EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,301-6,400 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Atlatl Weight Function (1996)
  2. Awakening the primal art of storytelling (1996)
  3. Az építészet története - Középkor. Romanika (1996)
  4. The Bannerstone: A Continuing Enigma (1996)
  5. Basic mat-making for children (1996)
  6. The basics of biface knapping in the Eastern Fluted Tradition: a manual for flintknappers and lithic analysts (preface) (1996)
  7. Between east and west. Everyday life in the Hungarian Conquest Period. Über die Grenze zwischen Ost und West. Ungarn im 9.-11. Jahrhundert (1996)
  8. Blind tests of inter-analyst correspondence and accuracy in the identification of cut marks, percussion makrs, and carnivore tooth marks on bone surfaces (1996)
  9. Blind tests of inter-analyst correspondence and accuracy in the identification of cut marks, percussion marks and carnivore tooth marks on bone surfaces (1996)
  10. The Blooms of Banjeli: Technology and Gender in West African Iron Making (1996)
  11. Bone degradation, burial medium and species representation: debunking the myths, an experiment-based approach (1996)
  12. Bougon, 16 ans après, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  13. Bow drill fire making for young kids (1996)
  14. Brauen früher und heute. Praktische Hinweise zur Nachahmung empfohlen (1996)
  15. Bronse for kleber (Bronze for soapstone) (1996)
  16. Bronzegiessen im Garten des Museums (1996)
  17. Buckskins for beginners (1996)
  18. Built heritage and the politics of (re)presentation. Local reactions to the appropiation of the monumental past in Sardinia (1996)
  19. Butchering with stone tools: an experimental approach to use wear analysis and taphonomic studies of the archaeological material from Grotta Breuil (1996)
  20. Card weaving (1996)
  21. Certain Traits of the Roman Silver Jewelry Manufacture in the Central Balkans (1996)
  22. Chalain et la maison néolithique sur pilotis, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  23. Colonizing an island world (1996)
  24. Commerce et technologie du verre antique. Le témoignage de l'épave "Ouest Embiez 1" (1996)
  25. Controlled Experiments in the Production of Flake Attributes (1996)
  26. Craft Specialization and Social Evolution: In Memory of V. Gordon Childe (1996)
  27. Cultural Identity and Archaeology: the construction of European communities (1996)
  28. Culture as the Tourist Product (1996)
  29. Cultuur en School (1996)
  30. De ornamentis templi urbis. Reconstructing the main order of the Temple of Venus and Roma in Rome (1996)
  31. De reconstructie van een ijzertijdoven uit West Nederland (1996)
  32. Debatt. Maritim arkeologi - båtarkeologi - i gungning? Kommentar till Rune Edbergs artikel »Låt det gunga om båtarkeologin» i Fornvännen 1995 (1996)
  33. Dense flint scatters: Knapping or dumping? Experimental work at Lejre Research Center (1996)
  34. Der Fürst und die Folgen (1996)
  35. Designing of Southwestern pottery: A technological and experimental approach (1996)
  36. Det nordiske bronsealderhusets form og konstruksjon. Den teoretiske bakgrunn for rekonstruksjonen av bronzealderhuset på Forsand, Sødvest Norge (1996)
  37. The Development of Children's Historical Thinking Through Drama (1996)
  38. Die Goldschmiedewerkstätten Etruriens (1996)
  39. Die Starigard. Rekonstruktion eines slawischen Frachtseglers (1996)
  40. Die Verarbeitung von Knochen in römischer Zeit (1996)
  41. Die Verwendung von Elfenbein in der Antike (1996)
  42. Die Vorzeit begehbar gemacht. Das Archäologische Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (1996)
  43. Difusión del Patrimonio Histórico (1996)
  44. … dov’è la Preistoria? (1996)
  45. Earthknack, stone age skills from the 21st century (1996)
  46. The Earthwork on Morden Bog, Wareham Dorset 1972 (10th year) - 1990 (27th year) (1996)
  47. Editorial (1996)
  48. Effektive økser af kronhjortens tak, forsøg med hjortetakøkser fra Ældre Stenalder [reprint from Naturens Verden 1994, pp 152-160] (1996)
  49. Ein Depot zerschlagener Grossbronzen aus Augusta Raurica. Die Rekonstruktion der beiden Pferdestatuen und Untersuchung zur Herstellungstechnik (1996)
  50. Ein kleiner Giesserofen der 13. Legion im Experiment (1996)
  51. Eisengewinnung im 4. Jh. n. Chr. (1996)
  52. Eksperymentalne wytwarzanie siekier czworościennych z krzemienia pasiastego (1996)
  53. El futuro del pasado. El producto turístico y la conservación de los bienes culturales (1996)
  54. Elmefald i oldtid og nutid - forsøg med stenalderlandbrug [reprint from Naturens Verden 1994, pp 136-142] (1996)
  55. Els conjunts patrimonials com a elements generadors de recursos (1996)
  56. En genvej til Danmarks ældste agerbrug [A shortcut to the earliest agriculture in Denmark] (1996)
  57. Essen und Trinken van der Steinzeit bis zu den Römern (1996)
  58. Etude technique du trésor d'argenterie gallo-romaine de Béziers (1996)
  59. Experiment Hochdorf. Keltische Handwerkkunst wiederbelebt (1996)
  60. Experimentació arqueològica sobre sistemes de conreus medievals. Primers resultats del projecte de l'Esquerda (1996)
  61. Experimental Archaeology (1996)
  62. Experimental archaeology – die experimentelle Archäologie (1996)
  63. The Experimental Earthwork Project 1960 - 1992 (1996)
  64. The experimental firing of a replica double-flued kiln based on an excavated Medieval example from Downpatrick (1996)
  65. Experimentelle Archäologie (1996)
  66. Experimentelle Archäologie in Deutschland. Texte zur Wanderausstellung (1996)
  67. Experiments in Archaeology, Lejre Seminars 1995 (1996)
  68. Experiments in grinding cereals (1996)
  69. Experiments with three different types of Dutch iron smelting furnaces (1996)
  70. Exploring the use of abraded obsidian “Cayönu Tools” using experimentation, optical and SEM microscopy and EDA analysis (1996)
  71. Feine Tuche für den Fürsten (1996)
  72. Ferrum Noricum und die Stadt auf dem Magdalensberg, Eisenverarbeitung am Magdalensberg - Versuche in Rennöfen (1996)
  73. Finding Magic in Real Ale (1996)
  74. Fipa Ironworking and Its Technological Style (1996)
  75. Fish heads, fish heads: an experiment on differential bone preservation in a salmonid fish (1996)
  76. Flinthuggerens værksted? - forsøg med flinthugning [The flint-knapper's workshop? - experimental flint knapping] (1996)
  77. Flinthuggerens værksted? - forsøg med flinthugning [The flint-knapper's workshop? - experimental flint knapping][reprint from Naturens Verden 1994, pp 130-135] (1996)
  78. Flintknapping (1996)
  79. Floating with the hand-drill (1996)
  80. Florian erlebt die Eisenzeit, translation of: Grim - og den lange rejse (1978) (1996)
  81. Flydende bronze i digle og forme - Forsøg med bronzealderens støbeteknik (1996)
  82. Flydende bronze i digler og forme (1996)
  83. Forhistoriske "højovne", forsøg med oldtidens jernudvindning (1996)
  84. Fortida bygges nå! Rekonstruksjoner som innlegg i den bygningshistoriske debatt (The past is build now! Reconstructions as contribution in the building historical debate) (1996)
  85. Fra malm i mosen til stål i smedjen, forsøg med forhistorisk jernteknologi [reprint from Naturens Verden 1994, pp 161-168] (1996)
  86. From ancient site to tourist attraction and beyond: archaeological parks in the Delta (1996)
  87. Funktion geklärt. Läufersteine als Farbreiben (1996)
  88. Furnace reconstruction - fact or fake? (1996)
  89. Gadskārtējie zinojumi par Āraišu ezerpils rekonstrukciju no 1981. līdz 1995. gadam (1996)
  90. Gegevens over beenbewerking, verzamelde gegevens (1996)
  91. Geschichte “handfest”: Praktikum im Archäologischen Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (1996)
  92. Gurage Hide working, stone tool use and social identity: an ethnoarchaeological Perspective (1996)
  93. Hand drill fire making (1996)
  94. Harts som universalmedel? - En experimentell studie av hartsets funktion (1996)
  95. Haus- und Handwerk. Töpferei, Holz, Textil, Horn, Leder, Stein, Glas, Bernstein und Gagat (1996)
  96. Hipòtesis constructives i experimentació a la Ciutadella ibèrica de Calafell (1996)
  97. Historische houtconstructies in Nederland (1996)
  98. Historisk-Arkæologisk Forsøgscenter i Lejre, 30 års forsøg med fortiden (1996)
  99. Holger erlebt die Zeit der Wikinger translation of: Stærke Eigil i viking (1980) (1996)
  100. 'Holmrygr' - en ny vikingtidsbåt i gamel skipslei. ('Holmrygr' - a new Viking Age ship in an old ship lei [route]) (1996)