Re-pensando la/s Movilidad/es Andina/s: Nuevas Perspectivas en Torno al Viaje, Contacto, Interacción, Intercambio y Obtención de Recursos en los Andes Centro-Sur
Part of: Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2017)
La movilidad humana es un aspecto fundamental que ha caracterizado a las poblaciones de los Andes Centro-Sur a través del tiempo. A pesar de que durante los casi últimos 40 años diferentes modelos han intentado explicar la movilidad y contacto en el área, ciertas preguntas subsisten con respecto a cómo ocurrió, quiénes se movían, de dónde provenían y por qué viajaban. La mayoría de los modelos propuestos han dado énfasis a la economía y rol de las poblaciones tanto de tierras altas como altiplánicas en el control de la movilidad y pisos ecológicos, principalmente a través de caravanas de llamas en períodos tardíos, actuando de forma homogénea en la región andina. Sin embargo, recientes perspectivas plantean patrones de movilidad particulares asociados a los diferentes grupos e historias/memorias locales que habitaron en la costa, valles, pre-cordillera y puna. El objetivo de este simposio es evaluar desde una mirada crítica y constructiva la movilidad en los Andes Centro-Sur considerando y complementando distintas líneas de evidencia que hasta la fecha han arrojado nuevas luces en torno a ésta temática. De esta manera, se plantea re-pensar los patrones de movilidad desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria y más allá de la racionalidad económica.
Other Keywords
Atacama Desert •
Movilidad •
Mobility •
andes •
bioarchaeology •
Textiles •
Human Ecology •
Geochemistry •
Repository •
Geographic Keywords
South America •
Department of Martinique (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Department of Guadeloupe (Country) •
Antigua and Barbuda (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
Anguilla (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country) •
Republic of Honduras (Country) •
St. Lucia (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-11 of 11)
- Documents (11)
Formative mobilities: Moving through the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Social spheres are constituted by population movements. Mobility entails not only the circulation of material goods, but of people, collective imaginary, experiences, flows of information, and knowledge. In this paper, we examine multiple types of movements through the Atacama Desert during the Formative Period (ca. 500 BCE—700 CE). Here, mobility required displacements whose variability included pedestrian travels, the movement of large llama caravans, and the use of sea lion-skin rafts to sail...
In the Middle of Nowhere: Inter-nodal Archaeology and Mobility in the Southern Andes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
"Inter-nodal archaeology" contributes to research on social processes through the study of the areas between nodes, i.e., places where human activities tend to cluster (sites or densely settled areas, depending on the scale). By focusing on the material traces directly generated by people’s movement, this approach holds great potential for addressing questions regarding who travelled across regions and why. These possibilities are illustrated through research conducted in three inter-nodal areas...
The Interior Frontier: Intercultural Exchange in the Formative Period (1000 B.C.-A.D. 400) of Quillagua, Antofagasta Region, northern Chile (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Today the modern village of Quillagua, an oasis in the hyperarid Atacama Desert, is of limited regional economic importance. However, there is strong evidence to support the argument that, in the past, the village was a node of ancient routes linking the populations of the Pampa, the Pacific Coast, the River Loa, and the Salar of Atacama. Documents from the 18th century suggest that Quillagua was, in fact, an "internal frontier" between populations residing to the north and south of the oasis....
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Los materiales textiles tienen la capacidad de contener información relacionada con situaciones de contacto cultural y el grado de intensidad de éstas. Bajo este principio se estudió en forma sistemática la textilería del sitio Doncellas en el Noroeste Argentino -tanto aquella que se encuentra en el Museo Etnográfico Juan B. Ambrosetti en Buenos Aires, como la porción depositada en el Museo del Pucará en Tilcara- y aquella proveniente de sitios del Salar de Atacama y de la cuenca del Loa,...
An Isotopic Evaluation of the Classic Andean Mobility Models in Northern Chile during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 900-1450) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Research on the Late Intermediate Period (AD 900-1450) in northern Chile has been strongly influenced by two mobility models: John Murra’s classic vertical archipelago model and the more recent gyratory mobility model. The use and application of these two models, however, is problematic since there is insufficient supporting archaeological evidence. The use of stable isotope analysis allows a direct approach for studying diet and mobility patterns, in contrast to material culture. The aim of...
North/South Archaic mobility in Dry Puna. Hunter- Gatherers from upper Azapa valley bassin, northern Chile. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
The different models of hunter-gatherer mobility in South Central Andean area, despite its theoretical and conceptual factors, normally emphasize for the Archaic Period the complementarity between vegetation belt for various biotic resources, depending on availability, location and seasonality. Here we complement such models at a meso-scale level, based upon results from surveys and excavations in upper Azapa valley bassin, a region located at the foothills of the Northern Chile Cordillera. Our...
Open Obsidian Geochemistry Visualization system for the Andes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Obsidian sourcing studies which provide valuable insights into archaeological mobility and interaction are enhanced by the availability of geochemical analyzers, and especially by the proliferation of portable X-ray fluorescence units. This year we are introducing an open source system for analysis of geochemical datasets available in web-based repository and based on R-Shiny, a browser based analysis and visualization system built on the R project. The Andean Geochemistry data archive, a new...
Redes viales y prácticas de movilidad en los Valles Occidentales meridionales, área Centro Sur Andina (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
En este estudio proponemos una reconstrucción de la red vial de los Valles Occidentales meridionales. A partir de un trabajo de analisis e interpretación de imágenes satelitales. Esta red estuvo organizada sobre la base de diez rutas troncales, diecisiete nodos de primer orden y siete de segundo orden. Analizamos el funcionamiento del sistema de senderos, caminos y poblados durante los períodos Intermedio Tardío y Tardío y su relación con prácticas de movilidad diversas y convergentes....
Tecnología lítica y movilidad durante el poblamiento temprano del Desierto de Atacama Meridional (Chile) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Actualmente se reconoce que los grupos humanos que colonizaron el Desierto Meridional de Atacama (22-25°S) desde la transición Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno temprano (12.6-10.2 ka AP) accedían a la amplia diversidad de ambientes disponibles en este árido paisaje. Desde los oasis de borde de salar, los paleohumedales y quebradas de la precordillera, hasta los paleolagos de la alta puna, estos espacios fueron articulados a través de circuitos de movilidad estacional. Por otro lado, la colonización...
Where are the camelids? II: contributions from the stable isotope ecology to understand mobility and exchange patterns in the South Central Andes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
There is a growing volume of literature arguing that camelids were a local resource for Prehispanic societies that inhabited the coastal and intermediate Andean valleys from Peru. Indeed, existing evidences show uninterrupted herding practices along the Peruvian lowlands (>2,000 masl) at 8°S-16.5°S during the interval 800 BC-1100 AD. Although camelids archeofaunal remains, textiles and iconographic representations are recurrent in low-elevation sites from the northernmost Chile (17°-19°S), the...
Where are the camelids? Mobility models and caravanning during the Late Intermediate Period (ca. 1000-1400 A.D.) in the northernmost Chile, South Central Andes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Llamas were one of the most valued animals in the Andes. Their importance has transcended the subsistence sphere as they were not only used as a source of food but also served for medicinal and ritual purposes; their fiber was fundamental for manufacturing textiles, and they were a source of symbolism and "food" for thought and ideologies. Nevertheless, their use as pack animals in exchange caravans has been prominent, stimulating intense mobility and long distance traffic between diverse...