EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 9,001-9,100 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. The Effect of Weights on Atlatl Accuracy (2004)
  2. Ein Sommerhaus in der Marsch der Vorrömischen Eisenzeit (2004)
  3. Eine bronzezeitliche Kupferhütte im Mitterberger Kupferkies-Revier (Salzburg) – Ausgrabung und Rekonstruktion (2004)
  4. Emergency Ruins preservation and restoration at Homolovi Ruins State Park (2004)
  5. En tidsresa genom Nolby (2004)
  6. Espacios de presentación de la Edad del Hierro en el sur de Inglaterra (Hampshire) (2004)
  7. Experiential and experimental archaeology with examples in iron processing (2004)
  8. Experiential and experimental archaeology with examples in iron processing (2004)
  9. Experiment met aambeeld en spierkracht. De reconstructie van een Romeinse zeis (translated by J.P. Flamman) (2004)
  10. Experiment zur Pfahlsetzung im Archäologischen Freilichtmuseum Gross Raden (2004)
  11. Experimental and applied archaeology in lake-dwelling research (2004)
  12. Experimental Archaeology: Traditional production of Ceramics (2004)
  13. Experimental arrow durability and impact test. 1994 Oregon Ridge prehistoric technology workshop (2004)
  14. Experimental combat with Bronze Age weapons (2004)
  15. Экспериментальное моделирование древних плавок свинцовых руд (Experimental modeling ancient smelting process of lead ores) (2004)
  16. Experimental pottery firing in closed firing devices from the Neolithic – Hallstatt Period in Central Europe (2004)
  17. Experimental reconstruction of the casting of copper "oxhide" ingots (2004)
  18. Experimentalarchäologische Versuche zu spätbronzezeitlichen Holztechnologie – Der Nachbau einer Holzwanne in Blockbautechnik aus dem 12./13/ Jh. V. Chr. In Hallstatt im Rahmen des Projektes ARCHEOLIVE (2004)
  19. Experimentel arkaeologi i en postprocessuel tid? (2004)
  20. Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2003, Heft 2, M. Fansa (editor) (2004)
  21. Experimenteren met de kap (2004)
  22. Experiments in pottery manufacture (2004)
  23. Exploring the Technological Efficiency of Non-flint Raw Materials in Prehistoric Lithic Production I – a stone tool replication experiment with non-flint raw materials (2004)
  24. A foolproof method for tillering bows (2004)
  25. Forntida hantverk. Experimentell arkeologi vid Vuollerim 6000 år (2004)
  26. Friluftsmuseet - fortidsromantikk eller samtidsrealisme? Samtida inn i friluftsmuseet (2004)
  27. Frühkeltische Eisenproduktion im Nordschwarzwald – Rennöfen des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Bei Neuenbürg-Waldrennach, Enzkreis (2004)
  28. Färbeexperimente zur Farbrekonstruktion des Oldenburger Prachtmantels Nr. II aus dem Vehnemoor (2004)
  29. Glauburg: Keltische Fürsengräber. Ein Keltenfürst hält hof (2004)
  30. A granary experiment (2004)
  31. Gross Raden: Altslawischer Tempelort. Kultstätte am See (2004)
  32. Haarhausen: Gelände für experimentelle Archäologie. Einblick in alte Techniken (2004)
  33. Handwerk im Experiment in der musealen Vermittlung (2004)
  34. Hechingen-Stein: Römische Villa Rustica. Luxus am Rande der Alb (2004)
  35. Herbertingen-Hundersingen: Heuneburg. Keltischer Fürstensitz (2004)
  36. Het "PAM Ename" bij Oudenaarde, België (2004)
  37. "het is maar een concept, stoei er maar wat mee", Archeologie presenteren (van GINKEL & Cruysheer editors) (2004)
  38. Hitzacker: Bronzezeitmuseum. Museum zum Mitmachen (2004)
  39. Homburg-Schwarzenacker: Römermuseum. Unbekannte Idealstadt (2004)
  40. How to build a Missisipian House: a study of domestic architecture at Moundville (MA Thesis) (2004)
  41. How to make a pretty darned good atlatl (2004)
  42. Hunting the suburbs (2004)
  43. Ingelheim: Kaiserpfalz. Tronhalle unter freiem Himmel (2004)
  44. Introduction. What is Reenactment? (2004)
  45. The Ironbridge Gorge: preservation, reconstruction and presentation of industrial heritage (2004)
  46. Is archaeology what matters? Creating a sense of local identity among teenagers in Catalonia (2004)
  47. It takes two (review Mathieu) (2004)
  48. It takes two. Publishing Proceedings on experimental archaeology (2004)
  49. Iulius findet en kästchen. Geschichten über Marc Aurel (2004)
  50. «I’ll never be the same again !» Inspiring a passion for the past by working with young people out of school (2004)
  51. Jagsthausen: Römerbad. Göthe, Götz und Römer (2004)
  52. “Jeg trodde det skulle bli tråkigt, men …” Kulturmiljöpedagogisk och historiska tidsresor under 20 år (2004)
  53. Jernet i Vest-Telemark. Der tussane rådde grunnen. Iron in Western Telemark. Where the goblins ruled (with many short summaries in English) (2004)
  54. Journal of the 2003 Yaak River hunting project (2004)
  55. Kalkriese: Museum und Park. Spuren einer Entscheidungsschlacht (2004)
  56. Kempten: Römerpark Camodunum. Viel mehr als nur alte Mauern (2004)
  57. Klein Köris: Germanische Siedlung. Bauernleben vor 1700 Jahren (2004)
  58. Kniven (2004)
  59. The Kootenai River Project, Part 5 - bedding, clothing and footwear (2004)
  60. Křehká krása z Orlických hor. Deštné v Orlických horách –Žamberk (2004)
  61. La Arqueología Experimental en el Museo de San Isidro: talleres didácticos para escolares (2004)
  62. La preistoria e la sua divulgazione attraverso la sperimentazione interattiva – tesi di laurea (2004)
  63. Laboratori didattici di Archaeologia Sperimentale. Guida alle Attività didaticche del Museo Archeologico del Finale (2004)
  64. Lake-dwelling museums: academic research and public information (2004)
  65. Langzeitversuch an Laubfutterbäumen – Ein Beitrag zur geschichte der Landwirtschaft (2004)
  66. Las análisis traceológicos como forma de reconstruit las actividades prehistóricas: el case de la caza (2004)
  67. Latifundium ad Flevum; een Romeins inlevingsproject (2004)
  68. Le collier de la dame de Chamblandes (2004)
  69. Le musée de plein air des palafittes d’Unteruhldingen, guide du musée (2004)
  70. Leere Häuser? Innenraumgestalltung im Neolithikum. Unpublished MA Thesis (2004)
  71. Lejre: achtergrond, doelstellingen en mogelijkheden, translated by José M.C. Deckers (2004)
  72. Les mérovingiens du Talou. De la fouille à l'archéologie expérimentale (2004)
  73. Les outils en os utilisés pour le façonnage des poteries néolithiques de la station 4 de Chalain (Jura, France) (2004)
  74. Lessons learnt at Bent’s Old Fort and Fort Union Trading Post (2004)
  75. Limeskastell Saalburg. Ein Führer durch das römische Kastell und seine Geschichte (2004)
  76. Linecká stezka — obchodní stezka mezi jižními Čechami a Podunajím (2004)
  77. The little ship of horrors: reenacting extreme history (2004)
  78. Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe (2004)
  79. Långhus i Gene. Teori och praktik i rekonstruktion (2004)
  80. L’experimentació sobre sitges tradicionals. Aportacions de l’arqueologia i de l’agronomia (2004)
  81. L’étude de la pourpre. Histoire d’une couleur, chimie et expérimentations (2004)
  82. The MA in experimental archaeology at the University of Exeter becomes more established (2004)
  83. Making an iceman-style sheath (2004)
  84. Manna from Mexico (2004)
  85. Mensch am See (2004)
  86. Messen wie die Römer! (2004)
  87. Metallurgic ceramics as a key to Viking Age workshop organisation (2004)
  88. Mittelalterliche Glastechnologie. Archäologie – Schriftquellen – Archäochemie – Experimente (2004)
  89. Mock-up presentation of the gate Tower to the Hill Fort at Liptovská Mara (2004)
  90. Modeling Amarna: Computer reconstructions of an Egyptian palace (2004)
  91. Museumgids (2004)
  92. Nadelbindung – Pontifikalstrümpfe des hl. Germanus in Delémont, Schweiz (2004)
  93. National Park Service reconstruction policy and practice (2004)
  94. Native stone, bone, antler and hide. production methods on the lower Columbia river (2004)
  95. Nature's containers: they are everywhere. Useful containers found as-is, or easily made from raw materials (2004)
  96. Niederdorla: Opfermoor Vogtei. Kultstsätten im Schilf (2004)
  97. Nørregård VI. - Late Glacial Hunters in Transition (2004)
  98. Oerlinghausen: Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum. Alltagsleben aus 12000 Jahren (2004)
  99. The old rag project (1973-2003): the story of an experimental archaeology site (2004)
  100. On the responsibilities of accurately interpreting prehistoric life in full scale (2004)