Archaeology of Urban Dissonance: Violence, Friction, and Change

Part of: Society for Historical Archaeology 2021

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Archaeology of Urban Dissonance: Violence, Friction, and Change," at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

Events of the past year have brought into sharp relief the role of cities as spaces of friction, where conflicting ideologies and worldviews are brought into close contact and long-standing vexations often explode into social movements of dissent, action, and subsequent change. The names of metropolitan centers often become referents to moments of intense injustice- such as Ferguson (the murder of Michael Brown), Hong Kong (infringements on sovereignty from China), Charlottesville (Unite the Right Rally), and Flint (tainted water crisis). These phenomena are hardly isolated to the present- historically moments of great upheaval have begun in cities- for example the Boston Massacre in 1770, the 1811-1813 Luddite Rebellion in Nottingham, UK, and the massacre of Black Wall Street in Tulsa in 1921. The session organizers invite participants to explore cities, however culturally defined, as sites of dissonance and dissent through time. International archaeologies of the past and the contemporary are both encouraged.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-16 of 16)

  • Documents (16)

  1. 12,240 Square Feet; The 1740 Fire and Disaster at the Household Scale in Colonial Charleston (2021)
  2. The 46 Petitioners: Social Justice in the Age of Nat Turner in the City of Alexandria, Virginia (2021)
  3. Abolition Geography and the Archaeology of Urban American Slavery (2021)
  4. Black Bodies Matter: Violence Against Black Women Across the Life Course (2021)
  5. Dissent and Disruption: Uncovering an Archaeology of Political Friction in New York City (2021)
  6. Dissonant material memory of enduring civil conflict: snapshots from Belfast, Northern Ireland (2021)
  7. Ideologies In Tension And Moments of Change: The Slave Jail At 1315 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia (2021)
  8. Looking Back to Move Forward: Urban Renewal, Salvage Archaeology, and Historical Reckoning in Alexandria, Virginia (2021)
  9. Mecca Flat Blues: Architecture, Archaeology, and Urban Renewal (2021)
  10. Memory Making of Late 16th-Century Figures and Conflict in the 1920s and 1930s Finland (2021)
  11. "Monument City": The Socio-Spatial Violence of Baltimore’s Confederate Monuments (2021)
  12. "Our Girls" in "the White City:" Race, Place, Gender, and Chicago's Red Summer of 1919 (2021)
  13. Regulating Bodily Care in the Pre-Prohibition Era: Landscapes of Morality in 1900s Washington, DC (2021)
  14. Seeking Justice in Black Spaces: The Geography, Memory, and Power of Race Massacres in the United States (2021)
  15. Still Boundary Street: Marion Square as Contested Ground in Charleston, South Carolina (2021)
  16. What Makes A Wasteland? Ruins, Rubble And Regeneration (2021)