Nellis AFB - Survey Reports
Site Name Keywords
26CK4984 •
26NY1492 •
26NY9127 •
26NY9123 •
26CK4999 •
26CK4973 •
26CK4974 •
26CK5007 •
26CK5010 •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Lithic Scatter •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Artifact Scatter •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Isolated Artifact •
Domestic Structures •
Rock Shelter •
Quarry •
Isolated Feature
Other Keywords
No historic properties •
Silver Flag •
DACA63-95-D-0022 •
Gatecliff Series •
Humboldt Series •
Elko Series •
Pinto Series •
Toolstone Quarry •
fiber optic line •
Las Vegas to Tonopah Railraod
Culture Keywords
Western Shoshone •
Southern Paiute •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Beatty Mountain Shoshone •
Yuman •
Mojave •
Owens Valley Paiute •
Vanyume •
Virgin Branch Anasazi •
Kawich Range Shoshone
Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Systematic Survey •
Environment Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Heritage Management •
Data Recovery / Excavation
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Obsidian •
Ceramic •
Ground Stone •
Dating Sample •
Macrobotanical •
Wood •
Lithic Scatter •
Fauna •
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Historic •
Middle Archaic •
Late Archaic •
Gypsum Period •
Early Archaic •
Shoshonean Period •
Pinto Period •
Paleoindian Period •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
Nevada (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada •
Clark (County) •
Nye (County) •
Las Vegas, Nevada •
Cactus Flat •
Pahute Mesa
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 101-200 of 410)
- Documents (410)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Site 5 West Facility, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
Areas of survey included a pad, a powerline/access road connecting to an existing powerline and maintained gravel road north of the project area, and a cable way between the existing Site 5 and Site 5 West. All three areas were surveyed for cultural resources by pedestrian transects spaced 15 m ( 49 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance found one small locality (26NY8848) and two isolated artifacts (110994HD01 and 110994HD02). No buildings, structures, or foundations were identified...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the TP2-l CE Storage Area, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a 30 x 134 m (100 x 440 ft) pad for the TP2-1 CE materials storage yard on the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range (TPECR) (Figure 1). The Desert Research Institute (DRI) conducted a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed project area. The area of potential effect (APE), approximately .5 hectares (1.2 acres), was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced 30 m (100 ft) apart. No cultural resources were identified...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the TPK 47/52 Site Central Location, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a site central between the TPK 47 and 52 facilities east of Tolicha Peak on the Nellis Air Force Range. The proposed location was surveyed for cultural resources by pedestrian transects spaced 15 m (49 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance failed to disclose any cultural resources in the survey area. Consequently, the proposed construction should not adversely effect any known historic properties .
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the TPK-49 Bypass Road Improvement, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Desert Research Institute was tasked to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed project area. The planned undertaking involves widening an existing 4.5 m (15 ft) wide two-track dirt road, the emplacement of two culverts, and the burial of a surface-laid fiber optic line along side the road. The area of potential effect (APE), approximately 4.1 hectares (10.1 acres), was inspected for cultural resources by a pair of linear transects covering a 30 m (100 ft) wide right-of...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the TPK-58 Facility and Cable Tray, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was tasked to conduct cultural resources reconnaissances of the proposed project area. The area of potential effect (APE), approximately 1.5 hectares, was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m (100 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance found one lithic scatter (26NY9844), consisting of two obsidian core reduction flakes, and an isolated rock cairn (26NY9845). Neither of these two localities are...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of 11 Proposed USGS Seismic Stations in Southern Nevada, in Support of Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Activities (1991)
Three archaeological sites were recorded in or near the project areas. Site 26NY7969 is a small lithic scatter located near station D-41; the station was subsequently moved from the original location to avoid disturbing the site. Site 26NY7970 is an historic site at D-40 consisting of a mine shaft or adit without associated artifacts and is not considered significant. Site 26NY7971 is a prehistoric site consisting of a lithic scatter with an associated rock alignment near D-10. The final...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of 111 Orthophoto Panel Points for the Yucca Mountain Project (1990)
Environmental (archaeological) support was requested from Holmes & Narver, Inc. (H&N) through the Department of Energy (DOE) in establishing control points for conducting an aerial survey covering the Yucca Mountain Project area. One hundred eleven (111) onhophoto panel points were ground located (Figure 1). A total of nine small archaeological sites were recorded. These sites consisted of isolated artifacts and clusters of up to eight artifacts. The aerial control points were placed at least 15...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of 137 Orthophoto Panel Points for the Yucca Mountain Project, Southwest Nevada (1991)
At the request of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Yucca Mountain Project Office (YMPO) (request 91-018a), the Desert Research Institute (DRI) conducted a cultural resources suNey of 137 proposed aerial photo panel locations. These panels are to be placed by Raytheon SeNices Nevada as control points for a planned aerial photographic mission. No cultural resources were found at 126 of the panel locations.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of 18 USGS Water Gage Stations for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Southwest Nevada (1991)
The Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project requested that the Desert Research Institute (DRI) conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of 18 additional surface water monitoring stations in association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. These water gaging stations will consist of a small shed on the stream bank and an orifice line leading into the bottom of the stream channel.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of 6 Proposed Neutron Bore Hole Locations Associated with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
As part of Yucca Mountain site Characterization activities, the Department of Energy plans to drill as many as 30 neutron bore holes at locations near Yucca Mountain. As of March 1992, 16 locations had been chosen and field staked by the project Principal Investigator (Figures 1 & 2). Most of the locations are in areas previously surveyed for cultural resources, and based on records searches 10 locations were cleared without cultural resources reconnaissance, Personnel from the Desert Research...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Batch Plant and Borrow Pit Located to the East of the Tonopah Test Range Airport (1985)
Since all of the cultural resources recorded were isolated artifacts and collected at the time they were recorded, there are no adverse impacts to cultural resources anticipated from this project.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Drill Pad and Skid Trail for Drill hole U20AM (1982)
A preconstruction survey conducted at Drill Pad U20ab disclosed a large lithic scatter (26Ny9S2) adjacent to that pad. Concomitantly, the reconnaissance of a 1 km square sample unite (A2a-140), located approximately 2 km from the proposed U20am Drill Pad, disclosed four archaeological sites (26Ny1912, 26Ny1914, 26Ny1918 and 26Ny1919) that may reflect the remains of pinyon nut caches; five separate concentrations of lithic artifacts (26Ny1913, 26Ny1915, 26Ny1916, 26Ny1917 and 26Ny1920) and...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Drill Pad, Skid Trails and Two Borrow Pits at U20ai, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The Nevada Test Site wishes to conduct a nuclear test on Pahute Mesa at Site U20ai (N905600, E556450, NCS-CZ). The preparations for this event include the construction of a drilling pad to place the drill rig, skid trails to move the rig to the site and an alpha pad to hold trailers with monitoring instruments.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Fiber Optic line Along Moody Avenue, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1986)
Avoidance of archaeological sites 022786RR04 and 022786RR07 by locally running the optic fiber line 150 feet east of Moody Avenue was recommended to Lloyd Krivanek and Harold Spelts upon completion of field work. We have since been informed that re-routing the optic fiber line would be difficult.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Above Ground 34.5 Kv Powerline and Two Associated Underground 12 Kv Powerlines from NTS Area 20 to the Tolicha Peak Compound on the Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
All three of these originally-proposed alignments have been surveyed for cultural resources by the Desert Research Institute (DRI). This reconnaissance revealed 57 archaeological sites and 16 isolated artifacts, most of which were found along the 34.5 Kv alignment. Of the sites found, 35 are recommended to be considered eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Buried Fiber Optic Line to the FAC Alpha Location, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos
The U.S. Air Force proposes to install an underground fiber optic line between TPK-8 and the FAC Alpha Facility on FaC HIII on the Nellis Air Force Range. The length of this line is approximately 5 km (3.5 miles) and its proposed route parallels an existing improved gravel road for about 3. 7 km of that distance. The remaining portion of the line follows an unimproved dirt road. The proposed route was surveyed for cultural resources by a single pedestrian transect (30 m; 100 ft wide) along the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Fiber Optic System for Tolicha Peak, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a fiber optic system for the Tolicha Peak area on the Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada. The project involves new facilities and buried fiber optic lines between these and existing facilities (Figures 1 a-1 c) . The proposed routes of the lines and areas for the new facilities have been inspected for cultural resources by Desert Research Institute (DRI). The investigation recorded 25 archaeological sites and 14 isolated artifacts. Nine of the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Fiber Optic System for Tolicha Peak, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The investigation recorded 25 archaeological sites and 14 isolated artifacts. Eight of the sites are recommended to be considered eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The routes of the fiber lines and facility locations would be changed to avoid each of these sites, or placed in already disturbed areas within the sites. In this manner potential adverse effects from construction activities to these historic properties would be avoided.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Sewage Lagoon, Sewer Line, Haul Road, and Borrow Pit on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The Department of Energy has requested that DRI perform an archaeological survey of an expanded sewage treatment system at the Tonopah Test Range. During this survey nine archaeological sites were found. Of this number four were collected. It is proposed that the remaining five sites do not require preservation due to their small size, and similarity to many other sites in the immediate area, one of which has been systematically collected. Because of the possibility of buried archaeological...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Soil Treatability Pilot Plant Site Adjacent to Clean Slate III Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
The site will be used in the clean-up of radioactive contaminated soil. One isolated piece of lithic shatter was located in the project area and is not considered a site.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Soil Treatability Pilot Plant Site Near Clean Slate I, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
This area has been designated to test equipment for cleaning radioactive contaminated soil. One small site (26NY8432) consisting of six artifacts was located in the project area.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Proposed Trench Excavation for the Burial of a Powerline at the Area 25 Subdock in Support of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
No cultural resources were found as a result of this reconnaissance.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Two Short Power Line Easements Located to the North of the Tonopah Test Range Mancamp, Nye County, Nevada (1985)
The Air Force wishes to supply a well drilled on BLM administered land approximately 1.5 miles north of the main gate of the Tonopah Test Range with a permanent supply of electrical power. For the majority of the easement, the power lines will be strung on an existing power poles. However, two short new alignments are needed, one from the power substation west of the Mancamp to the existing power pole alignment, and one from the existing alignment to the well site.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of a Weather Station Near the Tolicha Peak Main Compound, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a weather station near the Tolicha Peak main compound on the Nellis Air Force Range. The area was surveyed for cultural resources by pedestrian transects spaced 15 m ( 49 ft) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance failed to disclose any cultural resources in the survey area. Consequently, the proposed construction should not adversely effect any known historic properties.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of an Airfield Expansion and Vehicle Maintenance Yard at the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The main project area will contain a runway, taxiways, a perimeter fence, numerous roads, and large graded areas surrounding the runway, as well as small accessory installations. It has not yet been determined precisely where the runway will be located within the project area. Extensive direct impacts to site 26Ny4218 are not avoidable in any case.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bomblet Pit and Detonation Area, Cactus Flat, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
DOE/NV proposes to remove ordnance and related debris from its current location and detonate any potentially explosive items. ORI archaeologists conducted the survey on June 21, 1994, and found no cultural resources, including buildings, structures, or foundations, within the project boundaries.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Antelope Peak Communications Site, Access Road, and Power Line Extension-from Station 22, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Antelope Peak Communications Site, Access Road, and Power Line Extension-from Station 22, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Borrow Pits #1 Extension, #3 and #4, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The Nevada Test Site proposes to drill a hole at U19an for the eventual detonation of a nuclear device. Because of a lack of top-soil at the drill site, a large amount of fill will be needed to construct the pads necessary to conduct the various aspects of the test.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Associated Borrow Pit, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1985)
The Department of Energy wishes to conduct an underground nuclear test at location U20aq on Pahute Mesa (915335N, 548700E, NCS:CZ). This project will entail the detonation of a nuclear device in a hole to be drilled.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Hole and a Power Line Near Drill Hole U19ad on Pahute Mesa, Nye County , Nevada (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of drill hole and a power line near drill hole U19ad on Pahute Mesa, Nye County , Nevada.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Hole Site U19r and Access Road, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1983)
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Hole Site U19r and access road, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Hole U19ar on Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1983)
Twenty acres surrounding drill hole U19ad were surveyed just north of the existing powerline which is to be rerouted. Much of this area was disturbed by previous testing activity, but the survey (Zerga 1979) demonstrates that archaeological site S042883RR3 did not extend into this area, which is now entirely disturbed.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Hole U19as, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1983)
This report was completed to present the archeological findings from U19as in preparation for a data recovery plan concerning the drill site.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Hole U20ar, Access Road and Borrow Pit #3 (1985)
One historic and twenty-four prehistoric archeological sites were recorded during the reconnaissance of U20ar and allied features.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U19ab, the Alpha Pad and the Cable way, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The Nevada Test Site wishes to detonate a nuclear device at site Ul 9ab.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U19AC, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1983)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U19AC, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill pad U19AQ and an Access Road Linking This Drill Pad with the Pahute Mesa Road (1983)
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of drill pad U19AQ and an access road linking this drill pad with the Pahute Mesa Road.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U20ak, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
This project will entail the detonation of a nuclear device in a previously drilled hole. Ground disturbing activities at the site include the construction of a trailer pad and cable way located up to 1500 ft from the drill site in one direction. A potential crater area will also be roped off with a radius of about 1500 ft from the drill hole center. After the event, another pad wIII be constructed within the 1500 ft radius for a drill rig to conduct post shot sampling.
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U20AN, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1983)
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U20AN, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U20ap, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
This reconnaissance covers all previously unsurveyed areas of a one km square (3000 ft) centered around the drill hole.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Drill Pad U20bb, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1987)
DOE plans to drill hole U20bb in Area 20 for the purpose of testing at nuclear device. Upon request by DOE, DRI surveyed previously un-surveyed areas within a 1500 foot radius of this hole for cultural resources. Four previously unrecorded archaeological sites were found during this survey, and one previously recorded site was relocated and expanded in size. All but two of these sites were collected during the reconnaissance. The remaining two sites are far enough away from proposed activity...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of EG&G Deer Forage Study Plots (1990)
The Department of Energy (DOE) requested the Desert Research Institute (DRI) to perform an archaeological survey of sixteen EG&G Deer Forage Plot locations within the Yucca Mountain Project area. The size of the individual study plot area is 50 meters in radius. Six of the proposed study locations were determined to lie within previously surveyed areas which had been cleared of archaeological sites. The remaining ten proposed study locations (Figures 1-5) were surveyed and determined to be...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Eighteen Existing Seismic Stations in Inyo County, California, Lincoln County, Nevada, and Nye County, Nevada (1991)
A series of eighteen existing seismic stations (Figures 1-18), located in Nevada and southern California, were examined to identify any cultural resources that might be present and to evaluate the potential for adverse effects to those cultural resources resulting from the proposed activities.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Eleven Phase II Neutron Bore Holes in Support of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
Desert Research Institute (DRI) archaeologists conducted a Class III cultural resources reconnaissance (USDl- BLM 1990) at 11 of the proposed bore hole locations, an alternate to the location of N-62, a new location for N 62, and proposed access routes to 9 of the locations. Cultural resources reconnaissance at bore hole N-39 near Test Cell "C" in Jackass Flats has been postponed pending radsafe investigation of the proposed project area.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Four Environmental Reclamation Characterization Wells On the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1991)
A Class III cultural resources reconnaissance was performed on proposed locations for four well pads and three access roads associated with the Groundwater Characterization Program (GCP) (Figures 1-5). Six 183 x 152 m pad areas were intensively surveyed, 2.2 km of new road was inspected, and areas adjacent to 13.3 km of existing right-of-way were examined during two phases of survey.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Groundwater Characterization Well ER-EC-1 Borrow Pit and Expanded Access Road, Oasis Valley, Range 71, Nellis Air Force Base, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
The area will be used for placement of a groundwater characterization well to monitor the water table in the area.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Instrumentation Site P-47, Access Road, and Powerline , Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1988)
DRI has surveyed the instrumentation pad area, access road, and powerline for the proposed P-47 Instrumentation Site. Two cultural resources need to be avoided, sites 082488RR02 and 08 2488RR08 (Figures 1 and 2) . Details concerning avoiding these sites were discussed with Robert Tyrrell. Since avoidance of the sites is possible, it is recommended that the proposed construction activities proceed.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Miscellaneous Construction Sites and Support Facilities Located around the Tonopah Test Range Airport (1985)
The Air Force wishes to construct two new facilities near the Tonopah Test Range Airport during this fiscal year. To support this construction, a borrow pit and a batch plant are required to obtain aggregate and make concrete.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Part of the U20ax Drill Pad, Pahute Mesa, Area 20, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) received a request from the Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office (DOE/NV) to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of part of the U20ax drill pad in Area 20 on the Nevada Test Site.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Proposed Ecological Study Plots (ESPs) on Nellis Air Force Range for the Yucca Mountain Project (1990)
EG&G Energy Measurements (EG&G) proposes to locate 10 Ecological Study Plots (ESPs) on Nellis Air Force Range for the Yucca Mountain Project (Figures la and lb). The localities are accessible from the east by roads via Dune Wash, Drill Hole Wash, and a road to Well USW GA-1. Plots on Jet Ridge are reached via roads through Crater Flat to Solitario Canyon near well USW H-6. One isolated artifact (Site 26Ny6015) was recorded in plot COL SC. Sufficient information was recorded during the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Proposed Ghost Dance Fault Pavement Studies on the Nellis Air Force Range in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
The studies involve the excavation and mapping, by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), of two proposed roadcuts along the south flank of Antler Ridge.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Proposed Surface Water Gaging Stations SY-12 and SY-14 for the Yucca Mountain Surface Water Monitoring Network in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
At the request (#94-000.29) of the Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office (YMSCO), archaeologists from the Desert Research Institute (DRI) conducted a Class III cultural resources reconnaissance (USOl-BLM 1990) at two of three proposed surface water gaging stations, SY-12 and SY-14 (Figure 1 ). The third location, SY-1 in Wren Wash, was previously surveyed by DRI without finding cultural resources (Rowland-Fleischmann 1994a). The project areas for stations SY-12...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Proposed Test Pit Locations at Sleeping Butte, Nye County, Nevada, in Support of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (1993)
A Class III cultural resources reconnaissance (USDl-BLM 1990) of two proposed test pit locations at Sleeping Butte, Nye County, Nevada (TP-1 and TP-2). Pedestrian surveys were conducted throughout the two test pit locations, and access route corridors with flagged centerlines were surveyed from existing dirt roads. One new prehistoric site (26NY8329) was recorded as a result of this reconnaissance.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Radar and Support Facilities on Jack Rabbit Knob, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1991)
The Quaternary Sciences Center (QSC) of the Desert Research Institute (DR!) surveyed a road and areas for communication towers in the Jack Rabbit Knob area on the Tonopah Test Range (TIR) for archaeological resources (Figure 1). The access road and linear routes on top of Jack Rabbit Knob are 4.97 mi (8 k) long. Another 400 ft (122 m) square area at the east base of Jack Rabbit Knob was surveyed for a proposed gravel pit. Three small archaeological sites were recorded on the access road to Jack...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Sample Unit 12-20, Kawich Valley, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
DAI recommends that all three sites (26NY8083, 26NY8084, and 26NY8085) be considered potentially eligible to the National Register of Historic Places.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Sample Unit 19-22, Kawich Valley, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Sample Unit 19-22, Kawich Valley, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Sample Unit UNL V 122, Pahute and Rainier Mesas, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1991)
The survey included archaeological investigations of a 436 x 1600 m, 70.63 hectares (174.54 acres) area of the NTS in which four sites were located (Figure 2). One site, 26NY1408, is a large lithic source outcrop (approximately 32 hectares) consisting of white chalcedony. A second site, 26NY7847, consists of two rock and brush windbreak structures with two associated rock caches and 10 lithic artifacts. Site 26NY7846 is an isolated artifact of white chalcedony and site 26NY7848 is an isolated...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Area 9 Construction Debris Pit Explosive Ordnance Disposal Site, Cactus Flat, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
DRI archaeologists surveyed the project area and located one site, 26NY8763, a large diffuse lithic artifact scatter surrounding the project area.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Area 9 Landfill Explosive Ordnance Disposal Site, Cactus Flat, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
DOE/NV proposes to remove ordnance debris from the Area 9 Landfill trench. ORI archaeologists conducted the survey on June 21, 1994, and found one isolated artifact.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Drill Pad and a Skid Trail for U20as, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1985)
The Department of Energy wishes to conduct an underground test of a nuclear device at site U20as, 899200N, 559700E, NCS-CZ.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Drill Pad for U20au, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada (1986)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Drill Pad for U20au, Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the FAC Alpha Location, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to expand operations at the FAC Alpha location on the Nellis Air Force Range. The area was surveyed for cultural resources by pedestrian transects spaced 15 m (49 ft) apart, and included a buffer zone of at least 30 m (100 ft) around the existing facilities and road system at the F AC Alpha location. The north and south ends were surveyed to 100 m (328 ft) and 50 m (164 ft), respectively. The cultural resources reconnaissance found one historic age cultural resource...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Five Points Landfill Explosive Ordnance Disposal Site, Cactus Flat, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
DOE/NV proposes to remove ordnance debris which is currently located within the landfill pit. DRI archaeologists conducted the survey on June 21 , 1994, and found one site, 26NY8762, a small lithic artifact scatter.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Full Clip Extension and Initial Score Projects, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
Sandia National Laboratories requested an archaeological reconnaissance from the Desert Research Institute (DRI) to survey three areas on the Tonopah Test Range associated with the FULL CLIP and INITIAL SCORE programs (Figures 1, 2 & 3). An extension of the FULL CLIP program is located 1.6 miles east-southeast of Station 13. The survey of a fiber optics and buried cables route is six miles along the Cable Trench Road from the CP to Station 13. The INITIAL SCORE program consists of a 1.95 mile...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Full Clip Project, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
A maintenance and administrative location known as Full Clip is required on Tonopah Test Range (TTil) covering about 91.82 acres (Figure 1). The project area is seven miles southeast of the Main Gate and is accessed from Avenue 13. Sandia National Laboratories has requested an archaeological survey by the Desert Research Institute (DRI) through the Department of Energy (DOE). The survey was conducted on September 24, 1990 and a total of four small sites were recorded. These sites consist of an...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Drill Hole U19bl, Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Drill Hole U19bl, Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Drill Pad for the Underground Test Area Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study WellER-20-5 at Nevada Grid Coordinates N899,402/E556,046, Pahute Mesa, Area 20, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
ORI archaeologists conducted the reconnaissance and found nine sites and five isolates within the staked boundaries of the project area. Of the nine sites recorded only one, 26NY8777, is recommended to be potentially eligible to the National Register of Historic Places.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Expansion of an Explosive Shipping and Receiving Area on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
A preactivity survey of the proposed expansion of the Sandia National Laboratories explosive shipping and receiving building in area 9 was conducted. This survey was requested to identify any cultural resources that may exist in the proposed expansion area, and to evaluate the potential for adverse effects to those cultural resources resulting from the developmental activities. The area had not been previously surveyed for cultural materials, so the area was subject to a cultural resources...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Placement of a Buried Communications Line from Sandia CP to the P-2 Site on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
This survey was requested to identify any cultural resources that may exist in the proposed placement area. and to evaluate the potential for adverse effects to those cultural resources resulting from the developmental activities. The area had not been previously surveyed for cultural materials. so the area was subject to a cultural resource reconnaissance. For the most part, the proposed communications line follows along existing roadways in undisturbed areas. One site was located during the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Sandia Burn Test Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1999)
At the request of Sandia National Laboratory, archaeologists from the Desert Research Institute (DRI) conducted a Class III cultural resources reconnaissance for a proposed bum test facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) on Department of Energy (DOE) administered lands. The project area is located along an existing dirt road approximately 5.5 km (3.4 mi) south-southeast of the Sandia Compound. The planned facility consists of a 20 m (62 ft) diameter bum pit, a fuel tank yard, and a 6 m (20 ft)...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed U 19bk Drill Hole, Borrow Pit and Utility Corridor, Area 19, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
The reconnaissance located five sites in the area proposed for the U 19bk drill hole, borrow pit and associated utility corridor in Area 19 on the Nevada Test Site.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed U19bl By-pass Road, Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
The site encountered by this project, 26NY3393, was considered eligible to the NRHP under criterion and data recovery efforts focused on research questions from the LRSP.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-10 Pad and Access Road on the Nellis Air Force Range EC South Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was requested by the Department of Energy, Nevada operations Office (DOE/NV) to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed underground test area (UGTA) ER EC-10 pad and access road on the Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR) EC South (Figures 1 and 2). DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist the DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-2A Pad, Two Borrow Pits and Access Road on the Nellis Air Force Range EC South, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was requested by the Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office (DOE/NV) to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed Underground Test Area (UGTA) well ER-EC-2A pad, two borrow pits and an access road on Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR) EC South (Figures 1 through 4). DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist the DOE/NV to understand and...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-4 Pad, Borrow Pit and Access Road, Nellis Air Force Range EC South, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was requested by the Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office (DOE/NV) to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed underground test area (UGTA) ER EC-4 pad, borrow pit and access road on the Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR) EC South (Figures 1and2). DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist the DOE/NV to understand and model the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area ER-EC-5 Pad, Borrow Pit and Access Road on the Nellis Air Force Range EC South and Lands Administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The data acquired will assist DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic regime underlying Pahute Mesa. Reconnaissance of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the ER-EC-5 project revealed 12 sites, 2 isolated cairns, 2 isolated cache/cairns and 7 isolated artifacts.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Subproject Well 12 Pad and Access Road on the Nellis Air Force Range EC South, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Desert Research Institute (DRI) was requested by the Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office (DOE/NV) to conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the proposed underground test area (UGTA) subproject well 12 pad and access road on the Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR) EC South. The DOE/NV, through its UGTA project, is proposing to conduct a well drilling campaign to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired will assist the DOE/NV to...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Well ER-18-2 Pad, Borrow Pit, and Access Road on the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic regime underlying Pahute Mesa. Reconnaissance of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the ER-18-2 project revealed site 26NY11015, a lithic artifact scatter, and three isolated artifacts.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Well ER-EC-3 Pad, Borrow Pit and Access Road on Nellis Air Force Range EC South, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic regime underlying Pahute Mesa. Reconnaissance of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the EREC-3 project revealed two sites, 26NY11017 and 26NY11018, and nine isolated artifacts. The sites are not considered eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NR). Therefore, DRI recommends that the...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Well ER-EC-6 Pad, Borrow Pit, and Access Road on the Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Range EC South, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic regime underlying Pahute Mesa. Reconnaissance of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the ER-EC-6 project revealed one site, 26NY11016, and three isolated artifacts. The site is not eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NR). Therefore, DRI recommends that the project proceed as planned as...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Well ER-EC-7 Pad and Access Road on the Nellis Air Force Range EC South and Lands Administered by Bureau of Land Management, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired will assist DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic regime underlying Pahute Mesa. Reconnaissance of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) of the ER-EC-7 project revealed one site 26NY10972, a small locality, one isolated feature 1120997RJ02, a rock cairn/cache, along the northern side of the proposed access road (Figures 2 and 3). Site 26NY10972 is not...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Well ER-EC-8 Pad and Access Road on the Nellis Air Force Range EC South and Lands Administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
DOE/NV is proposing to drIII several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic regime underlying Pahute Mesa. Reconnaissance of the ER-EC-8 project area revealed four isolated artifacts 1121597RJ01, I121597RJ02, 112159703and1121597RJ04, along the proposed access road (Figure 3). No archaeological sites nor historic structures are located within the Area of Potential Effect (APE)....
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed Underground Test Area Well ER-EC-9 Pad, Borrow Pit and Access Road on Nellis Air Force Range EC South, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
DOE/NV is proposing to drill several wells to characterize the area between western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley. The data acquired wIII assist DOE/NV to understand and model the hydrogeologic regime underlying Pahute Mesa. Reconnaissance of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the EREC-9 project revealed eleven isolates.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Roller Coaster Sanitary Sewer Lagoons Explosive Ordnance Disposal Site, Cactus Flat, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
DOE/NV is proposing to remove ordnance debris located within the now dry sewage lagoons, which were originally built in the early 1 960s in support of Operation Roller Coaster. ORI archaeologists conducted the survey on June 21, 1994, and found one isolated artifact.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Tonopah Electronic Warfare Range Sites and Buried Power Lines, FY85, Nye County, Nevada (1984)
The Air Force wishes to construct 20 new electronic targets connected by 27.1 miles of buried power lines along the eastern edge of the Tonopah Test Range and portions of Range 72.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Well Pad, Borrow Pit, and Access Road for Ground Water Characterization Well ER-EC-2, Oasis Valley, Range 71, Nellis Air Force Base, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
Conduct a cultural resources reconnaissance of the well pad, borrow pit, and access road for groundwater characterization well ER-EC-2, Nellis Air Force Base, Range 71, Nye County, Nevada. The area will be used for placement of a groundwater characterization well to monitor the water table in the area.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Three Environmental Reclamation Characterization Wells On the Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Base, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
Five archaeological sites were identified on ER-17-1 including three isolated artifacts and two localities of indeterminate function. Four isolated artifacts were recorded in the area of the ER-AF-3 pad, while four isolates, seven extractive loci, and two sites of indeterminate function were recorded along the access road. No cultural resources were encountered during the survey of ER-12-1. None of the recorded sites were judged to be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic...
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Three Proposed Test Units for Soil Treatability Studies at the Project 57 Site, Area 13, Adjacent to the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
A cultural resources reconnaissance of three proposed test units for soil treatability studies at the Project 57 site in Area 13 adjacent to the Nevada Test Site. The proposed test units are three 61-x-61 m (200-x-200 ft) areas from which the topsoil will be removed for decontamination studies.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Three Test Units at Clean Slate III, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1993)
The survey of one 30-x-30-m (100-x-100-ft) and two 15-x-61-m (50-x-200-ft) units was conducted on March 5 , 1993, and found no cultural resources, including buildings or foundations, within the project boundaries. Therefore, ORI recommends that the project proceed as planned as long as all activities are within the surveyed area.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Two Study Plots for the Land Surface Cleanup Project on the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1991)
The Department of Energy (DOE) requested that the Desert Research Institute (DRI) conduct a Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of two proposed study plots for the Land Surface Cleanup Project. Both study plots are accessible from existing roads. The plots measure 180 x 200 m with a 10 m buffer around the periphery of the study area. The proposed project will involve removal of the topsoil.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Yucca Wash, Sever Wash, Fortymile Wash and Portions of Tonopah Wash and Fortymile Canyon for USGS Flood Chasing Activities, Yucca Mountain Project Area, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
The work described in this report was initiated in response to a request from the Yucca Mountain Project Office dated April 8, 1991 to conduct a pre activity survey for United States Geological survey {USGS) Flood Chasing Activity (91-017a). A cultural resources reconnaissance of approximately 196 miles of wash bottoms to be accessed by the USGS using all-terrain vehicles (ATV's) was requested. The USGS proposes to travel up the washes during and after precipitation events in order to determine...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissances of the Expansion of the Existing TPK-20 Facility Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
The area of potential effect (APE) was inspected for cultural resources by parallel, pedestrian transects spaced about 30 m ( 100 ~) apart. The cultural resources reconnaissance found one lithic scatter, site 26NY9296, in the existing TPK-20 project area and three small localities, sites 26NY9299, 26NY9300, and 26NY9301, along the road to the facility.
Class III Cultural Resources Survey at Three Alternative Locations for the Proposed P-46 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
Based on previous studies in the vicinity of all three alternative locations for the P46 facility, it was anticipated that each area could contain prehistoric and/or historic age remains, but that these remains should not be very large nor complex. Pedestrian surveys at both alternative locations A and B failed to disclose any cultural remains and only one cultural resource, a small rock cairn situated in a shallow bedrock depression (26NY9309), was found at the Alternative C locality.
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a 5 km Fiber Optic Line from P-3G to P-74, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2006)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to install an underground fiber optic and copper connectivity line from the utility box at P-30 to the system pad at P-74 on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) in Nye County, Nevada (Figure 1). The proposed route for this underground line traverses approximately 2.4 km (8,000 ft) of previously undisturbed land between the P-30 utility box and the P-6 system pad, but will follow a previously disturbed road right-of-way between the P-6 and P-74 system pads...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a Fiber Optic Line to PG-2, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2006)
The U.S . Air Force proposes to site a system trailer with a 55 ft mast at N 37°35' 31.1", W 116° 37' 41.5'' on the existing PG-2 facility pad on the Tonopah Test Range. Although the placement of the trailer will occur within the existing. disturbance at the PG-2 facility pad, this proposed undertaking will require the emplacement of an underground powerline from an existing. AGX box at N 37° 34' 36.7" W 116° 36' 38.5" to the PG-2 facility pad and the grading or the existing access road...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a Proposed Expansion of the P-17 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to expand the existing P-17 facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR). This expansion will include the construction of a 1.2 hectare (3 acre) facility pad southwest of the existing facility and the placement of a customer van and two 9 m (30 ft) high telephone poles at the northeastern facility (Figures 1 and 2). The newly proposed facility pad southwest of the existing facility will require grading and compacting and will house a building, a tower, and a utility...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a Proposed Expansion of the P-22 Facility and Its Associated Utility Lines, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to reuse the existing P-22 facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) and to emplace underground utility (power and fiber optic) lines between this facility and those at P-18 and P-41.
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a Proposed System Site at P-71 (Nellis Site CPl-2) and a Fiber Optic Line Between P-71 and the Site 5 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct an electronic system site adjacent to the existing Nellis Site CPl-2, erect a bore site tower east of that facility, and emplace a 1,900 m (6,234 ft) long underground fiber optic line between the P-71 site and the Site 5 facility on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR).
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a Proposed System Site at P-71 (Nellis Site CPl-2) and a Fiber Optic Line Between P-71 and the Site 5 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a Proposed System Site at P-71 (Nellis Site CPl-2) and a Fiber Optic Line Between P-71 and the Site 5 Facility, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for a Systems Pad at P-56 on the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2012)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to build facility pad P-56 on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada (Figures 1 and 2). The gravel facility pad wIII be approximately 107 x 107 m (350 ft x 350 ft) in size and connected to the nearest existing gravel road, named Perimeter Road, by a 5.5 m (18 ft) wide and 1.6 km (5,100 ft) long graded access road. The Nellis Air Force Base Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan was referenced as a guide. The Area of Potential Effect...