EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,401-6,500 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. I reperti paleontologici del giacimento paleolitico di Isernia La Pineta. L'uomo e l'ambiente (1996)
  2. In Defense of Level II (1996)
  3. An Iron Age cloack with tablet-woven borders: a new interpretation of the method of production (1996)
  4. The Iron Age farm - an on site museum. The first reconstruction of a prehistoric habitation site in Norway (1996)
  5. Iron smelting in Denmark from c. 100 BC to c. 400 AD (1996)
  6. It's fun to dwell in the past. Levende geschiedenis in het spanningsveld tussen educatie en commercie. Doctoraal-scriptie (1996)
  7. Jernalder i Danmark og Gudme (1996)
  8. Jernalderhus i flammer - et brandeksperiment med store perspektiver [The burning of an Iron Age house - an experiment holding wide perspectives] (1996)
  9. Jernalderknive (1996)
  10. Jernkapper i bronzealderens gravhøje - forsøg med en minimodel at Egtved-pigens gravhøj [The formation of iron sediments in Bronze Age mounds - experiments with a small-scale model of the Egtved girl] (1996)
  11. Keltisches Bier aus Hochdorf (1996)
  12. Komplizierte Gussverfahren für bronzezeitliche Ringgehänge (1996)
  13. Koninklijke patronage: De edelsmid van Wijnaldum (Fr) (1996)
  14. L'oferta pedagógica del Museu de Gavá: l'exemple de les mines prehistóriques (1996)
  15. La Curtis de Charavines. Interprétations et reconstitutions architecturales, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  16. La funzione dell'ossidiana. Un approccio sperimentale al problema (1996)
  17. La interrelació entre docència i investigació en arqueologia (1996)
  18. La région du Viroin du temps des cavernes au temps des châteaux (1996)
  19. La simulación arqueológica como instrumento didáctico: la experiencia del Taller de Arqueología 4 de Valencia (1996)
  20. La technologie dans les ateliers céramiques bourguignons à la période romaine (1996)
  21. Langobardenwerkstatt Zethlingen - Eine Historische Werkstatt mit Experimentiergelände im Altmarkkreis Salzwedel (1996)
  22. Le nouveau Préhistorama (1996)
  23. Le Parc Archéologique de Beynac (1996)
  24. Le Parc Archéologique de Beynac (1996)
  25. Le Parc Archéologique de Beynac, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  26. Le Parc Pyrénéen d’Art Préhistorique, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  27. Les maisons néolithiques de Khirokitia (Chypre), Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  28. Les multicoques Océaniens et le peuplement de la Polynésie, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  29. Les techniques de construction de l'habitat antique de Lattes (1996)
  30. Letter to Editor (1996)
  31. Letter to Editor (1996)
  32. Letter to Editor (1996)
  33. Liptovska Mara – včasnohistoricke centrum severneho Slovenska (1996)
  34. Liptovská Mara. Ein fühgeschichtliches Zentrum der Nord-Slowakei (1996)
  35. Livet i jernalderen. En undervisningsmappe med tre temaer om livet i jernalderen (1996)
  36. The lost technology of Ancient Greek rowing (1996)
  37. Magic kindom or a quixotic quest for authenticity (1996)
  38. Making Iroquois-Style twined cornhusk moccasins (1996)
  39. Managing Cultural Resources for the Tourist (1996)
  40. Manual for a technological approach to ground stone analysis. (1996)
  41. Mickey Mouse History, and Other Essays on American Memory (1996)
  42. Mines, mineurs et métallurgistes préhistoriques, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  43. Mit dem Pfeil, dem Bogen..., Technik der steinzeitlichen Jagd, Begleitschrift zur Ausstellung des Staatlichen Museums für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte Oldenburg (1996)
  44. More to the past than authenticity: an examination of archaeological reconstruction sites. Unpublished dissertation for post-graduate Diploma in Heritage Interpretation (1996)
  45. Museen zwischen Markt und Staat (1996)
  46. Museums and the Natural Environment (1996)
  47. Museumspädagogik in der Praxis. Zehn Jahre museumspädagogische Arbeit am Frankfurter Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte (1996)
  48. Nadelbindung. Ein Fingerhandschuh (1996)
  49. Nederlanders doen te weinig met archeologisch erfgoed (1996)
  50. Netolice v počátcích českého státu. Přemyslovci, Slavníkovci (?) a český jihozápad (1996)
  51. Neues aus dem Mittelalter. Experimentelle Archäologie im Museumsdorf Düppel (1996)
  52. A new experimental study on percussion marks and notches and their bearing on the interpretation of hammerstone-broken faunal assemblages (1996)
  53. Ochrana dřeva (1996)
  54. Oldtidens brændenældeklæde, forsøg med fremstilling af brændenældegarn (1996)
  55. Oldtidens landbrug - forsøg med jernalderens agerbrug [Prehistoric farming - experiments with Iron Age agriculture] (1996)
  56. On claims for "Advanced" Ironworking Technology in Precolonial Africa (1996)
  57. Pfeil und Bogen, Eine archäologisch-technologische Untersuchung zu urnenfelder- und hallstattzeitlichen Befunden (1996)
  58. Piglets in the peat - why are they still there after several months? (1996)
  59. Piroges monoxyles d'Europe central. Construction, typologie, evolution (1996)
  60. Plädoyer für experimentelle Erfahrungsformen. Wodurch unterscheidet sich reale und virtuelle Interaktion? (1996)
  61. Podrjetlo gradevinskog kamena i dekoracija u kamenu, te tehnike gradnje na rezidencijalnom kompleksu uvali Verige na Brijunima. On the origin of construction stone and stone decorations and on the construction techniques applied in the building of the res (1996)
  62. Pompeii scabards (some reconstructions) (1996)
  63. Possesed by the past, The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History (1996)
  64. Preheating: Practice or Illusion? (1996)
  65. Prehistoric Iron Technology in Denmark (1996)
  66. Primitive skills in today's schools. Proposal for a primitive skills workshop (1996)
  67. Razvoj loncarskih peci i tehnologije pecenja na prapovijesnim i antickim primjerima [Development of Kilns and firing Technology of prehistoric and early Roman Pottery] (1996)
  68. Recerca I divulgació arqueológica. Cami per al desenvolupament d'estratégies interdisciplinars a l'ESO (1996)
  69. Recording timber-framed buildings: an illustrated glossary (1996)
  70. Reiter wie Statuen aus Erz. Rekonstruktion und Erprobung einer römischen Paraderüstung für den Archäologischen Park Carnuntum (1996)
  71. Rekonstruksjon av vikingtidshus. (Reconstructing Viking Age houses) (1996)
  72. Rekonstruktion af stavkirken fra Hørning (The reconstruction of the Hørning stave church [Jylland]) (1996)
  73. Rekonstruktion eines römischen Kästchens aus Müllendorf (1996)
  74. Rekonstruktion und Erprobung einer "römischen Paraderüstung" des frühen 3. Jhd. n. Chr. (1996)
  75. Reproducing a Bronze Age dagger from the Thames: staments and questions (1996)
  76. Republican Roman Army 200 - 104 BC (1996)
  77. A review of Whitakker (1994): flintknapping: making and understanding stone tools (1996)
  78. Rock cristal. The key to cut glass and diatreta in Persia and Rome (1996)
  79. Samara, reconstitutions de barques fluviales, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  80. Senie mājokļi Latvijā. No vissenākajiem laikiem līdz 13. gs. (1996)
  81. Sharing old ways with the young (1996)
  82. Sites boucherie à éléphants et hippopotames au Paléolithique inférieur, en Afrique orientale, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  83. Skärvsten - vad är det ? En experimentell studie. CD-upps Umeå vt 96 (1996)
  84. Social prehistory on Scottish Lochs (1996)
  85. Some comments on a continuing debate (1996)
  86. Something old, something new: what do social studies teachers need to know? (1996)
  87. Spinning (bunny) tails: an adventure in experimental archaeology (1996)
  88. 'Squaring the circle': Bede meets the tourists! (1996)
  89. Stein auf Stein. Baumaterial und Bauhandwerk der Römer (1996)
  90. Stone tools: theoretical insights into human prehistory (1996)
  91. The study of marble and other stones used in Antiquity (Archetype) (1996)
  92. A study of microscopic polish on flint implements (1996)
  93. A Teacher's Guide to Ancient Technology (1996)
  94. Teaching primitive skills to children (1996)
  95. Teaching primitive skills to youth through the scouting program (1996)
  96. Technique de formage des chaudrons gallo-romains en alliage cuivreux: les découvertes d'Alspach (Haut-Rhin) et d'Hettange-Grande (Moselle) (1996)
  97. Tecniche edilizie e materiali da costruzione dall'abitato di età romana di Calvatone (Cr) (1996)
  98. Teer aus Holz. Führungsblatt Museumsdorf Düppel (1996)
  99. Tesařstvi (1996)
  100. Textiles in European Archaeology. Papers 6th meeting North European symposium arch. textiles 7th-11th May 1995, Borås (1996)