EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,701-3,800 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Outrigger canoes of Bali and Madura, Indonesia (1987)
  2. Palaeolithic lamps and their specialization: a hypothesis (1987)
  3. Past meets present: essays about historic interpretation and public audiences (1987)
  4. Past to present uses of stone tools and their effects on assemblage characteristics in the Maya highlands (1987)
  5. Polish G and the question of hafting (1987)
  6. Pottery analysis: a sourcebook (1987)
  7. The presentation of monuments to the public (1987)
  8. Primitive architecture (1987)
  9. Primitive Technology: Practical Guidelines For Making Stone Tools, Pottery, Basketry, Etc. The Aboriginal Way (1987)
  10. Principles of experimental research in archaeology (1987)
  11. Processual archaeology and the radical critique (1987)
  12. Rakning, klippning med sten och bronsverktyg (1987)
  13. Re-constructing archaeology: theory and practice (1987)
  14. Rekonstruktion von Methoden der Getreidereinigung anhand bandkeramischer Pflanzenreste des Rheinlandes unter Berücksichtigung volkskundlicher Quellen (1987)
  15. Rekonstruktionen (1987)
  16. The reproduction of the Godspeed (1987)
  17. Årets gang (1987)
  18. A review of 'Investigating micro wear polishes with 'blind tests' (1987)
  19. Review of COATES, J.F. & McGRAIL, S.: The Greek Trireme of the 5th Century BC (1987)
  20. Review of: Svend Jörgensen, Tree-Felling with Original Neolithie Flint-Axes in Draved Wood. Report on the experiments in 1952—54. (1987)
  21. Riviviamo il passato. Corso di archeologia sperimentale. Cooperativa Archeologia i Territorio, Verona. Catalogue of the Exhibition (1987)
  22. Rohstofferfahrungen beim Töpfern nach vorgeschichtlicher Art (1987)
  23. “Rosett”- Anleggene på Heglesvollen kan forklare mysteriene (1987)
  24. Rund um die Feuerstelle: zeitgenössische Artefakte des häuslichen Lebens in Burkina Faso (Westafrika) (1987)
  25. Samara – cité culturelle de la Somme (1987)
  26. Scharfe Splitter (1987)
  27. The Scientific Basis for the Reconstruction of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Houses (1987)
  28. Sea trials of the reconstructed trireme (1987)
  29. SEM-Identification and Documentation of Tool Marks and Surface Textures on the Gundestrup Cauldron (1987)
  30. Site content and structure: quarries and workshops in the Maya highlands (1987)
  31. Skinnkläder (1987)
  32. Skoleelevar blir Jarnprodusentar (1987)
  33. Slitspårsanalys - ett sätt att förstå stenålderns redskapsformer (1987)
  34. Smed! (1987)
  35. Smide av klinknaglar (1987)
  36. Some recent research into Bronze Age pottery in the East Midlands (1987)
  37. Stammebådsprojektet på Vedbækfundene 1986 -et praktisk undervisningstilbud og arkæologisk eksperiment (1987)
  38. "Steinsmedene" (1987)
  39. Stenålderhus, rekonstruktion av ett 4000 år gammalt hus (1987)
  40. Stenåldershus. Rekonstruktion av ett 4000 år gammalt hus, rapport 2 (1987)
  41. Stone Age Textiles in North Europe, 3rd NESAT Conference (1987)
  42. Stone tools use at Cerros: the ethnoarchaeological and use-wear evidence (1987)
  43. The strength and behaviour of tension-tourniquets, or Spanish windlasses of natural fibre ropes (1987)
  44. Studies in ancient technology, Volume 4. the Fibres and Fabrics of Antiquity-Washing, Bleaching, Fulling and Felting-Dyes and Dyeing-Spinning-Sewing, Basketry...and Weaving (1987)
  45. Südosteuropa zwischen Antike und Mittelalter: archäologische Beiträge zur Landwirtschaft des 1. Jahrtausends u.Z. (1987)
  46. Tankar kring experimentell arkeologi (1987)
  47. Techniken und Methoden der intentionellen Herstellung von Steingeräten (1987)
  48. Technische Bemerkungen zur Herstellung der bronzenen Ringgehänge aus dem Hortfund von Allendorf: eine Untersuchung mit Versuchsbeschreibungen (1987)
  49. Technologie und Ergologie in der Völkerkunde (1987)
  50. Texture analysis of use-wear on stone tools (1987)
  51. Theophilus Presbyter und die mittelalterliche Goldschmiedekunst (1987)
  52. Theory and experiment in the study of technological change (1987)
  53. Toward a Critical Archaeology (1987)
  54. Traditional metate manufacturing in Guatemala using chipped stone tools (1987)
  55. The transport and abrasion of flint handaxes in a gravel-bed river (1987)
  56. The Trireme Project - from below decks (1987)
  57. Trävirke (1987)
  58. Töpferinnen in Mexiko: entwicklungsethnologische Untersuchungen zur Produktion und Vermarktung der Töpferei von Patamban und Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán, West-Mexiko (1987)
  59. The Ulysses Voyage (1987)
  60. Umweltabhängige Strukturveränderungen an Steinartefakten (1987)
  61. Unsichtbares sichtbar machen - Überlegungen zum Nutzen und Schaden des Wiederaufbaus antiker Denkmäler (1987)
  62. Untersuchungen an jungsteinzeitlichen Felsgesteingeräten (1987)
  63. Untersuchungen zu Handel und Verkehr der vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Zeit in Mittel- und Nordeuropa. 4. Der Handel der Karolinger- und Wikingerzeit (1987)
  64. Uppbyggligheter - kring husrekonstruktionens problem (1987)
  65. Uses of the past: archaeology in the service of the state (1987)
  66. Vad blev utbyttet (1987)
  67. Vad tjäner forntidsteknik till? (1987)
  68. Variabilité de l'Industrie lithique au Mousterien (1987)
  69. Verktygen (1987)
  70. The Viking Museum, Roskilde (1987)
  71. Vikingar i Gallö (1987)
  72. Vom Steinbeil zum Sägegatter. Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte der Holzbearbeitung (1987)
  73. Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Waldschmieden in Schleswig-Holstein (1987)
  74. Vorgeschichtliche Holzkohleindustrie (1987)
  75. A Voyage in Time and Legend Aboard the Kyrenia Ship (1987)
  76. Výroba potaše z dřevěného popela (1987)
  77. Weber und Schnitzer in Westafrika (1987)
  78. Wege zum lebendigen Museum (1987)
  79. Working in a Roman kitchen (1987)
  80. Zur Frage des Systems der Landwirtschaft im Neolithikum und äneolithikum in Mitteleuropa (1987)
  81. Zur Geschichte und Technik der Holzteergewinnung (1987)
  82. Zwei Nachbauten antiker Wagen in der Prähistorischen Staatssammlung München (1987)
  83. 6000-årigt jägarsamhälle i Vuollerim (1988)
  84. Addressing Prehistoric Hunting Practices Through Stone Tool Analysis (1988)
  85. American open-air museums. Types, work methods and tourism (1988)
  86. Analys av järnmalm och slagg (1988)
  87. Analyses de scories de l'Age du Bronze en Suisse (conference summary) (1988)
  88. Anders Fischer et al. Stenalder eksperimenter I Lejre (Stone Age experiments in Lejre), National Museum of Denmark, 1979 (1988)
  89. Anmerkungen über Verhüttungstechnik und Rohstoffverbrauch einer kaiserzeitlichen Eisenverhüttungsstätte auf dem Auberg in Süderschmedeby (Gemeinde Sieverstedt), Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg (1988)
  90. Antike Edel- und Buntmetallgewinnung auf Thaos (1988)
  91. Application of archaeomagnetic directional results for the dating of iron smelting furnaces of early Medieval Age from West-Hungary (conference summary) (1988)
  92. Apport et conservation sporo-pollinique dans les grottes: relation avec la fréquentation humaine et animale, (conference summary) (1988)
  93. Approche expérimentale de la gravure sur os au Paléolithique supérieur, (conference summary) (1988)
  94. Arbete med bronsyxor (1988)
  95. The archaeological open-air museum Oerlinghausen. (conference summary) (1988)
  96. Archaeological research of the Hoabinhian culture or technocomplex and its comparison with ethnoarchaeology of the Phi Tong Luang, a hunter-gatherer group of Thailand (1988)
  97. Archaeological textiles: report from the 2nd NESAT symposium 1.4. may 1984 (1988)
  98. The archaeology of mining and miners: a view from the Silver State (1988)
  99. Archaeology of the Vacant Land in Poona: An Experimental Study (1988)
  100. Archaeology with ethnography: an Australian perspective (1988)