DoD Legacy Resource Management Program Collection
Part of: OSD Cultural Resources Program Collection
In 1990, Congress passed legislation establishing the Legacy Resource Management Program to provide financial assistance to the Department of Defense (DoD) for installation-specific efforts to preserve our natural and cultural heritage. In 1996, the Legacy Resource Management Program was significantly amended by the National Defense Authorization Act, Public Law 104-201, Section 2694 of title 10 to focus on DoD-wide national and regional projects. The program assists DoD in protecting and enhancing resources while enabling military readiness. A Legacy project may involve regional ecosystem management initiatives, habitat preservation efforts, archaeological investigations, invasive species control, Native American consultations, and/or monitoring and predicting migratory patterns of birds and animals.
Three principles guide the Legacy program: stewardship, leadership, and partnership. Stewardship initiatives assist DoD in safeguarding its irreplaceable resources for future generations. By embracing a leadership role as part of the program, the Department serves as a model for respectful use of natural and cultural resources. Through partnerships, the program strives to access the knowledge and talents of individuals outside of DoD.
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Site Name Keywords
14GE0170 •
14RY2117 •
14RY2136 •
14RY2138 •
14RY2140 •
47MO286 •
47MO465 •
47MO704 •
47MO848 •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Water-Related •
Shipwreck •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Submerged Aircraft •
Rock Art •
Cemetery •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Other Keywords
Department of Defense •
Historic Context •
Cultural Resources Management •
Cultural Resources •
military installations •
National Historic Preservation Act •
National Register of Historic Places •
Archaeological Sites •
Archaeology •
Historic Buildings
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Prehistoric •
PaleoIndian •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Historic Background Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Archaeological Overview •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Stewardship Monitoring •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Environment Research
Material Types
Metal •
Ceramic •
Wood •
Glass •
Building Materials •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Fauna •
Textile •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
19th Century •
20th Century •
World War II •
Cold War •
Vietnam War •
Early-Mid 20th Century •
Prehistoric •
Civil War •
18th Century •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
United States •
Virginia (State / Territory) •
District of Columbia (State / Territory) •
South Carolina (State / Territory) •
North Carolina (State / Territory) •
New York (State / Territory) •
Delaware (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 101-200 of 345)
Design Guidelines for DoD Historic Buildings and Districts - Report (Legacy 07-382) (2008)
This document provides assistance to installation-level staff who are not trained in historic architecture by providing a better understanding of why it is important to preserve the resources, what they are, the vocabulary to describe the resources, and how to interpret the Secretary of the Interior's Standards to appropriately manage the resources. The guidelines provide sound guidance and necessary tools for individuals to facilitate the Section 106 review process of the National Historic...
Design Guidelines for Implementing Energy Efficiency Strategies in Historic Properties (Legacy 11-382 & 13-382)
This project provides guidelines intended to facilitate the planning of rehabilitation projects that will result in improved energy efficiency in historic buildings operated by the Department of Defense (DoD) and help the DoD meet historic preservation and energy savings design goals.
Design Guidelines for Implementing Energy Efficiency Strategies in Historic Properties - Guide (Legacy 11-382) (2013)
These guidelines are intended to facilitate the planning of rehabilitation projects that will result in improved energy efficiency in historic buildings operated by the DoD and help the DoD meet historic preservation and energy savings design goals.
Design Guidelines for Implementing Energy Efficiency Strategies in Historic Properties - Guide (Legacy 13-382) (2014)
These guidelines are intended to facilitate the planning of rehabilitation projects that will result in improved energy efficiency in historic buildings operated by the DoD and help the DoD meet historic preservation and energy savings design goals.
Development of DoD Guidance for Archaeological Site Monitoring and Condition Assessments (Legacy 09-442)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
Monitoring the condition of archaeological sites is required under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Article 15 of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and Executive Order 13287; however, this responsibility is often overlooked in favor of funding the identification and evaluation of archaeological resources. This project presents best management practices to ensure consistent data collection and to aid in prioritizing future site treatment actions, and tools to...
Development of DoD Guidance for Archaeological Site Monitoring and Condition Assessments - Report (Legacy 09-442) (2011)
Monitoring the condition of archaeological sites is required under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Article 15 of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and Executive Order 13287; however, this responsibility is often overlooked in favor of funding the identification and evaluation of archaeological resources. This report presents best management practices to ensure consistent data collection and to aid in prioritizing future site treatment actions, and tools to...
DoD Cultural Resources Business Data Standards (Legacy 08-369)
This report proposes a minimum set of Cultural Resources Business Data Standards for use in DoD cultural resources management programs. These draft standards represent the minimum set of data and associated attributes that DoD is recommended to collect and maintain in order to support its cultural resources management program. The standards were developed by assessing the current state of cultural resources data collection and management processes in the DoD and identifying all of the data...
DoD Cultural Resources Business Data Standards - Report (Legacy 08-369) (2008)
his report proposes a minimum set of Cultural Resources Business Data Standards for use in DoD cultural resources management programs. These draft standards represent the minimum set of data and associated attributes that DoD is recommended to collect and maintain in order to support its cultural resources management program. The standards were developed by assessing the current state of cultural resources data collection and management processes in the DoD and identifying all of the data...
DoD Cultural Resources Data Management Needs Assessment (Legacy 09-443)
This project prepared an assessment of current DoD cultural resources data and data management practices with recommendations for incorporating existing DoD cultural resources data into newly developed data standards developed for the Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE), and for DoD cultural resources spatial and associated business data.
DoD Cultural Resources Data Management Needs Assessment - Report (Legacy 09-443) (2010)
This report describes a project that prepared an assessment of current DoD cultural resources data and data management practices with recommendations for incorporating existing DoD cultural resources data into newly developed data standards developed for the Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE), and for DoD cultural resources spatial and associated business data.
DoD Heritage Partnerships Lessons Learned (Legacy 10-324)
This project sponsored a symposium at the Archaeology in Conflict World Archaeology Congress Inter-Congress and to produce a summary document based on the papers presented that reflects the status of military cultural property protection education and planning worldwide. learned
Archaeology in Conflict: Perspectives, Problems, and Possible Solutions, A Summary of the Sessions and Related International Lessons Learned at the World Archaeological and Inter-Congress, Archaeology and Conflict - Report (Legacy 10-324) (2010)
This report on proceedings of the World Archaeological Inter Congress meeting in 2010 summarizes and evaluates recent lessons learned concerning heritage issues in conflict areas in the context of interaction with international colleagues with a goal of emerging with a more sophisticated understanding of the issues and recommendations for a way forward at the international level.
DoD Installation Support Facilities Historic Context - Hospitals Section (Legacy 06-296)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report provides a DoD-wide context and history of installation hospitals, covering the development of military hospitals from the Revolutionary War to present.
DoD Installation Support Facilities Historic Context - Hospitals Section - Report (Legacy 06-296) (2008)
This report provides a DoD-wide context and history of installation hospitals, covering the development of military hospitals from the Revolutionary War to present.
DoD Sustainability Application Guide for Historic Properties (Legacy 04-220)
This report presents technical information to incorporate sustainable design principles into historic buildings owned by the Department of Defense (DoD). The study follows the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB), Version 2.0, June 2005, and provides specific discussion and strategies relevant both to historic preservation and sustainable design and development.
DoD Sustainability Application Guide for Historic Properties - Report (Legacy 04-220) (2007)
This report presents technical information to incorporate sustainable design principles into historic buildings owned by the Department of Defense (DoD). The study follows the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB), Version 2.0, June 2005, and provides specific discussion and strategies relevant both to historic preservation and sustainable design and development.
Energy Efficiency Alternatives for Historic Buildings in Extreme Cold Weather Climates (Legacy 13-703)
This project reviews the current DoD energy efficiency requirements using current building materials, while assessing specific building concerns associated with this unique climate and seeking potential replacements for current building materials with the hopes of increasing the longevity and use of historic structures.
Energy Efficiency Alternatives for Historic Buildings in Extreme Cold Weather Climates - Guide (Legacy 13-703) (2019)
This study reviews the current DoD energy efficiency requirements using current building materials, while assessing specific building concerns associated with this unique climate and seeking potential replacements for current building materials with the hopes of increasing the longevity and use of historic structures. The goal of this assessment is to find ways of meeting or exceeding DoD energy efficiency requirements, minimizing costs for repairs, and maintaining the historical importance of...
Evaluating a Cooperative Approach to the Management of Digital Archaeological Data (Legacy 13-711)
In response to DoD's need for efficient access to archaeological data from past investigations, this project was undertaken as a test case to evaluate whether and how an online repository for digital archaeological and cultural resource management (CRM) data could be developed and managed by the Center for Digital Antiquity to fulfill this need.
Evaluating a Cooperative Approach to the Management of Digital Archaeological Records - Report (Legacy 13-711) (2014)
In response to DoD's need for efficient access to archaeological data from past investigations, this project was undertaken as a test case to evaluate whether and how an online repository for digital archaeological and cultural resource management (CRM) data could be developed and managed by the Center for Digital Antiquity to fulfill this need.
Galley Congress Inspection Report (Legacy 01-162)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The galley Congress was one of five vessels burned in Arnold Bay, Panton, Vermont, in 1776 by Benedict Arnold to prevent their capture by the British. This report of a 2001 inspection of the remains of the Congress discusses the documentation and measurement of scattered parts of the boat and records observations regarding the stability of the site, including the presence of zebra mussels.
Galley Congress Inspection Report (Legacy 01-162) (2001)
The galley Congress was one of five vessels burned in Arnold Bay, Panton, Vermont, in 1776 by Benedict Arnold to prevent their capture by the British. This report of a 2001 inspection of the remains of the Congress discusses the documentation and measurement of scattered parts of the boat and records observations regarding the stability of the site, including the presence of zebra mussels.
The Garden Canyon Project: Studies at Two Rockshelters at Fort Huachuca, Southeastern Arizona (Legacy Demonstration Project #21)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report includes discussions of rock art recording and analysis, and the archaeological test excavations in two small rockshelters on the Fort Huachuca military reservation. The area was occupied on repeated occasions (not permanently) as a temporary camp used while exploiting mammals and possibly wild plant foods during the 13th century.
The Garden Canyon Project: Studies at Two Rockshelters at Fort Huachuca, Southeastern Arizona - Report (Legacy Demonstration Project #21) (1993)
This report includes discussions of rock art recording and analysis, and the archaeological test excavations in two small rockshelters on the Fort Huachuca military reservation. The area was occupied on repeated occasions (not permanently) as a temporary camp used while exploiting mammals and possibly wild plant foods during the 13th century.
Geophysical Surveys in Archaeology: Guidance for Surveyors and Sponsors (Legacy 00-127)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report offers guidance documents and decision support tools to help cultural resource managers (CRMs) and field practitioners make effective use of geophysical techniques. The ATAGS (Automated Tool for Archaeo-Geophysical Survey) software tool, which allows the user to develop an effective survey design for a geophysical survey at a particular site, is described.
Geophysical Surveys in Archaeology: Guidance for Surveyors and Sponsors - Report (Legacy 00-127) (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report offers guidance documents and decision support tools to help cultural resource managers (CRMs) and field practitioners make effective use of geophysical techniques. The ATAGS (Automated Tool for Archaeo-Geophysical Survey) software tool, which allows the user to develop an effective survey design for a geophysical survey at a particular site, is described.
Geotechnical Study, Forensic Evaluation, and Testing of Various Structures at Fort Sam Houston, Texas (Legacy 04-222)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report includes an evaluation of the existing foundation conditions, a limited masonry strength evaluation, and general guidelines to assist in preparing a stabilization plan for structures at Fort Sam Houston.
Geotechnical Study, Forensic Evaluation, and Testing of Various Structures at Fort Sam Houston, Texas - Report (Legacy 04-222) (2005)
This report includes an evaluation of the existing foundation conditions, a limited masonry strength evaluation, and general guidelines to assist in preparing a stabilization plan for structures at Fort Sam Houston.
A Good Home for a Poor Man: Fort Polk and Vernon Parish, 1800-1940 (Legacy 94-0754)
This historic context focuses on the iterative transformations of the landscapes of Vernon Parish and Fort Polk, which influenced the region's settlement, culture, wealth, poverty, and industry.
A Good Home for a Poor Man: Fort Polk and Vernon Parish, 1800-1940 - Report (Legacy 94-0754) (1999)
This historic context focuses on the iterative transformations of the landscapes of Vernon Parish and Fort Polk, which influenced the region's settlement, culture, wealth, poverty, and industry.
Guidance on the Use of Historic Human Remains Detection Dogs for Locating Unmarked Cemeteries (Legacy 12-510)
This project tested the effectiveness of Historic Human Remains Detection (HHRD) dogs and comparing HHRD dog results against geophysical survey results at multiple, unmarked, burial sites.
The Effectiveness of Historic Human Detection Dog Teams in Locating Historic Unmarked Cemeteries – Article (Legacy 12-510) (2015)
This article describes a scientific study testing the effectiveness of Historic Human Remains Detection (HHRD) dogs and comparing HHRD dog results against geophysical survey results at multiple, unmarked, burial sites.
Guidance on the Use of Historic Human Remains Detection Dogs for Locating Unmarked Cemeteries – Fact Sheet (Legacy 12-510) (2015)
This fact sheet describes a scientific study testing the effectiveness of Historic Human Remains Detection (HHRD) dogs and comparing HHRD dog results against geophysical survey results at multiple, unmarked, burial sites.
Guidance on the Use of Historic Human Remains Detection Dogs for Locating Unmarked Cemeteries – Report (Legacy 12-510) (2015)
This report describes a scientific study testing the effectiveness of Historic Human Remains Detection (HHRD) dogs and comparing HHRD dog results against geophysical survey results at multiple, unmarked, burial sites.
A Guide to Architecture and Engineering Firms of the Cold War Era (Legacy 09-434)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This reference provides biographical and historical information concerning A/E firms and associated principal architects and engineers. The document identifies military buildings designed by these firms and provides greater contextual understanding of A/E firms and military architecture in the Cold War era.
A Guide to Architecture and Engineering Firms of the Cold War Era - Report (Legacy 09-434) (2010)
This reference provides biographical and historical information concerning A/E firms and associated principal architects and engineers. The document identifies military buildings designed by these firms and provides greater contextual understanding of A/E firms and military architecture in the Cold War era.
H.L. Hunley Project: 2004 Archaeological Findings and Progress Report (Legacy 04-106)
This project focused on the ongoing forensic research of the vessel's crew, interment of the remains, completion of the excavation of the submarine's interior, and the documentation of artifacts recovered during the excavation. The objective of the year's work was to gather data sufficient to answer critical questions about the H.L. Hunley crewmen and what happened to them and their vessel.
H.L. Hunley Project: 2004 Archaeological Findings and Progress Report - Report (Legacy 04-106) (2005)
This report discusses the foci of the project in 2004: the ongoing forensic research of the vessel's crew, interment of the remains, completion of the excavation of the submarine's interior, and the documentation of artifacts recovered during the excavation. The objective of the year's work was to gather data sufficient to answer critical questions about the H.L. Hunley crewmen and what happened to them and their vessel.
H.L. Hunley Project: Conservation Achievements 2004 - Summary (Legacy 04-106) (2005)
This document summarizes the conservation achievements in 2004 of the H.L. Hunley project.
H.L. Hunley Site Assessment (Legacy 97-106)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report discusses the survey operations conducted over the area using nondestructive remote sensing instrumentation, excavation procedures, analyses of cultural materials recovered or observed in situ and the associated contextual environment. It also presents the rationale for recommended site-treatment options.
H.L. Hunley Site Assessment - Report, 1998 (Legacy 97-106) (1998)
This report discusses the survey operations conducted over the area using nondestructive remote sensing instrumentation, excavation procedures, analyses of cultural materials recovered or observed in situ and the associated contextual environment. It also presents the rationale for recommended site-treatment options.
Historic Context for Evaluating Mid-Century Modern Military Buildings - Report (Legacy 11-448)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project created a guide for evaluating and/or managing military buildings constructed from 1950-1975. The report includes National Register eligibility guidance for evaluating military buildings associated with architectural Modernism (Criterion C only) and guidance on physical features and materials that are important in the various Modernist architectural movements.
Historic Context for Evaluating Mid-Century Modern Military Buildings - Report (Legacy 11-448) (2012)
This document is a guide for evaluating and/or managing military buildings constructed from 1950-1975. The report includes National Register eligibility guidance for evaluating military buildings associated with architectural Modernism (Criterion C only) and guidance on physical features and materials that are important in the various Modernist architectural movements.
Historic Context for Historic Period Archaeological Sites on Virginia's Coastal Plain (Legacy 05-262)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report synthesizes archaeological data from nineteenth and early twentieth-century sites that have been identified and/or studied in the Coastal Plain of Virginia. The document focuses on the Antebellum (1830-1860) and Postbellum (also known as Reconstruction and Growth) eras (1865-1917) because the associated sites are frequently difficult to evaluate since the significant research issues that are applicable have not been well-defined.
Historic Context for Historic Period Archaeological Sites on Virginia's Coastal Plain (Legacy 05-262) (2007)
This report synthesizes archaeological data from nineteenth and early twentieth-century sites that have been identified and/or studied in the Coastal Plain of Virginia. The document focuses on the Antebellum (1830-1860) and Postbellum (also known as Reconstruction and Growth) eras (1865-1917) because the associated sites are frequently difficult to evaluate since the significant research issues that are applicable have not been well-defined.
Historic Context for the African American Military Experience (Legacy 98-1762)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report describes the African American experience in military service from colonial times to the Korean War, focusing on segregated units and sites on DoD lands. This is a nationwide report covering an extensive timeframe, centering on the time period from 1783, following the American Revolution, to 1954, when troops were integrated.
Historic Context for the African American Military Experience - Report (Legacy 98-1762) (1998)
This report describes the African American experience in military service from colonial times to the Korean War, focusing on segregated units and sites on DoD lands. This is a nationwide report covering an extensive timeframe, centering on the time period from 1783, following the American Revolution, to 1954, when troops were integrated.
A Historic Context Statement for a World War II Era Black Officers' Club at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri (Legacy 93-0945)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This context is the first effort at evaluating a WWII period building at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for nomination to the National Register. The building was used as the Black Officers' Club in the time before integration of the forces. The document includes an appendix discussion of German POW stonework at Fort Leonard Wood.
A Historic Context Statement for a World War II Era Black Officers' Club at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri - Report (Legacy 93-0945) (1998)
This context is the first effort at evaluating a WWII period building at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for nomination to the National Register. The building was used as the Black Officers' Club in the time before integration of the forces. The document includes an appendix discussion of German POW stonework at Fort Leonard Wood.
Historic Context Study: Historic Military Family Housing in Hawaii (Legacy 00-137)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document contains an overview of military housing including references to national trends in military housing; a statement of significance; history; landscape features description; and types, floor plans, materials, details, and character-defining features.
Historic Context Study: Historic Military Family Housing in Hawaii - Report (Legacy 00-137) (2003)
This document contains an overview of military housing including references to national trends in military housing; a statement of significance; history; landscape features description; and types, floor plans, materials, details, and character-defining features.
Historic Context: World War II Prisoner-of-War Camps on Department of Defense Installations (Legacy 05-256)
This report provides a streamlined, comprehensive approach to the inventory and evaluation of WWII POW camps and features on DoD installations.
Historic Context: World War II Prisoner-of-War Camps on Department of Defense Installations - Report (Legacy 05-256) (2007)
This report provides a streamlined, comprehensive approach to the inventory and evaluation of WWII POW camps and features on DoD installations.
Historic Landscape Inventory for U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York (Legacy 94-210)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This historic context of West Point emphasizes changes in its landscape and identifies the different stages of landscape change as defined by military mission and historical process, enabling the establishment of accurate historic district boundaries. The document provides guidance on the development of a historic landscape management plan.
Historic Landscape Inventory for U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York - Report (Legacy 94-210) (2000)
This historic context of West Point emphasizes changes in its landscape and identifies the different stages of landscape change as defined by military mission and historical process, enabling the establishment of accurate historic district boundaries. The document provides guidance on the development of a historic landscape management plan.
Historic Preservation Plan for the Kahuku Training Area, O'ahu, Hawai'i (Legacy 93-0539)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This Historic Preservation Plan was prepared for use by the Commanding Officer and staff of the Kahuku Training Area to help guide and advise on responsibilities and to assist with the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the prehistoric and historic resources under their jurisdiction.
Historic Preservation Plan for the Kahuku Training Area, O'ahu, Hawai'i - Plan (Legacy 93-0539) (1996)
This Historic Preservation Plan was prepared for use by the Commanding Officer and staff of the Kahuku Training Area to help guide and advise on responsibilities and to assist with the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the prehistoric and historic resources under their jurisdiction.
Historical and Architectural Overview of Aircraft Hangars of the Reserve and National Guard Installations from World War I Through the Cold War (Legacy 09-431)
This architectural history and context of aviation and hangar development in the Reserve and National Guard provides a framework that the National Guard and Reserves can use in the National Register eligibility determination process.
Historical and Architectural Overview of Aircraft Hangars of the Reserve and National Guard Installations from World War I Through the Cold War - Report, 2011 (Legacy 09-431) (2011)
This architectural history and context of aviation and hangar development in the Reserve and National Guard provides a framework that the National Guard and Reserves can use in the National Register eligibility determination process.
A Historical Context of the Turpentine (Naval Stores) Industry in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida (Legacy 12-506)
This project created a historic context for the naval stores industry on the coastal plains of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida that provides guidance for identifying the archaeological signature of naval stores sites and a means of assessment that can be used in making recommendations under Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. The document also suggests program alternatives or standard treatments...
A Historical Context of the Turpentine (Naval Stores) Industry in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida - Report (Legacy 12-506) (2015)
This historic context for the naval stores industry on the coastal plains of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida provides guidance for identifying the archaeological signature of naval stores sites and a means of assessment that can be used in making recommendations under Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for eligibility for the National Register for Historic Places. The document also suggests program alternatives or standard treatments for these resources in...
A Historical Context of the Turpentine (Naval Stores) Industry in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains of Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida - Appendix A (Legacy 12-506) (2015)
This is the appendix of a historic context for the naval stores industry on the coastal plains of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida that provides guidance for identifying the archaeological signature of naval stores sites and a means of assessment that can be used in making recommendations under Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. The document also suggests program alternatives or standard...
A History of Fort Amador and Fort Grant - The Former Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama (Legacy 93-1326)
Forts Amador and Grant were constructed to guard the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal, which reverted to the Republic of Panama at the end of 1999, concluding a unique period in both countries' histories. The forts remain as a physical legacy of the U.S. contribution to the cultural heritage of Panama.
A History of Fort Amador and Fort Grant - The Former Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama - Report (Legacy 93-1326) (1993)
Forts Amador and Grant were constructed to guard the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal, which reverted to the Republic of Panama at the end of 1999, concluding a unique period in both countries' histories. The forts remain as a physical legacy of the U.S. contribution to the cultural heritage of Panama.
How to Adaptively Reuse DoD Buildings: Lessons Learned from BRAC Installations (Legacy 09-449)
This project showcases the wealth of historic, adaptively reused military architecture on closed DoD installations. This project is necessary from a regulatory standpoint. The DoD is a Federal agency and is responsible for the stewardship of historic properties under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. As part of the Section 106 process, DoD cultural resources managers need to determine a variety of potential paths for their historic building inventory. Adaptive reuse is one of...
How to Adaptively Reuse DoD Buildings: Lessons Learned from BRAC Installations - Report (Legacy 09-449) (2012)
This project showcases the wealth of historic, adaptively reused military architecture on closed DoD installations. This project is necessary from a regulatory standpoint. The DoD is a Federal agency and is responsible for the stewardship of historic properties under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. As part of the Section 106 process, DoD cultural resources managers need to determine a variety of potential paths for their historic building inventory. Adaptive reuse is one of...
In-Theater Heritage Training for Deploying Personnel (Legacy 09-324)
This project resulted in various training products produced by the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, and the Cultural Resources Management Program at Fort Drum, NY, between 2005-2010, for purposes of raising awareness among U.S. military personnel and DoD contractors in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt of the importance and value of preserving and protecting cultural property.
Product Catalog for Cultural Property Protection Planning and Training in the Department of Defense - Brochure (Legacy 09-324) (2010)
This catalog provides a brief visual presentation of the various training products produced by the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, and the Cultural Resources Management Program at Fort Drum, NY, between 2005-2010, for purposes of raising awareness among U.S. military personnel and DoD contractors in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt of the importance and value of preserving and protecting cultural property.
Institutionalizing Protocols for Wide-Area Inventory of Archaeological Sites by the Analysis of Aerial and Satellite Imagery (Legacy 11-158)
This project developed the statistical treatments and computational capacity required to analyze data collected with a variety of remote sensing devices in order to detect environmental change associated with human activities; by this means, maps were produced that illustrated anthropogenic micro-environmental change by comparing environmental conditions at archaeological sites with conditions that exist in the surrounding landscape. The result is a decision support tool that offers substantial...
Institutionalizing Protocols for Wide-Area Inventory of Archaeological Sites by the Analysis of Aerial and Satellite Imagery - Report (Legacy 11-158) (2014)
The report describes the results of a project to develop the statistical treatments and computational capacity required to analyze data collected with a variety of remote sensing devices in order to detect environmental change associated with human activities; by this means, maps were produced that illustrated anthropogenic micro-environmental change by comparing environmental conditions at archaeological sites with conditions that exist in the surrounding landscape. The result is a decision...
Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity: A Data Analysis Approach (Legacy 09-435)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project identified practical methods to measure impacts of military training activities on archaeological resources on DoD installations with the goal of sustaining these activities while complying with cultural resources stewardship responsibilities.
Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity: A Data Analysis Approach - Report (Legacy 09-435) (2011)
This project identified practical methods to measure impacts of military training activities on archaeological resources on DoD installations with the goal of sustaining these activities while complying with cultural resources stewardship responsibilities.
Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity: A Field Analysis Approach (Legacy 10-435)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The purpose of the study was to identify factors useful for assessing potential damage to archaeological sites resulting from military vehicle training activities and determining acceptable thresholds for these activities, to assist the DoD in sustaining critical military training while complying with cultural resource stewardship responsibilities. The report specifically addresses soil compaction and examines physical evidence associated with vehicle ruts and the implications for artifact...
Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity: A Field Analysis Approach - Report (Legacy 10-435) (2012)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors useful for assessing potential damage to archaeological sites resulting from military vehicle training activities and determining acceptable thresholds for these activities, to assist the DoD in sustaining critical military training while complying with cultural resource stewardship responsibilities. The report specifically addresses soil compaction and examines physical evidence associated with vehicle ruts and the implications for artifact...
Investigation of the CSS Alabama (Legacy 00-109)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This document reports the activities undertaken during the 2000 investigation of the CSS Alabama, a Confederate commerce raider that sank in a channel off the Normandy Peninsula in 190 feet of water. The paper describes the work, including recovery of a cannon, use of underwater TV to record the exposed wreck structure, recovery of exposed artifacts, steps taken to package and send artifacts to Charleston, South Carolina, for conservation, collection of data for a video mosaic, recordation of...
Investigation of the CSS Alabama - Report (Legacy 00-109) (2000)
This document reports the activities undertaken during the 2000 investigation of the CSS Alabama, a Confederate commerce raider that sank in a channel off the Normandy Peninsula in 190 feet of water. The paper describes the work, including recovery of a cannon, use of underwater TV to record the exposed wreck structure, recovery of exposed artifacts, steps taken to package and send artifacts to Charleston, South Carolina, for conservation, collection of data for a video mosaic, recordation of...
It's a Cold War: The Air National Guard's Role in Defending America, 1946-1989 (Legacy 07-340)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This historic context study examines the role of the Air National Guard (ANG) in the Cold War effort. It provides an overview of military aviation and the establishment of the ANG, the Cold War, and then focuses on the missions and operations of the ANG during the years 1946-1989.
It's a Cold War: The Air National Guard's Role in Defending America, 1946-1989 - Report (Legacy 07-340) (2011)
This historic context study examines the role of the Air National Guard (ANG) in the Cold War effort. It provides an overview of military aviation and the establishment of the ANG, the Cold War, and then focuses on the missions and operations of the ANG during the years 1946-1989.
Late Holocene Paleoclimatic Stress and Prehistoric Human Occupation on San Clemente Island (Legacy 91-083/91-473)
This doctoral dissertation discusses a study supporting the thesis that adverse paleoenvironmental conditions during the late Holocene appear to have notably influenced prehistoric cultural evolution in the Southern California Bight region. Radiocarbon dating confirmed changes in prehistoric settlement patterning, indicating a movement toward more reliable water sources, during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (AD 650-1250).
Late Holocene Paleoclimatic Stress and Prehistoric Human Occupation on San Clemente Island - Report (Legacy 91-083/91-473) (2000)
This doctoral dissertation discusses a study supporting the thesis that adverse paleoenvironmental conditions during the late Holocene appear to have notably influenced prehistoric cultural evolution in the Southern California Bight region. Radiocarbon dating confirmed changes in prehistoric settlement patterning, indicating a movement toward more reliable water sources, during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (AD 650-1250).
Long-Term Management Strategies for USS Arizona, a Submerged Cultural Resource in Pearl Harbor (Legacy 02-170, 03-170, 04-170, & 05-170)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The project's primary focus was to acquire requisite data for understanding and characterizing the complex corrosion and deterioration processes affecting USS Arizona's hull. The information was then fed into a model to predict the nature and rate of structural changes resulting from corrosion in order to inform management actions.
Long-Term Management Strategies for the USS Arizona: A Submerged Cultural Resource in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - Report (Legacy 02-170) (2002)
The project's primary focus was to acquire requisite data for understanding and characterizing the complex corrosion and deterioration processes affecting Arizona's hull. The information was then fed into a model to predict the nature and rate of structural changes resulting from corrosion in order to inform management actions.
Long-Term Management Strategies for the USS Arizona: A Submerged Cultural Resource in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - Report (Legacy 03-170) (2003)
The project's primary focus was to acquire requisite data for understanding and characterizing the complex corrosion and deterioration processes affecting Arizona's hull. The information was then fed into a model to predict the nature and rate of structural changes resulting from corrosion in order to inform management actions.
Long-Term Management Strategies for USS Arizona, a Submerged Cultural Resource in Pearl Harbor - Report (Legacy 05-170) (2008)
The project's primary focus was to acquire requisite data for understanding and characterizing the complex corrosion and deterioration processes affecting Arizona's hull. The information was then fed into a model to predict the nature and rate of structural changes resulting from corrosion in order to inform management actions.
A Look at the Historic Real Property Inventory in the DoD (07-376)
This project reviewed DoD's 2006 Historic Real Property Inventory data, including the number and status of structures that are over 50 years old.
A Look at the Historic Real Property Inventory in the DoD - Slideshow (Legacy 07-376) (2007)
This slideshow summarizes the content, organization, and progress of DoD's 2006 Historic Real Property Inventory data, including the number and status of structures that are over 50 years old.
Maintaining Elements That Are Efficient by Design: What's Already Green About Our Historic Buildings (Legacy 09-456)
This document is intended to help Cultural Resources Managers (CRMs), architects, and engineers understand the existing green features of historic buildings and use those features optimally in adaptive reuse projects that are aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reaching sustainability goals.
Maintaining Elements That Are Efficient by Design: What's Already Green About Our Historic Buildings - Report (Legacy 09-456) (2010)
This document is intended to help Cultural Resources Managers (CRMs), architects, and engineers understand the existing green features of historic buildings and use those features optimally in adaptive reuse projects that are aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reaching sustainability goals.
Managing Cultural Resources: Compiling and Storing the Data (Legacy 09-351)
This project provided the following benefits: (1) gathered pre-1945 facility-specific data to complement the originally collected Cold War data and provide the same level of information for all pre-1992 facilities at all four installations; (2) established a procedure for creating searchable electronic documents employable at any repository; (3) provided electronic copies of important national, regional, and local contexts and other important CRM documents for intended use by a wide DoD...
Managing Cultural Resources: Compiling and Storing the Data - Report (Legacy 09-351) (2010)
This report describes a project that provided the following benefits: (1) gathered pre-1945 facility-specific data to complement the originally collected Cold War data and provide the same level of information for all pre-1992 facilities at all four installations; (2) established a procedure for creating searchable electronic documents employable at any repository; (3) provided electronic copies of important national, regional, and local contexts and other important CRM documents for intended...
Map Production for the Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on DoD Installations Project (Legacy 05-260)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on Department of Defense (DoD) Installations project maps were developed to aid DoD cultural resource managers identifying potential locations of sites that might yield evidence of Paleomaritime or aquatic culture. This report describes the GIS techniques and datasets employed to generate the maps.
Map Production for the Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on DoD Installations Project - Report (Legacy 05-260) (2006)
The Paleoindian Archaeology and Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Shorelines on Department of Defense (DoD) Installations project maps were developed to aid DoD cultural resource managers identifying potential locations of sites that might yield evidence of Paleomaritime or aquatic culture. This report describes the GIS techniques and datasets employed to generate the maps.
The Military Heritage Guidebook (Legacy 03-196)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This guidebook and its accompanying materials describe historic sites important to American military heritage. Its accompanying military heritage maps highlight historic sites associated with the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force.
The Military Heritage Guidebook - Guide (Legacy 03-196) (2003)
This guidebook describes historic sites important to American military heritage. Its accompanying military heritage maps highlight historic sites associated with the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force.
Military Heritage Map: Central Region - Map (Legacy 03-196) (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This map accompanies the guidebook of historic sites important to American military heritage.
Military Heritage Map: National - Map (Legacy 03-196) (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This map accompanies the guidebook that describes historic sites important to American military heritage.
Military Heritage Map: Northeast/Mid-Atlantic and Washington, D.C. Region - Map (Legacy 03-196) (2003)
This map accompanies the guidebook that describes historic sites important to American military heritage.
Military Heritage Map: Southern Region - Map (Legacy 03-196) (2003)
This map accompanies the guidebook that describes historic sites important to American military heritage.
Military Heritage Map: Western Region - Map (Legacy 03-196) (2003)
This map accompanies the guidebook that describes historic sites important to American military heritage.
Military Heritage National Historic Landmarks - Bookmarks (Legacy 03-196) (2003)
These bookmarks show Department of Defense National Historic Landmarks.