Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2018)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2018 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 83rd Annual Meeting was held in Washington, DC from April 11-15, 2018.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,601-1,700 of 2,921)

  • Documents (2,921)

  1. The Materiality of Feasting: Pottery as an Indicator of Ritual Practice in Late Woodland Virginia (2018)
  2. Materials Characterization at the National Museum of the American Indian: (Mostly) Non-destructive Analysis (2018)
  3. Maya Ceramic Technologies for Avoiding the Catastrophic Failure of Cooking Pots (2018)
  4. The Maya Cranial Photogrammetry Project (2018)
  5. Maya Monumental ‘Boom’: Spatial Development, Rank Ordering, and Planning Considerations at Alabama, East-Central Belize (2018)
  6. Maya Ossuaries: Body Processing and Collective Memory in the Terminal Classic (2018)
  7. Maya-Teotihuacan Relations Viewed from Front D at the Plaza of the Columns (2018)
  8. The Mayan Style Lapidary Objects in Mesoamerica Outside the Maya Region: Provenance, Manufacture, Distribution, and Symbolism (2018)
  9. Mayo Chinchipe-Marañón Complex, the Unexpected Spirits of the Ceja (2018)
  10. Maíz y olmecas: una truculenta trayectoria. (2018)
  11. A Meaningful Anthropocene?: Golden Spikes, Transitions, and Boundary Objects (2018)
  12. Means, Motive, and Opportunity: Use of the Sun Pyramid Cave at Teotihuacan Post Termination (2018)
  13. Measuring Ancient Reuse of the Past: Archaic and Woodland Landscape Histories of the St. Johns River Valley, Florida (2018)
  14. Measuring Mobility by Proxy: Use and Maintenance of Lithic Tools in Pennsylvania from Paleoindian to Middle Archaic Times (2018)
  15. Meat or Grains: Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis along the Northern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau (2018)
  16. Meat Production and Animal Sacrifice during the Urbanization of Archaic Rome (2018)
  17. Meat, Transport, Fertilizer, and Meaning: Considering the Role of Camelids and Ritual in Moche Food Production (2018)
  18. Medieval Agricultural Practices in the "Champion" Region (2018)
  19. Memory and Materiality at Mary’s City of David (2018)
  20. Mentoring a Versatile PhD: From Archaeology to an AltAc Career (2018)
  21. Mentorship, Professionalism, and the MSU Campus Archaeology Program (2018)
  22. A Mesoamerican Culture Hero Legend in Western U.S. Rock Art (2018)
  23. Mesodesma donacium as a Paleoclimatic Archive on the Coast of Peru (2018)
  24. The Messy East: Regional Models and Their Complications in the Chachapoyas Area of Peru (2018)
  25. Metal and vitreous production technologies at the Early Bronze Age Resuloğlu (Central Anatolia, Turkey) (2018)
  26. Metal, Pigment, and Prestige: An Analysis of the Form, Decoration, Status, and Use of Inca Stone Vessels (2018)
  27. The Metallurgical Cycle and Human Responses to Material Fatigue (2018)
  28. A Methodological Proposal for the Analysis of Style in Ceramics (2018)
  29. Methods of LiDAR Mapping in Urban Landscapes: Introducing the Teotihuacan LiDAR Map (2018)
  30. Micaceous Ceramics at Los Ojitos, New Mexico (2018)
  31. Micro Currencies Can Rapidly Appear Among Energy Maximizers: A Case Study from the Southern Sierra Nevada Foothills (2018)
  32. Micro-habitat Production in the Late Woodland Period (2018)
  33. Microanalysis of Taphonomic Alteration on Skeletal Material - A Novel Approach to Identifying Damaging Sulfur Compounds (2018)
  34. Microanalytical Insights into Pigment Selection and Preparation in British Columbia Rock Art (2018)
  35. Microartifact Analysis: An Application at Pampa La Cruz, Huanchaco, Peru (2018)
  36. Microbial Communities from Soil and Coprolites (2018)
  37. Microstratigraphic and Geochemical Contributions to the Study of the Burial Practices and Taphonomy of the Mycenaean Shaft Grave of the ‘Griffin Warrior’, Pylos, Greece (2018)
  38. Middens or Monuments? The Shell Middens of Maine and the Construction of Peace (2018)
  39. Middens, Caches, and Burials: Contextualizing the Ceramic Assemblage of La Corona (2018)
  40. A Middle Classic Horizon? Tracking Calakmul’s Rise in the Ceramics of the Central Karstic Uplands (2018)
  41. Middle Horizon Cusco and Long-Distance Networks: Reconciling Spatial Variation through a Zooarchaeological Lens at Ak’awillay, Peru (2018)
  42. The Middle Ohio Valley Fort Ancient Transformation as Viewed from Fox Farm (2018)
  43. Middle Preclassic Greenstone Caches from Paso del Macho, Yucatan (2018)
  44. Migration, Dispersion, or Purposeful Relocation?: Flexibility as an Adaptive Settlement Strategy in Northern Iroquoia, ca. A.D. 1300–1650 (2018)
  45. Migration, Monuments, and Memory in Fifth-Century Britain (2018)
  46. Migration, Ritual, and the Dead (2018)
  47. The Mikesboy Site Complex: Historic Archaeology and the Utes of Bears Ears (2018)
  48. "Milk sweet and sower, bread in cakes": United and Divided Foodways in Post-Medieval Northern Ireland (2018)
  49. A Millennium of Sociopolitical Transitions in the PRALC Region: The View from La Cariba (2018)
  50. Mind the Gap: Laws and Policies Related to Burial Places in Pennsylvania (2018)
  51. Mind the Gap: The Mesa Verde North Escarpment (2018)
  52. Mineral Resources and Metallurgical Technologies along the Southern Silk Road (2018)
  53. Mineralogy Without Minerals: A Proposed Methodology for Reconstructing the Original Compositions of Highly Altered Ceramic Bodies Using Thin Section Petrography (2018)
  54. Miniature Folsom Points from the Lindenmeier Site, Colorado (2018)
  55. Minimally-Invasive Geoarchaeological Investigation of a Sub-marsh and Intertidal Precontact Site in New Hampshire (2018)
  56. Minimizing Distractions and Focusing on What Matters: Using Autonomous Drone Flight Technology to Examine Architecture across the Circum-Titicaca Basin (Puno, Peru) (2018)
  57. Mining, Extractive Metallurgy and Imperialism in the Inka Empire (2018)
  58. Minor Temple Groups, Water Management and Community Formation at Ceibal, Guatemala (2018)
  59. Mishipishu and Danger in the Inland Waterway Landscape of Northern Michigan (2018)
  60. The Missing Years: Continuity and/or Change in Woodland Funerals in the LIV (2018)
  61. The Mississippian Fin de Siècle in the Middle Cumberland Region of Tennessee (2018)
  62. The Mississippianization of Women in the Black Warrior Valley of Alabama, A.D. 1120–1250 (2018)
  63. Mitigation and Management in the Context of Climate Change at Three Historic Properties on the Great Plains, USA (2018)
  64. Mito y rito, en tanto política y gobierno, en la costa de los Andes Centrales durante el Tawantinsuyu (2018)
  65. Mitochondrial DNA Results from the Kormantse Archaeological Research Project (2018)
  66. Mix, Mold, Fire! An Exploration of the Chaine Operatoire through the Eyes of an Apprentice Potter (2018)
  67. Mleiha Archaeological Park: Management of a Future UNESCO World Heritage Site within Nature and Culture (2018)
  68. Mobility and Migration as Ecological Processes in Ancient Eurasia (2018)
  69. Mobility and Pre-Columbian Censers (2018)
  70. Mobility in North-Eastern Italy between the Late Roman and Byzantine Periods (2018)
  71. Mobility, Ethnicity, and Ritual Violence in the Epiclassic Basin of Mexico (2018)
  72. Moche Women: Multiple Realities and Alternative Powers (2018)
  73. Modeling Discrete Paleoindian Work Areas (2018)
  74. Modeling Hazard Risk, Vulnerability, Recovery, and Adaptation in Tilarán-Arenal, Costa Rica: An Integrative Approach to Disaster Studies (2018)
  75. Modeling Hunter-Gatherer Population Dynamics on the Texas Coastal Plain during the Holocene (2018)
  76. Modeling Late Prehistoric Mortuary Practice in the Middle Chincha Valley, Peru (2018)
  77. Modeling Proglacial Shore Lines of Glacial Lake Agassiz Around Prehistoric Quarries in Northern Minnesota (2018)
  78. Modeling the Changes in the Surface Processes at Arslantepe (Malatya) during the Early Bronze Age-I (ca. 5000–4750 cal. BP) (2018)
  79. Modeling the Early Settlement of Yap, Western Caroline Islands (2018)
  80. Modelling the Connectivity of Socioeconomic Networks of Copper Production in Ancient Northern Oman (2018)
  81. Modelling the Innovation and Extinction of Archaeological Ideas (2018)
  82. Modelo de co-participación para la infraestructura de investigación en Atzompa (2018)
  83. Moho Rising: Sixteenth-century Battlefields, Lived Lives, and the Creation of Archaeological and Historical Frameworks that Work (2018)
  84. The "Molecular Genetics" of Social Learning: Skill Acquisition and Individual Differences in Learning (2018)
  85. Money and Inequality in Roman Mediterranean Gaul, ca. 125 B.C.–A.D. 100 (2018)
  86. Mono no Aware: Challenges of Impermanence in the Archaeological Record of a WWII Japanese American Concentration Camp (2018)
  87. Monte Alban’s Main Plaza: New Perspectives Gained Through Geophysical Prospection and Digital Mapping (2018)
  88. Monte Castelo Shellmound and Early Ceramic Technologies in Amazon: A Perspective on Long-Term Landscape Management and the Origins of Pottery in the Americas (2018)
  89. A Monumental Afterlife: Reconfiguration and Reuse at Aventura, Belize (2018)
  90. Monumental Architecture in Central Mexico during the Terminal Formative: New Findings from the Tlalancaleca Archaeological Project, Puebla (2018)
  91. Monumental Architecture of Yaxha and Nakum (Northeastern Guatemala) during the Middle and Late Preclassic Periods (2018)
  92. Monumental Displays: Ritual Performance and Preclassic Architecture at Early Xunantunich, Belize (2018)
  93. Monumentality and Horizontality in a Preclassic Cityscape (2018)
  94. The Monumentality of the Preclassic Maya of the Mirador Basin, Guatemala (2018)
  95. Monuments that Weren’t: Reckoning with Unmarked Histories of Violence (2018)
  96. More than Just Cliff Dwellings: Results of Survey at Navajo National Monument, Arizona (2018)
  97. Mortuary Analysis and Bioarchaeology: A Survey of Integrative Approaches (2018)
  98. Mortuary Analysis of St. Joseph Sanatorium, Albuquerque, New Mexico: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2018)
  99. Mortuary Landscapes and Placemaking through Veneration at the Maya Site of Colha (2018)
  100. Mortuary Spaces as Social Power: Ceramic Exchange and Burial Practice at Safford Mound (8PI3) (2018)