EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,001-4,100 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Människa Natur Teknik – Projektarbeten 1988 (1988)
  2. Méthodologie expérimentale: reflexions sur diverses approaches, (conference summary) (1988)
  3. Nahrung für die Götter: die kulturelle Neuerschaffung der Welt durch die Menschen (1988)
  4. Neue Funde von mittelalterlichen Wollgeweben aus Norddeutschland (1988)
  5. Nordens äldsta hus (Tingby, Sweden) (1988)
  6. Nutzpflanzen in Deutschland. Kulturgeschichte und Biologie (1988)
  7. Nämforsen (1988)
  8. Nå blestres det igjen jern ved Dokkfløy: et forsøk på eksperimentell arkeologi. (With English summary: iron production rekindled at Dokkfløy) (1988)
  9. Nålar och sylar av ben (1988)
  10. O. Crumlin Pedersen and M. Vinner (eds): Sailing into the past, Roskilde 1986 (1988)
  11. Oberpfälzer Freilandsmuseum Neusath-Perschen. Baugeschichte und Gebäudeversetzung. Ein Führer zur Museumsarbeit (1988)
  12. Ordsförklaringar (explanation of therms in wooden constructions) (1988)
  13. Panopelies celtiques. Fonctions des armes et reconstitution de l'équipement guerrier (conference summary) (1988)
  14. Parc archéologique européen de Bliesbruck - Reinheim (1988)
  15. Patterns of tool use. Scanning electron microscopy of experimental quartz tools (1988)
  16. Patterns of tool use; the microwear analysis of the quartz and flint assemblage from the Bjurselet site, Västerbotten, Northern Sweden (1988)
  17. Perspectives de l'expérimentation appliquée à l'étude des foyers paléolithiques: le cas de foyers de l'habitation no 1 (conference summary) (1988)
  18. Pit Technology in the Iron Age (1988)
  19. Ploughs in Prehistory (1988)
  20. Polynesian seafaring and navigation: Ocean travel in Anutan culture and society (1988)
  21. Pots and Pottery in Sardinia: tradition and innovation (1988)
  22. Pottery replication: late woodland indian, Northeastern USA. Circa 700 AD – 1500 AD (New Jersey) (conference summary) (1988)
  23. A Practical Reconstruction of 8th Century AD Embroidery Techniques (1988)
  24. Praktische Versuche zur Herstellung und Verwendung von Birkenpech (1988)
  25. Prehistoric agriculture in the Central Plains (1988)
  26. Prehistoric Plant Communities (1988)
  27. The present state and prospects of experimental flintknapping in Poland, (conference summary) (1988)
  28. The principles of mineralogy (1988)
  29. Probleme bei der Untersuchung, Konservierung und Magazinierung von Textilien aus Ausgrabungen in Lübeck (1988)
  30. Processes of polish formation on flint tool surface (1988)
  31. The production and distribution of ceral pollen: experiments on standing and treshed crops, (conference summary) (1988)
  32. The production of molten iron in a “bowl furnace”: implications for the origins of iron metallurgy (conference summary) (1988)
  33. Programme d’expérimentation a la ferme archéologique de Melrand (conference summary) (1988)
  34. A programme of experimental kiln firings in Czechoslovakia (1988)
  35. Projektarbeten vid Bäckedals folkhögskola (1988)
  36. Ravforarbejding i yngre stenalder (1988)
  37. Ray H. Harwood (ed): Flintknapping: an emic perspective, Harwood Archaeology, Plamdale CA, 1987 (1988)
  38. Recent developments in Australian use-wear and residue studies (1988)
  39. Recherches autour de la matière. Approche du travail de l’os á l’époque gallo-romaine (1988)
  40. Reconstituer la genese de l’architecture Européene en bois (conference summary) (1988)
  41. Reconstitution d'une voûte d'arêtes romaine sur tubes céramiques emboîtés à Bulla Regia (Tunisie): (conference summary) (1988)
  42. Reconstructing a Lower Catawba River aboriginal house: considerations of form and the application of method (1988)
  43. Reconstructing the American Bloomery Process (1988)
  44. The reconstruction of an Imaginifer's uniform (1988)
  45. Reed-Pipe of the Vikings or the Slavs? An early find from the Baltic Region (1988)
  46. Regionale Aufgaben von Freilichtmuseen : Freilichtmuseen und der Schutz des Kulturerbes, Dorfpflege und Dorfentwicklung, Freilichtmuseen und Objekte in situ. Tagungsbericht Polen 1986 (1988)
  47. Regnkläder av tarmskinn (1988)
  48. Rekonstruerade forntidshus i Danmark (1988)
  49. Rekonstruktion der Bremer Hanse-Kogge (1988)
  50. Rekonstruktion eines jungsteinzeitlichen Kuppelbackofens in der Aussenstelle Niederzier-Hambach, Kreis Düren (1988)
  51. Rekonstruktion und Unterricht in Asparn an der Zaya (1988)
  52. Rekonstruktionen av ett senneolitisk langhus (1988)
  53. Replicas and Wrecks from the Thames Area (1988)
  54. Replicas and wrecks from the Thames area (1988)
  55. Restitution du fronton de la chapelle de "la Déesse aux Amours" à Alesia: une experience scientifique et pédagogique, (conference summary) (1988)
  56. Riesentumuli und Sozialorganisation: vergleichende Betrachtungen zu den sogenannten "Fürstenhügeln" der späten Hallstattzeit (1988)
  57. Riflessioni sulla tecnologia sperimentale come metodo d'indagine evolutiva: elementi di lettura tecno-comportamentale nelle industrie litiche del Paleolitico Inferiore e Medio (1988)
  58. Risalire la collina, la storia, la preistoria (1988)
  59. The role of experimentation in archaeology (conference summary) (1988)
  60. Roman Reconstruction in Manchester (1988)
  61. Résultats d'expériences relatives à la cuisson de la céramique dans différents types de fours, et leur siginification concernant la technologie de la céramique Néolithique (conference summary) (1988)
  62. Rôle de la reconstitution expérimentale dans l'interprétation d'analyses microscopiques de céramiques anciennes (conference summary) (1988)
  63. Samara - un nouveau parc archéologique (1988)
  64. The sea trials of the trireme: Poros 1987 (1988)
  65. The seacraft of prehistory (1988)
  66. Shepherds and sediments: ethnoarchaeology in Sicily (conference summary) (1988)
  67. Sherd Movement in the Ploughzone - Physical Database into Computer Simulation (1988)
  68. Simple Analogy and the role of relevant assumptions: implications of archaeological practice (1988)
  69. Sintesi didattica dell'evoluzione tecno-comportamentale attraverso l'archeologia sperimentale (1988)
  70. Skinnbåtar (1988)
  71. Some criticisms and suggestions in response to Newcomer et al. (1986) (1988)
  72. Stockbåtar inbäddade i sediment (1988)
  73. Stone Hammers and Firesetting (1988)
  74. Stone tool use and the organization of technology in the Dutch Neolithic (1988)
  75. Strindberg og eldslagningsstenen (1988)
  76. The structure of archaeological theory (1988)
  77. Surface modification of bone: trampling versus butchering (1988)
  78. Symposium Report 'experimental archaeology - method and future', Gällö 24-25 September 1986 (1988)
  79. A table avec Apicius (conference summary) (1988)
  80. Technical variations in pre-Medieval tablet-weaving (1988)
  81. Techno-functional studies of the Hamburgian from Oldeholtwolde, Friesland, The Netherlands (1988)
  82. Temperature measurement and recording in open firings (conference summary) (1988)
  83. Textile implements: identification in archaeological finds and interpretation in pictorial sources (1988)
  84. Textile Strukturen: eine Systematik der Techniken aus aller Welt (1988)
  85. Textiles in archaeology (1988)
  86. Textilfunde aus dem Mittelelbe-Saalegebiet (Eisenzeit bis frühes Mittelalter) (1988)
  87. Tillverkning och användning av stenredskap (1988)
  88. Tool making and tool use – the design of controlled experiments (conference summary) (1988)
  89. Towards replicating Neolithic stone sawing: data base and experiments (conference summary) (1988)
  90. Traceology (microwear) studies in the USSR (1988)
  91. Tracéologie et expérimentation: bilan d'une situation (conference summary) (1988)
  92. Tracéologie et rugisimetrie tridimensionnelle (1988)
  93. Traditional architecture of Vanuatu (1988)
  94. Trireme Olympias Extended Sea Trials (1988)
  95. Étude des moutons soay de Butser farm. Apports a la connaissancedes moutons protohistoriques (conference summary) (1988)
  96. Étude tracéologique des racloirs du niveau IIA (1988)
  97. Tätigkeitsbericht der Wollgruppe (1988)
  98. Töpfereiforschung aus volkskundlicher Sicht: der Beispiel Südwesteifel (1988)
  99. Töpfereiforschung zwischen Archäologie und Entwicklungspolitik (1988)
  100. Töpfereiforschung zwischen Archäologie und Entwicklungspolitik: eine Einführung (1988)