EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 8,501-8,600 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Experimental archaeology, replicating past objects, behaviors and processes (2002)
  2. Experimental casting of Copper and Bronzes in Sand Moulds (2002)
  3. Experimental Ceramic Technology: Or, the road to ruin(s) is paved with crack(ed) pots (2002)
  4. Experimental firing of clays using salt water (2002)
  5. Experimental iron working at Agorregi, 1994-1999 (2002)
  6. Experimental open firing of locally sourced clays at Vadastra, South-East Romania (2002)
  7. Experimental Pyrotechnology Group (2002)
  8. Experimental results from the Százhalombatta Archaeological Park (2002)
  9. Experimentelle Archäologie bei Musikinstrumenten (2002)
  10. Experimentelle Archäologie in Rosshaupten (2002)
  11. Experimentelle Archäologie, Bilanz 2001, Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Nordwestdeutschland (2002)
  12. Experimenting with Migration: Simulating Population Growth and Continental Migration (2002)
  13. Experiments with a Bow and Arrow (2002)
  14. Experimentální výpal vápna v peci ze 16. století u Mokré (2002)
  15. Farmers, smelters and smiths (2002)
  16. Fire and air draught: Experimenting the Chalcolithic pyroinstruments (2002)
  17. Fire and the traditional garden (2002)
  18. Fish skin as a prehistoric material (2002)
  19. Fish skin bags (2002)
  20. Fishing with atlatls and harpoons (2002)
  21. Flaking off... the line of time: school experiences in north-eastern Italy and method of using experimental stone knapping in teaching main steps in human adaptive evolution (2002)
  22. Fortinning af bronzegenstande fra yngre germansk jernalder og vikingetid (2002)
  23. Fresh and heated bones breakage. An experimental approach (2002)
  24. From Grain to Ale: Skara Brae, a Case Study (2002)
  25. Frühmittelalterliche Tonkessel als Gerate für textiles Handwerk? (2002)
  26. Fuel management (bone and wood) during the lower Airignacian in the Pataud Rock Shelter (Lower Palaeolithic, Les Eyzies de Tayac, Dordogne, France): contribution of experimentation and anthraco-analysis to the study of the socio-economic bahaviour (2002)
  27. Future Camps: one model for preserving culture (2002)
  28. The Geissenklösterle flute - discovery, experimentation, reconstruction (2002)
  29. A green foxtail (Setaria viridis) cultivation experiment in the Middle Yellow River Valley and some related issues (2002)
  30. Gård och kultplats. Om bruket av offerhandlingar på en yngre järnåldersgård i Hjärup, sydvästra Skåne (2002)
  31. Hans de Haas: the gentle giant (2002)
  32. Hans Reinerth, Forscher - NS-Funktionär - Museumsleiter (2002)
  33. Heemkundekring gaat boerderij uit de ijzertijd reconstrueren. Dongenaren wekken prehistorie tot leven, from: Brabants Dagblad, thursday, March 14th 2002 (2002)
  34. Het Kutenai project, steentijd leven in Montana (2002)
  35. Het maken en dragen van leren kleding, steentijd leven in Montana (2002)
  36. “Heute sind wir halt wieder im Häs…” Museumspädagogik, Openair und Interpretatoren – ein neues Berufsbild für die archäologische Öffentlichkeitsarbeit? (2002)
  37. History and museums in Germany (2002)
  38. Historía de la technología cerámica: ensayo experimental de su manufactura (2002)
  39. How hard does it hit? (2002)
  40. How to make an unfired clay cooking pot: understanding the technological choices made by Arctic Potters (2002)
  41. How to paint a mammoth (2002)
  42. Hunsrücker Archäologie Tage: Ein Konzept der aktiven Vermittlung von Archäologie, Geschichte, Kultur und Natur (2002)
  43. Hunters and Trackers of the Australian Desert (2002)
  44. I belong to this country (2002)
  45. I built a stone age house (review H-O. Hansen), reprint from "Time Machines: the world of living history, pp 93-96. (2002)
  46. III. a IV. Den otev?ených dve?i v CEA Všestary (with summary in English: 3rd and 4th open day at CEA Všestary) (2002)
  47. In der römischen Reisekutsche übers Gebirge (2002)
  48. Interpretation for the 21st century. Fifteen guiding principles for interpreting nature and culture (2002)
  49. Interpreting People Interpreting Things: A Heideggerian Approach to 'Experimental Reconstruction' (2002)
  50. An interview with Hans de Haas (2002)
  51. Introduction (2002)
  52. Introduction - Experimental Archaeology: Replicating Past Objects, Behaviors, and Processes (2002)
  53. K odkazu Petera J. Reynoldse (... místo polemiky), (with summary in English: To the legacy of Peter J. Reynolds) (2002)
  54. Keramik und Eisen (2002)
  55. Konference Archeoparky (with summary in English: The conference „Archeoparks, a new way of presenting archaeological discoveries in the landscape“) (2002)
  56. Konsten att lära och viljan att uppleva. Historiebruk och upplevelsepedagogik vid Foteviken, Medeltidsveckan och Jamtli (2002)
  57. Konstrukce studny v Centru experimentálni archeologie, Všestary (with summary in German, English and French: The construction of a well in the Centre of Experimental Archaeology in Vsestary), (2002)
  58. Konstruktionsversuch eines zweirädrigen Karrens vom Ende des 4. vorchristlichen Jahrtausends (2002)
  59. The Kootenai River Project, Part 2 - food sources (2002)
  60. The Kootenai River stone age living project (2002)
  61. Kritische kanttekeningen bij ROUPERT, V: 'tijdverdrijf of onderzoek, experimenten met het bakken van Gallo-Romeins aardewerk in Zuid-Frankrijk', BAEE jrg 6, nr 3 (2002)
  62. Kurzbericht über Internationale Tagung in Eindhoven (2002)
  63. L'apparition du metal en Hainaut a l'age du Bronze et au premier Age du Fer (2002)
  64. La funció social i educativa dels museus. Actes del IV seminari Arqueologia i ensenyament [4th conference on archaeology and education] Museu d’Historia de Catalunya, Museo de Gavà, 14 – 16 de novembre 2002 (2002)
  65. La lyre de Paule reconstituée (2002)
  66. La production de haches a rebords et a talon au debut du Bronze Moyen en Perigord (2002)
  67. La traceología como medio para determinar el sentido de ciertas conductas técnicas estandarizadas observadas en el registro lítico: el caso de las raederas del yacimiento musteriense de El Esquilleu (Cantabria) (2002)
  68. Le bronze antique (2002)
  69. Le dépôt de Farébersviller (Moselle) (2002)
  70. Le Musée des Tumulus de Bougon (2002)
  71. Le Propulseur (2002)
  72. Le travail du cuir chez les Tchouktches et les Athapaskans : implications ethno-archéologiques (2002)
  73. Lejre today (2002)
  74. Les Faons aux Oiseaux (2002)
  75. Lithic Technology in the Middle Potomac River Valley of Maryland and Virginia (2002)
  76. A Little book about beeswax, what it is, and how to use it (2002)
  77. Living the Past. Reconstruction, Recreation, Re-enactment and Education at Museums and Historical Sites (2002)
  78. Llancaiach Fawr Manor (2002)
  79. Magdalénienzeitliche Knochennadeln aus Baden-Württemberg (2002)
  80. Making Museums Matter (2002)
  81. The Mammoth Hunters (2002)
  82. Metalliska spår efter gjuteriverksamhet - en skiss till en arkeologisk fältmetod (2002)
  83. Methodological and Epistemic Differences Between Historical Science and Experimental Science (2002)
  84. Mettmann 'deel II', experimentele archeologie en educatie in 2000-2001 (2002)
  85. Monitoring Developments: Replicas and Reproducibility (2002)
  86. Mortar and pestle (2002)
  87. The Museum of London: archaeology, education and the public (2002)
  88. Musical Behaviors and the Archaeological Record: A Preliminary Study (2002)
  89. Muzeji na prostem – večplastnost pomenov za ohranjanje arhitekturne dediščine (doktorska dizertacija) (2002)
  90. Myremalmens mestre. Ved jernalderbondens ovn og esse (2002)
  91. Nach der experimentellen die virtuelle Archäologie? Das Beispiel der eisenzeitlichen Kupferverhüttung auf Zypern (2002)
  92. Nachtöpfern von prähistorischer Keramik (2002)
  93. Nadelbindung - Bilanz mehrjahriger Textiluntersuchung im Rahmen der "Experimentellen Archaologie" (2002)
  94. Naissance de la Metallurgie (2002)
  95. Neanderthals Used Both Hands to Kill (2002)
  96. Neue Experimente zur latènezeitlichen Salzgewinnung. Das Briquetage von Schwabisch Hall (2002)
  97. Neue Versuche zu den phytogenen Beimengungen in der Arbeitsmasse bei Herstellung und Gebrauch frühdeutscher Kugel-Kochtöpfe (2002)
  98. Nielloindlægninger i jernalder og vikingetid (2002)
  99. Notes on a traditional Ainu vessel replica (2002)
  100. Objectius I projectes educatius dels museus arqueològics a Europa. Catalunya (2002)