Connecting Middle Paleolithic Datasets: The Interplay of Zooarchaeological and Lithic Data for Unraveling Neanderthal Behavior

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2017)

Stone tools and butchered animal bones are the two main categories of archaeological remains from Middle Palaeolithic sites. Both provide distinctive insights into Neanderthal behaviour. The aim of this session is to explore the interplay of these datasets; how can they inform on each other and in what ways can they be integrated?

Firstly, we invite presentations with a strong methodological focus, assessing how faunal remains can directly inform on lithic technology and vice versa (e.g. cut mark morphology, damage signatures, use wear). Secondly, we would like to discuss new and existing taphonomic and behavioural models that have been based on the integration of faunal and lithic data, including theoretical constructs, archaeological applications, site-based and regional studies. Suggested topics include, but are not limited, to:

- Taphonomy (e.g. spatial distributions, fragmentation, weathering, artefact condition)

- Site use, occupation duration and exploitation intensity

- Linking lithic and faunal diversity, mortality and seasonality (incl. prey choice, hunting technology, carcass processing)

- Mobility patterns (e.g. isotopes, raw material sourcing)

- Identifying region-, time- or environment-specific behaviour

We want to provide a forum to discuss ideas, approaches and models that can then be further developed to be published in a special journal volume.