EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,601-2,700 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Leichenbranduntersuchungen: ein Überblick über die Bearbeitungs- und Aussagemöglichkeiten von Brandgräbern (1982)
  2. Lejre Forsøgscenter (1982)
  3. Lejre Research Center (1982)
  4. Les Accidents de Taille (1982)
  5. Les perles-pendeloques a coches en os. Reconstitution experimentale (1982)
  6. Leven in het stenen tijdperk (1982)
  7. Lithic technological analysis of the thin-butted flint axe (1982)
  8. Living a Stone Age life (privately printed) (1982)
  9. Living History: Simulating Everyday Life in Living Museums (1982)
  10. The manufacture of lime and its uses in the western Roman provinces (1982)
  11. Manufacture of Mesoamerican prismatic blades: an alternative approach (1982)
  12. The Material Culture of the Pagan Celt (1982)
  13. A method for the identification of the location of regional cultural boundaries (1982)
  14. Microwear analysis of experimental stone tools: further test results (1982)
  15. Microwear analysis of natural and use striations: new clues to the mechanism of striation formation (1982)
  16. The military effectiveness of arrow loops: some experiments at White Castle (1982)
  17. Moldmaking procedures for the mass-production of artifact replicas (1982)
  18. The mule as a military animal (1982)
  19. The mule as a military animal, part 2 (1982)
  20. The Murex Purple dye (1982)
  21. New Approaches to Old Problems (1982)
  22. New Guinea Gardens. By Axel Steensberg, Academic Press, 1980 (1982)
  23. New plans for the Lunt (1982)
  24. A new reconstruction of the Attic trieres and Bireme (1982)
  25. Oldtid i lange baner (1982)
  26. Oldtidslandbrug i Draved skov (1982)
  27. The origins and development of cruck construction in Eastern England (1982)
  28. Over The Edge: functional analysis of Australian stone tools (1982)
  29. The Ploughzone (1982)
  30. Post-ring symmetry in roundhouses at Moel y Gaer and some other sites in prehistoric Britain (1982)
  31. Pottery in the Roman world: an ethnoarchaeological approach (1982)
  32. Pottery manufacture on Tubetube (1982)
  33. Pre-Columbian Spinning and Lloq'e yarn: an ethnographic analogy (1982)
  34. Prehistoric foraging in a temperate forest: a linear programming approach (1982)
  35. A preliminary analysis of blade scrapers from Ringkloster, a Danish late Mesolithic site (1982)
  36. The present past: an introduction to anthropology for archaeologists (1982)
  37. The quantification of microwear traces: a new use for interferometry (1982)
  38. Ranking, resource and exchange; aspects of the archaeology of early European society (1982)
  39. The Ranks of the Ermine Street Guard (1982)
  40. Realität [sic] und Museum = Reality and museum : Kommerzialiserungstendenzen = Tendencies of commercialisation : Neue Konservierungstechniken = New conservation techniques : Tagungsbericht Oslo 1980 (1982)
  41. Reconstructing the hull (1982)
  42. Reconstruction of Roman decorated architecture: proportions, prescriptions and practices (1982)
  43. The reconstruction of some Saxon buildings at Goltho, Lincolnshire (1982)
  44. Reconstruction of tool use at Pincevent: microwear and experiments (1982)
  45. Reduktion und Rekonstruktion archäologischer Befunde (1982)
  46. Rekonstruktion eines neolithischen Hauses im Museum für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Thüringens Weimar (1982)
  47. Rekonstruktion eines prähistorischen Töpferofens und Brennversuche in Kukate, Kreis Lüchow-Dannenberg (1982)
  48. Rescue excavations at Moel Hiraddug [hillfort] between 1960 and 1980 (1982)
  49. resurrected Rancho: Old Cienega Village Museum (1982)
  50. Review of experimental determination of stone tool uses: A microwear analysis by L.H. Keeley. (1982)
  51. Revoir notre passé. De la fouille à la reconstritution archéologique (1982)
  52. Roman Cloaks part 2 (1982)
  53. Roman military structures at 'The Lunt' Roman fort (1982)
  54. Romano-British villas: one or two storied? (1982)
  55. The second international work seminar in lithic technology (Lejre, August 1-9 1981) (1982)
  56. The second international work seminar in lithic technology (Lejre, August 1-9 1981)[reprint from: Flintknappers' Exchange, vol 5 (1)] (1982)
  57. Seler og slæb i vikingetid. Birkas kvindedragt i nyt lys (1982)
  58. The Sindbad Voyage (1982)
  59. Skivyxor. En experimentell analys av en redskapstyp från den senatlantiska bosättningen vid Soldattorpet [BA Dissertation] (1982)
  60. Sprawozdanie z obozu naukowo-doświadczalnego Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej odbytego w dniach od 11 do 17 IX 1982 r. w Nowej Słupi (1982)
  61. The stone technologies of early hominids at Koobi Fora, Kenya: an experimental approach, PhD thesis (1982)
  62. Strichen (report on restoration of stone circle) (1982)
  63. Structural Reconstruction, approaches to the interpretation of the excavated remains of buildings (1982)
  64. Structural reconstructions of Iron Age houses in the Netherlands (1982)
  65. A Study of the Blast Furnace Process (1982)
  66. Substructure to Superstructure (1982)
  67. Symbolic and structural archaeology (1982)
  68. Symbols in action: ethnoarchaeological studies of material culture (1982)
  69. Tailler! Pour quoi faire: Prehistoire et technologie lithique II Studio (1982)
  70. The techniques of tablet weaving (1982)
  71. Technological studies of ancient ceramics from the Near East, Aegean, and Southeast Europe (1982)
  72. Temporary works, their construction and archaeology (1982)
  73. Terra Sigillata: ein Weltreich im Spiegel seines Luxusgeschirrs (1982)
  74. Textilsymposium Neumünster archäologische Textilfunde; 6.5.-8.5.1981 (1982)
  75. Theory of statistical experiments (1982)
  76. Thermal alteration in mesolithic assemblages (1982)
  77. Toftinghuset: om rekonstruktion af et jernalderhus (1982)
  78. The traditional pottery of Papua New Guinea (1982)
  79. The trebuchet and other siege-engines (1982)
  80. A trireme's tragedy (1982)
  81. Töpfern, Lehmofenbau, brennen (1982)
  82. Une technique de perforation par percussion de perles en comaline (Larsa, Iraq) (1982)
  83. Untersuchungen an Wollgeweben aus Schleswig und Lübeck (1982)
  84. Untersuchungen zur Schmiedetechnik auf den keltischen Oppida (1982)
  85. Utilisation et fabrication des herminettes rubanees (1982)
  86. The validity of inference from archaeological evidence (1982)
  87. Verslag van een studiereis door Nederland (1982)
  88. Viking Age - metalcasting technique (1982)
  89. Viking Age Boatbuilding tools (1982)
  90. Village ethnoarchaeology. Rural Iran in archaeological perspective (1982)
  91. Village ethnoarchaeology: rural Iran in archaeological perspective (1982)
  92. Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Kulturpflanzen aus dem nördlichen Deutschland (1982)
  93. Vzpomínky na minulost aneb Experimenty odhalují tajemství praveku. Profil (1982)
  94. Vævning af 2/1 Kipper på Opstadvæv (1982)
  95. Wildbeuter und ihre Umwelt: ein Beitrag zum Magdalénien Südwestdeutschlands aus ökologischer und ethnoarchäologischer Sicht (1982)
  96. Wollverarbeitung im Mittelalter (1982)
  97. The Wood Age? The significance of wood usage in Pre-lron Age North-Western Europe (1982)
  98. Wood working Techniques before A.D. 1500. Papers presented to a Symposium at Greenwich in September, 1980, together with edited discussion (1982)
  99. Working unseasoned oak (1982)
  100. Yttopografiska studier av förhistoriska stenredskap. 2. Två experiment med automatisk registrering av nötningsglans (1982)