (1987)
  77. Literaturzusammenstellung über Holzteer und Holzpech: Gewinnung, Anwendung, Chemie, Geschichte; zusammengestellt für das Museumsdorf Düppel (1987)
  78. Lithic studies among the contemporary highland Maya (1987)
  79. Litteratur (1987)
  80. Method and theory for activity area research: an ethnoarchaeological approach (1987)
  81. Metodologické zvlástnosti experimentu v archeologii (Czechian) With German summary: Methodologische Besonderheiten des Experiments in der Archäologie (1987)
  82. Microflaking Quantification. (1987)
  83. Mjukgörning av ben och horn (1987)
  84. Modernisering in de ijzertijd? - veranderingen in Eindhoven (1987)
  85. Morphology of splintered pieces in the light of the experimental method (1987)
  86. Moulded Chimu pottery from the north coast of Peru (1987)
  87. Människa - Natur - Teknik (1987)
  88. Människa Natur Teknik – Projektarbeten 1987 (1987)
  89. Mörigen, Die spätbronzezeitlichen Funde (1987)
  90. Mønstersmiing – en enestående teknikk i jernalderen (1987)
  91. Neolithic domed kilns (1987)
  92. A Neolithic site at Yung Long, Hong Kong (1987)
  93. New approaches to prehistoric land-use reconstruction in south-western Germany (1987)
  94. Note on firing an experimental box oven (1987)
  95. A Note on Indian Bow Making, or the Secrets of Sinew Revealed (1987)
  96. Om arkeologi (1987)
  97. On accuracy and relevance in lithic use-wear analysis (1987)
  98. On the alleged complexity of early and recent iron smelting in Africa: Further comments on the preheating hypothesis (1987)
  99. On the use-wear of stone adzes and axes and its implication for the assessment of humans handedness (1987)
  100. The ore-slag technology links: Examples from bloomery and blast furnace sites in Dalarna, Sweden (1987)