Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2018)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2018 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 83rd Annual Meeting was held in Washington, DC from April 11-15, 2018.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,801-1,900 of 2,921)

  • Documents (2,921)

  1. no title specified (2018)
  2. no title specified (2018)
  3. No-Budget Archaeology: Landscape Archaeology Using Free Data and Software (2018)
  4. Non-adult Dis/ability and Care in Early Medieval Britain (2018)
  5. A Non-elite Termination Ritual at the Classic Maya Capital of Tamarindito (2018)
  6. Non-metric Traits and the Influence of Cranial Modifications: A Case Study from the South-Central Andes (2018)
  7. Non-Native Incorporation of Native American Technologies in Historic Period Arizona (2018)
  8. Non-Pollen Palynomorphs Reveal Environmental Fluctuations in the Terminal Pleistocene Southeastern United States (2018)
  9. Nonlinear and Multiscalar Dynamics of Migration (2018)
  10. A North American Plains Perspective on the East European Paleolithic (2018)
  11. Northern Gulf Coast Trade in the Mesoamerican Postclassic: The Evidence from Brownsville (2018)
  12. The Northern Periphery of the Casas Grandes World: An Assessment and Update of the Animas Phase (2018)
  13. Not Abandoning the Middle Place: Rethinking the Historic Tewa Pueblo World (2018)
  14. Not All Distance Is Kilometric… Obsidian Procurement and Exchange at Salinas de los Nueve Cerros and Cancuen (2018)
  15. Not Becoming Inka: Anarchism as a Set of Human-thing Relationships (2018)
  16. Not Your Backyard Garden: Terraces in the Shadow of La Milpa’s Temples (2018)
  17. Nuh nuhy Himdag. The Role of Song in the Identification of O’Odham Traditional Cultural Properties (2018)
  18. Number Games: MNI and Element Representation in the Point San Jose Collection (2018)
  19. The Numerous Faces and Voices of Ancient Maya Instruments: A Typological Analysis of Ancient Maya Musical Artifacts Based on Physical and Tonal Attributes (2018)
  20. Nutritional Stress and the Maternal-Infant Nexus: Insights from Isotopes and Paleopathology in the Ancient Chilean Atacama (ca 9000–1500 BP) (2018)
  21. Oak Flat as a Traditional Cultural Property / Future Copper Mine (2018)
  22. Oakley Cabin: Revisited (2018)
  23. Object Photogrammetry at the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology: Opportunities and Challenges (2018)
  24. Objects in Motion: The Materiality of Irish Emigration in the 19th Century World (2018)
  25. Objects of Action and the Practice of Empire in Xiongnu Inner Asia (2018)
  26. Objects of Power and Power of Objects: Tiahuanaco Burial Assemblages in Cundisa (Copacabana, Bolivia) (2018)
  27. Observations on Collaboration between O'odham and Hendrix Students (2018)
  28. Obsidian Debitage Sequence in Three Sites in West Mexico during the Late Classic Period: A Proposal (2018)
  29. Obsidian Exchange and Use in Early Formative Chalcatzingo (2018)
  30. Obsidian Exploitation and Access in the Eastern Sierra de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico (2018)
  31. Obsidian Importation and Use at Teotepec, Veracruz, Mexico: Situating Site-Level Lithic Activities within a Regional Context (2018)
  32. Obsidian Processing and Distribution in Classic Period Lower Cotaxtla Basin, Veracruz, México (2018)
  33. Obsidian Procurement and Exchange in Peru: A Social Network Analysis (SNA) (2018)
  34. Obsidian Procurement Patterns in the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness (2018)
  35. Obsidian Trade at the Edge of the Maya World (2018)
  36. Obsidian Trade vs. Direct Acquisition: A View from Central California (2018)
  37. Of Eye Rings and Torches: The Fire Priests of Chichen Itza and Their Legacy in Aztec Tenochtitlan (2018)
  38. Of Fish and Plague: Death as Economic Opportunity at the Medieval Fishing Station of Gufuskálar, Iceland (2018)
  39. Of Palisades and Postmolds (2018)
  40. Of Truck Tires and Kelly Bars: Geoarchaeological Perspectives of a Toolpusher (2018)
  41. Of Wharves and Watercraft: Exploring the Maritime Archeology of Theodore Roosevelt Island (2018)
  42. Offerings in the Mogollon Underworld: Big-Eyed Beings and Birds (2018)
  43. Oh Captain, My Captain: Transforming the Practice of Archaeology (2018)
  44. Old Collections and New Approaches: Estimating Mast Resource Use in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Southwest Texas (2018)
  45. The Old Stone House Revisited: (2018)
  46. Ollas and Inequality: Reflections on Space, Ceramics, and Power Relationships at the Sanchez site. (2018)
  47. On Finding Smoke Town, a Late Eighteenth to Mid-Nineteenth Century, Rural Free Black Community Populated in Circa 1791 by Some of the 452 Manumitted Slaves of Robert Carter III (2018)
  48. On the Front Lines-Addressing Climate Change at the Local Level in South Florida (2018)
  49. On the Persistence of Tradition: Caves, Ritual Performance, and Secrecy among Multi-Ethnic Communities in the U.S. Southwest (2018)
  50. On the Right of Refusal: Decolonizing Archaeology and Equitable Praxis (2018)
  51. On the Road Again: Archaeology on El Camino Real (2018)
  52. On the Trail of Homo through Earth’s High Mountains and Plateaus (2018)
  53. Oneota Burial Practices: A Case Study from the Dixon Site (13WD8) (2018)
  54. Oneota Expansion and Ethnogenesis on the Eastern Great Plains (2018)
  55. Ongoing Household Research at Hun Tun: An Ancient Maya Hinterland Settlement in Northwestern Belize (2018)
  56. Online Data Curation: CAVEBase, ArchaeoSTOR, University Libraries and Long-Term Digital Archiving (2018)
  57. Only Soil Deep: Geophysical Contributions to an Excavation at an Oneota Village in Northwest Iowa (2018)
  58. An Open-Source Calibration Framework for XRF (2018)
  59. Opening Remarks: The Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology of Non-modern Humans (2018)
  60. Ordinary or Extraordinary? Analytical Disjunctures between Production and Rituals in Pastoralist Societies (2018)
  61. Organic Molecular Proxies for Fire in Archaeological Sediments (2018)
  62. The Organic Residue Analysis from the Early Bronze Age Site of Sotira Kaminoudhia in Cyprus (2018)
  63. The Organization of Obsidian Exchange at Postclassic Sauce and its Hinterland in Veracruz, Mexico (2018)
  64. Origin and Use of Shell Bead Money in Southern California (2018)
  65. The Original Cultural Resource Managers of America: Going Beyond Integrating Native Perspectives in Cultural Resource Management (2018)
  66. The Original Is (Still) the Winner: Replicas and Fakes as Bound by Authenticity (2018)
  67. Origins and Movement of Tradeware Ceramics in the Bicol River, Philippines: Applying pXRF Technology to Trade and Interaction Research (2018)
  68. Ornaments from Room 28, Pueblo Bonito (2018)
  69. An Osteobiography of Skeletal Remains from Holtun, Guatemala (2018)
  70. An Osteological and Isotopic Assessment of Diet at Ancient Corinth and Ancient Paphos (2018)
  71. "The Other Half of the Sky": Competitive Anarchy in Contact-Era Palau (2018)
  72. "Our Past is Not the Other"—Anthropological Archaeology and Academic Peripheries in Central Europe (2018)
  73. Our Sites at Risk: Climate Related Threats to NPS Administered Archeological Sites (2018)
  74. Out of Clay and into Stone: The Emergence of Warriors at Chichen Itza (2018)
  75. Out with a Whimper or a Bang? Hunter-Gatherer Response to the End of the African Humid Period in Northern Malawi (2018)
  76. Outside Looking In: The Piedras Negras Near Periphery Re-examined (2018)
  77. Over the Andes, and Through their Goods: Integration Period Relations in Northern Ecuador (2018)
  78. Overlapping and Shifting Networks: Comales, Spouses and Other Social/Material Interactions between/within Highlands and Coast in Colonial Guatemala (2018)
  79. An Overview of Technological Changes in the Pottery of the Early Holocene Shangshan Culture, Zhejiang Province, China (2018)
  80. An Overview of the History of LaGrange Cemetery and Some of its Notable and Not So Notable Residents (2018)
  81. Overview of Traditional Cultural Properties in Relation to the NHPA and Bulletin 38 (2018)
  82. Pack Your Boots, Trowel, and Ray Gun: Advances in Portable XRF for Archaeological Science (2018)
  83. Page-Ladson and Submerged Late Pleistocene Sites along the Aucilla River, Florida, and their Importance to First Americans Archaeology (2018)
  84. Paisajes aprovechados y causes modificados en el sistema portuario de la costa este de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz (2018)
  85. Paisajes, recursos y su aprovechamiento en Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico (2018)
  86. Paleo-Indian Evidence from Rock Shelters of the Pains Region, Southeastern Brazil: Typology, Technology and Chronology of the Lithic Material and Its Classification in Three Horizons (2018)
  87. Paleoamerican Archaeology in Virginia (2018)
  88. Paleoanthropology and Pedagogy: Raising Horizons for the Next Generations (2018)
  89. Paleoarchaic Cultural Affiliations on the Columbia Plateau (2018)
  90. Paleoarchaic Occupations in the Eastern Great Basin: The Beast and Paleolandscapes in West Central Utah (2018)
  91. Paleodietary Analysis of Xiongnu Individuals in Zuunkhangai, Mongolia (2018)
  92. Paleoecological Analysis Using Select Coprolites & Sediments Recovered from Paisley Caves, Oregon (2018)
  93. Paleoecological Continuity and Change Over Time in South Florida (2018)
  94. Paleoecology of the Late Pleistocene Fauna from the Lamb Spring Site, Colorado (2018)
  95. Paleoecology, Paleoclimate, and Paleoeconomy at the Turner River Mound Complex, Everglades National Park (2018)
  96. Paleoenvironmental Context of Calusa Cultural Evolution on Mound Key, Estero Bay, Southwest Florida (2018)
  97. The Paleoethnobotanical Remains of the Archaeological Site of Cerro Azul, Cañete (Lima, Peru): Changes through Occupation (2018)
  98. Paleoindian and Archaic in North Centre and Western Mexico (2018)
  99. Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast: Twenty Years of Georgia Archaeology (2018)
  100. Paleoindian Archaeology in the Munsungun Lake Region: Beyond Norway Bluff (2018)