EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,901-3,000 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. The bloomery process (1984)
  2. Boote aus aller Welt (Exhibition catalogue. With extra: Verzeichnis der Exponate 23 pp) (1984)
  3. Boote: Technik und Symbolik. der Schiffahrt in aussereuropäischen Kulturen; Katalog zur Ausstellung (1984)
  4. Bronsgjutning. Försök efter förhistorisk model (1984)
  5. Building a Chippewa Indian Birchbark Canoe (1984)
  6. Burnt bones and teeth: an experimental study of color, morphology, crystal structure and shrinkage (1984)
  7. Butchering, sharing, and the archaeological record (1984)
  8. Butser Ancient Farm Project Trust, A review for Autumn 1984 (1984)
  9. Cedar. Tree of life to the northwest Coast Indians (1984)
  10. Ceramic salt-making debris from Droitwich (1984)
  11. Chemical analysis of pottery residues (1984)
  12. Cutmark mimics on modern and fossil bovid bones (1984)
  13. Danebury: an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire. Volume 1, the excavations, 1969 -1978: the site (1984)
  14. Das Boot aus der Tundra: Eiszeitjäger vor 10.000 Jahren (1984)
  15. Das Erweichen von Geweih durch Wasseraufnahme (1984)
  16. Der archäologische Park Xanten, Kreis Wesel (Stand 1980) (1984)
  17. Der archäologische Park Xanten, Kreis Wesel (Stand 1982) (1984)
  18. Diatom analysis of pottery and clays from north Northumberland (1984)
  19. Die Freilichtanlagen am Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale) (1984)
  20. Die meßtechnische Uberwachung der Versuchsbrände und die verfahrenstechnische Auswertung (1984)
  21. Die Verarbeitung von Knochen, Geweih und Horn im mittelalterlichen Schleswig (1984)
  22. Die Vorzeit war ganz anders: Methoden und Ergebnisse der Neuen Archäologie (1984)
  23. DuMont's Handbuch der Keramikglasur: Material - Rezepte - Anwendung (1984)
  24. Débitage par pression (1984)
  25. Débitage par pression sur silex: nouvelles expérimentations (1984)
  26. E. Swanson (ed) Lithic technology: making and using stone tools, Mouton, The Hague and Paris 1975 (1984)
  27. Erde und Feuer: traditionelle japanische Keramik der Gegenwart; Katalog zur Ausstellung (1984)
  28. Ethno-archaeology of pottery firing in Darfur, Sudan: implications for ceramic technology studies (1984)
  29. Ethnoarchéologie et ethnologie des techniques (1984)
  30. Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of Learning and Development (1984)
  31. An experimental analysis of the size and distribution of waste flakes from bifacial Reduction (1984)
  32. Experimental boat archaeology in Denmark (1984)
  33. The experimental construction of a Missisipian "small pole" structure at Etowah (unpublished manuscript) (1984)
  34. Experimental earthworks in England (1984)
  35. Experimental effects of bone size and temperature on bone diagenesis (1984)
  36. An experimental study of the technology of bone implement manufacture (1984)
  37. Experiments and observations on aboriginal wild plant food utilization in eastern North America (1984)
  38. Experiments in bifacial work: about 'laurel leaves' (1984)
  39. Experiments in cutting carcases of large animals with tools of palaeolithic type (1984)
  40. Experiments with an ancient potters' wheel (1984)
  41. F.H.S. Knowles: Stone worker's progress: a study of stone implements in the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford 1953, reprinted 1976 (1984)
  42. The fishing culture of the world: studies in ethnology, cultural ecology and folklore; dedicated to Holger Rasmussen (1984)
  43. Flint axe manufacture in the Neolithic: experiments with grinding and polishing of thin-butted flint axes (1984)
  44. Flintknapping: the Art of Making Stone Tools (1984)
  45. The formation of use-wear polish on flint: beyond the deposit versus abrasion controversy (1984)
  46. Fornnordiska klanger.The Sounds of Prehistoric Scandinavia,. Booklet and CD (1984)
  47. Frederik Sehested: a Danish pioneer (1984)
  48. Förmedlingsprojektet i Länna (1984)
  49. The Great Museum: the re-presentation of history (1984)
  50. Greek Neolithic pottery by experiment (1984)
  51. How to make and use the Atlatl: ancient weapons of the Ice Age hunters (1984)
  52. Identification of organic residues in ceramics (1984)
  53. Indonesische Textilien: Wege zu Göttern und Ahnen; Bestandskatalog der Museen in Nordrhein-Westfalen (1984)
  54. The Institute of Pottery Technology, Leiden [Reprint from: Institute of Pottery Technology Newsletter no. 1, 1983, pp xx-xx] (1984)
  55. Interpretation of archaeological plant remains: ethnographic models from Greece (1984)
  56. Interpretation of archaeological plant remains: the application of ethnographic models from Turkey (1984)
  57. Interpreting pottery (1984)
  58. The Jorvik Viking Centre: an experiment in archaeological site interpretation (1984)
  59. Keramiklexikon (1984)
  60. Kodo-zu-roku: Illustrierte Abhandlung über die Verhüttung des Kupfers 1801 (1984)
  61. La contribution de la zoologie et de l'ethnologie à l'interprétation de l'art des peuples chasseurs préhistoriques (Kolloquien der Schweizerischen Akademie derGeisteswissenschaften) (1984)
  62. Lascaux II: a faithful copy (1984)
  63. The looking-glass world: a study of reconstructed-community museums in Canada (1984)
  64. Macro and micro wear traces on lithic projectile points: experimental results and prehistoric examples (1984)
  65. Mahlversuche mit urzeitlichen Mühlen im Museum für Urgeschichte Asparn an der Zaya (1984)
  66. The many dimensions of pottery: ceramics in archaeology and anthropology (1984)
  67. Meisterwerke kaukasischer Bronzeschmiede (1984)
  68. Metal casting. Techniques, production and workshop (1984)
  69. Metallgewinnung Eisen und Stahl, Lehrbrief (1984)
  70. Metallographic Study of Iron Artifacts from the Eastern Transvaal, South Africa (1984)
  71. Metallographische und analytische Untersuchungen an Proben aus den Grabungen der Bronzegießerei in der Phidias-Werkstatt von Olympia und Versuche zum Schmelzen von Bronze in flachen Tiegeln (1984)
  72. Methods of kiln reconstruction (1984)
  73. A microwear analysis of unretouched blades from Agerod V (1984)
  74. Microwear and organic residue studies on Sweet Track flints (1984)
  75. Modelling the making of pots: an ethnoarchaeological approach (1984)
  76. Montanwirtschaft Mitteleuropas vom 12. bis 17. Jahrhundert - Forschungsprobleme: Stand, Wege und Aufgaben der Forschung (1984)
  77. Nachruf Hofrat Dr. Franz Hampl. 1915 bis 1980. (1984)
  78. A new ceramic publication (Bulletin of the Experimental Firing Group) (1984)
  79. New directions in the agriculture and rural-life museums in the UK (1984)
  80. Nomades et sédentaires: perspectives ethnoarchéologiques. With English summary. (1984)
  81. Non-human fracturing and surface damage in Miocene bones, with notes on related taphonomic experiments (1984)
  82. North European textile production and trade of the 1st millenium AD: a research project (1984)
  83. The old pot-boiler (1984)
  84. Old stone tools and recent knappers: late Pleistocene stone technology and current flaking techniques in the Zaire Basin (1984)
  85. Om proportioner, konstruktioner och mått i ett hälsingehus från äldre järnålder (1984)
  86. The past, present, and future of flintknapping: an anthropological perspective (1984)
  87. Pattern and process in Strombus gigas tool replication (1984)
  88. Please Touch (1984)
  89. Pokus o rekonstrukci zpusobu mletí na laténském a slovanském mlýnku (1984)
  90. Pokusy s replikami neolitických srpu (1984)
  91. Pots and people in Los Pueblos: the social and economic organization of pottery (1984)
  92. Pots and potters: current approaches in ceramic archaeology (1984)
  93. Pottery, profiles, and function (1984)
  94. Pottery-making and open firing at Piddington Romano-British villa, August, 1983 (1984)
  95. Practical experiments in boat-stitching (1984)
  96. Prehistoire de la pierre taillée 2, Économie du débitage laminaire (1984)
  97. Prehistoire de Patagonie: l'industrie 'Nivel II' de la Province de Santa Cruz (Argentine): technologie lithique et traces d'utilisation (1984)
  98. Preliminary report of the microwear analysis of the flint of Vlaardingen 11, Leidschendam 4 and Voorschoten 17 (internal report IPP) (1984)
  99. Preliminary results of microwear analysis on experimental quartz tools (1984)
  100. Prähistorische Steinbearbeitung. Second International Work Seminar in Lithic Technology, Lejre/Denmark (1984)