EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,901-7,000 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe Chemische Arbeitsverfahren auf der Tagung der Experimentellen Archäologie im Federsee-Museum, 26/27.10.96 (1998)
  2. Bialy Kons Jungfernreise nach Wollin - Ein Marinarchäologisches Experiment mit dem Nachbau des slawischen Bootsfundes Ralswiek 2 (1998)
  3. Birch bark baskets (1998)
  4. Bit wear, horseback riding and the Botai site in Kazakhstan (1998)
  5. The black gum tree (1998)
  6. Bodenfunde und Experimente zu keltischem Bier (1998)
  7. Bondejern. Landbefolkningens fremstilling og anvendelse af jern fra førromers jernalder til middelalder (1998)
  8. Bronsmetallurgie, experimenteel en educatief (1998)
  9. Building and Firing a replica Mary Rose port piece (1998)
  10. Butser Ancient Farm, Bascombe Copse (Hampshire) (1998)
  11. Båtgrav som kilde - konstruksjon og rekonstruksjon av båt fra vikingetid (1998)
  12. The California digging stick (1998)
  13. Cassiterite Reduction as a Method of Early Bronze Making - an Experimental Study (1998)
  14. Cereal Research Programme (1998)
  15. Cereals, weeds and crop processing in Iron Age Sweden (1998)
  16. Cerámica prehistorica y experimentación (1998)
  17. A Cheyenne-style coiled willow gaming basket (1998)
  18. Chopping with a core axe and a flake axe, an experiment with Mesolithic flint tools and wood (1998)
  19. Clues to stone tool function re-examined: comparing starch grain frequencies on used and unused obsidian artefacts (1998)
  20. Colonia Ulpia Trajana. Die römische Stadt. Planung, Architektur, Ausgrabung (1998)
  21. Colonial Williamsburg and the practice of interpretive planning in American history museums (1998)
  22. Comment on "Quantifying lithic curation: An experimental test of DIBBLE and PELCIN's original flake-tool mass predictor" (1998)
  23. Comment on "Quantifying Lithic Curation: An Experimental Test of Dibble and Pelcin's Original Flake-Tool Mass Predictor", by Zachary J. DAVIS & John J. SHEA (1998)
  24. Comparative cereal yields from Catalonia and Brittain. The result of experimental probablility trials (1998)
  25. A comparison of organic paint sources for pottery (1998)
  26. Conclusions generals i primers resultats (1998)
  27. Contenitori con depositi di colore blu egiziano e officine vetrarie nell'area dell'antica liternum e nel territorio flegreo. Aspetti tecnologici e prospettive di studio (1998)
  28. Cultural Resource Management and American Archaeology (1998)
  29. De middeleeuwen van binnenuit, Middelaldercentret, forsøgcenter for historisk teknologi (1998)
  30. Deep roots: indigenous horticulture in Eastern North America (1998)
  31. Den iscenesatte, aktiverende formidling - et bud på formidlingen af kulturhistorien (1998)
  32. Destination Culture: tourism, museums and heritage (1998)
  33. A developing gathering ethic (1998)
  34. Die Entwicklung von Anbauverfahren im Ackerbau (1998)
  35. Die Rekonstruktion des linearbandkeramischen Brunnenschachtes von Schletz (1998)
  36. Die Skudde, eine alte mittel- und osteuropäische Landschafrasse (1998)
  37. The dirt on colors, a mineral pigment writer (1998)
  38. Dust in the wind, experimental casting of bronze in sand moulds (1998)
  39. Earthlodge: a design test (1998)
  40. Earthworks revisited (Overton Down; useful bibliography) (1998)
  41. Editorial <Archéodrome de Bourgogne> (1998)
  42. Educatie en Presentatie, Living apart together (1998)
  43. The educational world of Butser Ancient Farm (1998)
  44. Een smid in het kamp: Romeinse ijzeren wapens van het Kops Plateau te Nijmegen (Gld.) (1998)
  45. The efficiency of scrapers versus angels (1998)
  46. Ein Halbfabrikat zur Münzherstellung und metallurgische Produktionsreste aus Belginum (1998)
  47. Ein tragbarer Giesserofen aus dem Legionslager von Vindonissa - Beschreibung, Rekonstruktion und Experiment (1998)
  48. Eine fast verlorene Textiltechnik - Rekonstruktionsversuch einer Kopfbedeckung aus dem 19. Jahrhundert (1998)
  49. El Cicle Agrícola: pla de treball (1998)
  50. El disseny del parc arqueológic del Reclau (Serinyá, Pl a de L'Estany) (1998)
  51. El món agrari i els cicles agrícoles a la Catalunya Vella (S. IX-XIII) (1998)
  52. El paller de L'Esquerda (1998)
  53. El Parque de Arte Prehistórico de los Pirineos. Un espacio cultural temático y lúdico diferente (1998)
  54. El pasado es un país extraño, translation of (1985): the past is a foreign country (1998)
  55. Embla - a Viking ship has been reconstructed - part 1 (1998)
  56. Embla - a Viking ship has been reconstructed - part 2 (1998)
  57. En vikingefärd genom Ryssland och Ukraina (1998)
  58. Entre école et musée, le partenariat culturel d'éducation (1998)
  59. Ergebnisse einer Besucherumfrage im Pfahlbaumuseum 1997 (1998)
  60. Ervaringen met prehistorische bronsgiettechnieken in Nederland (1998)
  61. An experiment in Pleistocene Seafaring (1998)
  62. An experiment-based evaluation of the debitage attributes associated with "Hard" and "Soft" hammer percussion (1998)
  63. Experimentació arqueològica sobre conreus medievals a l'Esquerda. 1991-1994 (1998)
  64. Experimental archaeology No. 3. (1998)
  65. Experimental Arrow Wounds: Ballistics and Traumatology (1998)
  66. Experimental boat archaeology seen as reverse engineering - unpublished privately circulated paper (1998)
  67. Experimental bone fracturing for marrow extraction (1998)
  68. The Experimental Earthwork at l'Esquerda (1998)
  69. The experimental earthwork revisited (1998)
  70. An experimental investigation of the behaviour of phosphorus in bloomery iron (1998)
  71. Experimental Replication and Use of Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian Antler Projectile Points (1998)
  72. The Experimental Storage of Grain in Simulated Mediaeval Underground Silos (1998)
  73. Experimentation in 19th century bloomery iron production: Evidence from the Adirondacks of New York (1998)
  74. Experimentele archeologie bij de oosterburen (1998)
  75. Experimentelle Archäologie in der Schweiz (1998)
  76. Experimentelle Archäologie, Feuer machen (1998)
  77. Experimentelle Nachbildung von Knochenflöten aus dem Aurignacien der Geissenklosterle-Hohle (1998)
  78. Experimenting with pre-treatment of wool (1998)
  79. Experiments in archaeology, Lejre Seminars 1997 (1998)
  80. Expérimentation sur la bornite de Saint Véran (Hautes Alpes) (1998)
  81. Fa molts anys, a la Prehistoria (1998)
  82. Fabricating Heritage (1998)
  83. Fabrication des moules, diffusion des produits moulés. A propos d'une "figurine-patrice" du Musée de Volos (1998)
  84. Feuereinwirkung als wichtiger Bestandteil der Interpretation der mesolithischen Freilandstation Rottenburg-Siebenlinden 2 (1998)
  85. Fishing with cactus spine fish hooks (1998)
  86. Flanged axes of the North-Alpine region"an assessment of the possibilities of use wear analysis on metal artefacts (1998)
  87. Fragmentos del pasado: la presentación de sitios arqueológicos y la función social de la arqueología (1998)
  88. From bloom to bar - Experiments at the Historical-Archaelogical Experimental Centre, Lejre, Denmark (1998)
  89. Gammelt jern. Dansk jern gennem totusinde år (1998)
  90. Gegossen, geschmiedet, tordiert. Zur Herstellung von bronzenen Trensen in der Ramses-Stadt Piramesse / Ägypten (1998)
  91. Getting away in an elm bark canoe (1998)
  92. Getting started, exploring the fascinating world of wild plants (1998)
  93. Gezaagd en versierd. Bewerkt hertshoorn uit de tijd van Servatius tot Hubertus (1998)
  94. A Good Yarn! Archäologische und Historische Forschungen zur mittelalterlichen Tuchindustrie von Flandern (1998)
  95. Götter und Lararien aus Augusta Raurica. Herstellung, Fundzusammenhänge und sakrale Funktion figürlicher Bronzen in einer römischen Stadt (1998)
  96. Hands-on exhibitions, Managing interactive museums and science centres (1998)
  97. Hausreste im archäologischen Befund. Interpretationsmodelle, zeichnerische Rekonstruktion und Nachbau im Experiment (1998)
  98. Heritage Tourism in the USA: Grassroots Efforts to Combine Preservation and Tourism (1998)
  99. Het nieuwe Archeon krijgt vorm (1998)
  100. Het Poolse Pompeii, Archeologisch reservaat Biskupin (1998)