EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 9,701-9,800 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Kulturna dediščina alpskih planin. Primer arheološkega parka na Krvavcu (Kulturerbe auf den alpinen Almen. Konzept eines archäologischen Parkes auf dem Krvavec) (2006)
  2. L'archéosite de Blangy-sur-Bresle. Restitution d'un petit village mérovingien (2006)
  3. La magie, con la bacchetta… Gli inrecci, con il satice. Messagi intrecciati: ispirazioni visive alla creativita (2006)
  4. La producción alfarera romana en Asturica Augista: reconstrucción del proceso de manufactura (2006)
  5. La restitution de l’archéologie au grand public dans les parcs archéologiques en France, unpublished MA thesis (2006)
  6. La sociolització del patrimoni a la xarxa: Atapuerca i l’antropologia prehistòrica. Guia de recursos web sobre paleoantropologia (2006)
  7. Langdradige verhalen. Een cursus middeleeuwse wolbewerking (2006)
  8. The last "Pescadores"of Chimalhuacan, Mexico: an archaeological ethnography (2006)
  9. The Last Spear Throwers (2006)
  10. Latte... Seconda conVerSazione (2006)
  11. Laying out a circle without using the center (2006)
  12. Le forme di fusione del Museo Civico Archeologico Etnologico di Modena: classificazione tipologica e caratterizzazione dei litotipi, Tesi di Laurea in Scienze dei Beni Culturali (2006)
  13. Lebendige Geschichte: Römer und Bajuwaren Museum Burg Kipfenberg (2006)
  14. Lebendige Vergangenheit. Vom archäologischen Experiment zur Zeitreise (2006)
  15. Leuchtende Farben aus Pflanzen (2006)
  16. Levende historie – møt fortida gjennom levende mennesker (2006)
  17. The lever (2006)
  18. Like Stonehenge, but smaller (2006)
  19. Little seeds. Lamb's quarters - plantain - shepherd's purse - pepper grass - sheep sorrel (2006)
  20. Living History in an Early 14th Century Castle (2006)
  21. Living History statt Disneyland. „Gelebte Geschichte“ im Freilichtmuseum am Kiekeberg (2006)
  22. Long way. I 15 anni di Esperienza dei Servizi Educativi della Soprintendenza (2006)
  23. L’experimentació d’un crèdit variable sobre metodologia del treball de camp (2006)
  24. L’experiència de Lejre. Viure i conviure a la prehistòria (2006)
  25. Ma come facevano a fare… Laboratori di archeologia sperimentale (2006)
  26. Making a soaproot bush. An instructional photo sequence (2006)
  27. May the circle be unbroken. Experiences with passive agriculture (2006)
  28. Mesolithic Axe-Maker's workshop (HAF08/05). Lejre Research Center, Denmark (2006)
  29. Metalurgia Prehispánica: Técnicas de Joyería (2006)
  30. Midden ceramic assemblage formation: a case study from Kalinga, Philippines (2006)
  31. Mille sassi sulla via. Attività sperimentale con punte di freccia del Mesolitico antico (2006)
  32. Mit Stein und Bein und Menschkraft. Über die Rekonstruktion eines Kreisgrabens der Lengyelkultur mit experimentalarchäologischen Techniken (2006)
  33. Miwok and Paiute Baskets of Yosemite (2006)
  34. Modern Megaliths (2006)
  35. Modifying figure four and Paiute deadfalls (2006)
  36. Moving stones at Earthwood (2006)
  37. Museen zum Anfassen. Einrichtungen mit „Living History“ in Deutschland und Europa (2006)
  38. Museumsbesucher im Schmelztiegel. Archäologische Erkenntnisse gewinnen im Praxistest neue Qualität (2006)
  39. Más allá de la tipología lítica: lectura diacrítica y experimentación como claves para la reconstrucción del proceso tecnológico (2006)
  40. Nachbau und Erprobung des schlawischen Bootes Ralswiek 2 im Freilichtmuseum Groß Raden (2006)
  41. A Neolithic Love Affair (2006)
  42. Nijmegen. Oudste stad van Nederland. Boek en tentoonstelling (2006)
  43. Nuts about nuts (2006)
  44. Náhrdelník ženy z Chamblandes (2006)
  45. Observations sur la fabrication expérimentale des étoffes cordées (2006)
  46. Observations with primitive hunting tools (2006)
  47. Of je worst lust! (deel 2) (2006)
  48. Of je worst lust! (deel 3) (2006)
  49. Ogni terra un nome, ogni nome un fiore… Noi agricoltori... neolitici: archeologia sperimentale e didattica dell'archeologia a Pozzuolo del Friuli (2006)
  50. On Methods of Measuring Ceramic Uselife: A Revision of the Uselife Estimates of Cooking Vessels among the Kalinga, Philippines (2006)
  51. Oplevelser i udvikling - Udvikling i oplevelser (2006)
  52. Optimale Anpassung oder Tradition? Technologische Aspekte antiker Bogenwaffen Mitteleuropas im Vergleich (2006)
  53. Oświatowa i popularizatorska działalność Muzeum Starożytnego Hutnictwa Świętokrzyskiego im. Prof. Mieczysława Radwana w Nowej Słupi (2006)
  54. Pause for thought - Homo sapiens - a basket case (2006)
  55. Pfahlbauquartett, 150 Jahre Pfahlbauforschung, ein Rückblick (2006)
  56. Pferd und Wagen zwischen Unterelbe und Niederrhein – ein Überblick (2006)
  57. Pine bark water container (2006)
  58. Pine needle basketry (2006)
  59. Pine needle baskets (2006)
  60. Pitch packs (2006)
  61. Pots and drums: an acoustic study of Neolithic pottery drums (2006)
  62. Power tools of the Lower Palaeolithic (2006)
  63. Prehistoric images and medicines under the sea (2006)
  64. President's farewell address (2006)
  65. The project ‘Delphi – House of Questions’ (2006)
  66. Projectile point shape and durability: the effect of thickness:length (2006)
  67. Présentation de l'association et programme des activités (2006)
  68. Próba rekonstrukcji grobowca megalitycznego ze stanowiska V w Broniszowicach, pow. Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (2006)
  69. Quilling on birch bark (2006)
  70. The Rabbitstick Stones (2006)
  71. A really, really good old toe bone whistle (2006)
  72. Recensie: EuroREA 2 (2006)
  73. Recensie: Land van Hilde (2006)
  74. Recensie: Op zoek naar de Kelten (2006)
  75. Recensie: Romeinen in Valkenburg (2006)
  76. Recensie: wonen op het veen (2006)
  77. Refleksiv feltpraksis - praktisk talt! (2006)
  78. Rencontre avec l'histoire – Marle, 23 juin 2006 (2006)
  79. Review: Archaeology Night on Czech TV (2006)
  80. Review: Experimental Archaeology in Europe / Special Issue 1 (2006)
  81. Review: Use of reconstruction in British TV programmes (2006)
  82. Rings or circles? (2006)
  83. The role of combat weaponry in Bronze Age societies: the cases of the Aegean and Ireland in the Middle and Late Bronze Age (2006)
  84. Rollers and stoneboats (2006)
  85. Roman Auxiliary Cavalryman AD 14-193 (2006)
  86. Roman military Equipment – From the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome (2006)
  87. Saalburg - Roman Fort (2006)
  88. Sad news from Archéodrome (2006)
  89. Samenvatting van 'De weekeinden Bushcraft en primitieve techniek: ontmoetingsplek voor natuurliefhebbers' (2006)
  90. Sand for Roman glass production: an experimental and philological study of source of supply (2006)
  91. Schöner Wohnen in der Steinzeit – Die Visualisierung eines neolithischen Innenraums als Versuch (2006)
  92. Sensing History, Interview with Hans-Ole Hansen (DK) (2006)
  93. Sermons in stone (2006)
  94. Simple experiment with fira and wood, asessing fire-hardening wooden pressure flakers (2006)
  95. The "Simple" hand-drill fire is not so simple (2006)
  96. The sling in medieval Europe (2006)
  97. Społeczne skutni badań nad Starożytnym hutnictwem Świętokrzyskim (2006)
  98. Stalking (2006)
  99. Stalking the wild track. Making plaster casts to record animal tracks (2006)
  100. Steinartefakte - vom Altpaläolithikum bis in die Neuzeit (2006)