EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,101-3,200 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Einige Bemerkungen zu Schmelzversuchen in Rennöfen (1985)
  2. Einige Bemerkungen zur Schäftung von Lappen- und Tüllenbeilen (1985)
  3. Eketorps borg. En forlämning som fått nytt liv (1985)
  4. Erhaltung historischer Kulturpflanzen (1985)
  5. The essential mechanics of conchoidal flaking (1985)
  6. Ethnoarchaeological research: water vessels in Sardinia (1985)
  7. Examination of ash from the Experimental Firing Group pottery bonfire held at Leicester in July 1984 and comparison with some .. (1985)
  8. Excavation, reconstruction and display: some issues in the presentation of archaeology to the public (1985)
  9. An experiment in manual processing of soil samples for plant remains (1985)
  10. An experiment in Technology: the reconstruction of a Pre-Columbian Belt from an Encoded XVII Century text (1985)
  11. An experimental approach to sickle sheen deposition and archaeological interpretation (1985)
  12. Experimental Archaeology and Public Involvement: a Case Study (1985)
  13. Experimental smelting techniques: achievements and future (1985)
  14. Experimental trial of Saxon pot fabric and die-stamp types (1985)
  15. Experimental trials of die-stamps and Anglo-Saxon pottery firing (1985)
  16. Experimental use of Hixton Silicified Sandstone for gunflints (1985)
  17. Experimental use wear analysis of bone tools, unpublished MA Thesis (1985)
  18. Experimente zum Anbau und zur Verarbeitung prähistorischer Getreidearten (1985)
  19. Experimentgård för Umeå universitetet (1985)
  20. Experiments in the collection and analysis of archaeological survey data: the east Hampshire survey (1985)
  21. Experiments with Danish mesolithic microblade technology (1985)
  22. Expérimentations practiques de technologies céramiques (1985)
  23. Fire in the pot shop: observations on the accidental refiring of some Roman pottery (1985)
  24. Flachs-Anbau und Verarbeitung zu Leinen (1985)
  25. Form versus Function: lithic use-wear analysis and its application to a class of Levantine Mousterian tools. PhD. Thesis (1985)
  26. Forntid i Nutid – Skånes Djurpark (1985)
  27. Forntida Teknik Idag: Aktuella Projekt (1985)
  28. Fortgeschrittene Durchstrahlungstechniken zur Dokumentation antiker Bronzen (1985)
  29. From typology to ethnology: techniques of the Erimi potters (1985)
  30. A functional study of lithics from Vaenget Nord, a Mesolithic site from Vedbæk, N.E. Sjælland (1985)
  31. Funktionsbestimmung von Steingeräten anhand mikroskopischer Gebrauchsspuren (1985)
  32. Furnaces and smelting technology in Antiquity (1985)
  33. Further investigation in the technology of Medieval tile making (1985)
  34. Gammal teknik i medvind (1985)
  35. Garvning och beredning av hudar och skinn med traditionella metoder (1985)
  36. Gebrauch einfacher Steinwerkzeuge in der Bronze- und Eisenzeit (1985)
  37. Gene Fornby (1985)
  38. Grabungsbegleitende Rekonstruktion eines frühmittelalterlichen Hofplatzes in Münster-Gittrup (1985)
  39. The Gundestrup cauldron identification of tool traces (1985)
  40. Göteborgs Arkeologiska Museum (1985)
  41. Handbook of Charcoal making (1985)
  42. Heat Treatment of Knife River Flint (1985)
  43. Heritage Centres, A national survey (1985)
  44. Het verleden herbouwd. Boerderijconstructies in prehistorie en Middeleeuwen (1985)
  45. I Sista minuten (1985)
  46. In pursuit of Lewis Binford (1985)
  47. Inca quarrying and stonecutting (1985)
  48. Institutet för Förhistorisk Teknologi (1985)
  49. Interpretation of historic sites (1985)
  50. Interpreting site function: microwear analysis of an epigravettian level at Paglicci Cave, Italy (Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeologists, Denver) (1985)
  51. An introductory note on the use of tangential thin sections for distinguishing between wheel-thrown and coil/ring-built vessels (1985)
  52. Iron Age Agriculture Reviewed (1985)
  53. The Jason Voyage (1985)
  54. Jorvik - Inside the Museum Case (1985)
  55. Jorvik Revisited (1985)
  56. Jämtländs läns museum (1985)
  57. Katuruka und Kemondo: Zur Komplexität der frühen Eisentechnik in Afrika (1985)
  58. Keramik. Von der Handform zum Industrieguß (1985)
  59. Kiln superstructures - the Bickley experiments (1985)
  60. Konservierte Geschichte. Antike Bauten und ihre Erhaltung (1985)
  61. Konservierung - Restaurierung und Rekonstruktion antiker Baudenkmale in Stadt- und Landgebiet von Trier (1985)
  62. The Kyrenia Ship: an interim report on its hull construction (1985)
  63. L'archeologia dopa la New Archaeology: il rapporto con l'etno-antropologia (1985)
  64. La place pédagogique de la préhistoire dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire dans le Finistère (1985)
  65. La reconstitution de jardins du Haut Moyen Age (1985)
  66. Le materiel de broyage. Etude ethnoarcheologiqueà Tichitt (R.l. Mauritanie) (1985)
  67. Lehrbuch der Züchtung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen. 2nd special part, 2nd ed. (1985)
  68. Leinenweber in Norddeutschland (1985)
  69. Lejre Versuchscenter (1985)
  70. Les amas lithiques de la zone N19 du gisement magdalénien de Marsangy: approche méthodologique par l'éxperimentation (1985)
  71. The living history sourcebook (1985)
  72. Living history, Its many forms (1985)
  73. Making wooden buckets. White cooperage, the Swiss way (1985)
  74. Mammucium, a garrison's post, past, present and future (1985)
  75. Merovingian Garnet Jewellery, Emergence and Social Implications (1985)
  76. Microscopic striations on flint sickle-blades as an indication of plant cultivation: preliminary results (1985)
  77. Microwear on quartz: fact of fiction? (1985)
  78. Modern ship strength calculation - a mean for the reconstruction of wooden boats (1985)
  79. Modification of experimental flint scatters by fluvial processes (unpublished BA Dissertation) (1985)
  80. Mortar analysis (1985)
  81. Muri Mariani: Marsch in römischer Legionärsausrüstung über die Alpen (1985)
  82. Museumsausstellungen. Planung, Design, Evaluation (1985)
  83. The nature of surface gloss (1985)
  84. Nitrogen fixation and flow in experimental island bed gardens: implications for archaeology (1985)
  85. Nordisk hedendom. Tro och sed i förkristen tid (1985)
  86. Note sur la fabrication actuelle du plâtre à Kdeir, Syrie (1985)
  87. Observation of edge damage and technological effects on pressure-flaked stone tools (1985)
  88. Of house and earth: the excavation, interpretation and reconstruction of a late mesolithic house (1985)
  89. The Oldowan reassessed: a close look at early stone artifacts (1985)
  90. Om bygning af et vikingetidshus på Fyrkat (1985)
  91. Oud-Leusden. Rekonstructie van een 12de eeuwse boerderij (1985)
  92. Outillage peu elaboré en os et en bois de cervides (1985)
  93. Ovala spännbucklar. En Studie av vikingatida standardsmycken med utgangspunkt frän Björköfynden (1985)
  94. Paleolithic lithophones: descriptions and comparisons (1985)
  95. The Past is a Foreign Country (1985)
  96. Pestování pšenice dvouzrnky na zdáreném pozemku (1985)
  97. A philosophy for the industrial open-air museum (1985)
  98. The Polish smelting experiments in furnaces with slag pits (1985)
  99. Postprocessual archaeoloqy (1985)
  100. The potential functional analysis of obsidian tools: a closer view (1985)