EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 7,301-7,400 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Duitse "Experimentelle Archäologie" wordt internationaler (1999)
  2. Earthlodge II (1999)
  3. Ecomuseums: A Sense of Place (1999)
  4. Educatieve uitgaven van het museum Cedarc / Musée du Malgré Tout, Treignes (1999)
  5. The Educational Role of the Museum (1999)
  6. Een archeologisch experiment aan de Veilingstraat (1999)
  7. The effect of projectile point size on atlatl dart efficiency (1999)
  8. Ein Europäischer Archäopark am Beispiel von Park Jabotinski-Shuni in Israel (1999)
  9. Eine "Behälter-Revolution". Keramik der Jungsteinzeit (1999)
  10. Eine bronzene Gussform für Lappenbeile vom Bullenheimer Berg/Mainfranken. Archäologische und technische Untersuchungen zur endbronzezeitlichen Beilproduktion (1999)
  11. Eine Steinaxt aus Hemmingen-Westerfeld, Ldkr. Hannover – einige Überlegungen zur angewandten Steinbohrtechnik (1999)
  12. Eine Steinaxt aus Hemmingen-Westerfeld, Ldkr. Hannover – einige Überlegungen zur angewandten Steinbohrtechnik (1999)
  13. Einige Bemerkungen zu den Rennofenschlacken der Schlackengrubenöfen (1999)
  14. Eketorp: the fortified Village on the island of Öland (1999)
  15. El alfar de l'Almadrava (Setla-Mirarosa-Miraflor) - Dianium -. Materiales de construcción cerámicos. Producción y aproximación a su funcionalidad en la arquitectura del complejo artesanal (1999)
  16. El laboratori d'arcqueologia experimental del Vendrell (Baix Penedès). Primers resultats (1999)
  17. En exploateringsgrävd boplats I nytt ljus. En bearbetning av den mesolitiska boplatsen Högland RAÄ 181, Dorotea socken, Lappland (1999)
  18. Endehoven, 1263 AD. Een middeleeuws dorpje aan de Tongelreep (1999)
  19. Engineers of Easter Island (1999)
  20. Erfahrungen beim Nachguß von Ötzis Beil (1999)
  21. Ethics For Modern "Primitives" (1999)
  22. Ethno-analogy and the reconstruction of prehistoric artefact use and production (1999)
  23. Ethnoarchaeology and the generation of referential models: the case of Harrapan carnelian beads (1999)
  24. Ethnoarchaeology: a method of experimentation (1999)
  25. European Pre- and Protohistoric Tar and Pitch: A Contribution to the History of Research 1720 -1999 (1999)
  26. Examining stage and continuum models of flake debris analysis: an experimental approach (1999)
  27. Excerpts from the Pamunkey project, methodology and documentation (1999)
  28. An Experiental Exercise With Bone (1999)
  29. Experiment in Archaeology, Annual Publication (1999)
  30. An Experiment in Prehist Smelting (1999)
  31. Experiment privind realizarea unei arderi reducatoare (1999)
  32. Experimentación con carcasas de animales para reproducir patrones de marcas de corte: Aplicación a un yacimiento africano de hace dos millones de años (1999)
  33. Experimental archaeology and education: ancient technology at the service of modern education at SAMARA, France (1999)
  34. The Experimental Archaeology of Ancient Wheats (1999)
  35. Experimental Cultivation, Harvest, and Threshing of Wild Cereals (1999)
  36. Experimental proof of textile production during the Upper Palaeolithic (1999)
  37. Experimental Reproduction of Prehistoric Sickles (1999)
  38. Experimental ship archaeology in Denmark (1999)
  39. Experimente mit Skuddenwolle (1999)
  40. Experimentelle Archäologie - eine "neue" Forschungsrichtung in der Altertumskunde (1999)
  41. Experimentelle Archäologie in Deutschland, Bilanz 1997 (1999)
  42. Experimentelle Rekonstruktion des Gebrauchs von frühbronzezeitlichen Blasdüsen aus der Schweiz: Kupferverhüttung und Bronzeguss (1999)
  43. Experiments Confirm Likely Usage of Murray Springs Bone Tool (1999)
  44. Experiments with 'medieval steel' plates (1999)
  45. Experiments With The Hand-drill (1999)
  46. Experimentální rekonstrukce domu ze 13. století v Uhrínové pod Deštnou (1999)
  47. Feste e tradizioni del fuoco in Lessinia (1999)
  48. Fire (1999)
  49. Fire Bundle or Primitive Match (1999)
  50. Fire by friction materials of the San Francisco Bay region (1999)
  51. First Tools (1999)
  52. Fish poison (1999)
  53. Flint and pyrite: making fire in the Stone Age (1999)
  54. Flintknapper's syndrome: a caution to flintknappers (1999)
  55. Friction fire for the downhearted (1999)
  56. From archaeological sites to the creation of thematic museums and parks. An overview from Britain (1999)
  57. From ceramic production to vessel use: a multi-level approach to the neolithic communities of the Tavoliere (Southern Italy) (1999)
  58. From The Leg Of The Deer (1999)
  59. (From the SPT archaeology committee): introduction to the Old Rag Archaeology Project (1999)
  60. From the Varangians to the Greeks. The experimental voyage with the Aifur in 1994-1996 (1999)
  61. The function of shell temper in pottery (1999)
  62. Functional Motions, working wood with stone tools (1999)
  63. Förmedlad forntid i full skala (1999)
  64. Förmedlad forntid i full skala (1999)
  65. Gadgets and Geegaws (1999)
  66. Gathering and Preparing Plant Fibers (1999)
  67. Gebrauchsspurenanalyse lithischer Funde aus Abri Vialettes (1999)
  68. Gebruikssporen-analyse op vuursteen. Een methode gebaseerd op experimenten (1999)
  69. Germanendorf Klein Köris. Planung und Probleme eines aktuellen Projektes im Land Brandenburg (1999)
  70. Getting to Grips with Music's Prehistory: experimental approaches to function, design and operational wear in excavated musical instruments (1999)
  71. A Glass Atelier from Sector IV in Novae (1999)
  72. Glass-making and the Sixth Legion at York (1999)
  73. The Goysich Hand-drill (1999)
  74. Great bows from Northern Europe. The bow from Stellmoor - Oldest in the world? (1999)
  75. The Great Glass Slab at Bet She'arim, Israel: An early Islamic Glassmaking Experiment? (1999)
  76. [The Greek watermill: an advanced technology from Antiquity] (1999)
  77. Greenstone Woodworking Tools (1999)
  78. A Hafted Adze (1999)
  79. Hal og højsæde i vikingetid - et forslag til rekonstruktion af kongehallens arkitektur og indretning (1999)
  80. The Hand-drill and Other Fires (1999)
  81. Hand-Thrown Projectiles, things that fly, part 1 (1999)
  82. Hands-Free Vice & First Switch Blade Knife (1999)
  83. Handwerkliche Arbeit im Umfeld des Wohnens (1999)
  84. The Hazards of Roadkill (1999)
  85. Het 'Musée des Celtes' in Libramont. Het enige museum in België over de Kelten (1999)
  86. Het boek van School in bos: Mammoeten en mierenleeuwen (1999)
  87. Hide treatment in a Middle Palaeolithic site: use-wear analysis and experimental reconstruction of the chaînes operatoire (1999)
  88. The Historical-Archaeological Experimental Centre at Lejre, Denmark: 30 years of experimenting with the past (1999)
  89. History of modern flintknapping (1999)
  90. The Hohokam cotton industry (1999)
  91. How to make a Throwing Stick, The Non-Returning Boomerang (1999)
  92. How to make Whips (1999)
  93. The human development of different fleece types in sheep and its association with the development of textiles crafts (1999)
  94. Høvdingens gildehall på Landa Fortidslandsbyen på Landa (1999)
  95. I grandi bronzi antichi. Le fonderie e le tecniche di lavorazione dall'età arcaica al Rinascimento (Atti dei seminari di studi ed esperimenti Murlo 1993 e 1995) (1999)
  96. Il territorio come componente del parco archeologico (1999)
  97. Im Feuer vergoldet. Geschichte und Technik der Feuervergoldung und der Amalgamversilberung (1999)
  98. Imag(in)ing the past: the politics and Practicalities of reconstructions in the museum gallery (1999)
  99. The impossibillity of resurrecting the past. Reconstructions on archaeological excavation sites (1999)
  100. Interaction or tokenism? The role of "hands on activities" in museum archaeology displays (1999)