EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,901-4,000 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Experimental reproduction of bronze melting practices with the Ayia Irine, Keos, crucibles (conference summary) (1988)
  2. An experimental study of blade tools manufacture (conference summary) (1988)
  3. An Experimental Study of the Technology of Stone Tool Manufacture (1988)
  4. Experimentation en archéologie polonaise (conference summary) (1988)
  5. Experimentell arkeologi samordnas (1988)
  6. Experimenter la terre et le feu. (1988)
  7. Experiments on boring-drilling technology: wear changes in tools shapes and micro wear (1988)
  8. Experiments on iron smelting and smithing (conference summary) (1988)
  9. Experiments with the Roman saddle (1988)
  10. Expérimentation archéologique et animation en milieu scolaire: les journées du Luberon (Buoux, Vaucluse) 1982. (conference summary) (1988)
  11. Expérimentations sur les techniques de débitage laminaire (conference summary) (1988)
  12. Fabrication de jarres de stockage au IVe millénaire dans le vallée du Jourdain (conference summary) (1988)
  13. Feu (1988)
  14. Fiches typologiques de l’industrie osseuse préhistorique, cahier II: propulseurs (1988)
  15. Forntida hus (1988)
  16. Forntida hus i Eketorp (1988)
  17. Forntida Teknik - aktuellt (1988)
  18. Forntida Teknik: Forntida Hus - rekonstruktioner från stenålder til vikingatid (1988)
  19. Forntidens pedagogik (1988)
  20. Forskningsprocessen som formidlingstema. Eksempel fra Jernaldergarden på Ullandhaug (1988)
  21. Fractal analysis of digital images of flint microwear. Presented to the C.A.A. in Birmingham (1988)
  22. From archaeological data to experimental structural reconstruction (conference summary) (1988)
  23. From environment to prehistory: a proposal for methodology of study and didactics (1988)
  24. Frühe Bauern in Mitteleuropa im 6. und 5. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (1988)
  25. Frühe Eisengewinnung in Zentralafrika (1988)
  26. Frühgeschichtliche Gewebe nachempfunden - Museumsdorf Düppel in Berlin (1988)
  27. Frühmittelalterliche Textilwaren in Wolin (1988)
  28. Functional analysis of prehistoric flint tools by high-power microscopy: a review of West-European research (1988)
  29. Funktionale Untersuchungen an prähistorischen Flintgeräten mit Hilfe der mikroskopischen Gebrauchsspurenanalyse: eine kurze Einführung in der Methode (1988)
  30. Förspända båtar (1988)
  31. Gamla textila tekniker i ull (1988)
  32. Gebrauchsspuren an Keramik (1988)
  33. Gebrauchsspuren an neolithischen Mahlsteinen (1988)
  34. Gervide jarnåldershus (1988)
  35. Greek Bronze Statuary (from the beginnings through the fifth century BC) (1988)
  36. Griechisches Bauwesen in der Antike (1988)
  37. Hammarede - Gammal teknik i skogsmiljö (1988)
  38. Hand und Wort: die Evolution von Technik, Sprache und Kunst (1988)
  39. Hasta or Lancea: functional differentiation in Roman Shafted weapons (conference summary) (1988)
  40. Herstellung und Gebrauch bronzener Rundschilde aus Nordwest-Iran (1988)
  41. Hessische Töpferei zwischen Spessart, Rhön und Vogelsberg (1988)
  42. Hethitische Töpferei der Oberstadt von Hattusa: ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis spät-großreichszeitlicher Keramik und Töpferbetriebe unter Zugrundelegung der Grabungsergebnisse von 1978-82 in Bogazköy (1988)
  43. High-magnification Use-wear Analysis of Projectile Points from Southeastern Minnesota (1988)
  44. Hällristningsmuseet vid Vitlycke (1988)
  45. Hög - arkeologisk samhällsmodell i full skala (1988)
  46. I siti archeologici. Un problema di musealizzazione all'apperto (1988)
  47. The identification of stone and metal tool marks on bone artifacts (1988)
  48. Il parco archeologico di Xanten (1988)
  49. In pasilciems gefundene Schwerter und Lanzespitzen mit langer Tülle und damasziertem Blatt (conference summary) (1988)
  50. Industrie de l’os et traitement thermique. (conference summary) (1988)
  51. Industries lithiques: traceologie et technologie (1988)
  52. Investigating micro wear polishes with blind tests: the institute results in context (1988)
  53. An Iron Age Harvest (1988)
  54. Iron smelting experiments: towards a systematic policy for international cooperation (conference summary) (1988)
  55. Jorvik: some school children's reactions (1988)
  56. Journée d' Études Technologiques en Prehistoire (1988)
  57. Keramik der Malinke (1988)
  58. Keramik vom Niederrhein: die Irdenware der Düppen- und Pottbäcker zwischen Köln und Kleve (1988)
  59. Kleidung und Schmuck (1988)
  60. Kopia av Hotingskidan (1988)
  61. Kopie av Överhogdalsbonaderna (1988)
  62. Kopie, Rekonstruktion und Wiederaufbau (1988)
  63. Kåtabygget i Locksta (1988)
  64. L' Archéodrome et l'expérimentation en archéologie (1988)
  65. L'expérience de Brezno: reconstruction des maisons slaves primitives (conference summary) (1988)
  66. La diffusion de l'archéologie auprès des enfants (1988)
  67. La fabrication d’une fibule de La Tene Finale (conference summary) (1988)
  68. La Ferme archéologique de Melrand et la pedagogie: une ècole tous publics, fondamentale pour le développent local (conference summary) (1988)
  69. Landesaufnahme von Töpfereien in Spanien und Marokko (1988)
  70. Lateralretusche oder "Handhabungsretuschierung"? (1988)
  71. Le mégalithisme experimental. Du prochain “Centre de découverte préhistorique” du Talmondais vendéen (France) (conference summary) (1988)
  72. Les enlèvements en flexion: Mise en évidence expérimental et mécanismes de formation (conference summary) (1988)
  73. Les fours metallurgiques, étude thermique et manipulatoire (conference summary) (1988)
  74. Les fours á chambre, étude thermique et manipulatoire (conference summary) (1988)
  75. Les propulseurs: utilisation et trace d’utilisation (conference summary) (1988)
  76. Les techniques de fabrication des carreaux estampes bicolores. Essai d’Archéologie expérimentale (conference summary) (1988)
  77. Levende geschiedenis. Het succes van de Living history-musea in Amerika (1988)
  78. Local boats. International symposium on boat and ship archaeology; 4, Porto, 1985 (1988)
  79. Lojsta Hall (1988)
  80. Långhus byggs i Västerås (1988)
  81. L’Archéodrome. Message culturel des annees 80. (conference summary) (1988)
  82. L’expérimentation en archéologie et ses rapports á l’ethnographie et aux recharges de laboratoire: application aux céramiques antiques (conference summary) (1988)
  83. L’idee de serie depuis l’apparition de la metallurgie (conference summary) (1988)
  84. Making and using stone tools: the analysis of the lithic assemblages from Middle Neolithic sites with flint in Västerbotten, Northern Sweden. Textvolume and appendices (1988)
  85. The making of the English working past: a critical view of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum (1988)
  86. Marokkanische Keramik (1988)
  87. A matter of communication (conference summary)(about the Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology) (1988)
  88. Meteorological Data 1987. Publication of Butser Ancient Farm (1988)
  89. Method in microwear analysis. Prehistoric sickles and other stone tools from Arjoune, Syria (1988)
  90. The methods of fabrication of the armament on the territory of Poland in Antiquity after the metallographic examinations (conference summary) (1988)
  91. Microdenticulates in the Danish Stone Age: a functional puzzle (1988)
  92. A microscopic analysis of use-wear and polish formation on experimental quartz tools (1988)
  93. A microwear analysis of selected artefact types from the Mesolithic sites of Star Carr and Mount Sandel (1988)
  94. Microwear methodology: a reply to MOSS, HURCOMBE and BAMFORTH (1988)
  95. Microwear patterns on experimental basalt tools (1988)
  96. Montangeschichte der Erzberggeschichte nach archäologischen und schriftlichen Dokumenten ergänzt durch praktische Versuche (1988)
  97. More experimental smelting of bog iron ores (1988)
  98. Moulage d’un depotoir d’époque François 1er a la Cour Carree du Louvre (conference summary) (1988)
  99. A multivariate approach to the functional analysis of stone tools (1988)
  100. Museums and the media: a theoretical and methodological exploration (1988)