Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2018)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2018 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 83rd Annual Meeting was held in Washington, DC from April 11-15, 2018.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,401-1,500 of 2,921)

  • Documents (2,921)

  1. Kill, Camp, and Repeat: A Return to the Lindenmeier Folsom Site of Northern Colorado (2018)
  2. Kindling Curiosity: Assessing the Early Results of Educational Outreach and Archaeology in the South Lake Champlain Basin, Vermont (2018)
  3. The Kingdom of Piedras Negras: A View from Mexico (2018)
  4. Kinship and Cattle in Harappan Gujarat (2018)
  5. Kitchen Affairs: First Insights into the Intimacies of Food Plant Preparation at El Flaco, Northern Dominican Republic (XII–XV Centuries) (2018)
  6. Knapping for the Thrill of It? The Non-Conservation of Raw Materials at Middle Paleolithic Sites (2018)
  7. Knotting Accuracy & Dimension Variation in Modern Turkmen Carpets (2018)
  8. The Körös Regional Archaeological Project, 20 Years of (Mostly Successful) Collaboration (2018)
  9. "La del estribo": The Formative funerary goblets from Tetimpa, Puebla, Mexico (2018)
  10. La gestión y colaboración interinstitucional con la CFE y SCT para la protección del patrimonio arqueológico en Oaxaca (2018)
  11. La Interaccion regional de Xochitecatl-Cacaxtla durante el Formativo en el valle Tlaxcala-Puebla. 800 a.C. - 200 d.C. (2018)
  12. La lítica tallada de Estero Rabón. Un estudio durante la Fase Villa Alta en la Costa del Golfo (2018)
  13. La Metallurgie Ancienne du Fer de la Zone 4000 de Siola (Kanisasso, Zone d’Odienne, Nord-ouest de la Cote D’Ivoire) (2018)
  14. La Obsidiana del Sitio Guadalupe, Colón, Honduras (2018)
  15. La sociedad prehispánica del valle intermontano de Maltrata, Veracruz: Desarrollo poblacional, aprovechamiento y cosmovisión (2018)
  16. La subsistencia en el sitio de El Campanario, Valle de Huarmey (2018)
  17. Land and the Social Consequences of Land Loss: Navajo Oral History, Ethnoarchaeology, and Spatial Analysis at Wupatki National Monument, Arizona (2018)
  18. Land Use, Settlement Patterns, and Collective Defense in the Titicaca Basin: The Constitution of Defensive Community (2018)
  19. Landscape and Labor: Bones and Bodies of the Tiwanaku State (2018)
  20. Landscape Archaeology & the Irish Chalcolithic – Early Bronze Age: Discovering Termon, Co. Clare, Ireland. (2018)
  21. Landscape Connectivity, Habitat Suitability and Cultural Transmission during the Last Glacial Maximum in Western Europe (2018)
  22. Landscape Evolution, Digital Terrain Analysis, and the Integrity of Surface Assemblages: A Case Study from the Koobi Fora Formation (2018)
  23. Landscape Marking, the Creation of Meaning, and the Construction of Sacred and Secular Spaces: Rethinking The Birney "Mound" in the City of Bay City (2018)
  24. Landscape Modification Seen from Above: Remote Sensing Analysis at Postclassic Mayapan (2018)
  25. The Landscape of China’s Participation in the Bronze Age Eurasian Network (2018)
  26. Landscape Scale Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetometry at Tel Shimron, Jezreel Valley, Israel (2018)
  27. Landscapes and Agricultural Rituals on the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia (2018)
  28. Landscapes of Acquisition and Mobility: Sourcing Raw Lithic Materials and Their Distribution in Central Cyprus (2018)
  29. Landscapes of Mobility in the South-Central Andes: From Chiefly Networks to Colonial Markets (AD 1100–1800) (2018)
  30. Landscapes of the Silk Road: Written, Imagined, and Embodied Spacetimes (2018)
  31. Language Shift and Material Practice (2018)
  32. Large Centralized Fired-Clay Cooking Stoves of Communal Households on Marajoara Mounds at the Mouth of the Amazon c. AD 400–1100 (2018)
  33. Large-Scale Human Sacrifice and Feasting at Sicán, Peru during the 11th-Century Mega-El Niño: A Multidisciplinary Vision (2018)
  34. Large-scale Socioecological Transformation: The Effects of Subsistence Change on Holocene Vegetation Across Europe (2018)
  35. Las practicas funerarias del Formativo en la costa ecuatoriana : resultado de (2018)
  36. Las Ruinas de Arenal and the Buenavista del Cayo Polity: Political Dynamics in the Western Belize River Valley (2018)
  37. The Last Ones Out: The Impacts of the National Park Service on the Inhabitants of Cataloochee Valley, NC (2018)
  38. Late Archaic Southern Plains Bison Kills: Accumulated Analysis Results at the Certain Site, Western Oklahoma (2018)
  39. Late Classic Maya Commoner Myth, Ritual, and Landscape at Chawak But’o’ob, Belize. (2018)
  40. Late Holocene Climate Change and the Emergence of Hunter-gatherer Territoriality in the Late Archaic Texas Coastal Plains: An Analysis using Bioavailable Strontium (2018)
  41. Late Holocene Oyster Reef Development and Its Impact on Calusa Natural Resource Utilization, Estero Bay, Southwest Florida (2018)
  42. Late Initial Period (1100–800 B.C.) Interaction between the Highlands and Ceja de Selva of North-Central Peru: A Case Study from Canchas Uckro, Eastern Ancash (2018)
  43. Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Agro-Pastoral Diets at Shimao, Northern Shaanxi Province, China: Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains (2018)
  44. The Late Paleoindian Cody Complex Component at Lamb Spring, Colorado (2018)
  45. The Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Vertebrate Local Fauna from Zone 3 of Kincaid Rockshelter (41UV2), Uvalde County, Texas (2018)
  46. Late Pleistocene Aggregation Sites on the Peruvian North Coast: A New Look at Paiján Settlement (2018)
  47. Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Biomarkers from Stratified and Cumulic Soils in Highland Environments of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico (2018)
  48. Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Lake-Level Fluctuations in the Lahontan Basin, Nevada: An Expanded Approach (2018)
  49. A Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Site in the Western Great Basin: A Preliminary Study of the Rose Valley Site (CA-INY-1799) (2018)
  50. Late Pre-Columbian Craft and Community at the Weeden Island Site (8Pi1) (2018)
  51. Late Preceramic Peruvian Effigy Mound Imagery (2018)
  52. The Late Prehistory of Ecuador from Above and Below: Remote Sensing in the Northern Highlands (2018)
  53. Late Woodland Cultural Adaptations in the Lower Missouri River Valley: Archery, Warfare, and the Rise of Complexity (2018)
  54. Late-Terminal Classic Community Mobility and Migration at El Perú-Waka’ (2018)
  55. Law and Ethics: The Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery Excavations in the Context of the Wisconsin Burial Site Preservation Statute (2018)
  56. Lead Isotope Analysis of Bronze Bells from Spanish Colonization Era (2018)
  57. Lead Isotopes as Chronological Markers for Colonial Period Ritual Drinking Vessels in the Andes (2018)
  58. Learning by Example: Exploring the Importance of Case Studies in Learning NAGPRA (2018)
  59. Learning through the Children: An Experimental Analysis to Investigate the Relation between Childhood Pottery Making Techniques and Social Learning Strategies (2018)
  60. Least Cost Path Analysis of Maritime Routes in the Ancient Aegean (2018)
  61. "Left for the Tide to Take Back": Specialized Taphonomic Mechanisms at Play in a Coastal Maine Seal Hunting Camp (2018)
  62. Legacies of Syncretism and Cognition: African and European Religious and Aesthetic Expressions in the Caribbean (2018)
  63. Legacies of War: Fortified Landscapes and Political Transformation during the Late Prehispanic in the Colca Valley (Arequipa, Peru) (2018)
  64. Legacy Data and Ceramic Chronologies: The Case of the Gorgan Plain, Northeastern Iran (2018)
  65. The Legacy of Andean Archaeologists from the American Museum of Natural History (2018)
  66. Legends of the Dinsmore Hilton (2018)
  67. Legitimizing Nearness: Negotiating Identities in the Spatial Design of 25th Dynasty Nubian Cemeteries (2018)
  68. "Les Niveaux Céramiques au Honduras" Revisited: The Gulf of Fonseca in Regional Context (2018)
  69. Lessons from the Past: The Grand Human Journey to the New World (2018)
  70. Lessons Learned Through Tribal Consultation (2018)
  71. Let Them Eat Corn: Using Stable Isotopes to Explore Turkey Management in the Mississippian Period Southeast (2018)
  72. Leukoma Seasonality and Maturity at WH-55, Implications for the Lacarno Beach Phase in the Pacific Northwest (2018)
  73. Levallois, Learning, and Lithic Variation: Results from Porcelain Flintknapping Experiments (2018)
  74. Libations and Meat: A View of the Construction of Social Capital in Tiwanaku Residential Spaces through Ceramics and Faunal Material (2018)
  75. Life and Death of Lakam Elites at the Maya Center of El Palmar, Campeche, Mexico (2018)
  76. Life and Death of the Pleistocene Child: Children’s Burials in Gravettian Europe (2018)
  77. Life in a Colonial Mining Camp: Reconstructing Power and Identity in a Colonial Context (Puno, Peru) (2018)
  78. Life on the Margins: Eastern Oklahoma’s Arkansas Drainage between 1300 and 1500 CE (2018)
  79. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) of San Gervasio, Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico (2018)
  80. Like a Lion, as a Man: Seals and Poetry in Minoan Crete (2018)
  81. Limited Territorial Control and Incomplete Political Economies in Small States: A Look at the Classic Maya and Classic Greek (2018)
  82. Listening to One Another: Contributions of Indigenous People to the Life and Research of Dennis Stanford (2018)
  83. Lithic Analyses of Site 21-85, an Archaic – Woodland Period Site near Robbins Swamp and the Housatonic River, Connecticut (2018)
  84. Lithic Analysis of Paleolithic Surface Scatters from Pleistocene River Terraces in the Republic of Serbia (2018)
  85. A Lithic Approach to Economic Organization at Piedras Negras, Guatemala (2018)
  86. Lithic Assemblage Variability at the Regional Level: Raw Material Conditions, Time, and Site Function (2018)
  87. Lithic Economy of Epiclassic Los Mogotes (2018)
  88. The Lithic Landscape of the Nenana Valley: Investigating Land-Use and Toolstone Procurement Activities in Interior Alaska (2018)
  89. Lithic Micro-Wear Traces at Morphological Junctions: Function Vs. Typology Reconsidered in Terms of Technological Organizations (2018)
  90. Lithic Miniaturization and Behavioral Variability in Southernmost Africa 18–11 kcal. BP (2018)
  91. Lithic Production and Consumption in a Chert-Rich Upland: Exploring Local Patterns on a Neolithic Landscape in Southern Germany (2018)
  92. Lithic Raw Material Procurement and Mobility in a Geological Diversed Environmental Setting in Prehistoric Eastern Sicily (2018)
  93. Lithic Raw Materials and Social Landscapes: Mica-Lamented Quartzite Tools from Slocan Narrows, Upper Columbia River Area (2018)
  94. Lithic Residue Analysis in 2018: Prospects and Challenges (2018)
  95. Lithic Taphonomy and Digital Hydrogeologic Models: A GIS Based Approach to Understanding the Formational History of Surface Assemblages (2018)
  96. Lithic Technological Changes from the Paleoindian to the Late Archaic: A Pilot Study (2018)
  97. Lithic Technology of Manufacturing Stone Tools at Gravel Quarry Source Locations using Heat-Treatment (2018)
  98. Lithic Tool Use and Production in an Ancient Maya Neighborhood (2018)
  99. Lithics and Learning: Communities of Practice at Kharaneh IV (2018)
  100. Lithics and the Late Prehistoric: Networks and Interaction on the Southeastern Columbia Plateau (2018)