EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,301-3,400 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Bootsbau bei den Senufo (1986)
  2. Breakage patterns on prehistoric bone points: an experimental study (1986)
  3. Brezno: Experiments with building old Slavic houses and living in them (1986)
  4. Bronsgjutare i Mali och Burkina Faso (1986)
  5. Butser Ancient Farm Project Data Book (1986)
  6. Celtic Gold (1986)
  7. The chipped stone production/use cycle (1986)
  8. Clay and fire (1986)
  9. The clay sleeps: an ethnoarchaeological study of three African potters (1986)
  10. Comment preciser les donnees traceologiques? (1986)
  11. Connor Prairie refocuses its interpretive message to include controversial subjects (1986)
  12. Contemporary Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology in America (1986)
  13. A controlled experiment concerning the production of early Bronze Age shale cups from Farway Down (1986)
  14. Danish and Norwegian reconstruction sites. Unpublished report for the British Travel Education Trust (1986)
  15. Das Werkzeug des Zimmermanns (1986)
  16. De äldsta Metallkulturerna (1986)
  17. Der Bronzeguss in der Antike: Gedanken - Hypothesen - Experimente; ein Werkstattbericht 1981-1985 (1986)
  18. Der Ursprung des Mais - eine neue Theorie (1986)
  19. Designing replica boats. The Boats of St. Brendan, Sinbad and Jason (1986)
  20. Die Anwendung von Rauheitsmessungen bei der Untersuchung von neolithischen Mahl- und Schleifsteinen (1986)
  21. Die Entwicklung der Haustierhaltung im südlichen Ostseeraum (1986)
  22. Die Gewinnung von Holzteer (1986)
  23. Die Legionen des Augustus: der römische Soldat im archäologischen Experiment (1986)
  24. Die Pechsiederei bei den Slawen (1986)
  25. Die Rekonstruktion des Schalungstragwerkes für die Trompengewölbe der Kobba Bent el-Rey in Karthago (Tunesien) (1986)
  26. Die Steinmetztechnik der Inka (1986)
  27. Drehbank und Drechselei. Stichworte (1986)
  28. DuMont's Handbuch der Keramikbrennöfen: geschichtliche Entwicklung - Bauanleitungen - Brennbeschreibungen (1986)
  29. Eibe (1986)
  30. Einführung zum Rennfeuerversuch ELEGIUS (1986)
  31. Eisenschlacken der römischen Kaiserzeit vom Auberg in Süderschmedeby (Gem. Sieverstedt), Kreis Schleswig- Flensburg: Versuch einer Deutung (1986)
  32. Emmons' notes on Field Museum's collection of Northwest coast basketry: edited with an ethnoarchaeological analysis (1986)
  33. Emperisme in Arqueologia (1986)
  34. En studie av mesolitiska bågar och pilar: med en experimentell undersökning av tvärpilar [BA Dissertation] (1986)
  35. En teknisk-konstruktiv analyse av jernalderens gårdshus i Norge, et bidrag til forhistorisk byggforskning. Avhandling til magistergraden i arkeologi. Thesis (1986)
  36. Ernährungsmöglichkeiten und Ernährungsgewohnheiten prähistorischer Bevölkerungen (1986)
  37. Erze und Metalle: ihre Kulturgeschichte im Experiment: Experimente mit Grundanleitung (1986)
  38. An ethno-archaeological view of Indian terracottas: a comparative study of the present and past terracotta traditions of Gangetic plains (1986)
  39. Ethnographic basketry (1986)
  40. An evaluation of microwear studies: a multi-analyst approach (1986)
  41. The excavation of an experimental firing area at Stamford Hall, Leicester: 1985 (1986)
  42. Experience with Danish Viking Ship Copies (1986)
  43. Experiment Design: mehr Kreativität durch experimentelles Gestalten - Fallstudien aus Praxis und Ausbildung. G/GB/F (1986)
  44. Experimental approaches to ancient Near Eastern archery (1986)
  45. Experimental archaeology and burnt animal bone from archaeological sites (1986)
  46. Experimental archaeology and woodland Indian houses (1986)
  47. Experimental Archaeology, 1: Sticks and Stones of Egyptian Technology (1986)
  48. Experimental boat archaeology: some methodological considerations (1986)
  49. Experimental Determination of Use Wear on Stone Adzes from Boomplaas Cave, South Africa (1986)
  50. Experimental iron smelting: the genesis of a hypothesis with implications for African prehistory and history (1986)
  51. An experimental pottery firing at Ramsden, Worcestershire (1986)
  52. Experimental pottery firing at the expedition at Brezno 1984 (1986)
  53. Experimental replication of post-depositional surface modification on flint (1986)
  54. The Experimental Reproduction and Archaeological Occurrence of Biface Notching Flakes (1986)
  55. Experimental smelting of bog iron ores (1986)
  56. Experimental study of heat induced morphological changes in fish bone collagen (1986)
  57. An experimental study of projectile fracture patterns (1986)
  58. Experimentation with the fire hardening of wood (1986)
  59. Experimentelle Archäologie (1986)
  60. Experimentelle Archäologie: Ziele, Methoden und Aussagemöglichkeiten, Magisterarbeit (1986)
  61. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion neolithischer Kuppelbacköfen (1986)
  62. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion neolithischer Kuppelbacköfen. Unpublished Magisterarbeit (1986)
  63. Experiments in ceramic technology: the effects of various tempering material on impact and thermal shock resistance (1986)
  64. Experiments in the function and performance of the weighted atlatl (1986)
  65. Experiments with a wax tablet (1986)
  66. Experiments with spears and arrows on animal targets (1986)
  67. Experimentální overení výrobních mozností milírovitých hrncírských pecí (Experimentelle Beglaubigung der Leistungsfähigkeit der Meilertöpferöfen) (1986)
  68. Expérimentations et analyses en céramologie préhistorique (1986)
  69. Expérimentations et analyses en céramologie préhistorique. Confection, étude thermique des cuissons analyse der pâtes céramiques pour leur caractérisation par le dégraissant et pour leur datation par le carbone 14 (1986)
  70. A few comments concerning residue analysis of stone plant-processing tools (1986)
  71. Figurations rupestres sahariennes de chars chevaux: recherches expérimentales sur les véhicules à timons multiples (1986)
  72. Finials on stone flakes (1986)
  73. Firing and refiring tests in the context of ceramic thin section studies (1986)
  74. Fish bone survival in the digestive systems of the pig, dog and man: some experiments (1986)
  75. Fish polish, fact and fiction (1986)
  76. Forhistoriske textiler i Skandinavien (1986)
  77. Forntida Teknik: Brons och Koppar (1986)
  78. Forntida Teknik: Varptyngd vävstol (1986)
  79. Fortschritte im Hausbau: ein neues Modell in der urgeschichtlichen Abteilung: Haus der Rössener Kultur (1986)
  80. From ethnoarchaeology to material culture studies (1986)
  81. Från Sveg till Mali (1986)
  82. Fyrskaftsbindning – kypert (1986)
  83. Försök med kopparframställning (1986)
  84. Försök med kopparsmältning (1986)
  85. Gießereilexikon (1986)
  86. The Greek Trireme of the 5th century BC (1986)
  87. Griechische Metallhandwerker und ihre Gebläse (1986)
  88. Groby Iron Age farmstead reconstruction (1986)
  89. Haarhausen 1: Rekonstruktion eines Töpferofens und des Brennverfahrens (1986)
  90. Handwerk im Leben der Purhépecha in Mexiko (1986)
  91. The "Helga Holm" Project (1986)
  92. Historic theme parks. An Australian experience in authenticity (1986)
  93. Historisk orienteering (1986)
  94. History through drama - The Iron Age hut project (1986)
  95. Holzboote gesucht: das Forschungsprojekt "Vorindustrielle Wasserfahrzeuge im Flußgeblet des Rheins" (1986)
  96. Hominid Hand Use in the Pliocene and Pleistocene: Evidence from Experimental Archaeology & Comparative Morphology (1986)
  97. Hunters in transition: Mesolithic societies of temperate Eurasia and their transition to farming (1986)
  98. i Österled. Med vikingaskepp mot Miklagård I (1986)
  99. IJzeroer in Drenthe. Ontstaan, voorkomen, winning en gebruik (1986)
  100. The influence of flint microstructure on the formation of microwear polishes (1986)