EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 8,701-8,800 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. 10e Tagung experimentele archeologie in Oldenburg (2003)
  2. 20 anni di litotecnica sperimentale fra programmi scolastici, unità museali, e mostre divulgative (2003)
  3. Agricoltura del Neolitico: la sperimentazione (2003)
  4. Ajumawi fish traps (2003)
  5. Alcune esperienze di archeologia sperimentale dal museo delle palafitte di Seengen (CH) (2003)
  6. Analisi radiologiche per lo studio della tecnica di produzione di una lucerna in bronzo di età romana (2003)
  7. Analisi sperimentali condotte sulla fascia decorata della palafitta di Molina di Ledro (2003)
  8. Ancient waorani fiber technologies (2003)
  9. Anderledes skolegårde og legepladser – en idébog om haver, dyrehold og historiske værksteder (2003)
  10. Archaeological park and Open-air museum of the Terramare Settlement at Montale (2003)
  11. Archaeological park Százhalombatta, Hungary (2003)
  12. Archaeology by experiment and reproduction (2003)
  13. Archeologia e sperimentazione nella didattica dell'Ufficio Beni Archeologici di Trento (2003)
  14. Archeologia sperimentale e analisi funzionale: ipotesi, verifiche e nuove interpretazioni (2003)
  15. Archeologia Sperimentale e archeologia della produzione (2003)
  16. Archeologia sperimentale e archeologia della produzione (2003)
  17. Archeologia sperimentale e etnoarcheologia (2003)
  18. Archeologia sperimentale e parchi archeologici (2003)
  19. Archeologia sperimentale nell'archeologia italiana (2003)
  20. Archeologické d?dictvi a ve?ejnost (archaeological heritage and the public) (2003)
  21. Archeologiczny eksperyment w Chodliku czyli tajemnice glinianych garnków (2003)
  22. Archeologie presenteren, ervaringen, voorbeelden, adviezen, kosten (2003)
  23. Archeologie pro laickou ve?ejnost (Archaeology for the public) (2003)
  24. Archeoparky u našich soused?. Ale pro? ne v Ceské republice? Archeoparks in neighbouring countries. Why not in the Czech republic? (2003)
  25. Archäochemische Untersuchungen an mittelalterlichem Glas: Über „farbloses“ Glas und Knochenasche-Glas. Vortrag auf dem 2. Internationalen Symposium zur archäologischen Erforschung mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Glashütten Europas vom 9. bis 12. M (2003)
  26. Archäologischer Befund und Experimentelle Archäologie am Beispiel spätbronzezeitlicher Grabhügel auf den Lahnbergen bei Marburg (2003)
  27. Arte parietale: i bambini e la pittura paleolitica (2003)
  28. Aspetti della storia delle ricerche nella torbiera di Fiavè (2003)
  29. At rekonstruere fortiden gennem eksperimenter. (2003)
  30. Att hitta sin historia – och att hitta sig själv. Nationellt uppdrag i kulturmiljöpedagogik 2000 – 2002. Alle Tiders Historia. (2003)
  31. Attività e laboratorio didattico al Museo archeologico dell'Alto Mantovano di Cavriana (mn) (2003)
  32. Au retour de la chasse… Observations expérimentales concernant les impacts sur le gibier, la récupération et la maintenance des projectiles dans le Magdalénien supérieur d’Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) (2003)
  33. B?eclavská conference v kontextu pracovních semina?? “Rekonstrukce a experiment v archeologii” (The B?eclav conference in the context of the working seminars “reconstruction and experiment in archaeology”) (2003)
  34. Bamboo cookery: cooking in bamboo internodes (2003)
  35. Benutzte Gerölle im Magdalénien von Andernach-Martinsberg - experimentelle Annäherung an ein wenig beachtete Fundkategorie (2003)
  36. Bibliography of the Düppel Wool Group (2003)
  37. Brandneu - Verbrennung auf dem Scheiterhaufen - oder - Studie über branddeformierte Beigaben ais Brandgräbern der römischen Kaiserzeit Innergermaniens (2003)
  38. Brewing beer: status, wealth and ceramic use-alteration among the Gamo of Southwestern Ethiopia (2003)
  39. Bronzeguss – Eine Versuchsreihe zur Technik des prähistorischen Bronzegusses unter dem besonderen Aspekt des Formenmaterials (2003)
  40. Building a ceramic macro-object: The 2003 Vadastra project experiments (2003)
  41. Building an experimental house at Çatal Höyük (2003)
  42. Building and testing a Hjortspring Boat (incl. CD rom with scenes from the sea trials with the replica Tilia Alsie) (2003)
  43. Carcass processing intensity and cutmark creation: an experimental approach (2003)
  44. Centrum Experimentálni archeologie Všestary v roce 2002 (The Centre of experimental archaeology (CEA) in Všestary in the year 2002) (2003)
  45. Chalcolithic fahlore smelting at Cabrieres: a reconstruction of smelting processes by archaeometallurgical finds (2003)
  46. Collezione sperimentale di contesi funzionali paleolitici. Metodologia e risultati (2003)
  47. Come gli antichi vasai (2003)
  48. "Comment vivait-on en l’an Mil?" (2003)
  49. Comments II: Properties, Performance Characteristics, and Behavioural Theory in the Study of Technology (2003)
  50. Comments III: technological choices and experimental archaeology (2003)
  51. The Complete Roman Army (2003)
  52. Craft demonstrations in open air museums: fiction versus authenticity (2003)
  53. Current issues in ceramic ethnoarchaeology (2003)
  54. Daily life: the Kootenai Project - part 3 (2003)
  55. Damage inflicted on animal bone by wooden projectiles: experimental results and arcaheological implications (2003)
  56. Das archäologische Freigelände des Urgeschichtemuseums als Träger moderner Wissensvermittlung mit kulturhistorischer Relevanz (2003)
  57. Das Archäologische Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (2003)
  58. Das Grab der Keltenfürstin in Reinheim (2003)
  59. Das Hjortspring-Boot. Ein skandinavisches Kriegskanu aus dem 4. jahrhunderte vor Christus. Von Nachbau zur Probefahrt (2003)
  60. Das Modell des Heiligtums von Roseldorf im Museum für Urgeschichte des Landes Niederösterreich in Asparn/Zaya (2003)
  61. Das Phänomen der zeitgenössischen “Römergruppen” (2003)
  62. De Doverboot uit de Bronstijd. Van vondst tot expositie in het Dover Museum (2003)
  63. Der Steinzeitmensch als Sprayer? Neue Hypothese zum Farbauftrag der Steinzeitmalerei (2003)
  64. Det lo de meget af - middelalderens humor (2003)
  65. Didattica ed archeologia imitativa presso il museo delle palafitte di molina di ledro (2003)
  66. Die Anfänge der experimentellen Archäologie in Österreich [reprint of WINDL (2001) in: GRÖMER, Karina, LÖCKER, Klaus, MEHOFER, Mathias (editors): Archäologie Österreichs, volume 12, (ISSN 1018-1857), (ÖGUF) (2003)
  67. Die funktionale Deutung der spätneolitischen Sprossenhauen Europas (2003)
  68. Domein Raversijde, Oostende Belgium (2003)
  69. Doug Waldorf, Living Legend: A Biographical Tribute (2003)
  70. Dynamics of spear throwing (2003)
  71. Dynamics of Spear Throwing (2003)
  72. Educatieve erven in Denemarken, verslag van de VAEE excursie (2003)
  73. Een steendtijdwoonplek (Stenalderboplads), BAY, J., STAAL (editors) (2003)
  74. Effective fire drilling and maintenance (2003)
  75. El trabajo del oro en Oaxaca Prehispánica (2003)
  76. En stenalderboplads, ideer til historiske værkstedsaktiviteter og tværfagligt arbejde i skolen og friluftslivet (2003)
  77. Erectus Ahoy: Prehistoric Seafaring Floats into View (2003)
  78. Esperienze didattiche al museo della Terramara Santa Rosa di Fodico di Poviglio (RE) (2003)
  79. Esperimenti di riproduzione di strumenti, ornamenti e armi dell'età del Bronzo e del Ferro provenienti dal territorio dell'Abruzzo (2003)
  80. Ethno-archéologie du travail du cuir: l’exemple de la Colombie-Britannique (2003)
  81. European iron blooms (2003)
  82. An evaluation of three argillite tools (2003)
  83. Evoking time and place in reconstruction and display: the case of Celtic identity and Iron Age art (2003)
  84. Experiment und ethnographische Untersuchung - ihr Potenzial für die funktionale Interpretation an Keramik (2003)
  85. Experimental Archaeology in Czechia at the Turn of the Millennium (2003)
  86. Experimental Archaeology in Czechia at the Turn of the Millennium (2003)
  87. Experimental archaeology in Northern Italy. A survey of methodologies. MA Experimental Archaeology, dissertation (2003)
  88. Experimental archaeology in the media (2003)
  89. Experimental archaeometallurgy (2003)
  90. The Experimental Earthwork at Wareham, Dorset after 33 years: changes to the buried LFH and Ah horizons (2003)
  91. The experimental earthwork at Wareham, Dorset after 33 years: changes to the buried LFH and Ah horizons (2003)
  92. Experimental evidence concerning spear use in Neandertals and early modern humans (2003)
  93. Experimental Evidence Concerning Spear Use in Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans (2003)
  94. The Experimental Reconstruction of a Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Structure at Beidha in Jordan (2003)
  95. Experimental reproduction of artificially patinated alloys, identified in ancient Egyptian, Palestinian, Mycenaean and Roman object. (Riproduzione sperimentale di leghe artificialmente patinate, identificate in ogetti antichi egiziani, palestinesi, micene (2003)
  96. Experimentalný výroba kost?ných a parohových p?edm?t? prav?ku (Experimental production of bone and antler artefacts) (2003)
  97. Experimente zur Genese paläolitischer Feuerstellen auf Lössedimenten (2003)
  98. Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2002, Heft 1, M. Fansa (editor) (2003)
  99. Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa. Bilanz 2002 (2003)
  100. Experiments in Egyptian archaeology: stoneworking in Ancient Egypt (2003)