EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 8,801-8,900 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Experiments related to early medieval ceramics (2003)
  2. Experimentálni archeologie v ?echách po roce 1990 (Experimental archaeology in Bohemia after 1990) (2003)
  3. Experimentálni overenie spracovania koži v praveku (experiments in treating animal skins) (2003)
  4. Experimentálni tavby železa v technikém museum v Brn?, (Experimental iron smelting at the technology Museum in Brno) (2003)
  5. Exploring the horizons of mycophagy in the Santa Cruz mountains of California and Olympic Peninsula of Washington (2003)
  6. Feltmaking, Spinning, Weaving & Dyeing-textile arts for beginner (2003)
  7. A few curious cases of hide and seek (2003)
  8. Fiavè - Torbiera Carera (Trentino - Italia). Il parco e il museo archeologico/naturalistico delle palafitte. Un progetto in fase di realizzazione (2003)
  9. A field guide to starting a primitive skills group (2003)
  10. Finding water (2003)
  11. Fishing related excerpts from "Catawba Hunting, trapping and fishing", (reprinted from SPECK, Frank G. (1946): fishing related excerpts from Catawba Hunting, trapping and fishing, Joint Publications from the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, the P (2003)
  12. Fishing with poisons (2003)
  13. Flag Fen, Brittain's Bronze Age Centre (2003)
  14. A friction fire inquiry: hand-drill (2003)
  15. Friction vs. percussion, some comments on firemaking from old Europe (2003)
  16. Frühe Kupferproduktion – archäologischer Befund und Experiment. Versuche zur Fahlerzverhüttung in einem einzigen Ofengang (2003)
  17. Föreställningar om det förflutna, arkeologi och rekonstruktion (2003)
  18. Gather fresh asparagus, broccoli and corn from cattails (2003)
  19. Gebrauchsspuren an Artefakten der Hominidenfundstelle Bilzingsleben (Thüringen) (2003)
  20. Guédelon, fanatics for a fortress (2003)
  21. Haches en pierre, en bronze et en fer: abattage expérimental de gros chênes destinés, en particulier, à la construction des pirogues (2003)
  22. Hearth and home of the Paleo-Eskimos (2003)
  23. Het splijten van houten schijfwielen (2003)
  24. How hard does it hit? A revised study of atlatl and dart ballistics (2003)
  25. Huts and Houses, Stone Age and Early Metal Age Buildings in Finland (2003)
  26. Hvad Haanden former er Aandens Spor. Hjortspringbåden rekonstrueres (2003)
  27. Identifying an Early Bronze-Age Pocket Lighter (2003)
  28. Il laboratorio del museo delle origini dell'università di Roma "la sapienza". Didattica e ricerca in alcuni esempi di archeologia sperimentale (2003)
  29. Il percorso didattico "esplorando una terramara": bambini al lavoro fra sperimentazione e gioco (2003)
  30. Il progetto archeolive. Parchi archeologici della Protostoria Europea (2003)
  31. Il progetto del nuovo Museo Archeologico di Lecco: l'utilizzo di materiali sperimentali (2003)
  32. Imperial Roman Legionary AD 161 - 284 (2003)
  33. Jet, amber and bronze, silver and gold artefacts (2003)
  34. Kasteel Guédelon, hoe een middeleeuws kasteel wordt gebouwd in de 21e eeuw (Bourgondië, Frankrijk) (2003)
  35. Keine kalten Füsse in der Steinzeit? Experimente zur "Rheumasole" von Zug (2003)
  36. Kenntnis-Werkzeug-Rohmaterial. Ein Vademecum zur Technologie der steinzeitlichen Holzbearbeitung (2003)
  37. Konference “Rekonstrukce a experiment v archeologii” v B?eclavi (the conference “reconstruction and experiment in archaeology” in Breclav) (2003)
  38. L'attività' didattica del Museo Civico di Rovereto fra sperimentazione e divulgazione (2003)
  39. L'odore della storia: la cosmesi di età romana (2003)
  40. L'uso della ftanite come indicatore di strategie adattive nella litotecnica del paleolitico inferiore/medio dell'appennino emiliano: un'ipotesi sperimentale (2003)
  41. L'utilizzo delle mostre a scopo didattico: il caso del Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo (2003)
  42. La ricostruzione della tomba di Nerka Trostiaia. Laboratorio didattico al Museo Nazionale Atestino (Este, PD) (2003)
  43. La sperimentazione della catena operativa per la Produzione di oggetti di steatite (2003)
  44. Laborare al Museo Nazionale Atestino: esperienze didattiche (2003)
  45. The Lemba Experimental Village, Cyprus (2003)
  46. Living archaeology, anadromous fish and Middle Woodland Indians (2003)
  47. Lófotr – The Viking Museum at Borg. Reconstruction of the chieftain’s house (2003)
  48. The main building at Borg (1:1) (2003)
  49. Making a spruce bark canoe in the wilderness (2003)
  50. Making and using a willow fish trap (2003)
  51. Mangio quindi esisto (... e tre ricette di epoca romana) (2003)
  52. Measurable flintknapping (2003)
  53. Measurable Flintknapping (2003)
  54. The metaphors of wilderness - seeking the ultimate survival (2003)
  55. Middle Woodland Procurement, Processing, and Use of Anadromous Fish in the Delaware Valley: Contributions from a Living Archaeology Experiment (2003)
  56. The mission of open-air museums in the present time (2003)
  57. Monoxylon Expeditions 1995 and 1998 - Facts about the oldest sea navigation (2003)
  58. Možnosti a problémy rekonstrukce prav?kych obytných staveb (Problems and possibilities in the reconstruction of prehistoric residential building) (2003)
  59. Museer i fortid og nåtid. Essays i museumskunnskap (2003)
  60. Nachbau des Wagens aus dem Fürstengrab von Hochdorf (2003)
  61. Nadelbindung - Experimente im Museumsdorf Düppel (2003)
  62. Nautická astronomie jako prost?edek k rekonstrukci kosmologických p?edstav našich p?edk? (astronomy as a way of reconstructing the cosmological conceptions of our ancestors) (2003)
  63. Nejstarši doklady textilní výroby a jejich experimentálni ov??ení. P?isp?vek k diskusi o prezentaci výsledk? Experimentu (the earliest evidence of cloth manufacture and its experimental testing) (2003)
  64. NPAA Northern Plains Atlatl Association Web Page (2003)
  65. O možné souvilosti p?eslenu s rozd?lávánim ohn? v evropském prav?ku (On the possible relation between whorl and fire making in European prehistory) (2003)
  66. Oralidad y Arqueología: Una linea de trabajo en las tierras altas de Antofagasta (2003)
  67. The Orkney Hood; an ancient re-cycled textile (2003)
  68. Otisky prstù na keramice: Rekonstrukce socíalních vzorc? keramické výroby (prost?edky a možnosti) (Fingerprints on ceramics: possibilities in the reconstruction of social patterns in ceramics production) (2003)
  69. Over de link tussen het Romeinse schip en Archeos (2003)
  70. Plaster Floor Production at the Neolithic Site of Ain Ghazal, Jordan (2003)
  71. Pojeti experimentálni archeologie v d?tském oddile Mamuti. Approach to experimental archaeology according to the children group ‘Mamuti’ (2003)
  72. Poslanstvo muzejev na prostem v sodobnosti (2003)
  73. Poznámky k rozn?cováni ohn? p?irodními technikami (notes to making fire with primitive methods) (2003)
  74. Prehistoric textile materials: technology of dyeing with Blodroot (2003)
  75. Primitive fishing methods. Some notes from a thirty-five year love of fishing (2003)
  76. Primitive pottery for the contemporary Neanderthal, a Pacific Nortwest perspective, part I - the nature of primitive pottery and the quest for clay (2003)
  77. Progetto: "I materiali vetrosi nella protostoria dell'Italia del nord". Archeologia, archeometria, etnoarcheologia e approccio sperimentale (2003)
  78. Projekt – Muzeum v pzirod? Pohansko u Breclavi (The project of an open air museum, Pohansko u Breclavi) (2003)
  79. Proposta per un data base per l'etnoarcheologia. L'archiviazione dei dati etnografici che riguardano la tecnologia di caccia nelle società primitive (2003)
  80. Purveyors of the past: education and outreach as ethical imperatives in archaeology (2003)
  81. Ready for a rainy day. A study of winter weather impacts on subsistence activities in the Sierra Nevada (2003)
  82. Realizácia experimentálnych rekonštrukcií stavieb – poznámky (Execution of experimental reconstructions of buildings) (2003)
  83. Rebuilding the past, a Roman villa (2003)
  84. The reconstructed medieval farm in Þjórsárdalur and the development of the Icelandic Turf house (2003)
  85. Reine Diffusionsbindung. Rekonstruktion einer antiken Vergoldungstechnik und ihrer Anwendungsbereiche im damaligen metallhandwerk (2003)
  86. Rekonstrukce technologie výroby zvoncovitých pohár? na základ? pikropetrografických rozbor? (Reconstruction of technological processes of Bell beakers production based on micropetrographic analysis) (2003)
  87. Rentierjäger und Pfahlbauern auf neuen Wegen. Das oberschwäbische Federseemuseum zwischen Bildungsstätte und Freizeitpark. (Cacciatori di renne e costruttori di palafitte su di una nuova via. Il museo del federsee dell'alta svevia, centro di formazione e (2003)
  88. Report 2: The German Quartzite (Paleozoic Quartzitic Sandstone) (2003)
  89. Resultado de un primer experimento de fundición de minerales de cobre em el arqueódromo de Borgoña (2003)
  90. Review of: Muhr, T. 1997. ATLAS.ti 5: The Knowledge Workbench. Berlin: Scientific Software Development (2003)
  91. Riflessioni personali sullo studio sperimentale di industrie litiche del Paleolitico medio-inferiore (2003)
  92. Riscopriamo il nostro territorio: i Montesei di Serso (Trento) (2003)
  93. The role of experimental flint knapping for the reconstruction of Neolithic flint processing (2003)
  94. Romeins Nijmegen boven het maaiveld, reconstructie van verdwenen architectuur (2003)
  95. Réflexion sur 20 ans d'archéologie à l'Archéodrome (2003)
  96. Schatten en scherven. Ben jij een goede assistent-archeoloog? (2003)
  97. Seafaring in the Pleistocene (2003)
  98. Segeln mit einem Rahsegel (2003)
  99. Sejrens Triumf - Norden i skyggen af det romerske imperium (2003)
  100. Slavonic boat reconstructions in the Open Air Museum Gross Raden (2003)