EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,301-4,400 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Nutida skytt imponerad av stenåldersman (1989)
  2. One Last World - Technology and History (1989)
  3. Orfebrería Prehispánica (1989)
  4. Organic tempered pottery: an experimental study (1989)
  5. Pious frauds: federal reconstruction efforts during the 1930s. Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, St Louis, Missouri (1989)
  6. Plant harvesting and processing with flint implements in the Danish Stone Age. A view from the microscope (1989)
  7. The Ploughzone and Prehistoric Pottery (1989)
  8. Post-depositional alterations of wear marks on tools of quartz. Preliminary observations on an experiment with aeolian abrasion (1989)
  9. The potter's wheel, craft specialisation and technical competence (1989)
  10. Pottery making in Upper Egypt: a study of pottery firing (1989)
  11. Practical archaeology: field and laboratory techniques and archaeological logistics. Revised edition (1989)
  12. Practical Building Conservation. Wood, Glass and Resins (1989)
  13. Practical experiment designs for engineers and scientists (1989)
  14. Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Experimentellen Archäologie (1989)
  15. A Provisional Theory on Ceramic Abrasion (1989)
  16. Prähistorisches Weben im Archäologischen Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (1989)
  17. Préhistoire expérimentale: la production du feu par friction (1989)
  18. Pädagogische Grundbegriffe (1989)
  19. Rebuilding Shakespeare's Globe (1989)
  20. Reconstruct or Construct - The Pimperne House (1989)
  21. Reconstruction of a Viking Costume (1989)
  22. The reconstruction of corn drying kilns at Ferrycarrig, Wexford and Lisnagun, County Cork (1989)
  23. Rekonstrukce ženského odevu z doby bronzové, nepublikovaná práce ze stredoškolské odborné cinnosti, obor 22, Gymnasium Budejovická, (Praha). Muzeum hl. m. Prahy, soucasná stáláexpozice Praha praveká (rekonstrukce stavu s osnovou o 1000 vláknech a ženského (1989)
  24. Rekonstruktionsversuch einer römischen Brandbestattung (1989)
  25. Replicating America's Earliest Bloomery Process, Part One (1989)
  26. Replicating America's Earliest Bloomery Process, Part Two (1989)
  27. Report on 1988 Sea Trials of the Trieres Olympias at Poros (1989)
  28. Review of: Kjel Knutsson: making and using stone tools (1989)
  29. The role of three dimensional research in the Kyrenia Ship reconstruction (1989)
  30. Rose Theatre (1989)
  31. Råsejlet - Dragens Vinge (1989)
  32. Save Shakespeare's Rose (1989)
  33. Seed preparation in the mesolithic: the osteological evidence (1989)
  34. Sehenswürdigkeiten oder die Reise in die Vergangenheit. Bildungstourismus zwischen gestern und morgen (1989)
  35. Sherd movement in the ploughzone - physical data base into computer simulation (1989)
  36. Some perspectives in Experimental Archaeology (1989)
  37. Speerschleuderwettbewerbe - nur ein Freizeitspaß? (1989)
  38. Stensmide är moderhantverket (1989)
  39. Stenåldern Lever upp pa Nytt (1989)
  40. Sticks and stones: a possible experimental solution to the question of how the Clacton spear point was made (1989)
  41. The Stonehenge we deserve (1989)
  42. Sydskandinaviske offerfund som kilde till jernalderens religion og ideologi (1989)
  43. Tage der lebendigen Archäologie am Hitzacker See 8.-9.7.1989 (1989)
  44. Technologie und Ergologie in der Völkerkunde (1989)
  45. Their staff of life: Initial investigations on ancient Egyptian bread baking (1989)
  46. Thomas A. Richards: Microwear patterns on experimental basalt tools, BAR Reports, International Series 460, Oxford, 1988 (1989)
  47. Tich matek: the technology of Luo pottery production and the definition of ceramic style (1989)
  48. Time, energy and stone tools (1989)
  49. Traditionelles Bauen. 1 (1989)
  50. Traditionelles Bauen. 2 (1989)
  51. A Treatise on Masonry Construction (1989)
  52. The trieres reconstruction; value and authenticity: the nature of the evidence (1989)
  53. The trieres, its design and construction (1989)
  54. The Trieres, its design and construction (1989)
  55. Trireme project - design and trials (1989)
  56. The Trireme Sails Again (1989)
  57. Troisiéme championat international Rhénan de Tir au propulseur (1989)
  58. Uldsejl i 1000 år (1989)
  59. Un complement des donnees sur les societes rubanees: l'industrie osseuse á Cuiry-les-Chaudardes (1989)
  60. Un crochet de propulseur Solutréen de la Grotte de Combe-Saunière 1 (Dordogne) (1989)
  61. Unpublished submission for the Jerwood Award (1989)
  62. The use of chemical techniques for reconstructing prehistoric diets: a case study in the south-western Cape (1989)
  63. Use-Wear analysis of White Mountain redwares at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona (1989)
  64. The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the Natural Sciences (1989)
  65. Using archaeological sites and museums with educational groups (1989)
  66. Van pijlen en bogen translated, original by Christian Schürmann) (1989)
  67. Vikingernes "søvej" til Byzans - om betingelser for sejlads ad Flodvejene fra Østersø til Sortehav (1989)
  68. Voyage of the Kyrenia II (1989)
  69. Vänsterhänta trollkarlar vid Nämforsen (1989)
  70. Weed seeds in archaeological deposits: models, experiments and interpretations (1989)
  71. Wege der Wissenschaft: Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie. Second ameliorated print (1989)
  72. A wheat experiment in Brittain (1989)
  73. White gloves and red bricks. <Colonial Williamsburg> (1989)
  74. Willard Z. Park's Ethnographic notes on the Nortwest Paiute of Western Nevada, 1933-1944 (1989)
  75. The York medieval tile-making experiment - a potter's tale (1989)
  76. Zu einigen gut erkennbaren, aber wenig beachteten Gebrauchsspuren an neolithischen Flintgeräten Schleswig-Holsteins (1989)
  77. Zur Steingerätetechnologie bei Jager-und Sammlerkulturen (1989)
  78. 2000 Years of Zinc and Brass (1990)
  79. Ackerbau-Experimente in der unbedeichten Salzwassermarsch (1990)
  80. Aktionsformen im Museum (1990)
  81. Ambiguous use traces and blind test results: New data (1990)
  82. The ancient metallurgy of copper: archaeology-experiment-theory (1990)
  83. Ancient textile technology: the hand spinning of ultra-fine yarns (1990)
  84. APC. Archäologischer Park Cambodunum, 1. Abschnitt. Der Gallorömische Tempelbezirk. Begleitheft (1990)
  85. Archaeometry '90 (1990)
  86. Archeologia sperimentale: realizzazione e prove di cottura di un forno per ceramica su modelli del 5.-6. secolo d.C. (1990)
  87. Archeometrie in Nederland: wat voorbeelden (1990)
  88. The Art of Flintknapping (review book by Waldorf) (1990)
  89. Aspects of behaviour in the Middle Palaeolithic: Functional analysis of stone tools from southwest France (1990)
  90. Att rekonstruera förhistorien utan att någon slår sig (1990)
  91. Att äta som en stenåldersjägare (1990)
  92. Auf dem Weg nach Disneyland. Zur Entwicklung der Freilichtmuseen im Jahre 100 nach Skansen (1990)
  93. Backöfen der Jungsteinzeit: vom Ausgrabungsbefund zur originalgetreuen funktionstüchtigen Rekonstruktion (1990)
  94. Bandkeramische dissels van Centraal-Europa: Gesteentesoorten en herkomst (1990)
  95. Batavia. De herbouw van een Oostindiëvaarder (1990)
  96. Batavia. De herbouw van een Oostindiëvaarder, Bestek en beschrijving van een Retourschip (1990)
  97. Batavia. De terugkeer van een retourschip (1990)
  98. The benefit of meeting with a Kurdish immigrant woman weaver, from the point of view of a research worker in the field of prehistoric looms (1990)
  99. Berner Töpferei - Mensch und Handwerk (1990)
  100. The big puzzle: international symposium on refitting stone artefacts (1990)