EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 8,301-8,400 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Propuesta de reconstruccíon de talla a parir de remontajes: el yacimiento de El Hondal (Requejada de Polanco-Cantábria) (2001)
  2. První etapa zimního obývání rekonstrukce domu kulové konstrukce ze starší doby bronzové (2001)
  3. Príspevek k poznání stavby pravekého domu kulové konstrukce (2001)
  4. Príspevek k problematice vyuzívání jeskyní clovekem (2001)
  5. Puntas y microlitos geomricos usados como proyectiles. Estudio expérimental (2001)
  6. På garden. Rumslig organisation inom bosättningsytor och byggnader under bronsålder och äldre järnålder (2001)
  7. Quarry spalling: the fine art of massive fracture or, it takes spalls to be a flintknapper (2001)
  8. Quelques réflexions à propos d'un projet d'archéologie expérimentale: la construction d'Altaripa, réplique d'un gallo-romain découvert a Bevaix (NE) (2001)
  9. Quelques réflexions à propos d’un projet d’archéologie expérimentale: la construction d’Altaripa, réplique d’un chaland galloromain découvert à Bevaix (2001)
  10. A Quick Guide To Classic Old World Paleolithic Chopper and Handaxe Forms (2001)
  11. Quickie rawhide burden basket (2001)
  12. Random Thoughts on Tradition vs. Technology (2001)
  13. Re-weaving the strands: continued exploration into the basketry technology of prehistoric Bahamians (2001)
  14. Ready To Use Stone Containers (2001)
  15. Recreating the past (2001)
  16. Reflections On a Rabbit Stick (2001)
  17. Rekonstrukce archeologických objektu a experiment v archeologii iii (2001)
  18. Rekonstruktion af jernalderens knive. (2001)
  19. Rekonstruktion eines spätantiken Haarnetzes mit Goldfolienröllchen. Grab 24 westlich der Kirche extra muros in Teurnia (2001)
  20. Rekonstruktion og skydeforsøg med Loshultkanonen (2001)
  21. Remembering things seen: experimental approaches to the process of information transmittal (2001)
  22. Replication, use and repair of an arrowhead (2001)
  23. Replication, use and repair of an arrowhead (2001)
  24. Research into metallurgy of Copper in Europe (2001)
  25. review: Caulton, T. (1998) Hands-On Exhibitions. Managing Interactive Museums and Science Centres (London/NY). Fopp, M.A. (1997) Managing Museums and Galleries (London/NY). Hein, G.W. (1998) Learning in the Museum (London/NY). Hooper-Greeenhill, E. (Ed.) (2001)
  26. Ribe Vikingecenter, making history alive (2001)
  27. Roast of the Century: Mescal and The Mescalero Apache (2001)
  28. Rocking On With The Paiute Deadfall: Its Prehistory, Construction and Use (2001)
  29. Sampson Post Deadfall (2001)
  30. Scandinavian bark shoes: birchbark vs basswood (2001)
  31. Scandinavian Iron Age and Early Medieval ceramic moulds - lost wax or not or both? (2001)
  32. The Scapular Saw: A Stone and Bone Age Project (2001)
  33. Schaftmaterial wolliger Schneeball (2001)
  34. Sekce experimentální archeologie na XIV. svetovém archeologickém kongresu v Liège (2001)
  35. “Senās Vides Darbnîca” “Ancient Environment Workshop” (2001)
  36. Setting the stage (2001)
  37. A short history of.. the short history of.. a slate knife (2001)
  38. Simple Comparative Tests Between Oldowan, Abbevillian and Acheulian Technology (2001)
  39. A simple holding device for microblade obtaining by pressure flaking (2001)
  40. Skleněná knížka z žáru ohně a srdce. Deset ročníků činorodé sklářské tvorby a experimentu v Deštném v Orlických horách 1990 -2001 (2001)
  41. Slim, Trim and Paleo-Indian: Why Our Diets Are Killing Us (2001)
  42. Small scale primitive pottery firing strategy (2001)
  43. Small-scale thermal alteration. A case study and experiment in southeastern archaeology (2001)
  44. Some preliminary observations on subsurface damage on experimental and archaeological quartz tools using CLSM and dye (2001)
  45. Some Shelter Concepts (2001)
  46. Southeastern Indian Gourd Buckets (2001)
  47. Southeastern Indian Rabbit Sticks (2001)
  48. Southeastern Rivercane Arrow Notes (2001)
  49. Spin, twist, and twine: an ethnoarchaeological examination of group identity in native fiber industries from Greater Amazonia (2001)
  50. Sporen aan de wand (K. Steehouwer) (2001)
  51. St. Gallen – Klosterplan und Gozbertbau. Zur Rekonstruktion des Gozbertbaues und zur Symbolik des Klosterplanes (2001)
  52. Starting your own wilderness program (2001)
  53. The state of flint knapping: traditional or New Age (2001)
  54. Steam bending wood (2001)
  55. Steinzeit live im Unterricht. Kleidung, Nahrung, Werkzeuge und Schmuck selbst herstellen (2001)
  56. Steinzeitliche Werkzeugtechnologie, Wege zur "Werkzeugtechnologie", Schäftungsarten der Steinbeile, Verarbeitung von Hirschgeweih und Knochen (2001)
  57. Sticks and Stones Will Make My Bow (2001)
  58. Stirling Castle: the restoration of the Great Hall (2001)
  59. A stone point testimonial (2001)
  60. Strength, Toughness and Thermal Shock Resistance of Ancient Ceramics, and Their Influence on Technological Choice (2001)
  61. Striking flakes from a core, direct percussion (2001)
  62. Subcutaneous Stitch For Buckskin (2001)
  63. Surgical procedures during ancient Egyptian mummification (2001)
  64. Surviving the Iron Age, accompanies the BBC-series (2001)
  65. The 'T' or 'clip' type deadfall trigger (2001)
  66. Tag der offenen Tür im Zentrum für Experimentelle Archäologie und Museumspädagogik in Mansfeld, Ldkr. Mansfelder Land (2001)
  67. Tan Your Hides With Nature's Tools (2001)
  68. Temperaturmessungen im rekonstruierten urnenfelderzeitlichen Bronzeschmelzofen von Säckingen (2001)
  69. Terug op het oude niveau (Bilanz 2000) (M. Fansa editor) (2001)
  70. Testing ancient Egyptian granite-working tools in Aswan, Upper Egypt (2001)
  71. Ticketingsysteme für Kulturveranstalter in Österreich (2001)
  72. Tijdverdrijf of onderzoek - experimenten met het bakken van Gallo-Romeins aardwerk in Zuid-Frankrijk (2001)
  73. The Tjitsma (Wijnaldum) die: a 7th century tool for making a cross- hatched pattern on gold foil, or a master template? (2001)
  74. To build a ship: the VOC replica ship Duyfken (2001)
  75. Trapping: Take A New/Old Look (2001)
  76. Tule Boats (2001)
  77. Uil, a Palaeolithic site in Siberia: an ethno-archaeological approach (2001)
  78. Une analyse standardisée des chaînes opératoires sur les pièces foliacées du Paléolithique moyen tardif (2001)
  79. Une expérience de piétinement et de résidualisation par ruissellement (2001)
  80. Urbane Milieus in Zentraleuropa in der Moderne (2001)
  81. The Uses of Birch Bark (2001)
  82. Usure fontale d’un outil trenchant en os: deux mouvements opposes, une séquence technique? (2001)
  83. Évaluation de l’aptitude fonctionelle du tranchet néolithique pour le travail du bois (2001)
  84. Variation On A Theme: Aspen Bark Containers (2001)
  85. A Variety of Wood, Bone and Stone Awls (2001)
  86. Various Containers (2001)
  87. Various Food Gathering Methods (2001)
  88. Verachtet mir die Meister nicht! Gedanken zum Experiment als Instrument zur Erforschung der Urzeit (2001)
  89. The versatile leaf point (2001)
  90. Versuche zur urgeschichtlicher Keramik (2001)
  91. Verwendung von Fisch bei den Nivchi, Ostsiberien (2001)
  92. Viking Heritage Tourism: Authenticity and coomoditisation (2001)
  93. The Viking Project in Ale County continues... (2001)
  94. The Viking Way, part 1 (2001)
  95. The Viking Way, part 2 (2001)
  96. Vom Baum zum Einbaum - ein archäologisches Experiment im Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (2001)
  97. Vom germanisch-cheruskischen Grenzbauernhof der Varuszeit zum Archäologischen Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (2001)
  98. Von der Grabung zum Modell (2001)
  99. Von der Parklandschaft zum Landschaftspark: Rekonstruktion der neolithischen Landschaft anhand von Pollenanalysen aus Schleswig-Holstein (2001)
  100. Vragen stellen aan aardewerk, samenwerking tussen een bodemmineraloog en een archeoloog (2001)