EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,701-6,800 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. La construction d'une ferme néolithique, comme il y a 5000 ans (1997)
  2. La découpe de boucherie expérimentale au Parc de Beynac (1997)
  3. La fabrication de chaussures de type Caligae au Parc de Beynac (1997)
  4. La produzione ceramica nel Neolitico del Tavoliere: spunti da uno studio sperimentale (1997)
  5. La talla centrípeta sobre cuarcita: reproducción experimental (1997)
  6. La tecnica romana "a tufelli" in area romana, Storia delle tecnica edilizia e del restauro 2 (1997)
  7. Le néolithique en Europe (1997)
  8. Le tonneau, de la bière au vin (1997)
  9. Leben unter eisenzeitlichen Bedingungen - ein Experiment von zwei "Monden" im Freilichtmuseum Eindhoven (1997)
  10. Leerzame verbrande ruïnes (1997)
  11. Les ages de la pierre (1997)
  12. Les Ami(e)s de Mô (1997)
  13. Les Galets utilisés au Paléolithique supérieur. Approche archéologique et expérimentale (1997)
  14. Les techniques ornementales des bijoutiers celtes de la haute vallée du Rhin aux 4e et 3e siècles av. J.-C. (1997)
  15. Linen weaven on a standing loom (1997)
  16. The lithic translation strategy: a techno-behavioural hypothesis (1997)
  17. Långhuset i Gene (Ångermanland). Ett treskeppigt järnålderhus och dess konstruktion (1997)
  18. L’abattage et le façonnage des bois d’œvre (1997)
  19. Marketing the past: the 'Shona' village at Great Zimbabwe (1997)
  20. Materiale da costruzione (1997)
  21. Meat-Eating by early humans at the FLK 22 Zinjanthropus site, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): an experimental approach using cut mark data (1997)
  22. Mediaeval Cereal Yields an Empirical Challenge (1997)
  23. Melkkilän kartanolinnan varhaisvaiheet ja arkeologiset tutkimukset (The early stages and archaeological research of the fortified manor of Melkkilä) (1997)
  24. Metallgjutning med forntida metoder (1997)
  25. A methodology for punchmark analysis using electron microscopy (1997)
  26. Mi'kmaq textiles: twining rush and other fibers, BkCp-1 Site, Pictou, Nova Scotia (1997)
  27. Micro-wear analysis of dalton artifacts (1997)
  28. Microstratigraphic traces of site formation processes and human activities (1997)
  29. Middelaldercentret ..et museumscenter (1997)
  30. Museum in the Making: the Morven Project (1997)
  31. Museumspädagogik anders. Das Hamburger Schulmuseum und seine museumspädagogische Arbeit. (1997)
  32. Mögliche Brennverfahren und der Magerungsgehalt im Masseversatz bei der Herstellung slawischer Irdenware (1997)
  33. Nadelbindung – ein Fingerhandschuh (1997)
  34. Naturfärben mit Eicheln und Krappwurzel (1997)
  35. Nederlandse Kaartweefkring (Dutch Circle of Tablet-Weaving (1997)
  36. Neue Wege im Museum - Das Kindermuseum im Landesmuseum Hannover (1997)
  37. The New History in an Old Museum: Creating the Past at Colonial Williamsburg (1997)
  38. A new perspective on West Cornwall Courtyard houses (1997)
  39. News Item: Beer Brewing formed part of Neolithic Ceremonies (1997)
  40. Norske kniver i danske jernaldergraver (1997)
  41. Northern skills head south (1997)
  42. Notizen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte im Schulgeschichtsbuch heute (1997)
  43. Nuevo sistema de retoque por presión, mediante el empleo de palanca (1997)
  44. Nytt lys vikingeskipene i Vestfold (1997)
  45. Ochre roasting: the enigma of an unusual lime kiln alteration at the Cheddleton Flint Mills near Leek, north Staffordshire (1997)
  46. On Bronzing Iron Objects - Archaeological Evidence of Weight-manufacture in Viking Age Scandinavia? (1997)
  47. On the reconstruction of a Danish Stave church of the late viking age (1997)
  48. The operational principles of ceramic kilns (1997)
  49. The organisation of textile production on Bronze Age Crete (1997)
  50. An oven of mud and straw (1997)
  51. Paalwoningen aan de Bodensee, Het 'Freilichtmuseum der Pfahlbauten in Unteruhldingen' (1997)
  52. The Paleoindian Fluted Point: Dart or Spear Armature? The Identification of Paleoindian Delivery Technology Through the Analysis of Lithic Fracture Velocity (1997)
  53. Paleolithic wedge-shaped microcores and experiments with pocket devices (1997)
  54. Panificium im Experiment. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Saalburgkastell (1997)
  55. Patterning in butchery as cultural residue (1997)
  56. Perforated soapstone slabs: the technology of archaic cuisine (1997)
  57. Perlen: Archäologie, Techniken, Analysen (Akten des Int. Perlensymposiums Mannheim Nov. 1994) (1997)
  58. Pezen als naai- en verbindingsgaren in prehistorische context (1997)
  59. Pfeil und Bogen der Plains- und Praneindianer Nordamerikas (1997)
  60. A pit bake (1997)
  61. Platform variability and flake morphology: A comparison of experimental and archaeological data and implications for interpreting prehistoric lithic technological strategies (1997)
  62. Plimoth Plantation. Fifty years of living history (1997)
  63. Pottery in the Making: Ceramic Traditions (1997)
  64. Prehistoric Flax (1997)
  65. Prehistoric Woodworking. The Analysis and Interpretation of Bronze and Iron Age Toolmarks (1997)
  66. The Prehistory & History of Ceramic Kilns, Ceramic and Civilization Volume VII (1997)
  67. The presentation of Archaeological Sites (1997)
  68. Presenting Archaeology to the Public: digging for truths (1997)
  69. Presenting the past: a framework for discussion (1997)
  70. Primitive cooking (1997)
  71. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Wood tar and Pitch, Held by the Biskupin Museum (department of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw) and the Museumsdorf Düppel (Berlin) at Biskupin Museum, Poland, July 1st - 4 th 1993 (1997)
  72. Process Deduced From Ironmaking Wastes and Artefacts (1997)
  73. Programa internacional de experimentaciones en la ferrería de Agorregui (1997)
  74. Projectile points of bone, antler, and stone: experimental explorations of manufacture and use (1997)
  75. Projectile Technology (1997)
  76. Public Archaeology at Cahokia (1997)
  77. Pumpkins (1997)
  78. Putting People Back into the Landscape: Sabino Canyon (1997)
  79. Pyrite vs. Markasite. Or: is everything that glitters pyrite? (1997)
  80. Pystmetsästä kuninkaankartanoksi - muntolannokan keskuskummun rakennukset (1997)
  81. Rat al Mesquite or how to stalk, kill and eat a white-throated woodrat (1997)
  82. Rebuilding Shakespeare's Globe (1997)
  83. The reconstruction of sprang hairnets and the experiments to find the right way to wear them (1997)
  84. Refining of an experimental Biscaian bloom from Agorregi (1997)
  85. Rekonstruksjon av eldre jernalders gårdshus fra Vidarshov (Hedmark) (1997)
  86. Rekonstruktion der jüngerlatènezeitlichen Befestigungsanlage auf der Höhensiedlung „Burg“ bei Schwarzenbach (1997)
  87. Rekonstruktionsmöglichkeit des Zaumzeuges aus dem Wagengrab von Kozàrmisleny (Pannonia) (1997)
  88. REplicating bone tool manufacture, use and abuse. Graduate seminar notes (1997)
  89. Report on vegetable wool-dyeing on the symposium organized by the 'Prehistorisch Openluchtmuseum'(Prehistoric Open-Air Museum) in 1995 (1997)
  90. Reproduction de perles circulaires réalisées en test de Cerastoderma Edule (1997)
  91. Review: Bulletin of Primitive Technology: arqueología experimental bajo la perspectiva norteamericana (1997)
  92. Revisiting living history: a business, an art, a pleasure, an education (1997)
  93. Roar Ege. Skuldelev 3 skibet som arkæologisk eksperiment (1997)
  94. Roman chain-mail: experiments to reproduce the techniques of manufacture (1997)
  95. Roman Wall Painting: Materials, Techniques, Analysis and Conservation (Proc. Int. Workshop on Roman Wall Painting, Fribourg, 7-9 March 1996) (1997)
  96. Roving at Red House (1997)
  97. The roycraft snowshoe (1997)
  98. Réalisation et cuisson expérimentales de céramiques néolithiques. L'exemple du site Chasséen de La Maddalena, Chiomonte (Italie) (1997)
  99. S.I.G. y arqueología Romana: restitución del trazado del acueducto de Cádiz (1997)
  100. Sambe winter boots (1997)