Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2018)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2018 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 83rd Annual Meeting was held in Washington, DC from April 11-15, 2018.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,001-2,100 of 2,921)

  • Documents (2,921)

  1. Pollen in Nautical Archaeology (2018)
  2. Pollen, Contamination, and Interpretation at Paisley Caves Archaeological Site (2018)
  3. Popular Beliefs of Safety in an Age of Rising Sea Levels: Public Archaeology as a Means to Counter Exceptionalism on the Florida Gulf Coast (2018)
  4. Population in the Middle Atlantic Archaic: The Middle Atlantic Transect Approach (2018)
  5. Porcelain Dolls and Marble Balls: The Role of Toys and Play in the Gendered Socialization of Enslaved Children (2018)
  6. Portable X-ray Fluorescence of Lower Pecos Mobiliary Art: New Insights Regarding Chaîne Opératoire, Context, and Chronology (2018)
  7. Portable XRF Analysis of Rock Art Pigments Used in Pictographs across the Great Basin (2018)
  8. Porte des Morts Lighthouse Ruins Excavation: The Study of a Mid-19th Century Lighthouse Site on the Great Lakes (2018)
  9. Possible Maya Analogs and Antecedents for the Pyramid B Atlantid Columns, Tula (2018)
  10. Post-contact Times in Southern Patagonia (2018)
  11. Post-Fire Incisions on Wari Pottery (2018)
  12. Post-Mortem Interval and Age-at-Death Estimation through Forensic Proteomics (2018)
  13. A Post-Wari World: Late Intermediate Period Defensibility in the Huamanga and Huarpa Provinces of Peru (2018)
  14. The Postclassic, The Postmodern, and the Problem of Alternative Facts (2018)
  15. The Postcolonial Imperative (2018)
  16. Pot Souls and Kill Holes: Weeden Island Ceramics from Palmetto Mound, Florida (2018)
  17. Potential Method for Structure Alignment by the Ancient Maya (2018)
  18. The Potomac Gorge (2018)
  19. Pots and People in Motion in Woodland Period Florida (2018)
  20. "Pots, Potters, …and Polities": Classic Period Ceramic Spheres and Systems at Aventura, Northern Belize, and the Legacy of Joe Ball (2018)
  21. Pottery Analysis as a Window into Site Function and Community Identity: A Haudenosaunee Case Study (2018)
  22. Pottery at Skull Creek Dunes, OR and Its Implications for Pottery Tradition in Southeastern Oregon (2018)
  23. The Pottery of a Problematic Deposit from Cahal Pech, Belize, and Its Implications for the Interpretation of Similar Deposits (2018)
  24. The Pottery of Beef Basin and Its Cultural Implications (2018)
  25. Pottery Production at Idalion, Cyprus: Investigating First Millennium BCE Politics and Culture through Ceramic Petrography. (2018)
  26. Pottery Production at the Dillard Site: An Early Basketmaker III Community Center in the Central Mesa Verde Region (2018)
  27. Pottery Rituals and Ritual Pottery: Ceramic Production, Use, and Disposal among the Guancavilca of Coastal Ecuador (AD 800–1532) (2018)
  28. Power as Nurture: The Inkas and Their Tiwanaku Ancestors (2018)
  29. 'Powering the Future while Protecting the Past'- Cultural Resource Matters at an Electric Utility (2018)
  30. The Pragmatic Semiotics of Cultural Heritage (2018)
  31. Pragmatism and the Art of Collaborative Research (2018)
  32. Pragmatism, Archaeology, and the Race Woman (2018)
  33. Pragmatist Philosophy of Social Science: A Proposal (2018)
  34. Praying to the Predator: Symbols of Insect Animism on Luna Polychrome (2018)
  35. Pre-Clovis Evidence at Guano Mountain, Nevada (2018)
  36. Pre-colonial Griddles in Central Nicaragua: An Archaeometric and Archaeobotanical Approach to Foodways at the Barillas Site, Chontales (2018)
  37. Pre-Columbian Conflict and Early Social Complexity in Java, Southern Costa Rica (2018)
  38. Pre-Columbian Introduction of Legume Trees Prosopis Algarobia Section and Geoffroea decorticans into the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile during the Late Holocene (2018)
  39. Pre-Columbian textiles from Castillo de Huarmey: Fabric Structures and Iconographic Motifs as Indicators of Cultural Influences (2018)
  40. Pre-contact Settlement Patterns in a Clay Pan and Wetland Environment in Australia’s Sandy Deserts (2018)
  41. Prearchaic Land Use in Grass Valley, NV: A Novel Statistical Implementation of Optimal Distribution Models (2018)
  42. Prearchaic Settlement Decisions in the Great Basin (2018)
  43. Preceramic Cultures of the Basin of Mexico (2018)
  44. The Preceramic Occupation of Greater Chiriqui: An Assessment of our Current Understanding (2018)
  45. Preceramic Occupations in the Valley of Oaxaca and the Southern Isthmus (2018)
  46. Preclassic Faunal Utilization at Pacbitun, Belize. (2018)
  47. Preclassic Fortified Spaces: Within and Beyond the Ramparts at Muralla de León (2018)
  48. Preclassic Landscape Modifications and Regional Networks at El Tintal, Petén, Guatemala (2018)
  49. Preclassic Maya Ceramic Production and Distribution: Preliminary Petrographic Analysis from the Mopan Valley, Belize (2018)
  50. Preclassic Maya Ritual at Holtun, Guatemala: Analysis and Interpretation of the E-Group Architectural Compound (2018)
  51. Preclassic Settlement Hierarchy at Xcoch in the Puuc Region of Yucatan (2018)
  52. Precontact Coast Salish Seasonality in Social Networks: A Modeling Approach (2018)
  53. Predictive Modeling of Early Archaic Bolen Site Distribution in Northwestern Florida, USA (2018)
  54. Predictive Modeling of Paleoindian and Archaic Sites across Florida with GIS (2018)
  55. Prehispanic Maya Burnt Lime Production: Previous Studies and Future Directions (2018)
  56. Prehispanic Warfare, Leadership and Demography in the Llanos of the Orinoco, Northern South America (2018)
  57. Prehistoric Agriculture in South Tibet: Archaeobotanical Perpespective from Bangga Site (2018)
  58. Prehistoric Ceramic Production Variation during the Early and Middle Woodland at the Richter Site, Door County, Wisconsin (2018)
  59. Prehistoric Dogs in the Uruguay Lowlands (2018)
  60. Prehistoric Lake Cahuilla Shorelines Identified Using a Systematic Satellite Photograph and Ground Truth Methodology, Salton Sea Region, Imperial County, California (2018)
  61. Prehistoric Obsidian Use in Southern Italy: Primary Acquisition and Down-the-line Exchange in Calabria, Basilicata, and Campania (2018)
  62. Prehistoric Population Aggregation of the Mt. Trumbull, AZ area (2018)
  63. Prehistoric Tool Stone Acquisition and Use in the Central Mojave Desert (2018)
  64. Prehistoric Use of the Wind Creek Locality at Fort Riley, Kansas (2018)
  65. A Preliminary Analysis of Early Ramos Phase Ceramics from the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico (2018)
  66. A Preliminary Analysis of Flaked Stone Tools at Patipampa (2018)
  67. Preliminary Analysis of Landscape – Social Complexity Relationship Changes from Neolithic to Bronze Age in South Carpathian Basin (2018)
  68. Preliminary Assessment of Recent Research at the Old Vero Site (8IR009), Vero Beach, Florida (2018)
  69. Preliminary Investigations into the Site of Chullpa K’asa in Southwestern Bolivia (2018)
  70. Preliminary LiDAR-based Analyses of the La Corona – El Achiotal Corridor (2018)
  71. Preliminary Results from Excavations of a Communal Pit Structure in the Gila National Forest (2018)
  72. Preliminary Results of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Geophysical Prospection at the Neo-Punic/Roman Period Site of Zita, Tunisia (2018)
  73. Preliminary Results of Material Culture from the Historic First Baptist Church Cemetery, Philadelphia (ca. 1700–1860) and Analytical Problems Arising from Stressed Excavations and the Lack of Formal Legal Oversight (2018)
  74. Preliminary Study in Skeletal Weathering in the Southwest Llano Estacado (2018)
  75. A Preliminary Study of Epiclassic Human Mobility at Cerro Magoni in Tula, Mexico Using Stable and Radiometric Isotope Analyses (2018)
  76. Preliminary Understandings of the Casma’s Response to Chimú Conquest in the Nepeña Valley, Peru: Findings from the 2017 Pan de Azucár Excavations. (2018)
  77. A Prelude to Displacement: An Archaeological Reconstruction of Community History at San Pablo and Barrio del Hoyo in Tempe, Arizona (2018)
  78. Prelude to the Protohistoric: Late Mississippian Settlement Dynamics in the Central and Upper Tombigbee River Drainage (2018)
  79. Prepared Floors on Mound A Revealed through Near-Surface Geophysics (2018)
  80. Preservation and Perception: Archaeobotanical Patterning and Site Formation Processes in Mycenaean Messenia (2018)
  81. Preservation in Peril: Patterns of Politics and Archaeology over the Past 100 Years (2018)
  82. Preserving the Ongoing Legacy of Northeast Pre-contact Archaeology (2018)
  83. Preserving the U.S. Navy's Sunken Military Craft: Transcending Time and Space (2018)
  84. Previous Material Entanglements and the Rise of the Aztec Empire (2018)
  85. Prey Choice and Politics: Modelling Postclassic Maya Wood Selection at La Punta, Chiapas, Mexico (2018)
  86. The Priestesses of San Jose de Moro (2018)
  87. Primary or Secondary Deposition: Midnight Terror Cave Operation V (2018)
  88. Principles of Open Government Archaeology: Lessons from the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) (2018)
  89. Prioritizing the Expressed Community Needs in Educational Projects in Ancash, Peru (2018)
  90. Prioritizing Title IX in Private Cultural Resource Management (2018)
  91. The "Private(s)" Is(Are) Political: Girding One’s Loins for Work, for Battle, for Provocation, and Ungirding for Insurgence (2018)
  92. Privileged Knowledge and Perspectives: Tribal Archaeology of, by, and for a Community in Oregon (2018)
  93. A Probabilistic Approach to Constructing Networks in the Kuril Islands (2018)
  94. A Probabilistic Approach to Study Diachronic Patterns in Human Behavior: A Case Study from the Paleolithic Sequence at Jebel Faya, UAE (2018)
  95. The Problem of Enacting Ethical Practice in Historic Cemetery Excavation (2018)
  96. Problematic at Best: Assigning Sex to Prehistoric Remains with Consistency (2018)
  97. "Problematic Deposits" at Chan Chich, Belize (2018)
  98. Proceso Constructivo en los Montículos Circulares Prehispánicos de Urcuquí / Constructive Process at Prehispanic Circular Mounds of Urcuquí (2018)
  99. Processing Personhood: Mortuary Activity from the Middle to Late Woodland in the Lower Illinois River Valley (2018)
  100. Processional Architecture at Chan Chich, Belize (2018)